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Created May 15, 2014 06:23
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(* Copyright (C) 2014 marklrh
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>. *)
open Core.Std
module type TREE=sig
type 'a tree
val f_name: abs:string -> string
val invisible: name:string -> bool
val build_tree: s:string -> level:int -> string tree
val reorder: folder:'a tree list -> 'a tree list
val render: elist:bool list -> string
val printer: elist:bool list -> name:string -> dir:bool -> unit
val print_tree: tree:string tree -> e:bool list -> unit
val print_trees: subtrees:string tree list -> ending:bool list -> unit
val give_me_a_tree: unit -> string tree
val tree_ls : unit -> unit
module Tree:TREE = struct
(* Type representing UNIX and GNU/Linux file system *)
type 'a tree = Node of 'a * int * 'a tree list | Leaf of 'a * int;;
(* Extract dir name or filename : abs:string -> string *)
let f_name ~abs =
match (String.rsplit2_exn abs ~on:'/') with
| (_, name) -> name
| Not_found -> "."
(* Check if a directory is invisible *)
let invisible ~name =
let dot = String.get (f_name ~abs:name) 0 in
if dot = '.' then true else false
(* Build tree: string -> string -> string tree list *)
let rec build_tree ~s ~level =
let is_dir = Sys.is_directory_exn ~follow_symlinks:false s in
if not is_dir then Leaf(s, level) else
let content = Sys.ls_dir s in
let trees_map subtree =
build_tree ~s:(s ^/ subtree) ~level:(level + 1) in
let subtrees = ~f:trees_map content in
Node(s, level, subtrees)
(* Put directory at end *)
let reorder ~folder =
let is_leaf tree =
match tree with
| Leaf(_, _) -> true
| _ -> false in
let file,dir = List.partition_tf ~f:is_leaf folder in
file @ dir
(* Render, which draws branches properly *)
let render ~elist =
let rec render_helper el acc =
match el with
| [] -> acc
| h :: r -> if h then render_helper r " "^acc else
render_helper r "│ "^acc in
match elist with
| [] -> ""
| x :: rest -> let arrow = if x then "└── " else "├── " in
let sep = render_helper rest "" in
sep ^ arrow
(* Printer *)
let printer ~elist ~name ~dir=
let absname = f_name ~abs:name in
let br = render ~elist:elist in
print_string ("\027[30m "^br);
if dir then
print_endline ("\027[31m "^absname)
print_endline ("\027[32m "^absname)
(* Print in tree structure *)
let rec print_tree ~tree ~e=
match tree with
| Leaf(name, _) -> printer ~elist:e ~name:name ~dir:false
| Node(name,_,strees) ->
if invisible ~name:name then () else
(printer ~elist:e ~name:name ~dir:true;
print_trees ~subtrees:(reorder ~folder:strees) ~ending:e)
and print_trees ~subtrees ~ending=
match subtrees with
| [] -> ()
| [st] -> print_tree ~tree:st ~e:(true :: ending)
| st :: rest -> print_tree ~tree:st ~e:(false :: ending);
print_trees ~subtrees:rest ~ending:ending
(* Get tree structure of current directory *)
let give_me_a_tree () = build_tree ~s:(Sys.getcwd()) ~level:0
(* All combined *)
let tree_ls() = print_tree ~tree:(give_me_a_tree()) ~e:[]
let () = Tree.tree_ls(); print_string "\027[0m "
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