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Created January 14, 2018 15:46
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Ed25519 where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess, Bytes, ScrubbedBytes, View)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as B
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable
import Crypto.ECC.Edwards25519
import Crypto.Error
import Crypto.Hash
import Crypto.Random
-- | An Ed25519 Secret key
newtype SecretKey = SecretKey ScrubbedBytes
deriving (Show,Eq,ByteArrayAccess,NFData)
-- | An Ed25519 public key
newtype PublicKey = PublicKey Bytes
deriving (Show,Eq,ByteArrayAccess,NFData)
-- | An Ed25519 signature
newtype Signature = Signature Bytes
deriving (Show,Eq,ByteArrayAccess,NFData)
-- | Size of public keys
publicKeySize :: Int
publicKeySize = 32
-- | Size of secret keys
secretKeySize :: Int
secretKeySize = 32
-- | Size of signatures
signatureSize :: Int
signatureSize = 64
-- Constructors
-- | Try to build a public key from a bytearray
publicKey :: ByteArrayAccess ba
=> ba -> CryptoFailable PublicKey
publicKey bs
| B.length bs == publicKeySize =
CryptoPassed (PublicKey $ B.convert bs)
| otherwise =
CryptoFailed CryptoError_PublicKeySizeInvalid
-- | Try to build a secret key from a bytearray
secretKey :: ByteArrayAccess ba
=> ba -> CryptoFailable SecretKey
secretKey bs
| B.length bs == secretKeySize =
CryptoPassed (SecretKey $ B.convert bs)
| otherwise =
CryptoFailed CryptoError_SecretKeyStructureInvalid
-- | Try to build a signature from a bytearray
signature :: ByteArrayAccess ba
=> ba -> CryptoFailable Signature
signature bs
| B.length bs == signatureSize =
CryptoPassed (Signature $ B.convert bs)
| otherwise =
CryptoFailed CryptoError_SecretKeyStructureInvalid
-- Conversions
-- | Generate a secret key
generateSecretKey :: MonadRandom m => m SecretKey
generateSecretKey = SecretKey <$> getRandomBytes secretKeySize
-- | Create a public key from a secret key
toPublic :: SecretKey -> PublicKey
toPublic priv = pointPublic (toPoint $ secretScalar priv)
-- | Create a scalar from an Ed25519 secret key
secretScalar :: SecretKey -> Scalar
secretScalar priv = fst (scheduleSecret priv)
-- Ed25519 signature generation & verification
-- | Sign a message using the key pair
sign :: ByteArrayAccess msg => SecretKey -> PublicKey -> msg -> Signature
sign priv pub msg =
let (s, prefix) = scheduleSecret priv
digR = hashFinalize $ hashUpdate (hashUpdate hashInitWithDom prefix) msg
r = decodeScalarNoErr digR
pR = toPoint r
sK = getK pub pR msg
sS = scalarAdd r (scalarMul sK s)
in encodeSignature (pR, sS)
-- | Verify a message
verify :: ByteArrayAccess msg => PublicKey -> msg -> Signature -> Bool
verify pub msg sig =
case doVerify of
CryptoPassed verified -> verified
CryptoFailed _ -> False
doVerify = do
(pR, sS) <- decodeSignature sig
nPub <- pointNegate `fmap` publicPoint pub
let sK = getK pub pR msg
pR' = pointsMulVarTime sS sK nPub
return (pR == pR')
getK :: ByteArrayAccess msg => PublicKey -> Point -> msg -> Scalar
getK pub pR msg =
let bsR = pointEncode pR :: Bytes
digK = hashFinalize $ hashUpdate (hashUpdate (hashUpdate hashInitWithDom bsR) pub) msg
in decodeScalarNoErr digK
encodeSignature :: (Point, Scalar) -> Signature
encodeSignature (pR, sS) =
let bsS = scalarEncode sS :: Bytes
len0 = signatureSize - publicKeySize - B.length bsS
in Signature $ B.concat [ pointEncode pR, bsS, len0 ]
decodeSignature :: Signature -> CryptoFailable (Point, Scalar)
decodeSignature (Signature bs) = do
let (bsR, bsS) = B.splitAt publicKeySize bs
pR <- pointDecode bsR
sS <- scalarDecodeLong bsS
return (pR, sS)
-- implementation is supposed to decode any scalar up to the size of the digest
decodeScalarNoErr :: ByteArrayAccess bs => bs -> Scalar
decodeScalarNoErr = throwCryptoError . scalarDecodeLong
type HashAlg = SHA512
-- prepare hash context with specified parameters
hashInitWithDom :: Context HashAlg
hashInitWithDom = hashInitWith SHA512
pointPublic :: Point -> PublicKey
pointPublic = PublicKey . pointEncode
publicPoint :: PublicKey -> CryptoFailable Point
publicPoint = pointDecode
-- how to use bits in a secret key
scheduleSecret :: SecretKey -> (Scalar, View (Digest HashAlg))
scheduleSecret priv = (decodeScalarNoErr clamped, B.dropView hashed 32)
hashed = hashWith SHA512 priv
clamped :: Bytes
clamped = B.copyAndFreeze (B.takeView hashed 32) $ \p -> do
b0 <- peekElemOff p 0 :: IO Word8
b31 <- peekElemOff p 31 :: IO Word8
pokeElemOff p 31 ((b31 .&. 0x7F) .|. 0x40)
pokeElemOff p 0 (b0 .&. 0xF8)
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