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Last active May 27, 2021 07:46
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This module will load the environment you need to install new software locally with EasyBuild in a local hierarchy.
whatis("Module to set up the environment for user local software installation with EasyBuild")
-- Terminal colors
local red = "\027\[01;31m"
local yellow = "\027\[01;33m"
local green = "\027\[01;32m"
local normal = "\027\[0m"
-- Some local variables
local easybuild = "EasyBuild"
local stages = os.getenv("STAGES")
if stages == nil then
LmodError(yellow.."Can't determine a value for STAGES (which is usually an environment variable)"..normal)
-- Require that EasyBuild is already loaded
if mode()=="load" then
if not isloaded(easybuild) then
-- Verify that this is a system wide EasyBuild since we rely on this below
if mode()=="load" then
if (not string.find(os.getenv("EBROOTEASYBUILD"), stages)) then
LmodError(yellow.."Sorry but we rely on using an EasyBuild module coming from the system!\n"..
"If you really want to use your own installation, use a system one first, \n"..
"load this module, then afterwards replace the EasyBuild module."..normal)
-- Check first if "stages" has been loaded. If not find the stage based on the install path of EasyBuild
local stage = os.getenv("STAGE")
if stage == nil then
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.."Determining system software installation path from EasyBuild module... "..normal)
stage = string.match(os.getenv("EBROOTEASYBUILD"), stages .. "/(.-)/software") or ""
if stage == nil then
LmodError(yellow.."Can't determine a value for STAGE (which is usually an environment variable)"..normal)
-- Configure an alias for the eb command so that modules in JSC tree are found by eb
-- (it searches for them based on the prefix)
local stage_path = pathJoin(stages, stage)
local stage_base_moduledir = pathJoin(stage_path, "modules/all")
local stage_base_moduledir_core = pathJoin(stage_base_moduledir, "Core")
set_alias("eb","MODULEPATH=" .. stage_base_moduledir .. ':' .. stage_base_moduledir_core .. ':$MODULEPATH STAGE=' .. stage .. " eb")
-- Set local variables
local is_devel = false
if string.find(stage, "Devel") then
is_devel = true
-- Set the path for all system EasyBuild extras
local common_eb_path = pathJoin("/p/fastdata/zam", "swmanage/EasyBuild")
-- need to ensure this path is readable (or a sanitised version available)
if mode()=="load" then
if lfs.attributes(common_eb_path, "mode") ~= "directory" then
LmodMessage(yellow.."You do not seem to have read access to the system EasyBuild files,\n"..
"please contact if you are supposed to have\n"..
"access to it. Otherwise, please adjust the $EASYBUILD_* environment variables"..normal)
-- Read systemname to know which overlay we should prepend (and where our installations should go)
local systemname = capture("cat /etc/FZJ/systemname")
--Sanitize systemname
systemname = string.gsub(systemname, "\n", "")
local lmod_systemname = os.getenv("LMOD_SYSTEM_NAME")
-- To support cross-compilation
if lmod_systemname == "jurecabooster" then
systemname = lmod_systemname
-- Set up exactly where we put our installations
local subdir_user_modules = pathJoin("easybuild", systemname)
local home_eb = pathJoin(os.getenv("HOME"), subdir_user_modules)
local project_eb = nil
local install_eb = home_eb
local home_install_eb = true
if os.getenv("PROJECT") then
project_eb = pathJoin(os.getenv("PROJECT"), subdir_user_modules)
if not os.getenv("PREFER_USER") then
install_eb = project_eb
home_install_eb = false
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.."\nFound $PROJECT in the environment, using that for installation. To override this and do \n"..
"a personal installation set the environment variable PREFER_USER=1 and reload this module.\n"..normal)
-- ensure this is a symlink since there is very little room in HOME directories (and give advice if it isn't)
if mode()=="load" and home_install_eb then
if lfs.symlinkattributes(pathJoin(os.getenv("HOME"),"easybuild"), "mode") ~= "link" then
LmodError(yellow.."\nPlease configure ~/easybuild to be a symlink to a location with significant data quotas,\n"..
"for example with: \n mkdir -p $PROJECT/$USER/easybuild && ln -s $PROJECT/$USER/easybuild $HOME/easybuild"..normal)
LmodMessage(yellow.."\nPerforming a personal installation. To do a project wide installation, \n"..
"set the $PROJECT environment variable (for example via jutil).\n"..normal)
--set up our JSC configuration specifics
local sources_path = pathJoin(common_eb_path, "sources")
local gr_path = pathJoin(common_eb_path, stage, "Golden_Repo")
local overlay_path = pathJoin(common_eb_path, stage, "Overlays")
local custom_easyblocks_path = pathJoin(common_eb_path, stage, "Custom_EasyBlocks")
local custom_toolchains_path = pathJoin(common_eb_path, stage, "Custom_Toolchains")
local custom_mns_path = pathJoin(common_eb_path, stage, "Custom_MNS")
local custom_hooks = pathJoin(common_eb_path, stage, "Custom_Hooks", "")
local user = capture("id -u -n")
user = string.gsub(user, "\n", "")
-- Print header
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(green.."** LOADING USERSPACE DEVELOPER CONFIGURATION **"..normal.."\n\n"..
"Preparing the environment for software installation via EasyBuild into userspace leveraging stage "..stage.."\n"..
" - Adding our license servers to LM_LICENSE_FILE \n"..
" - Giving priority to JSC custom Toolchains (EASYBUILD_INCLUDE_TOOLCHAINS)\n"..
" - Giving priority to JSC custom EasyBlocks (EASYBUILD_INCLUDE_EASYBLOCKS)\n"..
" - Giving priority to JSC custom easyconfigs (EASYBUILD_ROBOT)\n"..
" - Allowing searching of distribution easyconfigs (EASYBUILD_SEARCH_PATHS)\n"..
" - To keep module view clean, hiding some dependencies (EASYBUILD_HIDE_DEPS)\n"..
" - Using JSC EasyBuild hooks (EASYBUILD_HOOKS)\n")
-- Unload some modules for convenience
-- This should be set to only look in the golden repo. We need this here to prepend overlays
setenv("EASYBUILD_ROBOT", gr_path)
setenv("EASYBUILD_ROBOT_PATHS", gr_path)
-- Allow people to search for software in the default path (but is not used to resolve dependencies)
default_robot_path = os.getenv("EBROOTEASYBUILD") .. "/" .. "easybuild" .. "/" .. "easyconfigs"
setenv("EASYBUILD_SEARCH_PATHS", default_robot_path)
-- Configure use of our hooks
setenv("EASYBUILD_HOOKS", custom_hooks)
-- Fail if there are EB related modules loaded
-- Whitelist EasyBuild itself
-- Limit the number of threads
local nproc = capture("nproc")
-- Sanitize input
nproc = string.gsub(nproc, "\n", "")
if tonumber(nproc) > 8 then
-- Limit the number of threads for user space installs
local maxparallel = "8"
pushenv("EASYBUILD_PARALLEL", maxparallel)
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.." - Setting EASYBUILD_PARALLEL to "..maxparallel..normal)
-- Set overlay
gr_overlay_path = pathJoin(overlay_path, systemname.."_overlay")
prepend_path("EASYBUILD_ROBOT", gr_overlay_path)
prepend_path("EASYBUILD_ROBOT_PATHS", gr_overlay_path)
-- Set optarch options for easybuild
-- JURECA booster
if systemname == "jurecabooster" then
local opt="GCCcore:march=haswell -mtune=haswell;GCC:march=knl -mtune=knl -ftree-vectorize;Intel:xMIC-AVX512"
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.." - Setting EASYBUILD_OPTARCH to "..opt..normal)
pushenv("EASYBUILD_OPTARCH", opt)
elseif systemname == "juwels" then
local opt="GCCcore:march=haswell -mtune=haswell"
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.." - Setting EASYBUILD_OPTARCH to "..opt..normal)
pushenv("EASYBUILD_OPTARCH", opt)
-- JUWELS booster
elseif systemname == "juwelsbooster" then
local opt="Intel:march=core-avx2"
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.." - Setting EASYBUILD_OPTARCH to "..opt..normal)
pushenv("EASYBUILD_OPTARCH", opt)
elseif systemname == "jurecadc" then
local opt="Intel:march=core-avx2"
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.." - Setting EASYBUILD_OPTARCH to "..opt..normal)
pushenv("EASYBUILD_OPTARCH", opt)
elseif systemname == "jusuf" then
local opt="Intel:march=core-avx2"
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(yellow.." - Setting EASYBUILD_OPTARCH to "..opt..normal)
pushenv("EASYBUILD_OPTARCH", opt)
-- Default
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(" - "..yellow.."No particular architecture loaded. Unsetting EASYBUILD_OPTARCH (if set)\n"..normal)
-- Add license servers. Done in 3 separate groups to avoid useless servers in the environment
-- We shuffle the servers too to distribute the load. Not that it matters a lot but....
setenv("EASYBUILD_PREFIX", install_eb)
-- Make sure that people build in a unique space so we avoid stepping on each others toes as much as possible
setenv("EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH", pathJoin("/dev/shm", user, systemname))
-- We add our custom Toolchains directory, it must be appended so as not to interfere with the EasyBuild installation
setenv("EASYBUILD_INCLUDE_TOOLCHAINS", pathJoin(custom_toolchains_path, "\*.py")..','..pathJoin(custom_toolchains_path, "fft", "\*.py")..','..pathJoin(custom_toolchains_path, "compiler", "\*.py"))
-- Finally we add our custom EasyBlock directory, it must be appended so as not to interfere with the EasyBuild installation
setenv("EASYBUILD_INCLUDE_EASYBLOCKS", pathJoin(custom_easyblocks_path, "\*.py")..","..
pathJoin(custom_easyblocks_path, "generic", "\*.py"))
-- Store all installed EasyConfigs in a repository
setenv("EASYBUILD_REPOSITORY", "FileRepository")
-- Always hide these dependencies to keep 'module avail' clean
local hidden_deps = ""
if isFile(gr_path.."/hidden_deps.txt") then
hidden_deps = capture("tr '\n' ',' < "..gr_path.."/hidden_deps.txt")
setenv("EASYBUILD_HIDE_DEPS", hidden_deps)
-- Managing permissions and expanding robot path:
-- Tell the robot to search in the users installation when looking for missing dependencies
append_path("EASYBUILD_ROBOT", pathJoin(install_eb, "ebfiles_repo"))
if not home_install_eb then
setenv("EASYBUILD_SET_GID_BIT", "1")
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage(" - Using shared group installation, therefore expanding dependency searching\n"..
" - To allow collaboration in the development process, ""all installations are\n"..
" group-writable!"..normal.." (EASYBUILD_GROUP_WRITABLE_INSTALLDIR)")
-- Tell the robot where to also search there when looking for missing dependencies
append_path("EASYBUILD_ROBOT", pathJoin(stage_path, "eb_repo"))
setenv("EASYBUILD_UMASK", "002")
-- We need to allow people to clean out an installation
-- The default is to have user-only write access to files/dirs
setenv("EASYBUILD_UMASK", "022")
-- The following are details, no need to inform the installer.
-- Indicate that we (currently) use Lmod module tool and lua modules
-- Finally we tell EasyBuild to build hierarchical modules using our custom scheme
setenv("EASYBUILD_INCLUDE_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEMES", pathJoin(custom_mns_path, "\*.py"))
setenv("EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME", "FlexibleCustomHierarchicalMNS")
-- Used a fixed installation subdir so that we can change naming schemes later if we want
-- Let's make sure we are using minimal toolchains and experimental features
-- This forces EB to do a bottom-top dependency resolution
-- This tells EB to check first if there is a module available that matches any of the subtoolchains, and use it. If
-- multiple exist, the picked up one depends on the order of the paths in MODULEPATH (typically, toolchains higher in
-- the hierarchy will have "preference")
-- Filter for test reports
-- configure tracing by default
setenv("EASYBUILD_TRACE", "1")
-- Let's set things up to use the job submission system to install the software
setenv("EASYBUILD_JOB_BACKEND", "Slurm")
-- Would need to set SLURM environment variables to configure job submission
if mode()=="load" then
LmodMessage("\n"..yellow.."Note: If you wish to submit software builds to slurm with the "..
"'--job' flag you will need to set environment variables to configure job submission, see"..
"\n\nfor details.\n"..normal)
-- Let's repeat where we're installing if they've chosen one of the soft-linked Stages
if mode()=="load" then
if is_devel then
LmodMessage("You are installing software using a development stage, this is a testing area and\n"..
"(group writable) collaboration space to create and verify a build.")
-- Prepend the toolchain modules to MODULEPATH, so they are found
prepend_path("MODULEPATH", pathJoin(stages, stage, "UI", "Toolchains"))
-- Add tools directory to path
prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(common_eb_path, stage, 'bin'))
-- Finally, set EB to use python3
setenv("EB_PYTHON", "python3")
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