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Last active March 5, 2017 23:02
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# a simplified version of the sampler used in
# takes n random samples in each polygon of a spatialpolygonsdataframe
# note that n samples may not be acheived if the polygon shape is particularly convoluted
# indata = spatialpolygonsdataframe
# sample_rate = positive integer
# pid_field = character string - column name. if omitted, rownames used instead
poly_sampler <- function(indata = NULL, sample_rate = NULL, pid_field = NULL) {
crs <- indata@proj4string
sample_points <- vector('list', length = length(indata@polygons))
# sampling loop (one polygon at a time)
for (i in 1:length(indata@polygons)) {
polyid <- if (is.null(pid_field)) {
rownames(indata@data[i, ])
} else {
indata@data[i, c(pid_field)]
spoints <- spsample(indata[i, ], n = sample_rate, type = "random", iter = 10)
data <- data.frame("POLY_NO" = polyid,
"SAMP_NO" = 1:length(spoints),
"SAMP_X" = spoints@coords[, 1],
"SAMP_Y" = spoints@coords[, 2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
spointsdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(spoints, data, proj4string = crs)
sample_points[[i]] <- spointsdf
# combine the samples from each polygon into one SPDF and return
all_samplepoints <-'rbind', sample_points)
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