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Last active March 28, 2016 10:20
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Save objmagic/9878e72379b1055f74df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Double dichotomy to determine set of x such that x + a == b, given value of a and b
(* double dichotomy to determine floating point range for x
in ``x + a == b``, given value of ``a`` and ``b`` *)
type t =
| Range of float * float
| Single of float
| Empty
let to_string = function
| Range (l, u) -> Printf.sprintf "{%.16e ... %.16e}" l u
| Single f -> Printf.sprintf "{%.16e}" f
| Empty -> "empty range"
let neg_zero = Int64.float_of_bits 0x8000_0000_0000_0000L
let pos_zero = Int64.float_of_bits 0x0000_0000_0000_0000L
let fsucc f = Int64.(float_of_bits @@ succ @@ bits_of_float f)
let fpred f = Int64.(float_of_bits @@ pred @@ bits_of_float f)
let m1 = 0x4000_0000_0000_0000L
let on_bit f pos =
let mask = Int64.(shift_right m1 pos) in
Int64.(float_of_bits @@ logor (bits_of_float f) mask)
let off_bit f pos =
let mask = Int64.(shift_right m2 pos) in
Int64.(float_of_bits @@ logand (bits_of_float f) mask)
let dichotomy restore toggle init a b =
let rec approach f i =
if i >= 63 then f else
let tf = toggle f i in
if restore tf a b then approach f (i + 1) else approach tf (i + 1)
in approach init 0
let upper_neg = dichotomy (fun f a b -> f +. a <= b) on_bit neg_zero
let lower_neg = dichotomy (fun f a b -> f +. a < b) on_bit neg_zero
let upper_pos = dichotomy (fun f a b -> f +. a > b) on_bit pos_zero
let lower_pos = dichotomy (fun f a b -> f +. a >= b) on_bit pos_zero
let pos_critical_point = 9.9792015476736e+291
(* first value that can be added with a pos normalish
to overflow to infinity *)
let neg_critical_point = -9.9792015476736e+291
let dump a b =
Printf.printf "upper_neg : %.16e\n" (upper_neg a b);
Printf.printf "lower_neg : %.16e\n" (lower_neg a b);
Printf.printf "upper_pos : %.16e\n" (upper_pos a b);
Printf.printf "lower_pos : %.16e\n" (lower_pos a b)
let range a b =
try begin
let l, u =
if a = b then
lower_neg a b, upper_pos a b else
if a < b then begin
if a +. max_float < b then failwith "empty range" else
if b = infinity then
fsucc (lower_pos a infinity), max_float
fsucc (lower_pos a b), upper_pos a b
else begin
if a -. max_float > b then failwith "empty range" else
if b = neg_infinity then
(-.max_float), fsucc (upper_neg a neg_infinity)
lower_neg a b, fsucc (upper_neg a b)
end in
if l = u && l <> 0. then Single l else
if l = u then Range (l, u) else
if l > u then begin
if l +. a = b then Single l else
if u +. a = b then Single u else
end else
Range (l, u)
with _ -> Empty
let max3 = max_float /. 3.
let check_invariant a b =
match range a b with
| Range (l, u) ->
let b1 = l +. a = b in
let b2 = u +. a = b in
let b3 = (if l > 0. then (fpred l) else (fsucc l)) +. a <> b in
let b4 =
if u <> max_float then
(if u > 0. then (fsucc u) else (fpred u)) +. a <> b
true in
if not (b1 && b2 && b3 && b4) then failwith "Err1" else ()
| Single s ->
if (not ((fsucc s) +. a <> b) && ((fpred s) +. a <> b)) then
failwith "Err2" else ()
| Empty -> ()
let test a b = range a b |> to_string
let normal_test () =
check_invariant 1.0 1.0;
check_invariant 1.0 1.1;
check_invariant 1.0 1.2;
check_invariant 1.0 1.4;
check_invariant 1.0 1.5;
check_invariant 0.0 1.3;
check_invariant 0.0 1.4;
check_invariant 0.0 1.5;
check_invariant 0.0 1.6;
check_invariant 0.0 1.7;
check_invariant max_float infinity;
check_invariant (max_float /. 3.) infinity;
check_invariant (max_float /. 2.) infinity;
check_invariant (max_float /. 2.) max_float;
check_invariant (max_float /. 2.) (max_float /. 3.)
let () = Random.self_init ()
let random_pos () =
match 20 with
| 0 -> min_float
| 1 -> max_float
| 2 -> Random.float min_float
| 3 | 4 -> Random.float max_float
| 5 -> Random.float 2e-308
| 6 -> 2e-308
| 7 | 8 | 9 -> Random.float 100.
| 11 | 12 -> 0.0
| 13 -> max_float /. 2.
| 14 -> max_float /. 3.
| _ -> Random.float 1_000_00.
let random_pair () =
let a = random_pos () in
let b = if 10 < 2 then infinity else random_pos () in
if 5 < 1 then a, a else a, b
let random_test () =
for i = 0 to 1_000_000_000 do
if i mod 1_000_00 = 0 then
print_endline @@ Printf.sprintf "Passed %d tests\n" i;
let f1, f2 = random_pair () in
check_invariant f1 f2
with _ ->
Printf.printf "f1: %.16e\nf2: %.16e\n" f1 f2;
dump f1 f2; assert false
let () = normal_test ()
let () = random_test ()
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