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Created December 4, 2023 21:48
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use bignum;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep nanosleep);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Device::SerialPort qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.07 );
$SIG{INT} = sub {save_output() ; die "force exited"} ;
my $maker = shift;
my $type = shift;
$|++; # turn off buffering. flush writes to screen instantly
my $gantry = init_gantry();
my %data;
my %locations;
my $ft = init_ft();
my $keyscanner = init_keyscanner();
my $min_step = 0.04375/3;
my $step = $min_step;
# My gantry is a monoprice select mini v2.
# Per
# So that motor [Z-Axis] is a 7.5°, 48 step motor as I just listed. Since
# the motor is attached to a M4 rod, which has a 0.7 mm thread pitch, then
# in one revolution makes the Z-Axis travel up or down 0.7 mm. Since it took
# 48 steps to turn that rev, each step is 0.0145833333333333333333333333333
# etc etc mm. To avoid rounding errors, you can use multiple of 3 of this
# number, which is a nice and pretty 0.04375 mm. That is a nice and handy
# number that effectively represents the layer heights that mathematically
# work the best for layer heights for this printer.
my $samples_per_step = 5;
my $runs = 3;
my $max_keypress_force = 110;
my $force_tester_bailout_force = 300;
my $location_counter = 0;
my $last_result = 0;
for (my $run = 1; $run <= $runs; $run++) {
# $samples_per_step=$run;
warn "# Downstroke\n";
while (1) {
move_gantry_z(0 - $step);
($last_result, $location_counter) = record_reading($run,'downstroke', $step, $location_counter);
if ($last_result > $max_keypress_force) {
warn "# Downstroke bottomed out after detecting $max_keypress_force g of force";
warn "# Upstroke\n";
while (1) {
($last_result, $location_counter) = record_reading($run,'upstroke', $step, $location_counter);
if ($location_counter < -10) {
warn "# Upstroke all done\n";
sub probe_for_switch_top {
while (1) {
my $result = average_n_force_measurements(2);
warn "Dropping gantry to probe for key top. Got force $result\n";
if ($result > 1) {
warn "We're good to go: We've homed to the top of the switch";
$location_counter = -10;
# Zero the force tester
run_force_tester_cmd($ft, 0xaa, 0x01, 0x55);
my $result = average_n_force_measurements(10);
sub save_output {
mkdir('force-tests/' . $maker);
mkdir('force-tests/' . $maker . "/" . $type);
open(my $outfile, ">",
"force-tests/$maker/$type/$maker-$type-step-$step-mm-" . $samples_per_step . "-samples-averaged-per-step-" . time() . ".csv");
print $outfile "position,";
foreach my $run (sort keys %data) {
print $outfile "Run $run - downstroke, Run $run - downstroke actuation, Run $run - upstroke, Run $run - upstroke actuation,";
print $outfile "\n";
foreach my $location (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %locations) {
print $outfile $location . ",";
foreach my $run (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %data) {
print $outfile ($data{$run}->{downstroke}->{$location}->{force} || '') . ",";
print $outfile ($data{$run}->{downstroke}->{$location}->{actuated} || '') . ",";
print $outfile ($data{$run}->{upstroke}->{$location}->{force} || '') . ",";
print $outfile ($data{$run}->{upstroke}->{$location}->{actuated} || '') . ",";
print $outfile "\n";
sub move_gantry_z {
my $movement = shift;
run_gantry_cmd($gantry, "G91"); # set motion to relative
run_gantry_cmd($gantry, "G1 Z" . $movement);
usleep(20); # give it time to get there
sub record_reading {
my $run = shift;
my $stroke = shift;
my $step = shift;
my $location_counter = shift;
my $result = average_n_force_measurements($samples_per_step);
if ($location_counter <= 0 && $result > 0 && $stroke eq 'downstroke') {
warn "Just reset our first reading with force from ".($location_counter *$step) . " to $step\n";
# $location_counter = 1;
my $location = $location_counter * $step;
my $actuated = read_keyscanner($keyscanner);
print "Run $run - $stroke - $location mm: $result g - ";
if ($actuated != 0) {
print "Actuated: $actuated";
print " Delta " . ($result - $last_result )."\n";
$data{$run}->{$stroke}->{$location}->{force} = $result;
$data{$run}->{$stroke}->{$location}->{actuated} = $actuated;
$locations{$location} = 1;
return ($result, $location_counter);
sub bail_out {
die "We had something crazy happen. bailed.";
sub average_n_force_measurements {
my $samples = shift;
my $result = 0;
my @samples;
while (($#samples+1) < $samples) {
print "+";
push @samples, get_next_force_measurement();
print " ".$samples[-1]." ";
if ( abs($samples[-1] - $samples[0]) > 0.1) {
my $old = shift @samples;
print " (Dropping $old )";
# warn "Tossing out $old with list size ".$#samples;
@samples = ();
return $samples[-1];
print "\n Averaging samples: ". join (", ",@samples)."\n";
map { $result += $_ } @samples;
$result = $result / ( $#samples +1);
return $result;
my @current_force_measurement;
sub get_next_force_measurement {
shift @current_force_measurement;
while (1) {
for (my $i = 0; $i< 50; $i++) {
my ($count_in,$bytes) = $ft->read(7);
if ($count_in) {
warn "Only got $count_in bytes when we expected 7" if ($count_in != 7);
my @bytes = split(//, $bytes);
while ($#bytes >=0) {
my $byte = shift @bytes;
if (ord($byte) == 0x55 && ($#current_force_measurement >= 5)) { # 0xaa is 170
my @result = (@current_force_measurement, $byte);
@current_force_measurement = (@bytes);
if (ord($result[0]) != 0xAA || ord($result[6]) != 0x55 ||
((ord($result[5]) != 0x2C) && (ord($result[5]) != 0x0C) && (ord($result[5]) != 0x5C) && (ord($result[5]) != 0x7C))) {
warn "had bad result in our measurement";
return get_next_force_measurement();
my $value = extract_base256_force_value(@result);
@current_force_measurement = ();
return sanity_check_force_value($value);
} elsif ($#current_force_measurement > 5) {
warn "bad buffer";
for my $b (@current_force_measurement) {
print ord($b) . ",";
@current_force_measurement = ();
return get_next_force_measurement();
push @current_force_measurement, $byte;
print ".";
warn "Tried to get a measurement 50 times and failed. restarting comms with the force probe\n";
$ft = init_ft();
sub read_keyscanner {
my $keyscanner = shift;
my $InBytes = 1;
my $count_in = 0;
my $string_in;
($count_in, $string_in) = $keyscanner->read($InBytes);
# $keyscanner->purge_rx();
my $bytes = $string_in;
if (!defined $bytes) {
die "nothing from the keyscanner. is it connected and transmitting?";
if ($bytes == 0) {return -1;}
elsif ($bytes == 1) {return 1}
else {return 0}
sub run_gantry_cmd {
my $gantry = shift;
my $output_string = shift;
my $count_out = $gantry->write($output_string . "\r");
warn "write failed\n" unless ($count_out);
sub init_keyscanner {
if (defined $keyscanner) {
undef $keyscanner;
my $keyscanner_port = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0043_5573631353735170C021-if00';
my $ks = Device::SerialPort->new($keyscanner_port, 1)
|| die "Can't open $keyscanner_port: $!";
my $data = $ks->databits(8);
my $baud = $ks->baudrate(57600);
my $parity = $ks->parity("none");
$ks->buffers(1, 1);
$ks->write_settings or die "no settings\n";
return $ks;
sub init_ft {
# my $force_tester_port = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0';
my $force_tester_port = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller_D-if00-port0';
my $ft = Device::SerialPort->new($force_tester_port, 1)
|| die "Can't open $force_tester_port: $!";
my $data = $ft->databits(8);
my $baud = $ft->baudrate(57600);
my $parity = $ft->parity("none");
#$ft->buffers(7, 7);
$ft->write_settings or die "no settings\n";
# Set output to kg f
run_force_tester_cmd($ft, 0xaa, 0x04, 0x55);
# set output to realtime
# Zero the force tester
run_force_tester_cmd($ft, 0xaa, 0x01, 0x55);
return $ft;
sub run_force_tester_cmd {
my $ft = shift;
my @bytes = (@_);
my $output_string = pack("C*", @bytes);
my $count_out = $ft->write($output_string);
warn "write failed\n" unless ($count_out);
sub init_gantry {
my $gantry_port = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Malyan_System_Malyan_3D_Printer_2060396E4752-if00';
my $gantry = Device::SerialPort->new($gantry_port, 1)
|| die "Can't open $gantry_port: $!";
my $data = $gantry->databits(8);
my $baud = $gantry->baudrate(19200);
my $parity = $gantry->parity("none");
$gantry->buffers(8, 8);
$gantry->write_settings or die "no settings\n";
run_gantry_cmd($gantry, "G21"); # set output to mm;
run_gantry_cmd($gantry, "G91"); # set motion to relative
return $gantry;
sub extract_base256_force_value { #ds2-5n
my @data = @_;
my $value =((( ord($data[4]) +
( ord($data[3]) *256))/1000 ) +
( ord($data[2]) ) +
( ord($data[1]) * 256) );
if (ord($data[5]) == 0x5C) {
$value = 0 - $value;
return $value;
sub extract_base256_force_value_ds2_50n {
my @data = @_;
my $value = ord($data[4]) + (256 * ord($data[3])) + (256 * 256 * ord($data[2])) + (256 * 256 * 256 * ord($data[1]));
if (ord($data[5]) == 0x0C) {
$value = 0 - $value;
return $value;
sub sanity_check_force_value {
my $value = shift;
if ($value > 10000) {
warn "Got a crazy measurement. discarding\n";
return get_next_force_measurement();
} elsif ($value > $force_tester_bailout_force) {
die "Got a force measurement of $value. Raising the gantry 5mm and exiting";
} else {
return $value;
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