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Last active July 22, 2021 13:02
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import algebra.lie.classical
import algebra.lie.cartan_matrix
import algebra.lie.semisimple
import algebra.lie.direct_sum
import field_theory.algebraic_closure
open lie_algebra
open_locale direct_sum
notation L₁ ` ≅ₗ⁅` K `⁆ `L₂ := nonempty (L₁ ≃ₗ⁅K⁆ L₂)
abbreviation sl (l : ℕ) (K : Type*) [field K] := (fin l) K
abbreviation sp (l : ℕ) (K : Type*) [field K] := symplectic.sp (fin l) K
abbreviation so (l : ℕ) (K : Type*) [field K] := (fin l) K
/-- Let `K` be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. -/
variables (K : Type*) [field K] [is_alg_closed K] [char_zero K]
/-- Let `L` be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over `K`. -/
variables (L : Type*) [lie_ring L] [lie_algebra K L] [finite_dimensional K L]
theorem simple_classification :
is_simple K L ↔
((L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ g₂ K) ∨
(L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ f₄ K) ∨
(L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ e₆ K) ∨
(L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ e₇ K) ∨
(L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ e₈ K) ∨
(∃ l, (L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ sl l K) ∧ 1 < l) ∨
(∃ l, (L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ sp l K) ∧ 2 < l) ∨
(∃ l, (L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ so l K) ∧ 4 < l ∧ l ≠ 6)) := sorry
-- TODO (probably) connect with `direct_sum.lie_algebra_is_internal`.
theorem semisimple_classification :
is_semisimple K L ↔
∃ n (I : fin n → lie_ideal K L), (L ≅ₗ⁅K⁆ (⨁ i, I i)) ∧ ∀ i, is_simple K (I i) := sorry
/- Note that the `simple_classification` contains several of the "exceptional isomorphisms". E.g.,
`so(6)` is simple so it must be isomorphic to one of the other algebras on the list. For
dimensional reasons, this has to be `sl(4)`. Likewise for the other cases excluded. -/
-- These are not too hard to close.
instance : finite_dimensional K (g₂ K) := sorry
instance : finite_dimensional K (so 5 K) := sorry
-- Sanity check:
example : is_simple K (g₂ K) :=
by { rw simple_classification, left, constructor, refl, }
-- Sanity check:
example : is_simple K (so 5 K) :=
by { rw simple_classification, repeat { right, }, use 5, refine ⟨_, by simp⟩, constructor, refl, }
/- Note that ultimately we will probably state `simple_classification` in terms of algebras
constructed from Cartan matrices of types `A, B, C, D`. A side effect of this is that the conditions
on `l` will then be slightly neater since they are more naturally:
* `1 ≤ l` for `Aₗ`
* `2 ≤ l` for `Bₗ`
* `3 ≤ l` for `Cₗ`
* `4 ≤ l` for `Dₗ`
Thus, to the extent that they exist, the following six cases are omitted: `B₁, C₁, C₂, D₁, D₂, D₃`.
This is because they are degenerate (consider their Dynkin diagrams) and also because:
* `B₁ ≅ A₁`
* `C₁ ≅ A₁`
* `C₂ ≅ B₂`
* `D₁` Abelian, thus not simple
* `D₂ ≅ A₁ ⊕ A₁`, thus not simple
* `D₃ ≅ A₃`
If we recall that:
* `Aₗ ≅ sl(l+1)`, with dimension `l(l+2)`
* `Bₗ ≅ so(2l+1)`, with dimension `l(2l+1)`
* `Cₗ ≅ sp(l)`, with dimension `l(2l+1)`
* `Dₗ ≅ so(2l)`, with dimension `l(2l-1)`
Then we see the list is:
* `A : sl(2), sl(3), sl(4), ...`, with dimensions: ` 3, 8, 15, ...`
* `B : so(5), so(7), so(9), ...`, with dimensions: `10, 21, 36, ...`
* `C : sp(3), sp(4), sp(5), ...`, with dimensions: `21, 36, 55, ...`
* `D : so(8), so(10), so(12), ...`, with dimensions: `28, 45, 66, ...`
[Aside: extending we can see e₆ is the only exceptional Lie algebra not distinguished by dimension.]
And the six cases cases omitted are:
* `so(3) ≅ sl(2)`
* `sp(1) ≅ sl(2)`
* `sp(2) ≅ so(5)`
* `so(2)` Abelian, thus not simple
* `so(4) ≅ so(3) ⊕ so(3)`, thus not simple
* `so(6) ≅ sl(4)`
This explains the bounds on `l` in `simple_classification`. -/
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