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Created May 23, 2017 15:24
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  • Save ochubey/12b630d1e45665aa3cec72fcb9d42b11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ochubey/12b630d1e45665aa3cec72fcb9d42b11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
2017-05-23 18:21:01:481 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session {"desiredCapabilities":{"app":"/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa","noReset":true,"xcodeOrgId":"[XCODE_ORG_ID]","appiumVersion":"1.6.4","startIWDP":true,"fullReset":false,"deviceName":"DespoPhone","xcodeSigningId":"iPhone Developer","showXcodeLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":130,"platformVersion":"10.3.2","automationName":"XCUITest","waitForAppScript":"$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;","autoWebview":false,"udid":"[phoneUDID]","platformName":"iOS"}}
2017-05-23 18:21:01:482 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{"app":"/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa","noReset":true,"xcodeOrgId":"[XCODE_ORG_ID]","appiumVersion":"1.6.4","startIWDP":true,"fullReset":false,"deviceName":"DespoPhone","xcodeSigningId":"iPhone Developer","showXcodeLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":130,"platformVersion":"10.3.2","automationName":"XCUITest","waitForAppScript":"$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;","autoWebview":false,"udid":"[phoneUDID]","platformName":"iOS"},null,null,null,null]
2017-05-23 18:21:01:483 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1495552861483 (18:21:01 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:01:485 - info: [Appium] Creating new XCUITestDriver (v2.27.2) session
2017-05-23 18:21:01:485 - info: [Appium] Capabilities:
2017-05-23 18:21:01:486 - info: [Appium] app: '/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:487 - info: [Appium] noReset: true
2017-05-23 18:21:01:488 - info: [Appium] xcodeOrgId: '[XCODE_ORG_ID]'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:488 - info: [Appium] appiumVersion: '1.6.4'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:489 - info: [Appium] startIWDP: true
2017-05-23 18:21:01:489 - info: [Appium] fullReset: false
2017-05-23 18:21:01:489 - info: [Appium] deviceName: 'DespoPhone'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:489 - info: [Appium] xcodeSigningId: 'iPhone Developer'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:490 - info: [Appium] showXcodeLog: true
2017-05-23 18:21:01:490 - info: [Appium] newCommandTimeout: 130
2017-05-23 18:21:01:490 - info: [Appium] platformVersion: '10.3.2'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:490 - info: [Appium] automationName: 'XCUITest'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:491 - info: [Appium] waitForAppScript: '$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:491 - info: [Appium] autoWebview: false
2017-05-23 18:21:01:492 - info: [Appium] udid: '[phoneUDID]'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:492 - info: [Appium] platformName: 'iOS'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:496 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] XCUITestDriver version: 2.27.2
2017-05-23 18:21:01:498 - warn: [BaseDriver] The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by appium: appiumVersion.
2017-05-23 18:21:01:499 - info: [BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234
2017-05-23 18:21:01:536 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Xcode version set to '8.3.2' (tools v8.
2017-05-23 18:21:01:536 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] iOS SDK Version set to '10.3'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:537 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1495552861536 (18:21:01 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:01:639 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Available devices: [phoneUDID], [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:01:639 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Creating iDevice object with udid '[phoneUDID]'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:640 - info: [XCUITest] Determining device to run tests on: udid: '[phoneUDID]', real device: true
2017-05-23 18:21:01:641 - info: [BaseDriver] Using local app '/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:646 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Copying local zip to tmp dir
2017-05-23 18:21:01:680 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Unzipping /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-49sga3.s16pk138fr/
2017-05-23 18:21:01:680 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Testing zip archive: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-49sga3.s16pk138fr/
2017-05-23 18:21:01:721 - info: [BaseDriver] Unzipped local app to '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-49sga3.s16pk138fr/Payload/'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:722 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1495552861722 (18:21:01 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:01:723 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-49sga3.s16pk138fr/Payload/' is actually present on file system
2017-05-23 18:21:01:724 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] App is present
2017-05-23 18:21:01:743 - info: [debug] [iOS] Getting bundle ID from app '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-49sga3.s16pk138fr/Payload/': 'com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:744 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1495552861744 (18:21:01 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:01:744 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Reset: fullReset not set. Leaving as is
2017-05-23 18:21:01:745 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1495552861744 (18:21:01 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:01:746 - info: [debug] [iOSLog] Attempting iOS device log capture via libimobiledevice idevicesyslog
2017-05-23 18:21:01:747 - info: [debug] [iOSLog] Found idevicesyslog: '/usr/local/bin/idevicesyslog'
2017-05-23 18:21:01:874 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1495552861873 (18:21:01 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:01:874 - info: [XCUITest] Setting up real device
2017-05-23 18:21:02:050 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] App 'com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView' is already installed. No need to reinstall.
2017-05-23 18:21:02:070 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appInstalled' logged at 1495552862051 (18:21:02 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:02:075 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaStartAttempted' logged at 1495552862071 (18:21:02 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:02:075 - info: [XCUITest] Using WDA path: '/Applications/'
2017-05-23 18:21:02:076 - info: [XCUITest] Using WDA agent: '/Applications/'
2017-05-23 18:21:02:076 - info: [XCUITest] Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
2017-05-23 18:21:02:082 - warn: [XCUITest] Carthage not found. Install using `brew install carthage`
2017-05-23 18:21:02:084 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Killing hanging processes
2017-05-23 18:21:02:173 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Generating xcode config file for orgId '[XCODE_ORG_ID]' and signingId 'iPhone Developer'
2017-05-23 18:21:02:175 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Writing xcode config file to /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-fa45m6.1d0iugcik9/appium-temp.xcconfig
2017-05-23 18:21:02:177 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Using Xcode configuration file: '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-fa45m6.1d0iugcik9/appium-temp.xcconfig'
2017-05-23 18:21:02:177 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Applications/ -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=[phoneUDID] -configuration Debug IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 -xcconfig /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-fa45m6.1d0iugcik9/appium-temp.xcconfig' in directory '/Applications/'
2017-05-23 18:21:02:178 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Output from xcodebuild will be logged
2017-05-23 18:21:02:178 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Starting iproxy to forward traffic from local port 8100 to device port 8100 over USB
2017-05-23 18:21:08:582 - info: [Xcode] Build settings from command line:
2017-05-23 18:21:08:584 - info: [Xcode] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.3
2017-05-23 18:21:08:585 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:08:587 - info: [Xcode] Build settings from configuration file '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-fa45m6.1d0iugcik9/appium-temp.xcconfig':
2017-05-23 18:21:08:587 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:08:588 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Waiting up to 60000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
2017-05-23 18:21:08:590 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
2017-05-23 18:21:08:595 - info: [Xcode] CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer
2017-05-23 18:21:08:595 - info: [Xcode] DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = [XCODE_ORG_ID]
2017-05-23 18:21:08:595 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:08:596 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:08:628 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\n \"value\" : {\n \"state\" : \"success\",\n \"os\" : {\n \"name\" : \"iOS\",\n \"version\" : \"10.3.2\"\n },\n \"ios\" : {\n \"simulatorVersion\" : \"10.3.2\",\n \"ip\" : \"\"\n },\n \"build\" : {\n \"time\" : \"May 23 2017 17:41:53\"\n }\n },\n \"sessionId\" : \"67900D2D-BE3F-45E0-B91E-4B3D7EA88486\",\n \"status\" : 0\n}"
2017-05-23 18:21:08:628 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent running on ip ''
2017-05-23 18:21:08:629 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent successfully started after 477ms
2017-05-23 18:21:08:633 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552868633 (18:21:08 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:08:633 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:08:635 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:09:177 - info: [Xcode] === BUILD TARGET WebDriverAgentLib OF PROJECT WebDriverAgent WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
2017-05-23 18:21:09:178 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:179 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:179 - info: [Xcode] Check dependencies
2017-05-23 18:21:09:180 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:398 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:399 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:431 - info: [Xcode] === BUILD TARGET WebDriverAgentRunner OF PROJECT WebDriverAgent WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
2017-05-23 18:21:09:431 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:433 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:434 - info: [Xcode] Check dependencies
2017-05-23 18:21:09:434 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:435 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:438 - info: [Xcode] ** TEST BUILD SUCCEEDED **
2017-05-23 18:21:09:439 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:440 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:451 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Log file for xcodebuild test: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/E3DD5AD8-7CBB-4E1D-9A11-A6053A845F91/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2017-05-23_182109-9GOcpX.log
2017-05-23 18:21:09:470 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:09.450 xcodebuild[38444:134148] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
2017-05-23 18:21:09:471 - info: [Xcode] /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/E3DD5AD8-7CBB-4E1D-9A11-A6053A845F91/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2017-05-23_182109-9GOcpX.log
2017-05-23 18:21:09:471 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:472 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:09.451 xcodebuild[38444:134127] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB) Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB at 2017-05-23 18:21:09.451 with Xcode 8E2002 on target <DVTiOSDevice: 0x7fc630d500d0> {
2017-05-23 18:21:09:472 - info: [Xcode] deviceSerialNumber: F73PG8BYG5MN
2017-05-23 18:21:09:472 - info: [Xcode] identifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:473 - info: [Xcode] deviceClass: iPhone
2017-05-23 18:21:09:473 - info: [Xcode] deviceName: DespoPhone
2017-05-23 18:21:09:474 - info: [Xcode] deviceIdentifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:474 - info: [Xcode] productVersion: 10.3.2
2017-05-23 18:21:09:475 - info: [Xcode] buildVersion: 14F89
2017-05-23 18:21:09:475 - info: [Xcode] deviceSoftwareVersion: 10.3.2 (14F89)
2017-05-23 18:21:09:475 - info: [Xcode] deviceArchitecture: arm64
2017-05-23 18:21:09:477 - info: [Xcode] deviceTotalCapacity: 12331864064
2017-05-23 18:21:09:477 - info: [Xcode] deviceAvailableCapacity: 3202404352
2017-05-23 18:21:09:477 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsTransient: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:09:478 - info: [Xcode] ignored: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:09:478 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsBusy: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:09:479 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsActivated: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:09:479 - info: [Xcode] deviceActivationState: Activated
2017-05-23 18:21:09:479 - info: [Xcode] isPasscodeLocked: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:09:480 - info: [Xcode] deviceType: <DVTDeviceType:0x7fc6324ec880 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>
2017-05-23 18:21:09:480 - info: [Xcode] supportedDeviceFamilies: (
2017-05-23 18:21:09:480 - info: [Xcode] 1
2017-05-23 18:21:09:481 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:21:09:481 - info: [Xcode] applications: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:09:481 - info: [Xcode] provisioningProfiles: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:09:482 - info: [Xcode] activityProgress: -2
2017-05-23 18:21:09:482 - info: [Xcode] activityTitle:
2017-05-23 18:21:09:483 - info: [Xcode] hasInternalSupport: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:09:484 - info: [Xcode] isSupportedOS: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:09:485 - info: [Xcode] developerDiskMountError: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:09:485 - info: [Xcode] (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:09:486 - info: [Xcode] bootArgs: <unavailable>
2017-05-23 18:21:09:486 - info: [Xcode] } (10.3.2 (14F89))
2017-05-23 18:21:09:488 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:992 - info: [Xcode] MDMCreateDeltaDirectory:1920 calling MDMDirectoryDiff with:
2017-05-23 18:21:09:993 - info: [Xcode] state->old_bundle: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/[phoneUDID]/
2017-05-23 18:21:09:993 - info: [Xcode] state->new_bundle: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
2017-05-23 18:21:09:995 - info: [Xcode] state->dst_bundle: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/, binaryDiff flag: FALSE
2017-05-23 18:21:09:995 - info: [Xcode] dst_ipa: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/
2017-05-23 18:21:09:996 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:09:997 - info: [Xcode] __MDMDirectoryDiff_block_invoke.37:1473 calling writeDictToFile with: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/
2017-05-23 18:21:09:997 - info: [Xcode] writeDictToFile:1278 ==== Successfully wrote Manifest cache to /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/
2017-05-23 18:21:09:998 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:10:172 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:11:173 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552871172 (18:21:11 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:11:173 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:11:174 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:11:181 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:12:182 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552872182 (18:21:12 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:12:183 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:12:186 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:12:193 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:13:270 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552873270 (18:21:13 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:13:271 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:13:272 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:13:331 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:14:445 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552874445 (18:21:14 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:14:446 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:14:447 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:14:474 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:15:491 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552875491 (18:21:15 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:15:492 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:15:492 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:15:501 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:16:520 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552876520 (18:21:16 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:16:521 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:16:521 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:16:526 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:17:538 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552877538 (18:21:17 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:17:539 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:17:539 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:17:548 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:19:038 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552879037 (18:21:19 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:19:038 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:19:039 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:21:829 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC","capabilities":{"device":"iphone","browserName":"WebViewAutomation","sdkVersion":"10.3.2","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView"}},"sessionId":"EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC","status":0}
2017-05-23 18:21:21:830 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionStarted' logged at 1495552881829 (18:21:21 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:21:831 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr'
2017-05-23 18:21:21:832 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:21:833 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy'
2017-05-23 18:21:21:835 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:21:835 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg'
2017-05-23 18:21:21:836 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:21:837 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs'
2017-05-23 18:21:21:838 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:21:838 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor'
2017-05-23 18:21:21:839 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:21:839 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst'
2017-05-23 18:21:21:840 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:21:841 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaPermsAdjusted' logged at 1495552881841 (18:21:21 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:21:841 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaStarted' logged at 1495552881841 (18:21:21 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:21:842 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Setting initial orientation to 'PORTRAIT'
2017-05-23 18:21:21:845 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /orientation] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC/orientation] with body: {"orientation":"PORTRAIT"}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:128 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{},"sessionId":"EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC","status":0}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:129 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'orientationSet' logged at 1495552882129 (18:21:22 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:22:130 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'iwdpStarting' logged at 1495552882129 (18:21:22 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:22:131 - info: [debug] [iOS] Starting ios_webkit_debug_proxy at port 27753 on device [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:22:197 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'iwdpStarted' logged at 1495552882196 (18:21:22 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:22:199 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Started ios_webkit_debug proxy server at: http://localhost:27753
2017-05-23 18:21:22:200 - info: [Appium] New XCUITestDriver session created successfully, session 840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234 added to master session list
2017-05-23 18:21:22:221 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionStarted' logged at 1495552882221 (18:21:22 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:22:222 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"webStorageEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"browserName":"","platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"app":"/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa","noReset":true,"xcodeOrgId":"[XCODE_ORG_ID]","appiumVersion":"1.6.4","startIWDP":true,"fullReset":false,"deviceName":"DespoPhone","xcodeSigningId":"iPhone Developer","showXcodeLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":130,"platformVersion":"10.3.2","automationName":"XCUITest","waitForAppScript":"$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;","autoWebview":false,"udid":"[phoneUDID]","platformName":"iOS"}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:223 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 200 20742 ms - 751
2017-05-23 18:21:22:271 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/timeouts {"type":"implicit","ms":30000}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:272 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: ["implicit",30000,"840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234"]
2017-05-23 18:21:22:273 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'timeouts'
2017-05-23 18:21:22:277 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Set implicit wait to 30000ms
2017-05-23 18:21:22:279 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
2017-05-23 18:21:22:281 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/timeouts 200 9 ms - 76
2017-05-23 18:21:22:287 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/timeouts {"type":"page load","ms":60000}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:288 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: ["page load",60000,"840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234"]
2017-05-23 18:21:22:288 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'timeouts'
2017-05-23 18:21:22:290 - info: [debug] [iOS] Set page load timeout to 60000ms
2017-05-23 18:21:22:291 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
2017-05-23 18:21:22:292 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/timeouts 200 5 ms - 76
2017-05-23 18:21:22:297 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/timeouts {"type":"script","ms":30000}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:297 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: ["script",30000,"840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234"]
2017-05-23 18:21:22:297 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'timeouts'
2017-05-23 18:21:22:298 - info: [debug] [iOS] Set async script timeout to 30000ms
2017-05-23 18:21:22:299 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
2017-05-23 18:21:22:300 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/timeouts 200 3 ms - 76
2017-05-23 18:21:22:321 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/element {"using":"id","value":"Open WKWebView"}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:322 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["id","Open WKWebView","840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234"]
2017-05-23 18:21:22:324 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'findElement'
2017-05-23 18:21:22:326 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Valid locator strategies for this request: xpath, id, name, class name, -ios predicate string, -ios class chain, accessibility id
2017-05-23 18:21:22:327 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Waiting up to 30000 ms for condition
2017-05-23 18:21:22:329 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /element] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC/element] with body: {"using":"id","value":"Open WKWebView"}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:793 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{"ELEMENT":"8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572","type":"XCUIElementTypeButton","label":"Open WKWebView"},"sessionId":"EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC","status":0}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:795 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"ELEMENT":"8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572","type":"XCUIElementTypeButton","label":"Open WKWebView"}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:796 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/element 200 474 ms - 178
2017-05-23 18:21:22:821 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/element/8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572/click {"id":"8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572"}
2017-05-23 18:21:22:824 - info: [MJSONWP] Driver proxy active, passing request on via HTTP proxy
2017-05-23 18:21:22:824 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'proxyReqRes'
2017-05-23 18:21:22:825 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/element/8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572/click] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC/element/8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572/click] with body: {"id":"8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572"}
2017-05-23 18:21:23:420 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:15.595164+0300 XCTRunner[442:26275] Running tests...
2017-05-23 18:21:23:421 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:16.362478+0300 XCTRunner[442:26275] Continuing to run tests in the background with task ID 1
2017-05-23 18:21:23:421 - info: [Xcode] Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2017-05-23 18:21:17.987
2017-05-23 18:21:23:422 - info: [Xcode] Test Suite 'WebDriverAgentRunner.xctest' started at 2017-05-23 18:21:17.994
2017-05-23 18:21:23:424 - info: [Xcode] Test Suite 'UITestingUITests' started at 2017-05-23 18:21:17.997
2017-05-23 18:21:23:425 - info: [Xcode] Test Case '-[UITestingUITests testRunner]' started.
2017-05-23 18:21:23:426 - info: [Xcode] t = 0.00s Start Test at 2017-05-23 18:21:18.001
2017-05-23 18:21:23:427 - info: [Xcode] t = 0.01s Set Up
2017-05-23 18:21:23:427 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:18.037944+0300 XCTRunner[442:26370] [User Defaults] Failed to write value for key AutomationDisableFauxCollectionCells in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x17010f930> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null)): setting preferences outside an application's container requires user-preference-write or file-write-data sandbox access, switching to read-only
2017-05-23 18:21:23:427 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:18.040465+0300 XCTRunner[442:26275] Built at May 23 2017 17:41:52
2017-05-23 18:21:23:428 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:18.097645+0300 XCTRunner[442:26275] ServerURLHere-><-ServerURLHere
2017-05-23 18:21:23:431 - info: [Xcode] t = 1.13s Launch com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:431 - info: [Xcode] t = 1.51s Terminate com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView:438
2017-05-23 18:21:23:432 - info: [Xcode] t = 2.27s Wait for app to idle
2017-05-23 18:21:23:432 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.64s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:433 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.64s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:433 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.79s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:433 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.79s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:434 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.80s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:434 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.80s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:434 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.88s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:435 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.88s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:435 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.94s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:436 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.95s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:436 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.95s Set device orientation to Portrait
2017-05-23 18:21:23:436 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.06s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:437 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.06s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:437 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.38s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:438 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.38s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:438 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.47s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:438 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.47s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:439 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.48s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1700ac660
2017-05-23 18:21:23:439 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.48s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:440 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.49s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:440 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.49s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:441 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.49s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:441 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.50s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:442 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.50s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:443 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.50s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:21:23:445 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.50s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:445 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.51s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:21:23:446 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.56s Find the Application "" 0x1740b4640
2017-05-23 18:21:23:447 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.56s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:21:23:447 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.68s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:21:23:448 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.69s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:21:23:448 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.69s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:21:23:449 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.69s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:21:23:449 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.69s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:450 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.75s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:450 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.75s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:469 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.75s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:470 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.76s Find the "Open WKWebView" Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:470 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.76s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:471 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.76s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:471 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.76s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:471 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.76s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:472 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.77s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:472 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.77s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:473 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.77s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:473 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.77s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:474 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.81s Find the "Open WKWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:21:23:474 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.82s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:475 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.88s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:475 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.89s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:477 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.89s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:477 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.89s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:478 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.89s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:21:23:478 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.90s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:478 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.90s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:21:23:479 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.90s Find the Application "" 0x1740b4640
2017-05-23 18:21:23:479 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.90s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:21:23:479 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.03s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:21:23:480 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.03s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:21:23:480 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.03s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:21:23:481 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.03s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:21:23:481 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.03s Find the "Open WKWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:21:23:481 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.04s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:482 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.09s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:482 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.09s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:482 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.09s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:483 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.10s Find the "Open WKWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:21:23:483 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.10s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:483 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.10s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:483 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.10s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:484 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.10s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:484 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.21s Find the "Open WKWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:21:23:485 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.21s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:485 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.27s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:485 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.27s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:486 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.27s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:487 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.27s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:487 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.27s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:488 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.28s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:488 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.28s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:489 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.28s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:21:23:489 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.28s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:21:23:489 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.29s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open WKWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:21:23:490 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.29s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:21:23:490 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.39s Find the "Open WKWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:21:23:491 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.39s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebVie
2017-05-23 18:21:23:629 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"status":0,"id":"8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572","value":"","sessionId":"EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC"}
2017-05-23 18:21:23:630 - info: [JSONWP Proxy] Replacing sessionId EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC with 840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234
2017-05-23 18:21:23:632 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/element/8D29F481-EE8E-4DEB-A325-55DECE435572/click 200 810 ms - 118
2017-05-23 18:21:28:643 - info: [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/contexts {}
2017-05-23 18:21:28:644 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getContexts() with args: ["840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234"]
2017-05-23 18:21:28:645 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'getContexts'
2017-05-23 18:21:28:645 - info: [debug] [iOS] Getting list of available contexts
2017-05-23 18:21:28:647 - info: [debug] [iOS] Retrieving contexts and views
2017-05-23 18:21:28:648 - info: [debug] [iOS] Selecting by url: false
2017-05-23 18:21:28:648 - info: [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Getting WebKitRemoteDebugger pageArray: localhost, 27753
2017-05-23 18:21:28:648 - info: [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending request to: http://localhost:27753/json
2017-05-23 18:21:28:672 - info: [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page element JSON: []
2017-05-23 18:21:28:672 - info: [debug] [iOS] No web frames found.
2017-05-23 18:21:28:674 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getContexts() result: ["NATIVE_APP"]
2017-05-23 18:21:28:675 - info: [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234/contexts 200 32 ms - 86
2017-05-23 18:21:28:680 - info: [HTTP] --> DELETE /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234 {}
2017-05-23 18:21:28:682 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.deleteSession() with args: ["840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234"]
2017-05-23 18:21:28:682 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'quitSessionRequested' logged at 1495552888682 (18:21:28 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:28:684 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [DELETE /session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234] to [DELETE http://localhost:8100/session/EC2C27E8-7E24-4382-B68E-4E8CF1EDDEDC] with no body
2017-05-23 18:21:29:225 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\n \"value\" : {\n\n },\n \"sessionId\" : \"75EF79BD-B361-4650-8024-7E5476B7380F\",\n \"status\" : 0\n}"
2017-05-23 18:21:29:228 - info: [XCUITest] Shutting down sub-processes
2017-05-23 18:21:29:228 - info: [XCUITest] Shutting down xcodebuild process (pid 38444)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:230 - info: [Xcode] ** BUILD INTERRUPTED **
2017-05-23 18:21:29:231 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:243 - info: [XCUITest] xcodebuild exited with code 'null' and signal 'SIGTERM'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:243 - info: [Xcode] Contents of xcodebuild log file '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/E3DD5AD8-7CBB-4E1D-9A11-A6053A845F91/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2017-05-23_182109-9GOcpX.log':
2017-05-23 18:21:29:244 - info: [XCUITest] Shutting down iproxy process (pid 38412)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:245 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.451 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB at 2017-05-23 18:21:09.451 with Xcode 8E2002 on target <DVTiOSDevice: 0x7fc630d500d0> {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:246 - info: [Xcode] deviceSerialNumber: F73PG8BYG5MN
2017-05-23 18:21:29:246 - info: [Xcode] identifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:246 - info: [Xcode] deviceClass: iPhone
2017-05-23 18:21:29:246 - info: [Xcode] deviceName: DespoPhone
2017-05-23 18:21:29:247 - info: [Xcode] deviceIdentifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:247 - info: [Xcode] productVersion: 10.3.2
2017-05-23 18:21:29:247 - info: [Xcode] buildVersion: 14F89
2017-05-23 18:21:29:248 - info: [Xcode] deviceSoftwareVersion: 10.3.2 (14F89)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:248 - info: [Xcode] deviceArchitecture: arm64
2017-05-23 18:21:29:248 - info: [Xcode] deviceTotalCapacity: 12331864064
2017-05-23 18:21:29:248 - info: [Xcode] deviceAvailableCapacity: 3202404352
2017-05-23 18:21:29:249 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsTransient: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:29:249 - info: [Xcode] ignored: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:29:249 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsBusy: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:29:249 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsActivated: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:269 - info: [Xcode] deviceActivationState: Activated
2017-05-23 18:21:29:270 - info: [Xcode] isPasscodeLocked: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:29:270 - info: [Xcode] deviceType: <DVTDeviceType:0x7fc6324ec880 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:270 - info: [Xcode] supportedDeviceFamilies: (
2017-05-23 18:21:29:271 - info: [Xcode] 1
2017-05-23 18:21:29:271 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:21:29:271 - info: [Xcode] applications: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:272 - info: [Xcode] provisioningProfiles: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:272 - info: [Xcode] activityProgress: -2
2017-05-23 18:21:29:273 - info: [Xcode] activityTitle:
2017-05-23 18:21:29:274 - info: [Xcode] hasInternalSupport: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:29:274 - info: [Xcode] isSupportedOS: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:274 - info: [Xcode] developerDiskMountError: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:275 - info: [Xcode] (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:275 - info: [Xcode] bootArgs: <unavailable>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:275 - info: [Xcode] } (10.3.2 (14F89))
2017-05-23 18:21:29:275 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.451 xcodebuild[38444:134127] /Applications/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:276 - info: [Xcode] build-for-testing
2017-05-23 18:21:29:276 - info: [Xcode] test-without-building
2017-05-23 18:21:29:277 - info: [Xcode] -project
2017-05-23 18:21:29:277 - info: [Xcode] /Applications/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:277 - info: [Xcode] -scheme
2017-05-23 18:21:29:277 - info: [Xcode] WebDriverAgentRunner
2017-05-23 18:21:29:277 - info: [Xcode] -destination
2017-05-23 18:21:29:278 - info: [Xcode] id=[phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:278 - info: [Xcode] -configuration
2017-05-23 18:21:29:278 - info: [Xcode] Debug
2017-05-23 18:21:29:279 - info: [Xcode] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3
2017-05-23 18:21:29:279 - info: [Xcode] -xcconfig
2017-05-23 18:21:29:280 - info: [Xcode] /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-fa45m6.1d0iugcik9/appium-temp.xcconfig
2017-05-23 18:21:29:280 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.451 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Launching with Xcode.IDEFoundation.Launcher.PosixSpawn
2017-05-23 18:21:29:280 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.459 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Launch session started.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:280 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.460 xcodebuild[38444:134145] Connecting to mobile device: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:280 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.462 xcodebuild[38444:134145] Starting session with mobile device
2017-05-23 18:21:29:281 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.511 xcodebuild[38444:134145] Starting test manager service on mobile device.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:281 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.530 xcodebuild[38444:134221] Received connection for test runner session
2017-05-23 18:21:29:281 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.530 xcodebuild[38444:134221] Listening for proxy connection request from the test bundle
2017-05-23 18:21:29:281 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.531 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Test runner session acquired connection.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:281 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.531 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Waiting for test process to launch.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:282 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.531 xcodebuild[38444:134221] Initiating session with identifier: E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB
2017-05-23 18:21:29:282 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.538 xcodebuild[38444:134223] Got reply to session initiation request with identifier E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB (result:error): 22: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:282 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.804 xcodebuild[38444:134222] Installing using MobileInstall
2017-05-23 18:21:29:282 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.913 xcodebuild[38444:134223] app uninstall set - {(
2017-05-23 18:21:29:282 - info: [Xcode] )}
2017-05-23 18:21:29:283 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.913 xcodebuild[38444:134223] app install set - {(
2017-05-23 18:21:29:283 - info: [Xcode] <DVTFilePath:0x7fc630d6de20:'/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:283 - info: [Xcode] )}
2017-05-23 18:21:29:283 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:11.449 xcodebuild[38444:134222] remoteExecutable setInstalledPath:/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:284 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:284 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:11.449 xcodebuild[38444:134222] Configuring for testing on device...
2017-05-23 18:21:29:284 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:11.450 xcodebuild[38444:134222] Updating test configuration with device paths.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:284 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:11.451 xcodebuild[38444:134222] Updated test configuration at /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/ with device paths: <XCTestConfiguration: 0x7fc636070a10>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:284 - info: [Xcode] testBundleURL:file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:285 - info: [Xcode] testBundleRelativePath:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:286 - info: [Xcode] productModuleName:WebDriverAgentRunner
2017-05-23 18:21:29:286 - info: [Xcode] testsToSkip:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:286 - info: [Xcode] testsToRun:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:286 - info: [Xcode] reportResultsToIDE:YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:287 - info: [Xcode] sessionIdentifier:E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB
2017-05-23 18:21:29:287 - info: [Xcode] pathToXcodeReportingSocket:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:287 - info: [Xcode] disablePerformanceMetrics:no
2017-05-23 18:21:29:287 - info: [Xcode] treatMissingBaselinesAsFailures:no
2017-05-23 18:21:29:287 - info: [Xcode] baselineFileURL:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:288 - info: [Xcode] baselineFileRelativePath:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:288 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationPath:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:288 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationBundleID:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:288 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationArguments:(null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:288 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationEnvironment:
2017-05-23 18:21:29:289 - info: [Xcode] (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:289 - info: [Xcode] reportActivities:YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:289 - info: [Xcode] testsMustRunOnMainThread:YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:289 - info: [Xcode] initializeForUITesting:YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:289 - info: [Xcode] aggregateStatisticsBeforeCrash:{
2017-05-23 18:21:29:290 - info: [Xcode] XCSuiteRecordsKey = {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:290 - info: [Xcode] };
2017-05-23 18:21:29:290 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:290 - info: [Xcode] automationFrameworkPath:/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XCTAutomationSupport.framework
2017-05-23 18:21:29:290 - info: [Xcode] emitOSLogs:no
2017-05-23 18:21:29:291 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:291 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:11.451 xcodebuild[38444:134222] Uploading test configuration to app container.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:292 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:14.022 xcodebuild[38444:134222] Updating test process environment variables.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:292 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:14.023 xcodebuild[38444:134222] Updated testing environment variables {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:292 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:292 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:293 - info: [Xcode] "XCODE_DBG_XPC_EXCLUSIONS" = "";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:293 - info: [Xcode] XCTestConfigurationFilePath = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9C6E599E-0619-4F0A-85CD-635D071A28BB/tmp/WebDriverAgentRunner-E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB.xctestconfiguration";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:293 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:293 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.150 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Adding console adaptor <IDEConsoleAdaptor: 0x7fc636506240 'target'> for test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:293 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.468 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Test process runnable PID is 442.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:294 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.787 xcodebuild[38444:134224] Handling proxy channel request from test runner
2017-05-23 18:21:29:294 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.787 xcodebuild[38444:134224] Test runner is ready, running protocol 22, requires at least version 8. Control framework is running 22 and requires at least 8
2017-05-23 18:21:29:294 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.787 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Test runner session successfully initiated.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:294 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.787 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Creating the daemon control session.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:294 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.787 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Whitelisting test process ID 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:295 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.787 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Got authorization request for pid 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:295 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.850 xcodebuild[38444:134147] Requesting authorization for pid 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:295 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.856 xcodebuild[38444:134258] Got reply to authorization request for pid 442 (result:error): 22: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:295 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.856 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Got whitelisting response from test daemon. Success: 1
2017-05-23 18:21:29:295 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.881 testmanagerd[439:26014] Launched testmanagerd from /Developer/usr/libexec/testmanagerd, modified on Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 4:37:14 AM Eastern European Standard Time
2017-05-23 18:21:29:296 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.883 testmanagerd[439:26014] Setting availability state.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:296 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.884 testmanagerd[439:26020] Received new test session connection from process with PID 429
2017-05-23 18:21:29:296 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.884 testmanagerd[439:26014] Posting availability to test bundles...
2017-05-23 18:21:29:296 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.889 testmanagerd[439:26014] Initial orientation 5
2017-05-23 18:21:29:297 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.890 testmanagerd[439:26026] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 0 vs 429
2017-05-23 18:21:29:297 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.892 testmanagerd[439:26019] app info {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:297 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 0;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:297 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:298 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:299 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateKey = 4;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:299 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 429;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:299 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
2017-05-23 18:21:29:299 - info: [Xcode] {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:300 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:300 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 4;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:300 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:300 - info: [Xcode] );
2017-05-23 18:21:29:300 - info: [Xcode] SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 4;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:319 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:320 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.893 testmanagerd[439:26019] Got request for process assertion for pid 429.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:320 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.893 testmanagerd[439:26019] Created process assertion for pid 429: <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x100215240>, waiting for response from assertiond.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:321 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.894 testmanagerd[439:26019] Starting to monitor
2017-05-23 18:21:29:321 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.846 testmanagerd[439:26014] Received request to collect crash reports in directories '/var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/' for processes with names 'XCTRunner', 'WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner', 'xctest'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:322 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.895 testmanagerd[439:26018] Got reply for process assertion request, success: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:322 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:08.895 testmanagerd[439:26018] Got application state update: (429) -> 4
2017-05-23 18:21:29:323 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.847 testmanagerd[439:26014] Initializing crash report observer for /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:323 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.847 testmanagerd[439:26014] Getting files in /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:324 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.515 testmanagerd[439:26019] IDE connected via lockdown over socket 4 (-[XCTestManagerIDEServer listenForControlConnectionsOverLockdown]_block_invoke)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:324 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.516 testmanagerd[439:26019] Created session with socket 4
2017-05-23 18:21:29:325 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.521 testmanagerd[439:26018] Handled a proxy request from the IDE with session <XCIDESession: 0x100217350> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:09 PM Eastern European Summer Time proxy <_DTXProxy: 0x1003303f0>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:325 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.522 testmanagerd[439:26014] -[XCIDESession _IDE_initiateSessionWithIdentifier:forClient:atPath:protocolVersion:]_block_invoke E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB 1 4 from client D146B522-E9BD-4F1C-84BD-424581AB8576-38444-000002C3E82C073D (/Applications/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:326 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.523 testmanagerd[439:26026] -[XCTDaemon setIDESession:forIdentifier:]_block_invoke <XCIDESession: 0x100217350> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:09 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client D146B522-E9BD-4F1C-84BD-424581AB8576-38444-000002C3E82C073D waiting to pair with test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB -> E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB
2017-05-23 18:21:29:326 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:09.523 testmanagerd[439:26026] -[XCTDaemon _queue_handleRequestForSessionWithIdentifier:]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:327 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:10.150 testmanagerd[439:26026] Test process connection invalidated or interrupted, closing test session <XCTestSession: 0x10020c180>.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:333 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:10.151 testmanagerd[439:26026] Closed <XCTestSession: 0x10020c180>, removing from (
2017-05-23 18:21:29:334 - info: [Xcode] "<XCTestSession: 0x10020c180>"
2017-05-23 18:21:29:335 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:21:29:336 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:10.151 testmanagerd[439:26026] Tearing down test session <XCTestSession: 0x10020c180>.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:337 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:10.151 testmanagerd[439:26026] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:21:29:337 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:10.151 testmanagerd[439:26026] Session summary: 0 test sessions, 1 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:21:29:338 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:10.151 testmanagerd[439:26026] Unpaired test sessions: {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:338 - info: [Xcode] "E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB" = "<XCIDESession: 0x100217350> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:09 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client D146B522-E9BD-4F1C-84BD-424581AB8576-38444-000002C3E82C073D waiting to pair with test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:339 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:339 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.858 testmanagerd[439:26014] Found 6 files in /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:340 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.858 testmanagerd[439:26014] Started monitoring /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:21:29:340 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:13.890 testmanagerd[439:26019] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:21:29:340 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.641 XCTRunner[442:26275] Linked XCTest.framework from /var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/, built with Xcode 0832(), modified on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 9:03:41 AM Eastern European Summer Time
2017-05-23 18:21:29:341 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.642 XCTRunner[442:26275] XCTest.framework bundle version: 12124
2017-05-23 18:21:29:341 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.643 XCTRunner[442:26275] System uptime: 49:58
2017-05-23 18:21:29:342 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.643 XCTRunner[442:26275] Process arguments: (
2017-05-23 18:21:29:342 - info: [Xcode] "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/",
2017-05-23 18:21:29:343 - info: [Xcode] "-NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen",
2017-05-23 18:21:29:343 - info: [Xcode] NO,
2017-05-23 18:21:29:343 - info: [Xcode] "-ApplePersistenceIgnoreState",
2017-05-23 18:21:29:344 - info: [Xcode] YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:344 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:21:29:345 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.643 XCTRunner[442:26275] Process environment: {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:345 - info: [Xcode] "CFFIXED_USER_HOME" = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9C6E599E-0619-4F0A-85CD-635D071A28BB";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:345 - info: [Xcode] CLASSIC = 1;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:346 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:348 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0360B3D7-A8A4-441A-B6AB-6A4CC612075C/";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:348 - info: [Xcode] HOME = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9C6E599E-0619-4F0A-85CD-635D071A28BB";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:349 - info: [Xcode] LOGNAME = mobile;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:349 - info: [Xcode] NSUnbufferedIO = YES;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:349 - info: [Xcode] "OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE" = YES;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:350 - info: [Xcode] PATH = "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:350 - info: [Xcode] SHELL = "/bin/sh";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:351 - info: [Xcode] TMPDIR = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9C6E599E-0619-4F0A-85CD-635D071A28BB/tmp/";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:370 - info: [Xcode] USER = mobile;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:370 - info: [Xcode] "XCODE_DBG_XPC_EXCLUSIONS" = "";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:371 - info: [Xcode] XCTestConfigurationFilePath = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9C6E599E-0619-4F0A-85CD-635D071A28BB/tmp/WebDriverAgentRunner-E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB.xctestconfiguration";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:371 - info: [Xcode] "XPC_FLAGS" = 0x0;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:372 - info: [Xcode] "XPC_SERVICE_NAME" = "[0xe7b4][70]";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:372 - info: [Xcode] "__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING" = "0x1F5:0:0";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:372 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:373 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.646 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009920> entering wait loop for 5.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:373 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.655 XCTRunner[442:26300] Got daemon protocol version 12
2017-05-23 18:21:29:374 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.656 XCTRunner[442:26302] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009920>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:374 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.656 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009920> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:374 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.656 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009920> cleaning up Exchange protocol versions with daemon
2017-05-23 18:21:29:375 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.656 XCTRunner[442:26275] Requesting socket
2017-05-23 18:21:29:375 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.657 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007920> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:376 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.767 XCTRunner[442:26303] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007920>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:376 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.767 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007920> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:377 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.768 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007920> cleaning up Socket for IDE session acquired
2017-05-23 18:21:29:377 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.768 XCTRunner[442:26275] Creating transport with socket 4
2017-05-23 18:21:29:377 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.768 XCTRunner[442:26275] Creating connection with transport <DTXSocketTransport: 0x170111280>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:379 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.769 XCTRunner[442:26275] Creating the proxy channel with connection <DTXConnection 0x1741e6300 : x1>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:379 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.770 XCTRunner[442:26275] Messaging IDE proxy - _XCT_testBundleReadyWithProtocolVersion:22 minimumVersion:8
2017-05-23 18:21:29:380 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.771 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009a50> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:380 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.774 XCTRunner[442:26302] _XCT_testBundleReadyWithProtocolVersion:minimumVersion: reply received
2017-05-23 18:21:29:381 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.862 XCTRunner[442:26301] _IDE_startExecutingTestPlanWithProtocolVersion:22
2017-05-23 18:21:29:381 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.862 XCTRunner[442:26302] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009a50>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:382 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.863 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009a50> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:382 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.863 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009a50> cleaning up IDE session ready for test plan
2017-05-23 18:21:29:382 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.892 xcodebuild[38444:134127] Starting test plan, clearing initialization timeout timer.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:383 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.871 XCTRunner[442:26275] Initializing for UI testing.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:383 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.873 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007a30> entering wait loop for 20.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:384 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:13.890 testmanagerd[439:26019] Session summary: 0 test sessions, 1 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:21:29:384 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:13.890 testmanagerd[439:26019] Unpaired test sessions: {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:384 - info: [Xcode] "E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB" = "<XCIDESession: 0x100217350> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:09 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client D146B522-E9BD-4F1C-84BD-424581AB8576-38444-000002C3E82C073D waiting to pair with test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:385 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:385 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.646 testmanagerd[439:26019] Received new test session connection from process with PID 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:386 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.653 testmanagerd[439:26014] Initial orientation 5
2017-05-23 18:21:29:386 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.657 testmanagerd[439:26019] Test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB requested socket (-[XCTestSession _XCT_requestSocketForSessionIdentifier:reply:])
2017-05-23 18:21:29:386 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.881 testmanagerd[439:26020] Performing block with diagnostics...
2017-05-23 18:21:29:387 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.885 testmanagerd[439:26020] Waiting 15.0s for AX to finish loading...
2017-05-23 18:21:29:387 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.888 testmanagerd[439:26020] _AXSApplicationAccessibilityEnabled() returned false
2017-05-23 18:21:29:388 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.657 testmanagerd[439:26322] Test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB requested socket (-[XCTDaemon requestSocketForSessionIdentifier:reply:]_block_invoke)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:388 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.658 testmanagerd[439:26322] -[XCTDaemon _queue_handleRequestForSessionWithIdentifier:]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:388 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.658 testmanagerd[439:26322] Closing IDE connection before sending socket 5 to test host.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:389 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.658 testmanagerd[439:26322] -[XCIDESession closeIDEConnection:] sending barrier
2017-05-23 18:21:29:389 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.658 testmanagerd[439:26014] barrier flushed, closing DTXConnection to IDE, socket will not be closed
2017-05-23 18:21:29:391 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.659 testmanagerd[439:26019] DTXSocketTransport disconnected, owner is <XCIDESession: 0x100217350> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:09 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client D146B522-E9BD-4F1C-84BD-424581AB8576-38444-000002C3E82C073D waiting to pair with test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB
2017-05-23 18:21:29:391 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.660 testmanagerd[439:26019] Disconnecting lockdown socket
2017-05-23 18:21:29:392 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.660 testmanagerd[439:26322] -[XCTDaemon closeIDESession:]_block_invoke <XCIDESession: 0x100217350> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:09 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client D146B522-E9BD-4F1C-84BD-424581AB8576-38444-000002C3E82C073D waiting to pair with test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB
2017-05-23 18:21:29:392 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.661 testmanagerd[439:26322] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:21:29:392 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.662 testmanagerd[439:26322] Session summary: 1 test sessions, 0 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:21:29:393 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.662 testmanagerd[439:26019] app info {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:394 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 1;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:394 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:395 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "";
2017-05-23 18:21:29:396 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateKey = 8;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:397 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 442;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:398 - info: [Xcode] SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 8;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:399 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:399 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.663 testmanagerd[439:26019] Got request for process assertion for pid 442.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:400 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.663 testmanagerd[439:26019] Created process assertion for pid 442: <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x10032ca20>, waiting for response from assertiond.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:400 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.664 testmanagerd[439:26020] Got reply for process assertion request, success: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:401 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.663 testmanagerd[439:26019] Starting to monitor
2017-05-23 18:21:29:420 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.665 testmanagerd[439:26026] Got application state update: (442) -> 8
2017-05-23 18:21:29:420 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.766 testmanagerd[439:26014] Sending socket 5 to test host
2017-05-23 18:21:29:421 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.768 testmanagerd[439:26019] -[XCTDaemon closeIDESession:]_block_invoke <XCIDESession: 0x100217350> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:09 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client D146B522-E9BD-4F1C-84BD-424581AB8576-38444-000002C3E82C073D waiting to pair with test session E2301FCF-A6F6-48DA-9DDD-E6B228A597CB
2017-05-23 18:21:29:421 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.769 testmanagerd[439:26019] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:21:29:422 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.769 testmanagerd[439:26019] Session summary: 1 test sessions, 0 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:21:29:422 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.830 testmanagerd[439:26322] IDE connected via lockdown over socket 4 (-[XCTestManagerIDEServer listenForControlConnectionsOverLockdown]_block_invoke)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:422 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.830 testmanagerd[439:26322] Created session with socket 4
2017-05-23 18:21:29:423 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.837 testmanagerd[439:26322] Handled a proxy request from the IDE with session <XCIDESession: 0x10021dd20> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:15 PM Eastern European Summer Time proxy <_DTXProxy: 0x10021ef70>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:423 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.838 testmanagerd[439:26322] -[XCIDESession _IDE_initiateControlSessionForTestProcessID:protocolVersion:] 442 22
2017-05-23 18:21:29:424 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:15.839 testmanagerd[439:26014] Set control session <XCIDESession: 0x10021dd20> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:15 PM Eastern European Summer Time with proto 22 and proxy <_DTXProxy: 0x10021ef70>
2017-05-23 18:21:29:429 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.152 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX is loaded
2017-05-23 18:21:29:430 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.158 testmanagerd[439:26020] AXDisableAccessibilityOnTermination() returned 0
2017-05-23 18:21:29:431 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.159 testmanagerd[439:26020] Created system wide AX element <AXUIElement 0x10033afb0> {pid=0}
2017-05-23 18:21:29:433 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.164 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:433 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.165 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:21:29:434 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.167 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 1005
2017-05-23 18:21:29:434 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.168 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 1001
2017-05-23 18:21:29:435 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.169 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:21:29:435 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.170 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:436 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.171 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 4000
2017-05-23 18:21:29:437 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.173 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 4001
2017-05-23 18:21:29:437 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.174 testmanagerd[439:26020] Registered for accessibility notification 5000
2017-05-23 18:21:29:438 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.175 testmanagerd[439:26020] Block succeeded, canceling diagnostics.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:438 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.204 XCTRunner[442:26323] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007a30>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:439 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.205 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007a30> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:440 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.205 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007a30> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170050830)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170050830)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:440 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.208 testmanagerd[439:26019] AXUIElementSetMessagingTimeout(<AXUIElement 0x10033afb0> {pid=0}, 15) -> 0
2017-05-23 18:21:29:441 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.214 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009df0> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:441 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.217 XCTRunner[442:26302] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009df0>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:442 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.217 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009df0> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:442 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.218 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009df0> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170053bf0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170053bf0)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:443 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.224 testmanagerd[439:26019] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 442 vs 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:443 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.225 testmanagerd[439:26019] Registered for AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:443 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.228 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009e70> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:444 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.235 XCTRunner[442:26301] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009e70>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:444 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.236 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009e70> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:446 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.236 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009e70> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170053bc0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170053bc0)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:447 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.237 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007cd0> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:447 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.238 testmanagerd[439:26019] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 442 vs 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:448 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.239 testmanagerd[439:26019] Registered for AX notification 1006
2017-05-23 18:21:29:448 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.241 XCTRunner[442:26302] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007cd0>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:448 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.242 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007cd0> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:449 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.242 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007cd0> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174242040)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174242040)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:449 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.242 testmanagerd[439:26042] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 442 vs 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:450 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.243 testmanagerd[439:26042] Registered for AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:450 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.246 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009eb0> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:450 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.248 XCTRunner[442:26323] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009eb0>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:469 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.249 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009eb0> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:470 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.249 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009eb0> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170052ab0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170052ab0)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:470 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.251 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007d80> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:471 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.250 testmanagerd[439:26020] Got request for process assertion for pid 442.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:471 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.251 testmanagerd[439:26020] Invalidating previous process assertion for pid 442.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:472 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.254 testmanagerd[439:26042] Got reply for process assertion request, success: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:29:472 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.255 XCTRunner[442:26300] Got reply for background assertion for test process, acquired: YES.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:472 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.253 testmanagerd[439:26020] Created process assertion for pid 442: <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x10020c6c0>, waiting for response from assertiond.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:473 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.257 XCTRunner[442:26323] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007d80>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:473 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.258 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007d80> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:474 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.258 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007d80> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x1740491e0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x1740491e0)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:474 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.258 XCTRunner[442:26275] Registering for UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification
2017-05-23 18:21:29:474 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.260 XCTRunner[442:26275] Hitting home button to enter background.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:475 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.261 testmanagerd[439:26020] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 442 vs 442
2017-05-23 18:21:29:475 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.261 testmanagerd[439:26020] Performing <XCDeviceEvent:0x100203d80 page 12 usage 64 duration 0.01s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:475 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.261 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009f70> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:477 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.266 testmanagerd[439:26019] Sleeping for 0.005000s before sending up event
2017-05-23 18:21:29:478 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.276 testmanagerd[439:26019] Waiting for device event confirmation.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:479 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.282 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:480 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.285 XCTRunner[442:26323] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:480 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.284 testmanagerd[439:26014] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:481 - info: [Xcode] event = ButtonEventsCompleted;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:481 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:482 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.286 testmanagerd[439:26014] Signaling device event confirmed by AX notification.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:482 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.286 testmanagerd[439:26019] Gesture complete, replying to client.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:483 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.288 XCTRunner[442:26300] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009f70>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:483 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.289 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009f70> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:483 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.289 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x170009f70> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170051f70)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170051f70)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:484 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.292 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007e30> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:484 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.417 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:485 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.418 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:485 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.441 testmanagerd[439:26014] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:485 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBAppContainerViewController;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:486 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidDisappear;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:486 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:487 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.443 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:487 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.443 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:487 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.444 testmanagerd[439:26014] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:488 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBLeafIconViewController;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:488 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidAppear;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:489 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:489 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.446 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:21:29:489 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.448 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:21:29:491 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.449 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:21:29:492 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.451 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:492 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.452 testmanagerd[439:26014] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:493 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBIconController;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:493 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidAppear;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:493 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:494 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.475 testmanagerd[439:26014] BKSAccelerometer reported orientation update: 0
2017-05-23 18:21:29:494 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.463 XCTRunner[442:26304] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:495 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.463 XCTRunner[442:26304] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 438: suspended
2017-05-23 18:21:29:495 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.464 XCTRunner[442:26323] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:495 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.464 XCTRunner[442:26323] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:496 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.464 XCTRunner[442:26323] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 442: active
2017-05-23 18:21:29:496 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.464 XCTRunner[442:26323] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:496 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.464 XCTRunner[442:26323] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:497 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.465 XCTRunner[442:26275] No application process found matching pid 438, caching
2017-05-23 18:21:29:497 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.531 XCTRunner[442:26275] No application process found matching pid 442, caching
2017-05-23 18:21:29:497 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.649 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:498 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.650 XCTRunner[442:26300] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:498 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.650 XCTRunner[442:26300] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 438: suspended
2017-05-23 18:21:29:499 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.735 XCTRunner[442:26275] No application process found matching pid 438, caching
2017-05-23 18:21:29:499 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.843 XCTRunner[442:26275] Got UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification
2017-05-23 18:21:29:499 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.858 XCTRunner[442:26300] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007e30>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:500 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.892 testmanagerd[439:26322] Got application state update: (442) -> 4
2017-05-23 18:21:29:500 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.906 XCTRunner[442:26301] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:500 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.907 XCTRunner[442:26304] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:520 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.907 XCTRunner[442:26304] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 442: suspended
2017-05-23 18:21:29:522 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.907 XCTRunner[442:26304] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:522 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.893 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:522 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.902 testmanagerd[439:26014] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:523 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBAppContainerViewController;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:524 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidDisappear;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:524 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:525 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.905 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:21:29:525 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.905 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:21:29:526 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.906 testmanagerd[439:26014] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:21:29:526 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBLeafIconViewController;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:528 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidAppear;
2017-05-23 18:21:29:528 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:21:29:529 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.906 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:21:29:530 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:16.907 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:21:29:531 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.404 testmanagerd[439:26014] AX Notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:21:29:531 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.902 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007e30> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:21:29:532 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.902 XCTRunner[442:26275] <XCTWaiter: 0x174007e30> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170051f40)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x170051f40)
2017-05-23 18:21:29:533 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.902 XCTRunner[442:26275] Done initializing for UI testing.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:534 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.903 XCTRunner[442:26275] Loading test suite...
2017-05-23 18:21:29:534 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.985 XCTRunner[442:26275] Finished loading test suite, took 0.082s
2017-05-23 18:21:29:535 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.986 XCTRunner[442:26275] -[XCTRunnerIDESession testBundleWillStart:]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:536 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:17.986 XCTRunner[442:26275] Running suite...
2017-05-23 18:21:29:537 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:18.013 xcodebuild[38444:134127] _XCT_testSuite:All tests didStartAt:2017-05-23 15:21:17 +0000
2017-05-23 18:21:29:537 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:18.041 xcodebuild[38444:134221] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 19 messages.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:537 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:22.010 xcodebuild[38444:134258] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 394 messages.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:538 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:25.001 xcodebuild[38444:134221] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 1002 messages.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:538 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:29:546 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] iproxy exited with code 'null'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:548 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:549 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:29:550 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:550 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:29:569 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:570 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:29:571 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:571 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:29:572 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:572 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:29:572 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst'
2017-05-23 18:21:29:573 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:21:29:575 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Not clearing log files. Use `clearSystemFiles` capability to turn on.
2017-05-23 18:21:29:575 - info: [debug] [iOSLog] Stopping iOS log capture
2017-05-23 18:21:29:576 - info: [Appium] Removing session 840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234 from our master session list
2017-05-23 18:21:29:579 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'quitSessionFinished' logged at 1495552889578 (18:21:29 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:29:579 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Received response: null
2017-05-23 18:21:29:579 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] But deleting session, so not returning
2017-05-23 18:21:29:580 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.deleteSession() result: null
2017-05-23 18:21:29:582 - info: [HTTP] <-- DELETE /wd/hub/session/840d09ab-c698-4443-a8a1-2227d7112234 200 900 ms - 76
2017-05-23 18:21:44:672 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session {"desiredCapabilities":{"app":"/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa","noReset":true,"xcodeOrgId":"[XCODE_ORG_ID]","appiumVersion":"1.6.4","startIWDP":true,"fullReset":false,"deviceName":"DespoPhone","xcodeSigningId":"iPhone Developer","showXcodeLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":130,"platformVersion":"10.3.2","automationName":"XCUITest","waitForAppScript":"$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;","autoWebview":false,"udid":"[phoneUDID]","platformName":"iOS"}}
2017-05-23 18:21:44:673 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{"app":"/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa","noReset":true,"xcodeOrgId":"[XCODE_ORG_ID]","appiumVersion":"1.6.4","startIWDP":true,"fullReset":false,"deviceName":"DespoPhone","xcodeSigningId":"iPhone Developer","showXcodeLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":130,"platformVersion":"10.3.2","automationName":"XCUITest","waitForAppScript":"$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;","autoWebview":false,"udid":"[phoneUDID]","platformName":"iOS"},null,null,null,null]
2017-05-23 18:21:44:675 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1495552904674 (18:21:44 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:44:681 - info: [Appium] Creating new XCUITestDriver (v2.27.2) session
2017-05-23 18:21:44:682 - info: [Appium] Capabilities:
2017-05-23 18:21:44:685 - info: [Appium] app: '/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:686 - info: [Appium] noReset: true
2017-05-23 18:21:44:687 - info: [Appium] xcodeOrgId: '[XCODE_ORG_ID]'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:687 - info: [Appium] appiumVersion: '1.6.4'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:689 - info: [Appium] startIWDP: true
2017-05-23 18:21:44:690 - info: [Appium] fullReset: false
2017-05-23 18:21:44:696 - info: [Appium] deviceName: 'DespoPhone'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:697 - info: [Appium] xcodeSigningId: 'iPhone Developer'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:698 - info: [Appium] showXcodeLog: true
2017-05-23 18:21:44:698 - info: [Appium] newCommandTimeout: 130
2017-05-23 18:21:44:700 - info: [Appium] platformVersion: '10.3.2'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:700 - info: [Appium] automationName: 'XCUITest'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:720 - info: [Appium] waitForAppScript: '$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:720 - info: [Appium] autoWebview: false
2017-05-23 18:21:44:721 - info: [Appium] udid: '[phoneUDID]'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:721 - info: [Appium] platformName: 'iOS'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:723 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] XCUITestDriver version: 2.27.2
2017-05-23 18:21:44:728 - warn: [BaseDriver] The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by appium: appiumVersion.
2017-05-23 18:21:44:730 - info: [BaseDriver] Session created with session id: fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213
2017-05-23 18:21:44:797 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Xcode version set to '8.3.2' (tools v8.
2017-05-23 18:21:44:798 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] iOS SDK Version set to '10.3'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:798 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1495552904798 (18:21:44 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:44:949 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Available devices: [phoneUDID], [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:44:950 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Creating iDevice object with udid '[phoneUDID]'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:971 - info: [XCUITest] Determining device to run tests on: udid: '[phoneUDID]', real device: true
2017-05-23 18:21:44:972 - info: [BaseDriver] Using local app '/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa'
2017-05-23 18:21:44:972 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Copying local zip to tmp dir
2017-05-23 18:21:44:987 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Unzipping /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-xrtqn3.5dr2euq5mi/
2017-05-23 18:21:44:988 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Testing zip archive: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-xrtqn3.5dr2euq5mi/
2017-05-23 18:21:45:021 - info: [BaseDriver] Unzipped local app to '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-xrtqn3.5dr2euq5mi/Payload/'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:022 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1495552905022 (18:21:45 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:45:023 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-xrtqn3.5dr2euq5mi/Payload/' is actually present on file system
2017-05-23 18:21:45:024 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] App is present
2017-05-23 18:21:45:038 - info: [debug] [iOS] Getting bundle ID from app '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-xrtqn3.5dr2euq5mi/Payload/': 'com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:039 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1495552905038 (18:21:45 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:45:040 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Reset: fullReset not set. Leaving as is
2017-05-23 18:21:45:040 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1495552905040 (18:21:45 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:45:041 - info: [debug] [iOSLog] Attempting iOS device log capture via libimobiledevice idevicesyslog
2017-05-23 18:21:45:043 - info: [debug] [iOSLog] Found idevicesyslog: '/usr/local/bin/idevicesyslog'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:172 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1495552905172 (18:21:45 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:45:173 - info: [XCUITest] Setting up real device
2017-05-23 18:21:45:371 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] App 'com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView' is already installed. No need to reinstall.
2017-05-23 18:21:45:372 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appInstalled' logged at 1495552905371 (18:21:45 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:45:373 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaStartAttempted' logged at 1495552905372 (18:21:45 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:45:373 - info: [XCUITest] Using WDA path: '/Applications/'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:378 - info: [XCUITest] Using WDA agent: '/Applications/'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:378 - info: [XCUITest] Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
2017-05-23 18:21:45:384 - warn: [XCUITest] Carthage not found. Install using `brew install carthage`
2017-05-23 18:21:45:386 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Killing hanging processes
2017-05-23 18:21:45:470 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Generating xcode config file for orgId '[XCODE_ORG_ID]' and signingId 'iPhone Developer'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:471 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Writing xcode config file to /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-1nk1ca7.9vr5m6lxr/appium-temp.xcconfig
2017-05-23 18:21:45:474 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Using Xcode configuration file: '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-1nk1ca7.9vr5m6lxr/appium-temp.xcconfig'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:474 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Applications/ -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=[phoneUDID] -configuration Debug IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 -xcconfig /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-1nk1ca7.9vr5m6lxr/appium-temp.xcconfig' in directory '/Applications/'
2017-05-23 18:21:45:474 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Output from xcodebuild will be logged
2017-05-23 18:21:45:475 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Starting iproxy to forward traffic from local port 8100 to device port 8100 over USB
2017-05-23 18:21:51:019 - info: [Xcode] Build settings from command line:
2017-05-23 18:21:51:020 - info: [Xcode] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.3
2017-05-23 18:21:51:020 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:021 - info: [Xcode] Build settings from configuration file '/var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-1nk1ca7.9vr5m6lxr/appium-temp.xcconfig':
2017-05-23 18:21:51:021 - info: [Xcode] CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer
2017-05-23 18:21:51:021 - info: [Xcode] DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = [XCODE_ORG_ID]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:021 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:022 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:022 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Waiting up to 60000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
2017-05-23 18:21:51:022 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
2017-05-23 18:21:51:042 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\n \"value\" : {\n \"state\" : \"success\",\n \"os\" : {\n \"name\" : \"iOS\",\n \"version\" : \"10.3.2\"\n },\n \"ios\" : {\n \"simulatorVersion\" : \"10.3.2\",\n \"ip\" : \"\"\n },\n \"build\" : {\n \"time\" : \"May 23 2017 17:41:53\"\n }\n },\n \"sessionId\" : \"75EF79BD-B361-4650-8024-7E5476B7380F\",\n \"status\" : 0\n}"
2017-05-23 18:21:51:043 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent running on ip ''
2017-05-23 18:21:51:044 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent successfully started after 473ms
2017-05-23 18:21:51:045 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552911044 (18:21:51 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:51:045 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:51:046 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:51:578 - info: [Xcode] === BUILD TARGET WebDriverAgentLib OF PROJECT WebDriverAgent WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
2017-05-23 18:21:51:579 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:579 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:580 - info: [Xcode] Check dependencies
2017-05-23 18:21:51:580 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:820 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:820 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:841 - info: [Xcode] === BUILD TARGET WebDriverAgentRunner OF PROJECT WebDriverAgent WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
2017-05-23 18:21:51:841 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:842 - info: [Xcode] Check dependencies
2017-05-23 18:21:51:842 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:842 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:842 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:877 - info: [Xcode] ** TEST BUILD SUCCEEDED **
2017-05-23 18:21:51:877 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:878 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:878 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Log file for xcodebuild test: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/D949811A-F8A7-4537-B2E0-4340C3845AD1/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2017-05-23_182151-K0Yk7Z.log
2017-05-23 18:21:51:888 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:51.859 xcodebuild[38703:135428] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
2017-05-23 18:21:51:888 - info: [Xcode] /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/D949811A-F8A7-4537-B2E0-4340C3845AD1/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2017-05-23_182151-K0Yk7Z.log
2017-05-23 18:21:51:888 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:51.859 xcodebuild[38703:135405] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6) Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6 at 2017-05-23 18:21:51.859 with Xcode 8E2002 on target <DVTiOSDevice: 0x7fa1b8d14730> {
2017-05-23 18:21:51:889 - info: [Xcode] deviceSerialNumber: F73PG8BYG5MN
2017-05-23 18:21:51:889 - info: [Xcode] identifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:889 - info: [Xcode] deviceClass: iPhone
2017-05-23 18:21:51:890 - info: [Xcode] deviceName: DespoPhone
2017-05-23 18:21:51:890 - info: [Xcode] deviceIdentifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:21:51:890 - info: [Xcode] productVersion: 10.3.2
2017-05-23 18:21:51:891 - info: [Xcode] buildVersion: 14F89
2017-05-23 18:21:51:891 - info: [Xcode] deviceSoftwareVersion: 10.3.2 (14F89)
2017-05-23 18:21:51:891 - info: [Xcode] deviceArchitecture: arm64
2017-05-23 18:21:51:891 - info: [Xcode] deviceTotalCapacity: 12331864064
2017-05-23 18:21:51:892 - info: [Xcode] deviceAvailableCapacity: 3203895296
2017-05-23 18:21:51:892 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsTransient: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:51:892 - info: [Xcode] ignored: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:51:893 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsBusy: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:51:893 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsActivated: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:51:893 - info: [Xcode] deviceActivationState: Activated
2017-05-23 18:21:51:893 - info: [Xcode] isPasscodeLocked: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:51:894 - info: [Xcode] deviceType: <DVTDeviceType:0x7fa1b89c9f30 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>
2017-05-23 18:21:51:895 - info: [Xcode] supportedDeviceFamilies: (
2017-05-23 18:21:51:895 - info: [Xcode] 1
2017-05-23 18:21:51:895 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:21:51:896 - info: [Xcode] applications: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:51:896 - info: [Xcode] provisioningProfiles: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:51:896 - info: [Xcode] activityProgress: -2
2017-05-23 18:21:51:896 - info: [Xcode] activityTitle:
2017-05-23 18:21:51:897 - info: [Xcode] hasInternalSupport: NO
2017-05-23 18:21:51:897 - info: [Xcode] isSupportedOS: YES
2017-05-23 18:21:51:897 - info: [Xcode] developerDiskMountError: (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:51:897 - info: [Xcode] (null)
2017-05-23 18:21:51:898 - info: [Xcode] bootArgs: <unavailable>
2017-05-23 18:21:51:898 - info: [Xcode] } (10.3.2 (14F89))
2017-05-23 18:21:51:898 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:52:572 - info: [Xcode] MDMCreateDeltaDirectory:1920 calling MDMDirectoryDiff with:
2017-05-23 18:21:52:573 - info: [Xcode] state->old_bundle: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/[phoneUDID]/
2017-05-23 18:21:52:573 - info: [Xcode] state->new_bundle: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
2017-05-23 18:21:52:573 - info: [Xcode] state->dst_bundle: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/, binaryDiff flag: FALSE
2017-05-23 18:21:52:574 - info: [Xcode] dst_ipa: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/
2017-05-23 18:21:52:574 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:52:575 - info: [Xcode] __MDMDirectoryDiff_block_invoke.37:1473 calling writeDictToFile with: /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/
2017-05-23 18:21:52:575 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:52:576 - info: [Xcode] writeDictToFile:1278 ==== Successfully wrote Manifest cache to /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/C/
2017-05-23 18:21:52:576 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:21:52:790 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:53:820 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552913820 (18:21:53 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:53:820 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:53:821 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:53:831 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:54:846 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552914846 (18:21:54 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:54:847 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:54:849 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:54:877 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:56:069 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552916069 (18:21:56 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:56:070 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:56:070 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:56:077 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:57:246 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552917245 (18:21:57 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:57:246 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:57:247 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:57:272 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:58:273 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552918273 (18:21:58 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:58:273 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:58:274 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:58:281 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:21:59:628 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552919627 (18:21:59 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:21:59:629 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:21:59:631 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:21:59:641 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying...
2017-05-23 18:22:01:882 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1495552921881 (18:22:01 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:01:883 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
2017-05-23 18:22:01:884 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
2017-05-23 18:22:04:622 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46","capabilities":{"device":"iphone","browserName":"WebViewAutomation","sdkVersion":"10.3.2","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView"}},"sessionId":"50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46","status":0}
2017-05-23 18:22:04:624 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionStarted' logged at 1495552924623 (18:22:04 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:04:626 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr'
2017-05-23 18:22:04:627 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:04:628 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy'
2017-05-23 18:22:04:629 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:04:631 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg'
2017-05-23 18:22:04:632 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:04:633 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs'
2017-05-23 18:22:04:633 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:04:634 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor'
2017-05-23 18:22:04:634 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:04:635 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst'
2017-05-23 18:22:04:635 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:04:636 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaPermsAdjusted' logged at 1495552924635 (18:22:04 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:04:636 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaStarted' logged at 1495552924636 (18:22:04 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:04:636 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Setting initial orientation to 'PORTRAIT'
2017-05-23 18:22:04:640 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /orientation] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46/orientation] with body: {"orientation":"PORTRAIT"}
2017-05-23 18:22:04:922 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{},"sessionId":"50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46","status":0}
2017-05-23 18:22:04:923 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'orientationSet' logged at 1495552924923 (18:22:04 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:04:923 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'iwdpStarting' logged at 1495552924923 (18:22:04 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:04:925 - info: [debug] [iOS] Starting ios_webkit_debug_proxy at port 27753 on device [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:22:04:992 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'iwdpStarted' logged at 1495552924992 (18:22:04 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:04:993 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Started ios_webkit_debug proxy server at: http://localhost:27753
2017-05-23 18:22:04:993 - info: [Appium] New XCUITestDriver session created successfully, session fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213 added to master session list
2017-05-23 18:22:04:994 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionStarted' logged at 1495552924994 (18:22:04 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:04:994 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"webStorageEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"browserName":"","platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"app":"/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/WebView2.ipa","noReset":true,"xcodeOrgId":"[XCODE_ORG_ID]","appiumVersion":"1.6.4","startIWDP":true,"fullReset":false,"deviceName":"DespoPhone","xcodeSigningId":"iPhone Developer","showXcodeLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":130,"platformVersion":"10.3.2","automationName":"XCUITest","waitForAppScript":"$.delay(5000); XCUIApplication.alert(); $.dismissAlert(); true;","autoWebview":false,"udid":"[phoneUDID]","platformName":"iOS"}
2017-05-23 18:22:04:997 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 200 20345 ms - 751
2017-05-23 18:22:05:033 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/timeouts {"type":"implicit","ms":30000}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:034 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: ["implicit",30000,"fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213"]
2017-05-23 18:22:05:034 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'timeouts'
2017-05-23 18:22:05:036 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Set implicit wait to 30000ms
2017-05-23 18:22:05:037 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
2017-05-23 18:22:05:039 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/timeouts 200 5 ms - 76
2017-05-23 18:22:05:043 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/timeouts {"type":"page load","ms":60000}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:044 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: ["page load",60000,"fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213"]
2017-05-23 18:22:05:044 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'timeouts'
2017-05-23 18:22:05:045 - info: [debug] [iOS] Set page load timeout to 60000ms
2017-05-23 18:22:05:047 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
2017-05-23 18:22:05:048 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/timeouts 200 5 ms - 76
2017-05-23 18:22:05:071 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/timeouts {"type":"script","ms":30000}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:075 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: ["script",30000,"fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213"]
2017-05-23 18:22:05:076 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'timeouts'
2017-05-23 18:22:05:076 - info: [debug] [iOS] Set async script timeout to 30000ms
2017-05-23 18:22:05:077 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
2017-05-23 18:22:05:079 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/timeouts 200 7 ms - 76
2017-05-23 18:22:05:086 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/element {"using":"id","value":"Open UIWebView"}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:088 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["id","Open UIWebView","fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213"]
2017-05-23 18:22:05:088 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'findElement'
2017-05-23 18:22:05:089 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Valid locator strategies for this request: xpath, id, name, class name, -ios predicate string, -ios class chain, accessibility id
2017-05-23 18:22:05:089 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Waiting up to 30000 ms for condition
2017-05-23 18:22:05:090 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /element] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46/element] with body: {"using":"id","value":"Open UIWebView"}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:523 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{"ELEMENT":"E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF","type":"XCUIElementTypeButton","label":"Open UIWebView"},"sessionId":"50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46","status":0}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:524 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"ELEMENT":"E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF","type":"XCUIElementTypeButton","label":"Open UIWebView"}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:526 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/element 200 439 ms - 178
2017-05-23 18:22:05:546 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/element/E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF/click {"id":"E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF"}
2017-05-23 18:22:05:547 - info: [MJSONWP] Driver proxy active, passing request on via HTTP proxy
2017-05-23 18:22:05:547 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'proxyReqRes'
2017-05-23 18:22:05:548 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/element/E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF/click] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46/element/E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF/click] with body: {"id":"E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF"}
2017-05-23 18:22:06:121 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:57.304460+0300 XCTRunner[453:26873] Running tests...
2017-05-23 18:22:06:121 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:58.110587+0300 XCTRunner[453:26873] Continuing to run tests in the background with task ID 1
2017-05-23 18:22:06:121 - info: [Xcode] Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2017-05-23 18:21:59.682
2017-05-23 18:22:06:122 - info: [Xcode] Test Suite 'WebDriverAgentRunner.xctest' started at 2017-05-23 18:21:59.687
2017-05-23 18:22:06:122 - info: [Xcode] Test Suite 'UITestingUITests' started at 2017-05-23 18:21:59.688
2017-05-23 18:22:06:122 - info: [Xcode] Test Case '-[UITestingUITests testRunner]' started.
2017-05-23 18:22:06:122 - info: [Xcode] t = 0.00s Start Test at 2017-05-23 18:21:59.693
2017-05-23 18:22:06:123 - info: [Xcode] t = 0.01s Set Up
2017-05-23 18:22:06:123 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:59.735499+0300 XCTRunner[453:26896] [User Defaults] Failed to write value for key AutomationDisableFauxCollectionCells in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x17410a440> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null)): setting preferences outside an application's container requires user-preference-write or file-write-data sandbox access, switching to read-only
2017-05-23 18:22:06:123 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:59.737888+0300 XCTRunner[453:26873] Built at May 23 2017 17:41:52
2017-05-23 18:22:06:123 - info: [Xcode] 2017-05-23 18:21:59.862829+0300 XCTRunner[453:26873] ServerURLHere-><-ServerURLHere
2017-05-23 18:22:06:124 - info: [Xcode] t = 2.24s Launch com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:124 - info: [Xcode] t = 2.60s Terminate com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView:449
2017-05-23 18:22:06:124 - info: [Xcode] t = 3.37s Wait for app to idle
2017-05-23 18:22:06:124 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.74s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:124 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.75s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:125 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.88s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:126 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.88s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:126 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.89s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:127 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.89s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:127 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.98s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:127 - info: [Xcode] t = 4.98s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:127 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.04s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:128 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.05s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:128 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.05s Set device orientation to Portrait
2017-05-23 18:22:06:128 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.15s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:129 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.15s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:129 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.45s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:129 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.45s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:129 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.53s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:130 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.53s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:130 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.53s Find the Application "com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView" 0x1702a46e0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:130 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.53s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:130 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.54s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:131 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.54s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:131 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.54s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:131 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.54s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:131 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.55s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:132 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.55s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:22:06:132 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.55s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:134 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.55s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:22:06:135 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.57s Find the Application "" 0x1740bf440
2017-05-23 18:22:06:135 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.57s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:22:06:136 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.70s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:22:06:136 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.71s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:22:06:136 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.71s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:22:06:136 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.71s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:22:06:137 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.71s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:137 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.77s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:138 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.78s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:138 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.78s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:138 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.78s Find the "Open UIWebView" Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:139 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.78s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:139 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.78s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:140 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.78s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:140 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.79s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:141 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.79s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:141 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.79s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:142 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.79s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:142 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.79s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:143 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.85s Find the "Open UIWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:22:06:143 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.85s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:143 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.90s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:144 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.90s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:148 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.90s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:149 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.91s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:149 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.91s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:22:06:171 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.91s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:172 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.91s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:22:06:172 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.91s Find the Application "" 0x1740bf440
2017-05-23 18:22:06:172 - info: [Xcode] t = 5.92s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:22:06:177 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.03s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:22:06:177 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.03s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
2017-05-23 18:22:06:178 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.03s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for
2017-05-23 18:22:06:178 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.03s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
2017-05-23 18:22:06:178 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.04s Find the "Open UIWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:22:06:179 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.04s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:179 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.10s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:180 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.10s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:180 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.10s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:180 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.10s Find the "Open UIWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:22:06:181 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.10s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:181 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.10s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:181 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.11s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:182 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.11s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:182 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.21s Find the "Open UIWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:22:06:182 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.21s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:183 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.28s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:183 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.28s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:183 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.28s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:183 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.29s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:184 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.29s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:184 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.29s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:185 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.29s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:185 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.29s Use cached accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebView
2017-05-23 18:22:06:185 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.29s Find: Descendants matching type Any
2017-05-23 18:22:06:186 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.30s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Open UIWebView" IN identifiers'
2017-05-23 18:22:06:186 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.30s Find: Element at index 0
2017-05-23 18:22:06:186 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.40s Find the "Open UIWebView" Button
2017-05-23 18:22:06:186 - info: [Xcode] t = 6.40s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.hordaric.webview.InterceptorWebVie
2017-05-23 18:22:06:321 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"status":0,"id":"E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF","value":"","sessionId":"50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46"}
2017-05-23 18:22:06:321 - info: [JSONWP Proxy] Replacing sessionId 50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46 with fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213
2017-05-23 18:22:06:323 - info: [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/element/E2BD32DF-D60A-4BD5-A29B-5755C5A1CAFF/click 200 777 ms - 118
2017-05-23 18:22:11:336 - info: [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/contexts {}
2017-05-23 18:22:11:337 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getContexts() with args: ["fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213"]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:337 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'getContexts'
2017-05-23 18:22:11:338 - info: [debug] [iOS] Getting list of available contexts
2017-05-23 18:22:11:339 - info: [debug] [iOS] Retrieving contexts and views
2017-05-23 18:22:11:339 - info: [debug] [iOS] Selecting by url: false
2017-05-23 18:22:11:339 - info: [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Getting WebKitRemoteDebugger pageArray: localhost, 27753
2017-05-23 18:22:11:340 - info: [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending request to: http://localhost:27753/json
2017-05-23 18:22:11:344 - info: [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page element JSON: []
2017-05-23 18:22:11:344 - info: [debug] [iOS] No web frames found.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:345 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getContexts() result: ["NATIVE_APP"]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:346 - info: [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213/contexts 200 10 ms - 86
2017-05-23 18:22:11:371 - info: [HTTP] --> DELETE /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213 {}
2017-05-23 18:22:11:372 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.deleteSession() with args: ["fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213"]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:373 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'quitSessionRequested' logged at 1495552931372 (18:22:11 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:11:374 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [DELETE /session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213] to [DELETE http://localhost:8100/session/50EBA801-89E5-496A-AA5C-B08509C59E46] with no body
2017-05-23 18:22:11:793 - info: [debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\n \"value\" : {\n\n },\n \"sessionId\" : \"23952C02-FBAF-448B-BCF3-8597B79CB172\",\n \"status\" : 0\n}"
2017-05-23 18:22:11:793 - info: [XCUITest] Shutting down sub-processes
2017-05-23 18:22:11:794 - info: [XCUITest] Shutting down xcodebuild process (pid 38703)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:823 - info: [XCUITest] xcodebuild exited with code 'null' and signal 'SIGTERM'
2017-05-23 18:22:11:823 - info: [Xcode] Contents of xcodebuild log file '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/D949811A-F8A7-4537-B2E0-4340C3845AD1/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2017-05-23_182151-K0Yk7Z.log':
2017-05-23 18:22:11:824 - info: [XCUITest] Shutting down iproxy process (pid 38674)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:828 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] iproxy exited with code 'null'
2017-05-23 18:22:11:832 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.860 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6 at 2017-05-23 18:21:51.859 with Xcode 8E2002 on target <DVTiOSDevice: 0x7fa1b8d14730> {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:832 - info: [Xcode] deviceSerialNumber: F73PG8BYG5MN
2017-05-23 18:22:11:832 - info: [Xcode] identifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:832 - info: [Xcode] deviceClass: iPhone
2017-05-23 18:22:11:833 - info: [Xcode] deviceName: DespoPhone
2017-05-23 18:22:11:833 - info: [Xcode] deviceIdentifier: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:833 - info: [Xcode] productVersion: 10.3.2
2017-05-23 18:22:11:833 - info: [Xcode] buildVersion: 14F89
2017-05-23 18:22:11:833 - info: [Xcode] deviceSoftwareVersion: 10.3.2 (14F89)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:833 - info: [Xcode] deviceArchitecture: arm64
2017-05-23 18:22:11:834 - info: [Xcode] deviceTotalCapacity: 12331864064
2017-05-23 18:22:11:834 - info: [Xcode] deviceAvailableCapacity: 3203895296
2017-05-23 18:22:11:834 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsTransient: NO
2017-05-23 18:22:11:834 - info: [Xcode] ignored: NO
2017-05-23 18:22:11:834 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsBusy: NO
2017-05-23 18:22:11:835 - info: [Xcode] deviceIsActivated: YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:837 - info: [Xcode] deviceActivationState: Activated
2017-05-23 18:22:11:837 - info: [Xcode] isPasscodeLocked: NO
2017-05-23 18:22:11:837 - info: [Xcode] deviceType: <DVTDeviceType:0x7fa1b89c9f30 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:837 - info: [Xcode] supportedDeviceFamilies: (
2017-05-23 18:22:11:838 - info: [Xcode] 1
2017-05-23 18:22:11:838 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:22:11:838 - info: [Xcode] applications: (null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:839 - info: [Xcode] provisioningProfiles: (null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:839 - info: [Xcode] activityProgress: -2
2017-05-23 18:22:11:839 - info: [Xcode] activityTitle:
2017-05-23 18:22:11:840 - info: [Xcode] hasInternalSupport: NO
2017-05-23 18:22:11:840 - info: [Xcode] isSupportedOS: YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:840 - info: [Xcode] developerDiskMountError: (null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:841 - info: [Xcode] (null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:841 - info: [Xcode] bootArgs: <unavailable>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:841 - info: [Xcode] } (10.3.2 (14F89))
2017-05-23 18:22:11:842 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.860 xcodebuild[38703:135405] /Applications/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:842 - info: [Xcode] build-for-testing
2017-05-23 18:22:11:842 - info: [Xcode] test-without-building
2017-05-23 18:22:11:843 - info: [Xcode] -project
2017-05-23 18:22:11:843 - info: [Xcode] /Applications/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:844 - info: [Xcode] -scheme
2017-05-23 18:22:11:844 - info: [Xcode] WebDriverAgentRunner
2017-05-23 18:22:11:844 - info: [Xcode] -destination
2017-05-23 18:22:11:844 - info: [Xcode] id=[phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:846 - info: [Xcode] -configuration
2017-05-23 18:22:11:846 - info: [Xcode] Debug
2017-05-23 18:22:11:846 - info: [Xcode] IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3
2017-05-23 18:22:11:847 - info: [Xcode] -xcconfig
2017-05-23 18:22:11:847 - info: [Xcode] /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/2017423-36447-1nk1ca7.9vr5m6lxr/appium-temp.xcconfig
2017-05-23 18:22:11:847 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.860 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Launching with Xcode.IDEFoundation.Launcher.PosixSpawn
2017-05-23 18:22:11:847 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.866 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Launch session started.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:848 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.908 xcodebuild[38703:135424] Connecting to mobile device: [phoneUDID]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:848 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.912 xcodebuild[38703:135424] Starting session with mobile device
2017-05-23 18:22:11:848 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.046 xcodebuild[38703:135424] Starting test manager service on mobile device.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:849 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.084 xcodebuild[38703:135488] Received connection for test runner session
2017-05-23 18:22:11:849 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.084 xcodebuild[38703:135488] Listening for proxy connection request from the test bundle
2017-05-23 18:22:11:849 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.084 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Test runner session acquired connection.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:870 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.084 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Waiting for test process to launch.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:871 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.085 xcodebuild[38703:135488] Initiating session with identifier: 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6
2017-05-23 18:22:11:871 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.089 xcodebuild[38703:135494] Got reply to session initiation request with identifier 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6 (result:error): 22: (null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:871 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.368 xcodebuild[38703:135486] Installing using MobileInstall
2017-05-23 18:22:11:872 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.485 xcodebuild[38703:135488] app uninstall set - {(
2017-05-23 18:22:11:872 - info: [Xcode] )}
2017-05-23 18:22:11:872 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.485 xcodebuild[38703:135488] app install set - {(
2017-05-23 18:22:11:873 - info: [Xcode] <DVTFilePath:0x7fa1b8b0ff50:'/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:873 - info: [Xcode] )}
2017-05-23 18:22:11:873 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:53.780 xcodebuild[38703:135486] remoteExecutable setInstalledPath:/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:873 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:874 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:53.780 xcodebuild[38703:135486] Configuring for testing on device...
2017-05-23 18:22:11:874 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:53.780 xcodebuild[38703:135486] Updating test configuration with device paths.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:874 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:53.781 xcodebuild[38703:135486] Updated test configuration at /var/folders/9r/szdrvd4n1j5_wj9fgjx0q6t00000gp/T/ with device paths: <XCTestConfiguration: 0x7fa1b908dd70>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:875 - info: [Xcode] testBundleURL:file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:875 - info: [Xcode] testBundleRelativePath:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:875 - info: [Xcode] productModuleName:WebDriverAgentRunner
2017-05-23 18:22:11:875 - info: [Xcode] testsToSkip:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:876 - info: [Xcode] testsToRun:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:876 - info: [Xcode] reportResultsToIDE:YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:876 - info: [Xcode] sessionIdentifier:4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6
2017-05-23 18:22:11:877 - info: [Xcode] pathToXcodeReportingSocket:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:877 - info: [Xcode] disablePerformanceMetrics:no
2017-05-23 18:22:11:877 - info: [Xcode] treatMissingBaselinesAsFailures:no
2017-05-23 18:22:11:878 - info: [Xcode] baselineFileURL:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:878 - info: [Xcode] baselineFileRelativePath:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:878 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationPath:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:879 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationBundleID:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:879 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationArguments:(null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:879 - info: [Xcode] targetApplicationEnvironment:
2017-05-23 18:22:11:879 - info: [Xcode] (null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:880 - info: [Xcode] reportActivities:YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:880 - info: [Xcode] testsMustRunOnMainThread:YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:880 - info: [Xcode] initializeForUITesting:YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:881 - info: [Xcode] aggregateStatisticsBeforeCrash:{
2017-05-23 18:22:11:881 - info: [Xcode] XCSuiteRecordsKey = {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:881 - info: [Xcode] };
2017-05-23 18:22:11:881 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:882 - info: [Xcode] automationFrameworkPath:/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XCTAutomationSupport.framework
2017-05-23 18:22:11:883 - info: [Xcode] emitOSLogs:no
2017-05-23 18:22:11:883 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:883 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:53.781 xcodebuild[38703:135486] Uploading test configuration to app container.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:884 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:55.868 xcodebuild[38703:135486] Updating test process environment variables.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:884 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:55.869 xcodebuild[38703:135486] Updated testing environment variables {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:884 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:884 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:885 - info: [Xcode] "XCODE_DBG_XPC_EXCLUSIONS" = "";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:885 - info: [Xcode] XCTestConfigurationFilePath = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E750D0D0-A713-45AA-A9B5-1954EC33938D/tmp/WebDriverAgentRunner-4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6.xctestconfiguration";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:885 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:885 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:56.946 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Adding console adaptor <IDEConsoleAdaptor: 0x7fa1b9361450 'target'> for test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:886 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.165 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Test process runnable PID is 453.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:886 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.629 xcodebuild[38703:135487] Handling proxy channel request from test runner
2017-05-23 18:22:11:886 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.630 xcodebuild[38703:135487] Test runner is ready, running protocol 22, requires at least version 8. Control framework is running 22 and requires at least 8
2017-05-23 18:22:11:887 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.630 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Test runner session successfully initiated.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:887 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.630 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Creating the daemon control session.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:888 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.630 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Whitelisting test process ID 453
2017-05-23 18:22:11:888 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.630 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Got authorization request for pid 453
2017-05-23 18:22:11:888 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.683 xcodebuild[38703:135487] Requesting authorization for pid 453
2017-05-23 18:22:11:889 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.686 xcodebuild[38703:135487] Got reply to authorization request for pid 453 (result:error): 22: (null)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:889 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.686 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Got whitelisting response from test daemon. Success: 1
2017-05-23 18:22:11:889 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.247 testmanagerd[450:26639] Launched testmanagerd from /Developer/usr/libexec/testmanagerd, modified on Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 4:37:14 AM Eastern European Standard Time
2017-05-23 18:22:11:890 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.250 testmanagerd[450:26642] Received new test session connection from process with PID 442
2017-05-23 18:22:11:890 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.249 testmanagerd[450:26639] Setting availability state.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:891 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.251 testmanagerd[450:26639] Posting availability to test bundles...
2017-05-23 18:22:11:891 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.254 testmanagerd[450:26639] Initial orientation 5
2017-05-23 18:22:11:891 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.255 testmanagerd[450:26645] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 0 vs 442
2017-05-23 18:22:11:892 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.257 testmanagerd[450:26640] app info {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:892 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 0;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:892 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:893 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:893 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateKey = 4;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:893 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 442;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:894 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
2017-05-23 18:22:11:894 - info: [Xcode] {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:894 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:894 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 4;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:895 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:895 - info: [Xcode] );
2017-05-23 18:22:11:895 - info: [Xcode] SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 4;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:896 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:897 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.257 testmanagerd[450:26640] Got request for process assertion for pid 442.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:897 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.258 testmanagerd[450:26640] Created process assertion for pid 442: <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x100612cf0>, waiting for response from assertiond.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:898 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.258 testmanagerd[450:26640] Starting to monitor
2017-05-23 18:22:11:898 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.260 testmanagerd[450:26642] Got reply for process assertion request, success: YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:898 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:51.261 testmanagerd[450:26640] Got application state update: (442) -> 4
2017-05-23 18:22:11:899 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.055 testmanagerd[450:26640] IDE connected via lockdown over socket 4 (-[XCTestManagerIDEServer listenForControlConnectionsOverLockdown]_block_invoke)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:899 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.056 testmanagerd[450:26640] Created session with socket 4
2017-05-23 18:22:11:899 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.072 testmanagerd[450:26645] Handled a proxy request from the IDE with session <XCIDESession: 0x1002317f0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:52 PM Eastern European Summer Time proxy <_DTXProxy: 0x100615a80>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:899 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.073 testmanagerd[450:26639] -[XCIDESession _IDE_initiateSessionWithIdentifier:forClient:atPath:protocolVersion:]_block_invoke 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6 1 4 from client 689CF8C7-F44C-4C0F-B031-5F2436DEE971-38703-000002CDD0A34C2B (/Applications/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:920 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.073 testmanagerd[450:26645] -[XCTDaemon setIDESession:forIdentifier:]_block_invoke <XCIDESession: 0x1002317f0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:52 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client 689CF8C7-F44C-4C0F-B031-5F2436DEE971-38703-000002CDD0A34C2B waiting to pair with test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6 -> 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6
2017-05-23 18:22:11:921 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.681 testmanagerd[450:26639] Received request to collect crash reports in directories '/var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/' for processes with names 'XCTRunner', 'WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner', 'xctest'
2017-05-23 18:22:11:922 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.074 testmanagerd[450:26645] -[XCTDaemon _queue_handleRequestForSessionWithIdentifier:]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:922 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.684 testmanagerd[450:26639] Initializing crash report observer for /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:922 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.758 testmanagerd[450:26640] Test process connection invalidated or interrupted, closing test session <XCTestSession: 0x100225960>.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:923 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.685 testmanagerd[450:26639] Getting files in /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:923 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.759 testmanagerd[450:26640] Closed <XCTestSession: 0x100225960>, removing from (
2017-05-23 18:22:11:923 - info: [Xcode] "<XCTestSession: 0x100225960>"
2017-05-23 18:22:11:923 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:22:11:924 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.759 testmanagerd[450:26640] Tearing down test session <XCTestSession: 0x100225960>.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:924 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.760 testmanagerd[450:26640] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:22:11:924 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.761 testmanagerd[450:26640] Session summary: 0 test sessions, 1 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:22:11:924 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:52.761 testmanagerd[450:26640] Unpaired test sessions: {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:925 - info: [Xcode] "4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6" = "<XCIDESession: 0x1002317f0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:52 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client 689CF8C7-F44C-4C0F-B031-5F2436DEE971-38703-000002CDD0A34C2B waiting to pair with test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:925 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:925 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:56.253 testmanagerd[450:26645] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:22:11:926 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:56.254 testmanagerd[450:26645] Session summary: 0 test sessions, 1 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:22:11:926 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:56.254 testmanagerd[450:26645] Unpaired test sessions: {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:926 - info: [Xcode] "4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6" = "<XCIDESession: 0x1002317f0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:52 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client 689CF8C7-F44C-4C0F-B031-5F2436DEE971-38703-000002CDD0A34C2B waiting to pair with test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:927 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:927 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.492 testmanagerd[450:26645] Received new test session connection from process with PID 453
2017-05-23 18:22:11:927 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.495 testmanagerd[450:26639] Initial orientation 5
2017-05-23 18:22:11:927 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.498 testmanagerd[450:26645] Test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6 requested socket (-[XCTestSession _XCT_requestSocketForSessionIdentifier:reply:])
2017-05-23 18:22:11:928 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.498 testmanagerd[450:26650] Test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6 requested socket (-[XCTDaemon requestSocketForSessionIdentifier:reply:]_block_invoke)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:928 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.498 testmanagerd[450:26650] -[XCTDaemon _queue_handleRequestForSessionWithIdentifier:]
2017-05-23 18:22:11:928 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.498 testmanagerd[450:26650] Closing IDE connection before sending socket 5 to test host.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:928 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.498 testmanagerd[450:26650] -[XCIDESession closeIDEConnection:] sending barrier
2017-05-23 18:22:11:929 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.497 testmanagerd[450:26642] app info {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:929 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 1;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:933 - info: [Xcode] BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:934 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:934 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateKey = 8;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:934 - info: [Xcode] SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 453;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:935 - info: [Xcode] SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 8;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:935 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:935 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.499 testmanagerd[450:26642] Got request for process assertion for pid 453.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:936 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.499 testmanagerd[450:26642] Created process assertion for pid 453: <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x10022f140>, waiting for response from assertiond.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:936 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.499 testmanagerd[450:26642] Starting to monitor
2017-05-23 18:22:11:936 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.500 testmanagerd[450:26640] Got reply for process assertion request, success: YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:937 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.500 testmanagerd[450:26639] barrier flushed, closing DTXConnection to IDE, socket will not be closed
2017-05-23 18:22:11:937 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.500 testmanagerd[450:26645] DTXSocketTransport disconnected, owner is <XCIDESession: 0x1002317f0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:52 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client 689CF8C7-F44C-4C0F-B031-5F2436DEE971-38703-000002CDD0A34C2B waiting to pair with test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6
2017-05-23 18:22:11:938 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.501 testmanagerd[450:26645] Disconnecting lockdown socket
2017-05-23 18:22:11:938 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.502 testmanagerd[450:26645] -[XCTDaemon closeIDESession:]_block_invoke <XCIDESession: 0x1002317f0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:52 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client 689CF8C7-F44C-4C0F-B031-5F2436DEE971-38703-000002CDD0A34C2B waiting to pair with test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6
2017-05-23 18:22:11:938 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.502 testmanagerd[450:26645] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:22:11:939 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.502 testmanagerd[450:26645] Session summary: 1 test sessions, 0 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:22:11:939 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.503 testmanagerd[450:26642] Got application state update: (453) -> 8
2017-05-23 18:22:11:939 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.609 testmanagerd[450:26639] Sending socket 5 to test host
2017-05-23 18:22:11:939 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.616 testmanagerd[450:26645] -[XCTDaemon closeIDESession:]_block_invoke <XCIDESession: 0x1002317f0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:52 PM Eastern European Summer Time for client 689CF8C7-F44C-4C0F-B031-5F2436DEE971-38703-000002CDD0A34C2B waiting to pair with test session 4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6
2017-05-23 18:22:11:940 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.618 testmanagerd[450:26645] Considering exiting:
2017-05-23 18:22:11:943 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.618 testmanagerd[450:26645] Session summary: 1 test sessions, 0 sessions with identifiers, 0 unidentified sessions, does not have control session
2017-05-23 18:22:11:944 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.664 testmanagerd[450:26650] IDE connected via lockdown over socket 4 (-[XCTestManagerIDEServer listenForControlConnectionsOverLockdown]_block_invoke)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:944 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.664 testmanagerd[450:26650] Created session with socket 4
2017-05-23 18:22:11:948 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.669 testmanagerd[450:26641] Handled a proxy request from the IDE with session <XCIDESession: 0x100229bc0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:57 PM Eastern European Summer Time proxy <_DTXProxy: 0x100610d10>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:949 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.670 testmanagerd[450:26641] -[XCIDESession _IDE_initiateControlSessionForTestProcessID:protocolVersion:] 453 22
2017-05-23 18:22:11:949 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.670 testmanagerd[450:26639] Set control session <XCIDESession: 0x100229bc0> created Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 6:21:57 PM Eastern European Summer Time with proto 22 and proxy <_DTXProxy: 0x100610d10>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:949 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.716 testmanagerd[450:26639] Found 6 files in /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:970 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.716 testmanagerd[450:26639] Started monitoring /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/
2017-05-23 18:22:11:971 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.486 XCTRunner[453:26873] Linked XCTest.framework from /var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/, built with Xcode 0832(), modified on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 9:03:41 AM Eastern European Summer Time
2017-05-23 18:22:11:971 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.487 XCTRunner[453:26873] XCTest.framework bundle version: 12124
2017-05-23 18:22:11:971 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.488 XCTRunner[453:26873] System uptime: 50:40
2017-05-23 18:22:11:971 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.488 XCTRunner[453:26873] Process arguments: (
2017-05-23 18:22:11:972 - info: [Xcode] "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/",
2017-05-23 18:22:11:973 - info: [Xcode] "-NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen",
2017-05-23 18:22:11:973 - info: [Xcode] NO,
2017-05-23 18:22:11:973 - info: [Xcode] "-ApplePersistenceIgnoreState",
2017-05-23 18:22:11:973 - info: [Xcode] YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:974 - info: [Xcode] )
2017-05-23 18:22:11:974 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.488 XCTRunner[453:26873] Process environment: {
2017-05-23 18:22:11:974 - info: [Xcode] "CFFIXED_USER_HOME" = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E750D0D0-A713-45AA-A9B5-1954EC33938D";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:974 - info: [Xcode] CLASSIC = 1;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:975 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:975 - info: [Xcode] "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/47FAE174-DA40-465E-9C06-DCE058573F90/";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:975 - info: [Xcode] HOME = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E750D0D0-A713-45AA-A9B5-1954EC33938D";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:975 - info: [Xcode] LOGNAME = mobile;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:976 - info: [Xcode] NSUnbufferedIO = YES;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:976 - info: [Xcode] "OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE" = YES;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:976 - info: [Xcode] PATH = "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:976 - info: [Xcode] SHELL = "/bin/sh";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:977 - info: [Xcode] TMPDIR = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E750D0D0-A713-45AA-A9B5-1954EC33938D/tmp/";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:977 - info: [Xcode] USER = mobile;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:977 - info: [Xcode] "XCODE_DBG_XPC_EXCLUSIONS" = "";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:977 - info: [Xcode] XCTestConfigurationFilePath = "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E750D0D0-A713-45AA-A9B5-1954EC33938D/tmp/WebDriverAgentRunner-4460EA46-F1E6-4A02-9432-F476647149F6.xctestconfiguration";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:978 - info: [Xcode] "XPC_FLAGS" = 0x0;
2017-05-23 18:22:11:978 - info: [Xcode] "XPC_SERVICE_NAME" = "[0xc637][70]";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:978 - info: [Xcode] "__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING" = "0x1F5:0:0";
2017-05-23 18:22:11:978 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:11:979 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.491 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac20> entering wait loop for 5.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:979 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.496 XCTRunner[453:26896] Got daemon protocol version 12
2017-05-23 18:22:11:979 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.496 XCTRunner[453:26898] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac20>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:979 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.496 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac20> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:980 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.496 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac20> cleaning up Exchange protocol versions with daemon
2017-05-23 18:22:11:980 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.497 XCTRunner[453:26873] Requesting socket
2017-05-23 18:22:11:981 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.498 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac70> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:981 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.611 XCTRunner[453:26897] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac70>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:981 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.611 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac70> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:981 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.611 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ac70> cleaning up Socket for IDE session acquired
2017-05-23 18:22:11:982 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.611 XCTRunner[453:26873] Creating transport with socket 4
2017-05-23 18:22:11:982 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.611 XCTRunner[453:26873] Creating connection with transport <DTXSocketTransport: 0x17010b0a0>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:982 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.613 XCTRunner[453:26873] Creating the proxy channel with connection <DTXConnection 0x1701fd800 : x1>
2017-05-23 18:22:11:982 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.613 XCTRunner[453:26873] Messaging IDE proxy - _XCT_testBundleReadyWithProtocolVersion:22 minimumVersion:8
2017-05-23 18:22:11:983 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.614 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401acf0> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:983 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.616 XCTRunner[453:26896] _XCT_testBundleReadyWithProtocolVersion:minimumVersion: reply received
2017-05-23 18:22:11:983 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.720 XCTRunner[453:26896] _IDE_startExecutingTestPlanWithProtocolVersion:22
2017-05-23 18:22:11:984 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.721 XCTRunner[453:26894] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401acf0>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:985 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.721 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401acf0> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:985 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.721 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401acf0> cleaning up IDE session ready for test plan
2017-05-23 18:22:11:985 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.749 xcodebuild[38703:135405] Starting test plan, clearing initialization timeout timer.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:986 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.734 XCTRunner[453:26873] Initializing for UI testing.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:986 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.737 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ad60> entering wait loop for 20.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:986 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.742 testmanagerd[450:26650] Performing block with diagnostics...
2017-05-23 18:22:11:986 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.744 testmanagerd[450:26650] Waiting 15.0s for AX to finish loading...
2017-05-23 18:22:11:987 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.747 testmanagerd[450:26650] _AXSApplicationAccessibilityEnabled() returned false
2017-05-23 18:22:11:987 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.826 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX is loaded
2017-05-23 18:22:11:987 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.888 testmanagerd[450:26650] AXDisableAccessibilityOnTermination() returned 0
2017-05-23 18:22:11:987 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.893 testmanagerd[450:26650] Created system wide AX element <AXUIElement 0x10061ebf0> {pid=0}
2017-05-23 18:22:11:988 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.905 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:11:988 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.919 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:22:11:988 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.939 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 1005
2017-05-23 18:22:11:989 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.941 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 1001
2017-05-23 18:22:11:989 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.943 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:22:11:989 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.945 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:11:990 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.947 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 4000
2017-05-23 18:22:11:990 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.948 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 4001
2017-05-23 18:22:11:990 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.949 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for accessibility notification 5000
2017-05-23 18:22:11:990 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.950 testmanagerd[450:26650] Block succeeded, canceling diagnostics.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:991 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.962 XCTRunner[453:26898] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ad60>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:991 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.962 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ad60> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:991 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.962 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401ad60> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174054220)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174054220)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:991 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.965 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401af40> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:992 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.965 testmanagerd[450:26650] AXUIElementSetMessagingTimeout(<AXUIElement 0x10061ebf0> {pid=0}, 15) -> 0
2017-05-23 18:22:11:992 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.966 XCTRunner[453:26898] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401af40>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:992 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.983 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401af40> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:992 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.983 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401af40> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174051bb0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174051bb0)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:993 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.984 testmanagerd[450:26650] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 453 vs 453
2017-05-23 18:22:11:993 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.985 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b090> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:993 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.986 testmanagerd[450:26650] Registered for AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:11:993 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.987 XCTRunner[453:26904] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b090>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:994 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.987 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b090> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:994 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.987 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b090> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x1740527e0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x1740527e0)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:994 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.989 testmanagerd[450:26641] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 453 vs 453
2017-05-23 18:22:11:994 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.989 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17001cf80> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:995 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.990 testmanagerd[450:26641] Registered for AX notification 1006
2017-05-23 18:22:11:995 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.992 XCTRunner[453:26917] <XCTWaiter: 0x17001cf80>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:995 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.992 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17001cf80> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:995 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.992 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17001cf80> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x17005a9a0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x17005a9a0)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:996 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.994 testmanagerd[450:26640] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 453 vs 453
2017-05-23 18:22:11:996 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.995 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b130> entering wait loop for 15.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:996 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.996 testmanagerd[450:26640] Registered for AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:11:996 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.997 XCTRunner[453:26917] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b130>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:997 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.997 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b130> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:11:997 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.998 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b130> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x17005a5e0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x17005a5e0)
2017-05-23 18:22:11:997 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:57.999 testmanagerd[450:26640] Got request for process assertion for pid 453.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:997 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.000 testmanagerd[450:26640] Invalidating previous process assertion for pid 453.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:998 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.000 testmanagerd[450:26640] Created process assertion for pid 453: <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x1006152f0>, waiting for response from assertiond.
2017-05-23 18:22:11:999 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.000 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b1f0> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:11:999 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.003 testmanagerd[450:26640] Got reply for process assertion request, success: YES
2017-05-23 18:22:11:999 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.004 XCTRunner[453:26917] Got reply for background assertion for test process, acquired: YES.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:000 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.005 XCTRunner[453:26904] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b1f0>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:12:020 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.006 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b1f0> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:12:021 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.006 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b1f0> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174052bd0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x174052bd0)
2017-05-23 18:22:12:021 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.007 XCTRunner[453:26873] Registering for UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification
2017-05-23 18:22:12:021 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.007 XCTRunner[453:26873] Hitting home button to enter background.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:021 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.009 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b230> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:12:022 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.009 testmanagerd[450:26645] -[XCTDaemon allowUITestControlForPID:] 453 vs 453
2017-05-23 18:22:12:022 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.010 testmanagerd[450:26645] Performing <XCDeviceEvent:0x100224ac0 page 12 usage 64 duration 0.01s
2017-05-23 18:22:12:022 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.015 testmanagerd[450:26640] Sleeping for 0.005000s before sending up event
2017-05-23 18:22:12:022 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.023 testmanagerd[450:26640] Waiting for device event confirmation.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:023 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.031 XCTRunner[453:26904] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:023 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.029 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:023 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.031 testmanagerd[450:26639] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:22:12:023 - info: [Xcode] event = ButtonEventsCompleted;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:024 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:12:024 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.031 testmanagerd[450:26639] Signaling device event confirmed by AX notification.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:024 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.032 testmanagerd[450:26640] Gesture complete, replying to client.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:024 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.033 XCTRunner[453:26896] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b230>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:12:025 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.034 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b230> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:12:025 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.034 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b230> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x1740533e0)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x1740533e0)
2017-05-23 18:22:12:025 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.035 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b2c0> entering wait loop for 30.00s
2017-05-23 18:22:12:025 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.145 XCTRunner[453:26917] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:025 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.146 XCTRunner[453:26917] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 449: suspended
2017-05-23 18:22:12:026 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.146 XCTRunner[453:26917] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:026 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.157 XCTRunner[453:26917] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:026 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.157 XCTRunner[453:26917] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 453: active
2017-05-23 18:22:12:026 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.160 XCTRunner[453:26894] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:028 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.117 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:028 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.161 XCTRunner[453:26894] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:028 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.118 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:028 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.119 testmanagerd[450:26639] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:22:12:029 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBAppContainerViewController;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:029 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidDisappear;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:029 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:12:030 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.150 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:030 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.152 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:030 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.152 testmanagerd[450:26639] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:22:12:030 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBLeafIconViewController;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:031 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidAppear;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:031 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:12:031 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.153 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:22:12:031 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.155 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:22:12:031 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.156 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1000
2017-05-23 18:22:12:032 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.157 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:032 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.157 testmanagerd[450:26639] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:22:12:032 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBIconController;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:032 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidAppear;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:032 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:12:034 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.170 testmanagerd[450:26639] BKSAccelerometer reported orientation update: 0
2017-05-23 18:22:12:034 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.214 XCTRunner[453:26873] No application process found matching pid 449, caching
2017-05-23 18:22:12:034 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.214 XCTRunner[453:26873] No application process found matching pid 453, caching
2017-05-23 18:22:12:034 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.238 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:034 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.239 XCTRunner[453:26893] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:035 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.240 XCTRunner[453:26893] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 449: suspended
2017-05-23 18:22:12:035 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.323 XCTRunner[453:26873] No application process found matching pid 449, caching
2017-05-23 18:22:12:035 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.545 XCTRunner[453:26873] Got UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification
2017-05-23 18:22:12:035 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.559 XCTRunner[453:26904] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b2c0>: cancelWaiting
2017-05-23 18:22:12:036 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.561 testmanagerd[450:26650] Got application state update: (453) -> 4
2017-05-23 18:22:12:036 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.601 XCTRunner[453:26894] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:036 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.603 XCTRunner[453:26894] Got AX notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:036 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.603 XCTRunner[453:26894] Got kAXPidStatusChangedNotification for 453: suspended
2017-05-23 18:22:12:037 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.605 XCTRunner[453:26904] Got AX notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:037 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.600 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:037 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.601 testmanagerd[450:26639] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:22:12:037 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBAppContainerViewController;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:038 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidDisappear;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:038 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:12:038 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.602 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1021
2017-05-23 18:22:12:038 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.603 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 4002
2017-05-23 18:22:12:039 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.605 testmanagerd[450:26639] Got user testing notification with payload {
2017-05-23 18:22:12:039 - info: [Xcode] controllerClass = SBLeafIconViewController;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:039 - info: [Xcode] event = ViewDidAppear;
2017-05-23 18:22:12:039 - info: [Xcode] }
2017-05-23 18:22:12:040 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.606 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:22:12:040 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:58.607 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:22:12:040 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.112 testmanagerd[450:26639] AX Notification 1011
2017-05-23 18:22:12:041 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.602 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b2c0> done waiting
2017-05-23 18:22:12:041 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.602 XCTRunner[453:26873] <XCTWaiter: 0x17401b2c0> cleaning up Expect predicate `BLOCKPREDICATE(0x17005a100)` for object BLOCKPREDICATE(0x17005a100)
2017-05-23 18:22:12:042 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.602 XCTRunner[453:26873] Done initializing for UI testing.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:042 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.603 XCTRunner[453:26873] Loading test suite...
2017-05-23 18:22:12:042 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.680 XCTRunner[453:26873] Finished loading test suite, took 0.077s
2017-05-23 18:22:12:043 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.681 XCTRunner[453:26873] -[XCTRunnerIDESession testBundleWillStart:]
2017-05-23 18:22:12:043 - info: [Xcode] 18:21:59.710 xcodebuild[38703:135405] _XCT_testSuite:All tests didStartAt:2017-05-23 15:21:59 +0000
2017-05-23 18:22:12:044 - info: [Xcode] 18:22:03.673 xcodebuild[38703:135519] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 197 messages.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:044 - info: [Xcode] 18:22:06.704 xcodebuild[38703:135495] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 1204 messages.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:044 - info: [Xcode] 18:22:09.703 xcodebuild[38703:135488] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 39 messages.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:045 - info: [Xcode]
2017-05-23 18:22:12:046 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr'
2017-05-23 18:22:12:072 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alixgshqmvreypajmzdnfuxxsjtr/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:12:073 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy'
2017-05-23 18:22:12:073 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:12:075 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg'
2017-05-23 18:22:12:075 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-bxtmlhrdrbxfpkdpvvnhdrpdxosg/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:12:076 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs'
2017-05-23 18:22:12:076 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dikkwtrisltbeobjmfvpthwwekvs/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:12:077 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor'
2017-05-23 18:22:12:077 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dooihziyydollqajrosfqyhrfkor/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:12:078 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Found WDA derived data folder: '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst'
2017-05-23 18:22:12:078 - info: [XCUITest] Setting '755' permissions to '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-dsqjjivfzylcmweuilelelbuykst/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
2017-05-23 18:22:12:078 - info: [debug] [XCUITest] Not clearing log files. Use `clearSystemFiles` capability to turn on.
2017-05-23 18:22:12:079 - info: [debug] [iOSLog] Stopping iOS log capture
2017-05-23 18:22:12:080 - info: [Appium] Removing session fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213 from our master session list
2017-05-23 18:22:12:080 - info: [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'quitSessionFinished' logged at 1495552932080 (18:22:12 GMT+0300 (EEST))
2017-05-23 18:22:12:080 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Received response: null
2017-05-23 18:22:12:081 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] But deleting session, so not returning
2017-05-23 18:22:12:081 - info: [debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.deleteSession() result: null
2017-05-23 18:22:12:081 - info: [HTTP] <-- DELETE /wd/hub/session/fdd375b2-b32b-4356-b572-728b986be213 200 710 ms - 76
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