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Last active November 8, 2022 03:28
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Spectrum Averaging
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import os
from PIL import Image
#import antigravity
import time
import shlex, subprocess
#resolution = (640,480)
resolution = (1280,720)
#resolution = (1600,1200)
(maxX, maxY) = resolution
(x,y) = (0,0)
averageItems = 50
averageIndex = -1
lineSurface = pygame.surface.Surface((maxX,1))
lineSurfArray = pygame.surfarray.array3d(lineSurface)
intArray = [[0]*3]*maxX
averageArraySurface = pygame.surface.Surface((maxX,averageItems))
averageArray = pygame.surfarray.array3d(averageArraySurface)
showAverage = False
noAverage = False
yDisplayRow = -1
# read calibration file
calib = open("spectralCalibration.csv","r")
calibration =
lcd = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution)
cam ="/dev/video0",resolution)
cam.start()'uvcdynctrl --set="Power Line Frequency" 0'))
image = cam.get_image()
print ("starting loop...")
going = True
while going:
events = pygame.event.get()
for e in events:
if (e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
# get mouse position, averaging line
(x,y) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE):
# cam.stop()
going = False
if (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_SPACE):
showAverage = not showAverage
if (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_a):
noAverage = not noAverage
if (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_KP_ENTER):
timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
name = input("Name: ")
desc = input("Description: ")
# write time averaged image (integer average, 8-bits/color)
fileName = "./%s-spectrum-%s.jpg" % (name,timestr), fileName)
# write time averaged CSV, floating-point averaged colors
fileName = "./%s-spectrum-%s.csv" % (name,timestr)
f = open(fileName, "x")
f.write( "%s,%s,%s\n" % (calibration.strip(),name,desc) )
# each column
for xCol in range (maxX):
iTotal = 0
# average over time
for yRow in range(averageItems):
# average the colors
for zColor in range(3):
iTotal += int(averageArray[xCol,yRow,zColor])
f.write("%d,%f\n" % (xCol,iTotal/(3.0*averageItems)) )
if cam.query_image():
image = cam.get_image()
averageIndex += 1
if averageIndex >= averageItems:
averageIndex = 0
averageArray[0:maxX,averageIndex] = pygame.surfarray.array3d(image)[0:maxX,y]
if showAverage :
# average the columns
for xCol in range(maxX):
for zColor in range(3):
iTotal = 0
for yRow in range(averageItems):
iTotal += int(averageArray[xCol,yRow,zColor])
lineSurfArray[xCol,0,zColor] = iTotal/averageItems
# what does it look like without averaging?
if noAverage:
lineSurfArray[0:maxX,0] = averageArray[0:maxX,averageIndex]
# convert lineSurfArray to lineSurface
lineSurface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(lineSurfArray)
# fill lcd with lineSurface
for yIncr in range (averageItems):
yDisplayRow += 1
if yDisplayRow >= maxY:
yDisplayRow = 0
lcd.blit(lineSurface, (0,yDisplayRow))
lcd.blit(image, (0,0))
pygame.draw.line(lcd, (255,0,0), (0,y), (maxX,y), 1)
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obstruse commented Nov 8, 2022

spectralCalibration.csv calibration file contains the column numbers for the Hg436 and Eu611 lines in the spectrum, to calibrate the x-axis for plotting. Edit the file for your setup. Format:


  • use the mouse to select the row for averaging.
  • press space bar to begin averaging. Might need to let it run for a few passes to get smooth colors
  • when the averaging is complete, press keypad-enter. It will prompt for Name (used for part of the output filenames) and a Description (written to csv file). Two files are output: a JPG file and a CSV file
  • press 'a' to toggle the averaging display off/on, to see what it looks like without average.

Gnuplot can be used plot the CSV data on top of the JPG image.

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