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Created April 5, 2020 07:15
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case object ClusterDown
case class ClusterUp(status: String)
trait ElasticSearchService[F[_]] {
def clusterHealth: F[Either[ClusterDown.type, ClusterUp]]
object ElasticSearchService {
private[this] val log = getLogger.logger
def impl[F[_] : Sync](client: RestHighLevelClient): ElasticSearchService[F] = new ElasticSearchService[F] {
override def clusterHealth: F[Either[ClusterDown.type, ClusterUp]] = {
for {
request <- Sync[F].pure(new ClusterHealthRequest("question", "answer"))
response <- Sync[F].delay(client.cluster().health(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT)) // <- This will make an actual call to ElasticSearch cluster, how do I test this?
.onError(t => logError(t)) // Is this a good approach to log errors?
} yield => ClusterUp(r.getStatus.toString)).leftMap(_ => ClusterDown)
private def logError(t: Throwable) = Sync[F].delay(log.error("ElasticSearch error.", t))
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