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Last active December 23, 2020 09:17
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from collections import namedtuple
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om2
def connect(src, dest):
def getPlug(attr):
sel = om2.MSelectionList()
return sel.getPlug(0)
if isinstance(src, (int, float, bool)) and cmds.objExists(str(dest)):
return cmds.setAttr(str(dest), src)
if isinstance(dest, (list, tuple)):
if isinstance(src, (list, tuple)):
return [connect(src[i], dest[i]) for i in range(min(len(src), len(dest)))]
if cmds.objExists(str(src)):
return [connect(getPlug(src).child(i), dest[i]) for i in range(min(getPlug(src).numChildren(), len(dest)))]
destPlug = getPlug(dest)
if isinstance(src, (int, float, bool)) and dest.isCompound:
return [connect(src, destPlug.child(i)) for i in range(destPlug.numChildren())]
if isinstance(src, (list, tuple)) and destPlug.isArray:
return [connect(src[i], destPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(i)) for i in range(min(len(value), destPlug.numElements()))]
if isinstance(src, (list, tuple)) and destPlug.isCompound:
return [connect(src[i], destPlug.child(i)) for i in range(min(len(src), destPlug.numChildren()))]
if isinstance(src, (list, tuple)) and destPlug.isArray:
return connect(src, destPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0))
if getPlug(src).isCompound:
return cmds.connectAttr(str(src), str(dest), force=True)
if destPlug.isArray:
return connect(src, destPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0))
if destPlug.isCompound:
return [connect(src, destPlug.child(i)) for i in range(destPlug.numChildren())]
return cmds.connectAttr(str(src), str(dest), force=True)
def connectOrSet(source, destination):
Either sets the destination to the source value or connects the
source attr to the destination attr.
:param source: [str or value]
:param destination: [str]
def listChildren(input):
node = str(input).split('.')[0]
attr = str(input).split('.')[-1]
children = cmds.attributeQuery(attr.split('[')[0], node=node, listChildren=True)
isMulti = cmds.attributeQuery(attr.split('[')[0], node=node, multi=True)
if children is not None and not isMulti:
return ['%s.%s' % (node, child) for child in children]
elif children is not None:
return ['.'.join([str(input), child]) for child in children]
return []
def getType(input):
if isinstance(input, basestring) or cmds.objExists(str(input)):
node = str(input).split('.')[0]
attr = str(input).split('.')[-1]
if '[' in attr:
attr = attr.split('[')[0]
elif cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, multi=True):
return 'arrayAttribute'
if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, listChildren=True) is not None:
return 'compoundAttribute'
return 'attribute'
elif isinstance(input, list):
return 'list'
elif isinstance(input, int) or isinstance(input, float) or isinstance(input, bool):
return 'value'
raise NotImplementedError('Input type %s is not supported' % str(type(input)))
types = (getType(source), getType(destination))
if types == ('value', 'attribute'):
cmds.setAttr(str(destination), source)
elif types == ('compoundAttribute', 'compoundAttribute') or types == ('attribute', 'attribute'):
cmds.connectAttr(str(source), str(destination), force=True)
elif types == ('value', 'compoundAttribute'):
destinationChildren = listChildren(destination)
for child in destinationChildren:
connectOrSet(source, child)
elif types == ('list', 'list'):
for i in range(min(len(source), len(destination))):
connectOrSet(source[i], destination[i])
elif types == ('list', 'arrayAttribute') or types == ('list', 'compoundAttribute'):
destinationChildren = listChildren(destination)
for i in range(min(len(source), len(destinationChildren))):
connectOrSet(source[i], destinationChildren[i])
elif types == ('compoundAttribute', 'list'):
sourceChildren = listChildren(source)
for i in range(min(len(sourceChildren), len(destination))):
connectOrSet(sourceChildren[i], destination[i])
elif types == ('attribute', 'arrayAttribute') or types == ('value', 'arrayAttribute'):
connectOrSet(source, destination + '[0]')
elif types == ('attribute', 'compoundAttribute'):
destinationChildren = listChildren(destination)
for i in range(len(destinationChildren)):
connectOrSet(source, destinationChildren[i])
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot connect %s %s to %s %s' % (types[0], source, types[1], destination))
Basic Nodes
def add(*values, **kwargs):
Returns the attribute sum of the input values.
:param values: [value or attribute]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'Add'
node = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage', name=name)
for i, value in enumerate(values):
connectOrSet(value, '%s.input1D[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.output1D' % node
def subtract(*values, **kwargs):
Returns the attribute difference of the input values.
:param values: [value or attribute]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'Subtract'
node = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 2)
for i, value in enumerate(values):
connectOrSet(value, '%s.input1D[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.output1D' % node
def average(*values, **kwargs):
Returns the attribute average of the input values.
:param values: [value or attribute]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'Average'
node = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 3)
for i, value in enumerate(values):
connectOrSet(value, '%s.input1D[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.output1D' % node
def multiply(input1, input2, name='Multiply'):
Multiplys the two input values.
:param input1: [value or attribute]
:param input2: [value or attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=name)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.input1X' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.input2X' % node)
return '%s.outputX' % node
def divide(input1, input2, name='Divide'):
Divides the two input values.
:param input1: [value or attribute]
:param input2: [value or attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 2)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.input1X' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.input2X' % node)
return '%s.outputX' % node
def pow(value, exponent=2.0, name='Power'):
Raises the input value to the power of the given exponent. Default squares the input.
:param value: [value or attribute]
:param exponent: [value or attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 3)
connectOrSet(value, '%s.input1X' % node)
connectOrSet(exponent, '%s.input2X' % node)
return '%s.outputX' % node
def sqrt(value, name='SquareRoot'):
Returns the attribute square root of the given value.
:param value: [value or attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 3)
connectOrSet(value, '%s.input1X' % node)
connectOrSet(0.5, '%s.input2X' % node)
return '%s.outputX' % node
def reverse(value, name='Reverse'):
Returns the value subtracted from one.
:param value: [value or attribute]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('reverse', name=name)
connectOrSet(value, '%s.inputX' % node)
return '%s.outputX' % node
def clamp(value, min=0, max=1, name='Clamp'):
Return the attribute clamped.
:param value: [value or attribute]
:param min: [value or attribute]
:param max: [value or attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('clamp', name=name)
connectOrSet(value, '%s.inputR' % node)
connectOrSet(min, '%s.minR' % node)
connectOrSet(max, '%s.maxR' % node)
return '%s.outputR' % node
def maxValue(input1, input2, name='Max'):
Returns the greater attribute.
:param input1: [Attribute or Value]
:param input2: [Attribute or Value]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('condition', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 2)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.firstTerm' % node)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.colorIfTrueR' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.secondTerm' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.colorIfFalseR' % node)
return '%s.outColorR' % node
def minValue(input1, input2, name='Min'):
Returns the lesser attribute.
:param input1: [Attribute or Value]
:param input2: [Attribute or Value]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('condition', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 4)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.firstTerm' % node)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.colorIfTrueR' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.secondTerm' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.colorIfFalseR' % node)
return '%s.outColorR' % node
def roundValue():
def floor():
def ceil():
Vector Nodes
def addVector(*vectors, **kwargs):
Returns the attribute sum of the input vectors.
:param vectors: [list or compoundAttribute]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'AddVector'
node = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage', name=name)
for i, vector in enumerate(vectors):
connectOrSet(vector, '%s.input3D[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.output3D' % node
def subtractVector(*vectors, **kwargs):
Returns the attribute difference of the input vectors.
:param vectors: [list or compoundAttribute]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'SubtractVector'
node = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 2)
for i, vector in enumerate(vectors):
connectOrSet(vector, '%s.input3D[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.output3D' % node
def averageVector(*vectors, **kwargs):
Returns the attribute average of the input vectors.
:param vectors: [list or compoundAttribute]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'AverageVector'
node = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 3)
for i, vector in enumerate(vectors):
connectOrSet(vector, '%s.input3D[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.output3D' % node
def multiplyVector(input1, input2, name='MultiplyVector'):
Multiplies the components of each input vector.
:param input1: [list or compoundAttribute]
:param input2: [list or compoundAttribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=name)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.input1' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.input2' % node)
return '%s.output' % node
def normalizeVector(vector, name='NormalizeVector'):
Normalizes the input vector.
:param vector: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('vectorProduct', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 0)
cmds.setAttr('%s.normalizeOutput' % node, True)
connectOrSet(vector, '%s.input1' % node)
return '%s.output' % node
def dotProduct(input1, input2, name='DotProduct'):
The dot product of the given attributes or values.
:param input1: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param input2: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('vectorProduct', name=name)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.input1' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.input2' % node)
return '%s.outputX' % node
def crossProduct(input1, input2, normalize=True, name='CrossProduct'):
The cross product of the given attributes or values.
:param input1: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param input2: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('vectorProduct', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 2)
cmds.setAttr('%s.normalizeOutput' % node, normalize)
connectOrSet(input1, '%s.input1' % node)
connectOrSet(input2, '%s.input2' % node)
return '%s.output' % node
def blendVector(vector1, vector2, blend, name='BlendVector'):
Returns the attribute blend between the two input vector attributes or values.
:param vector1: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param vector2: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param blend: [attribute or value]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('blendColors', name=name)
connectOrSet(vector1, '%s.color1' % node)
connectOrSet(vector2, '%s.color2' % node)
connectOrSet(blend, '%s.blender' % node)
return '%s.output' % node
def distance(point1, point2, name='Distance'):
Returns the attribute distance between two points.
:param point1: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param point2: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('distanceBetween', name=name)
connectOrSet(point1, '%s.point1' % node)
connectOrSet(point2, '%s.point2' % node)
return '%s.distance' % node
Matrix Nodes
def fourByFourMatrix(*rows, **kwargs):
Creates a 4x4 matrix given each row.
:param rows: list[attribute or value] or OpenMaya.MMatrix
:return: str
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'Matrix'
node = cmds.createNode('fourByFourMatrix', name=name)
if isinstance(rows[0], om.MMatrix):
rows = [list(row) for row in rows[0]]
elif isinstance(rows[0], om2.MMatrix):
rows = [[rows[0].getElement(i, j) for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)]
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
connectOrSet(row, ['%s.i%s%s' % (node, i, j) for j in range(4)])
return '%s.output' % node
def decomposeMatrix(inputMatrix, name='DecomposeMatrix'):
Decomposes a given matrix attribute.
:param inputMatrix: [str]
:param name: [str]
:return: [namedtuple] A collection of the separate transformation values.
node = cmds.createNode('decomposeMatrix', name=name)
connectOrSet(inputMatrix, '%s.inputMatrix' % node)
DecomposeData = namedtuple('DecomposeData', ['translate', 'rotate', 'scale', 'shear', 'quaternion'])
return DecomposeData(
translate='%s.outputTranslate' % node, rotate='%s.outputRotate' % node, scale='%s.outputScale' % node,
shear='%s.outputShear' % node, quaternion='%s.outputQuat' % node
def multiplyMatrix(*matrices, **kwargs):
Returns the sum of each input matrix.
:param matrices: [attribute]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'MultiplyMatrix'
node = cmds.createNode('multMatrix', name=name)
for i, matrix in enumerate(matrices):
connectOrSet(matrix, '%s.matrixIn[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.matrixSum' % node
def transposeMatrix():
def blendMatrix(*matrixWeights, **kwargs):
Returns a weighted sum of each input matrix, weight pair.
:param matrixWeights: list[attribute, attribute or value]
:return: [str]
name = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'BlendMatrix'
node = cmds.createNode('wtAddMatrix', name=name)
for i, matrixWeight in enumerate(matrixWeights):
connectOrSet(matrixWeight[0], '%s.wtMatrix[%s].matrixIn' % (node, i))
connectOrSet(matrixWeight[1], '%s.wtMatrix[%s].weightIn' % (node, i))
return '%s.matrixSum' % node
def inverseMatrix(inputMatrix, name='InverseMatrix'):
Returns the inverted input matrix attribute.
:param inputMatrix: [attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('inverseMatrix', name=name)
connectOrSet(inputMatrix, '%s.inputMatrix' % node)
return '%s.outputMatrix' % node
def composeMatrix(translate=None, rotate=None, scale=None, quaternion=None, shear=None, rotateOrder=None,
Creates a matrix attribute given input transformations.
:param translate: [str]
:param rotate: [s]tr
:param scale: [str]
:param quaternion: [str]
:param shear: [str]
:param rotateOrder: [int]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('composeMatrix', name=name)
if translate is not None:
connectOrSet(translate, '%s.inputTranslate' % node)
if rotate is not None:
connectOrSet(rotate, '%s.inputRotate' % node)
if scale is not None:
connectOrSet(scale, '%s.inputScale' % node)
if shear is not None:
connectOrSet(shear, '%s.inputShear' % node)
if quaternion is not None:
connectOrSet(quaternion, '%s.inputQuat' % node)
cmds.setAttr('%s.useEulerRotation' % node, False)
if rotateOrder is not None:
connectOrSet(rotateOrder, '%s.inputRotateOrder' % node)
return '%s.outputMatrix' % node
def decomposeTranslate(inputMatrix, name='DecomposeTranslate'):
:param inputMatrix: [str]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('decomposeMatrix', name=name)
connectOrSet(inputMatrix, '%s.inputMatrix' % node)
return '%s.outputTranslate' % node
def decomposeRotate(inputMatrix, name='DecomposeRotate'):
:param inputMatrix: [str]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('decomposeMatrix', name=name)
connectOrSet(inputMatrix, '%s.inputMatrix' % node)
return '%s.outputRotate' % node
def decomposeScale(inputMatrix, name='DecomposeScale'):
:param inputMatrix: [str]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('decomposeMatrix', name=name)
connectOrSet(inputMatrix, '%s.inputMatrix' % node)
return '%s.outputScale' % node
def vectorMatrixProduct(inputVector, inputMatrix, normalize=False, name='VectorMatrixProduct'):
Multiplys a given vector by a given matrix.
:param inputVector: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param inputMatrix: [attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('vectorProduct', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 3)
cmds.setAttr('%s.normalizeOutput' % node, normalize)
connectOrSet(inputVector, '%s.input1' % node)
connectOrSet(inputMatrix, '%s.matrix' % node)
return '%s.output' % node
def pointMatrixProduct(inputVector, inputMatrix, normalize=False, name='PointMatrixProduct'):
Multiplys a given point by a given matrix.
:param inputVector: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param inputMatrix: [attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('vectorProduct', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 4)
cmds.setAttr('%s.normalizeOutput' % node, normalize)
connectOrSet(inputVector, '%s.input1' % node)
connectOrSet(inputMatrix, '%s.matrix' % node)
return '%s.output' % node
def matrixDistance(point1, point2, name='Distance'):
Returns the attribute distance between two points.
:param point1: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param point2: list[attribute or value] or compoundAttribute
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('distanceBetween', name=name)
connectOrSet(point1, '%s.inMatrix1' % node)
connectOrSet(point2, '%s.inMatrix2' % node)
return '%s.distance' % node
def eulerToQuaternion(inputRotate, name='EulerToQuat'):
node = cmds.createNode('eulerToQuat', name=name)
connectOrSet(inputRotate, '%s.inputRotate' % node)
return ['%s.outputQuat%s' % (node, axis) for axis in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'W']]
def choice(selector, choices, name='Choice'):
Returns an input attribute given a list of choices and an index.
:param selector: [Attibute or Value]
:param choices: list[Attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('choice', name=name)
connectOrSet(selector, '%s.selector' % node)
for i, choice in enumerate(choices):
connectOrSet(choice, '%s.input[%s]' % (node, i))
return '%s.output' % node
def isGreater():
def isLessThan():
def isEqual(firstTerm, secondTerm, name='isEqual'):
Returns 1 if the terms are equal, otherwise zero.
:param firstTerm: [value or Attribute]
:param secondTerm: [value or Attribute]
node = cmds.createNode('condition', name=name)
cmds.setAttr('%s.operation' % node, 0)
cmds.setAttr('%s.colorIfTrueR' % node, 1)
cmds.setAttr('%s.colorIfFalseR' % node, 0)
connectOrSet(firstTerm, '%s.firstTerm' % node)
connectOrSet(secondTerm, '%s.secondTerm' % node)
return '%s.outColorR' % node
def arcLength(curve, name='ArcLength'):
Returns the attribute arclength of the given curve.
:param curve: [attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('curveInfo', name=name)
connectOrSet(curve, '%s.inputCurve' % node)
return '%s.arcLength' % node
def curveInfo(curve, name='CurveInfo'):
Returns a container of various information about a curve.
:param curve: [attribute]
:param name: [str]
:return: [str]
node = cmds.createNode('curveInfo', name=name)
connectOrSet(curve, '%s.inputCurve' % node)
CurveInfo = namedtuple('CurveInfo', ['arcLength', 'controlPoints', 'knots', 'weights'])
return CurveInfo(
arcLength='%s.arcLength' % node, controlPoints='%s.controlPoints' % node,
knots='%s.knots' % node, weights='%s.weights' % node
def pointOnCurve(curve, parameter=0, name='PointOnCurveInfo'):
def pointOnSuface(surface, u=0, v=0, name='PointOnSurfaceInfo'):
def closestPointOnCurve(point, curve, name='ClosestPointOnCurve'):
def closestPointOnSurface(point, surface, name='ClosestPointOnSurface'):
def closestPointOnMesh(point, mesh, name='ClosestPointOnMesh'):
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