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Last active January 30, 2021 18:38
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  • Save ochafik/8aa845c8b9ee3a241e771dda99a2d5ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Experiment w/ fast-union heuristic to break local overlapping barriers
# Context:
Notice the N=3 vs. N=5 below. All test on a MacBook Pro w/ 2.6GHz Core i7.
# Baseline
time openscad spheres_single_for_loop.scad -o out.stl -DN=3 -Doverlap=true # 52s
time openscad spheres_nested_for_loops.scad -o out.stl -DN=3 -Doverlap=true # 45s
time openscad spheres_single_for_loop.scad -o out.stl -DN=5 -Doverlap=true # 3min32
time openscad spheres_nested_for_loops.scad -o out.stl -DN=5 -Doverlap=true # 2min41
# fast-union before this commit
time openscad spheres_single_for_loop.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=3 -Doverlap=true # 48s
time openscad spheres_nested_for_loops.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=3 -Doverlap=true # 47s
time openscad spheres_single_for_loop.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=5 -Doverlap=true # 2m38
time openscad spheres_nested_for_loops.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=5 -Doverlap=true # 2m13
# fast-union after this commit
time openscad spheres_single_for_loop.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=3 -Doverlap=true # 35s
time openscad spheres_nested_for_loops.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=3 -Doverlap=true # 36s
time openscad spheres_single_for_loop.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=5 -Doverlap=true # 1m42s
time openscad spheres_nested_for_loops.scad -o out.stl --enable=fast-union -DN=5 -Doverlap=true # 1m46
N = 3;
overlap = false;
union() {
for (i=[0:N-1], j=[0:N-1])
sphere(d=(overlap ? 1.1 : 0.9), $fn=50);
N = 3;
overlap = false;
union() {
for (i=[0:N-1]) translate([i,0,0])
for (j=[0:N-1]) translate([0,j,0])
sphere(d=(overlap ? 1.1 : 0.9), $fn=50);
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Edits relative to on 20210130:
shared_ptr<const LazyGeometry> applyUnion3DFast(
Geometry::Geometries::iterator chbegin, Geometry::Geometries::iterator chend,
const Tree* tree)
try {
typedef shared_ptr<const LazyGeometry> QueueConstItem;
struct QueueItemGreater {
// stable sort for priority_queue by facets, then progress mark
bool operator()(const QueueConstItem &lhs, const QueueConstItem& rhs) const
size_t l = lhs->getNumberOfFacets();
size_t r = rhs->getNumberOfFacets();
return (l > r) || (l == r && lhs->progress_mark > rhs->progress_mark);
std::vector<shared_ptr<const LazyGeometry>> geometries;
for (auto it = chbegin; it != chend; ++it) {
auto chgeom = it->second;
auto &chnode = it->first;
if (!dynamic_pointer_cast<const PolySet>(chgeom) &&
!dynamic_pointer_cast<const CGAL_Nef_polyhedron>(chgeom)) {
if (chgeom && !chgeom->isEmpty()) {
auto progress_mark = chnode ? chnode->progress_mark : -1;
auto location = chnode && chnode->modinst ? chnode->modinst->location() : Location::NONE;
auto cacheKey = chnode && tree ? tree->getIdString(*chnode) : "";
geometries.push_back(make_shared<LazyGeometry>(chgeom, location, cacheKey, progress_mark));
// This does wonders on chainmail as it allows fast-union of sequences
// of locally-overlapping geometries with lots of global disjoin groups
// of geometries.
// This build the queue in linear time.
std::priority_queue<QueueConstItem, std::vector<QueueConstItem>, QueueItemGreater> q(geometries.begin(), geometries.end());
while (q.size() > 1) {
auto p1 =;
auto p2 =;
q.emplace(make_shared<LazyGeometry>(*p1 + *p2));
assert(q.size() <= 1);
return q.empty() ? nullptr :;
catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
LOG(message_group::Error, Location::NONE, "", "CGAL error in CGALUtils::applyUnion3DFast: %1$s", e.what());
return nullptr;
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This goes in
// This bugdet controls the overlap detection logic.
// We do up to this amound of unsuccessful tests to find "easy" unions for each
// geometry being unioned. Since we don't end up testing all the other
// geometries, it's not a quadratic search (even if the constant is big). But
// that's not to say it's linear either.
/*! A cheap heuristic to find "easy" fast union (of disjoint geometries).
* This allows fast-union of large sub-parts of patterns where neighbouring
* tiles overlap, like chaimail or linked chains.
* TODO(ochafik): Update logic to fast-union eligible solids in the
* smaller-edge-first order as for general unions.
void LazyGeometry::reduceFastUnions(std::vector<shared_ptr<const LazyGeometry>> &geometries)
std::list<shared_ptr<const LazyGeometry>> list;
for (auto geom : geometries) list.push_back(geom);
for (auto it1 = list.begin(); it1 != list.end(); it1++) {
auto it2 = it1;
auto remaining_budget = FAST_JOIN_EXPLORATION_BUDGET;
while (it2 != list.end() && remaining_budget > 0) {
if (!(*it1)->getBoundingBoxes()->intersects(*(*it2)->getBoundingBoxes())) {
// Found an easy union!
*it1 = make_shared<const LazyGeometry>(**it1 + **it2);
it2 = list.erase(it2);
else {
if (remaining_budget == 0) {
LOG(message_group::Echo, Location::NONE, "",
"Exhausted search budget for fast-union pairs finding");
geometries.insert(geometries.end(), list.begin(), list.end());
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