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Graeme Coupar obmarg

  • London
  • 12:35 (UTC)
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alandipert /
Created January 30, 2013 00:28
ClojureScript macros: kinda, sorta, not really.

ClojureScript macros: kinda, sorta, not really.

ClojureScript does not have a standalone macro system. To write ClojureScript macros, one must write them in Clojure and then refer to them in ClojureScript code. This situation is workable, but at a minimum it forces one to keep ClojureScript code and the macros it invokes in separate files. I miss the locality of regular Clojure macros, so I wrote something called maptemplate that gives me back some of what I miss. The technique may be useful in other scenarios.


Suppose you're wrapping functionality in another namespace or package so that you can have your own namespace of identically named but otherwise decorated functions:


gnarf /
Last active December 6, 2024 10:11
git pr - Global .gitconfig aliases for Pull Request Managment


Either copy the aliases from the .gitconfig or run the commands in


Easily checkout local copies of pull requests from remotes:

  • git pr 4 - creates local branch pr/4 from the github upstream(if it exists) or origin remote and checks it out
  • git pr 4 someremote - creates local branch pr/4 from someremote remote and checks it out
(ns react-cljs.core
(:require React))
(declare render)
(defn handle-change [e]
(render {:text (.. e -target -value)}))
(defn render [{:keys [text]}]
jvns /
Last active November 3, 2024 03:54
A list of questions you could ask while interviewing

A lot of these are outright stolen from Edward O'Campo-Gooding's list of questions. I really like his list.

I'm having some trouble paring this down to a manageable list of questions -- I realistically want to know all of these things before starting to work at a company, but it's a lot to ask all at once. My current game plan is to pick 6 before an interview and ask those.

I'd love comments and suggestions about any of these.

I've found questions like "do you have smart people? Can I learn a lot at your company?" to be basically totally useless -- everybody will say "yeah, definitely!" and it's hard to learn anything from them. So I'm trying to make all of these questions pretty concrete -- if a team doesn't have an issue tracker, they don't have an issue tracker.

I'm also mostly not asking about principles, but the way things are -- not "do you think code review is important?", but "Does all code get reviewed?".

ftrain / rhymes.clj
Last active July 14, 2023 22:20
Annotated rhyming dictionary
;; This is at:
;; So we want a rhyming dictionary in Clojure. Jack Rusher put up
;; this code here:
;; I'm going to study this code and learn as I go.
;; First I put it in a namespace.
d11wtq / docker-ssh-forward.bash
Created January 29, 2014 23:32
How to SSH agent forward into a docker container
docker run -rm -t -i -v $(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK) -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK ubuntu /bin/bash
martintrojer / blocking.clj
Last active September 4, 2018 13:36
core.async thoughts
;; ------------------------
(defn- log-time [{:keys [ns name line]} f & args]
(let [start (System/nanoTime)
res (apply f args)
elapsed (quot (- (System/nanoTime) start) 1000)]
(log/debug (format "%s/%s:%s %dus" ns name line elapsed))
(defn enable-timing [var]
staltz /
Last active December 20, 2024 15:49
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
eevee /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
class WeakProperty:
"""Descriptor that automatically holds onto whatever it contains as a weak
reference. Reading this attribute will never raise `AttributeError`; if
the reference is broken or missing, you'll just get `None`.
The actual weak reference is stored in the object's `__dict__` under the
given name, so this acts as sort of a transparent proxy that lets you
forget you're dealing with weakrefs at all.
Of course, if you try to assign a value that can't be weak referenced,
(Chapters marked with * are already written. This gets reorganized constantly
and 10 or so written chapters that I'm on the fence about aren't listed.)
Programmer Epistemology
* Dispersed Cost vs. Reduced Cost
* Verificationist Fallacy
* Mistake Metastasis
The Overton Window
Epicycles All The Way Down
The Hyperspace Gates Were Just There