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Last active June 8, 2022 20:48
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Converts a polygon mesh to a first degree nurbs curve.
from maya import cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om2
def getSelectedMeshes():
Gets the currently selected mesh paths.
list(MDagPath): A list of dag paths for the selected meshes.
sel = om2.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList()
selected = []
for i in range(sel.length()):
mObj, dagPath = sel.getDependNode(i), sel.getDagPath(i)
if mObj.hasFn(om2.MFn.kMesh):
for i in range(dagPath.childCount()):
childObj = dagPath.child(i)
if childObj.hasFn(om2.MFn.kMesh):
return selected
def getConnectedPoints(meshIt, index, indices=None, points=None):
A recursive function that iteratively returns a line of points connecting all vertices on a mesh.
This function will
meshIt(MItMeshVertex): A mesh vertex iterator to use.
index(index): The vertex index to find connected points for.
indices(list): A list of connected vertex tuples that have been visited. Used to break recursion.
points(list): An existing list of points to append to.
set, list: A set of connected vertex tuples and a list of MPoints.
points = points or []
indices = indices or set()
# Add the current point
for connectedIndex in meshIt.getConnectedVertices():
# Skip visited points
if (index, connectedIndex) in indices:
if (connectedIndex, index) in indices:
# Recursively add connected vertices
indices.add((index, connectedIndex))
indices, points = getConnectedPoints(
meshIt, connectedIndex, indices, points
# Return the line of points to the current vertex
return indices, points
def convertSelectedMesh():
""" Converts the currently selected meshes to nurbs curves. """
for meshDag in getSelectedMeshes():
meshIt = om2.MItMeshVertex(meshDag)
indices, points = getConnectedPoints(meshIt, 0)
points = [om2.MVector(point) for point in points]
cmds.curve(p=points, degree=1)
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