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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Simple example of async/await transform for Dart's dev_compiler (see
// Run with dart:
// dart async_example.dart
import 'dart:async';
f(g) async {
try {
final value = await g();
return 'Result: ' + (value + 1);
} catch (e) {
if (e == 'rethrow me') throw e;
return 'Caught: ' + e;
printResult(title, g) => f(g).then(
(v) => print('[$title] Success Result: $v'),
onError: (e) => print('[$title] Error Result: $e'));
main() {
printResult('resolved value', () => new Future.value(10));
printResult('rejected value', () => new Future.error('error1'));
printResult('caught error', () { throw 'catch me'; });
printResult('rethrown error', () { throw 'rethrow me'; });
// Run with io.js:
// iojs --harmony_arrow_functions async_example.js
"use strict";
if (typeof dart == "undefined") var dart = {};
dart.Await = function(promise, callback) {
this.promise = promise;
this.callback = callback;
dart.Future = {
value: v => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(v)),
error: e => new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject(e))
dart.consumeAwaits = function(iterator) {
try {
let result =;
if (result.value instanceof dart.Await) {
let await = result.value;
var nextPromise = await.promise.then(
v => await.callback(() => v),
e => await.callback(() => { throw e }));
return result.done ? nextPromise : nextPromise.then(() => dart.consumeAwaits(iterator));
} else {
if (!result.done) {
throw new Error('Invalid state: not expecting non-dart.Await values before the iterator is done.');
return dart.Future.value(result.value);
} catch (e) {
return dart.Future.error(e);
var f = (g) => dart.consumeAwaits((function*() {
var callback$1;
try {
var value = ((yield new dart.Await(g(), cb => callback$1 = cb)) || callback$1());
return 'Result: ' + (value + 1);
} catch (e) {
if (e == 'rethrow me') throw e;
return 'Caught: ' + e;
var printResult = (title, g) => f(g).then(
v => console.log(`[${title}] Success Result: ${v}`),
e => console.log(`[${title}] Error Result: ${e}`));
printResult('resolved value', () => dart.Future.value(10));
printResult('rejected value', () => dart.Future.error('error1'));
printResult('caught error', () => { throw 'catch me' });
printResult('rethrown error', () => { throw 'rethrow me' });
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