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Last active January 4, 2017 08:27
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Google app engine python issue #7746 workaround
from toolz import concat
def page_iterator(query, page_size=999, **kwargs):
Returns an iterator over pages of a query.
Can be used to work-around the 1000 entity limit in remote_api_shell
:params query: The query we're using.
:params page_size: The page size to return.
:params qwargs: Additional options for fetch_page
more = True
cursor = None
while more:
page, cursor, more = query.fetch_page(page_size, start_cursor=cursor,
if page:
yield page
def fetch_all(query):
Fetches all the results for a query, using page_iterator
Should be used to work-around the 1000 entity limit in remote_api_shell.
return list(concat(page_iterator(query)))
def count_results(query):
Equivalent to query.count() but that works around 1000 limit.
return reduce(lambda total, r: total + len(r),
page_iterator(query, keys_only=True), 0)
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