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Created August 6, 2015 17:45
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Dirty simulation to Monty Hall Problem
package me.occ.dealornodeal
import scala.util.Random
object Main extends App {
val rng = new Random()
def runTrial(changeMind: Boolean, showOutput: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
val prize = rng.nextInt(3)
var options = Seq.range(0, 3).map(_ == prize).zipWithIndex
if (showOutput) println(s"Stage: $options")
val initialGuess = options(rng.nextInt(3))
if (showOutput) println(s"Guess: $initialGuess")
val toEliminate = options.find(t => !t._1 && t != initialGuess).get
options = options.filterNot(_ == toEliminate)
if (showOutput) println(s"Remaining: $options")
val nextGuess = if (!changeMind) initialGuess else options.find(_ != initialGuess).get
if (showOutput) {
print(s"Final guess: $nextGuess -- ")
if (nextGuess._1) println("Win") else println("Lose")
def runNTrials(n: Int, changeMind: Boolean): Unit = {
val win: Int = Seq.range(0, n).map(x => runTrial(changeMind)).count(_ == true)
val lose = n - win
println(s"Win: $win, Lose: $lose. Total: ${win.toDouble/n}")
runNTrials(1000000, changeMind = true)
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