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Last active May 28, 2016 05:04
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package net.ceedubs.ficus
package readers
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import net.ceedubs.ficus.Ficus._
import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.EnumerationReader._
import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ArbitraryTypeReader._
import ConfigSerializerOps._
object CaseClassReadersSpec {
case class SimpleCaseClass(bool: Boolean)
case class MultipleFields(string: String, long: Long)
case class WithOption(option: Option[String])
case class WithNestedCaseClass(simple: SimpleCaseClass)
case class ValueClass(int: Int) extends AnyVal
case class WithNestedValueClass(valueClass: ValueClass)
case class WithDefault(string: String = "bar")
case class Foo(bool: Boolean, intOpt: Option[Int], withNestedCaseClass: WithNestedCaseClass,
withNestedValueClass: WithNestedValueClass)
object EnumExample extends Enumeration {
type Enum = Value
val A, B, C = Value
case class EnumCaseClass(enum: EnumExample.Enum)
class CaseClassReadersSpec extends Spec { def is = s2"""
A case class reader should
be able to be used implicitly $useImplicitly
hydrate a simple case class $hydrateSimpleCaseClass
hydrate a case class with multiple fields $multipleFields
use another implicit value reader for a field $withOptionField
read a nested case class $withNestedCaseClass
read a top-level value class $topLevelValueClass
read a nested value class $nestedValueClass
fall back to a default value $fallbackToDefault
do a combination of these things $combination
hydrate a case cass with enums $hydrateEnumCaseClass
import CaseClassReadersSpec._
def useImplicitly = {
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString("simple { bool = false }")[SimpleCaseClass]("simple") must_== SimpleCaseClass(bool = false)
def hydrateSimpleCaseClass = prop { bool: Boolean =>
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"simple { bool = $bool }")[SimpleCaseClass]("simple") must_== SimpleCaseClass(bool = bool)
def multipleFields = prop { (foo: String, long: Long) =>
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(
|multipleFields {
| string = ${foo.asConfigValue}
| long = $long
""".stripMargin)[MultipleFields]("multipleFields") must_== MultipleFields(string = foo, long = long)
def withOptionField = prop { s: String =>
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""withOption { option = ${s.asConfigValue} }""")[WithOption]("withOption") must_== WithOption(Some(s))
def withNestedCaseClass = prop { bool: Boolean =>
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(
|withNested {
| simple {
| bool = $bool
| }
""".stripMargin)[WithNestedCaseClass]("withNested") must_== WithNestedCaseClass(
simple = SimpleCaseClass(bool = bool))
def topLevelValueClass = prop { int: Int =>
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"valueClass { int = $int }")[ValueClass]("valueClass") must_== ValueClass(int)
def nestedValueClass = prop { int: Int =>
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(
|withNestedValueClass {
| valueClass {
| int = $int
| }
""".stripMargin)[WithNestedValueClass]("withNestedValueClass") must_== WithNestedValueClass(
valueClass = ValueClass(int = int))
def fallbackToDefault = {
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString("""withDefault { }""")[WithDefault]("withDefault") must_== WithDefault()
def combination = prop { (fooBool: Boolean, simpleBool: Boolean, valueClassInt: Int) =>
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(
|foo {
| bool = $fooBool
| withNestedCaseClass {
| simple {
| bool = $simpleBool
| }
| }
| withNestedValueClass = {
| valueClass {
| int = $valueClassInt
| }
| }
""".stripMargin)[Foo]("foo") must_== Foo(
bool = fooBool,
intOpt = None,
withNestedCaseClass = WithNestedCaseClass(simple = SimpleCaseClass(bool = simpleBool)),
withNestedValueClass = WithNestedValueClass(ValueClass(int = valueClassInt))
def hydrateEnumCaseClass = {
val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(
|foo {
| enum = "A"
""".stripMargin)[EnumCaseClass]("foo") must_== EnumCaseClass(enum = EnumExample.withName("A"))
true should_==(true)
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