Packages may need another package as a library (i.e. a consumer may depend on a specific provider package, see atom/service-hub#6). We should distinguish between that type of service (library) from the type of service commonly being used by current packages (delegate).
Library service examples:
- A dialog UI component provided to other packages for building custom dialog boxes (e.g. an authentication dialog for connecting to remote file servers)
- A text editor mouse-move listener provided to other packages that emits an event every time the mouse moves over a new word (e.g. for implementing jump-to-definition)
- ...
Delegate service examples:
- An autocomplete UI that consumes delegates for finding completions to suggest
- A linter UI that consumes delegates for finding language-specific warnings and errors
- ...
Library consumers currently break if the provider package isn't activated -- particularly for tests, which don't activate any packages by default. By distinguishing them from delegate consumers, Atom can activate library dependencies before activating a package or keep the package deactivated if the dependencies aren't installed (or perhaps apm install them?).
A library that provides a dialog UI component for other packages to use:
"libraries": {
"providers": {
"dialog-component": {
"description": "A base component for creating dialog boxes",
"versions": {
"1.0.0": "getDialogComponent",
"0.58.0": "getLegacyDialogComponent"
A client of the library that shows a dialog for logging into remote file servers:
"libraries": {
"consumers": {
"dialog-component": {
// This marks the Atom package dependency.
"package": "my-dialog-component",
"versions": {
"^1.0.0": "setDialogComponent",
Then the promise-based API atom/service-hub#6 could look like:
var promise = global.libraries.consume('dialog-component', '1.0.0');
These would look pretty much the same as the current "services" API.
An autocomplete UI shell that shows completions provided by delegates:
"delegates": {
"consumers": {
"autocomplete": {
"versions": {
"^1.0.0": "addAutocompleteDelegate",
An autocomplete provider that suggests Objective-C completions:
"delegates": {
"providers": {
"autocomplete": {
"description": "Add support for Objective-C autocomplete",
"versions": {
"1.0.0": "getObjectiveCAutocompleteDelegate",
"0.58.0": "getLegacyObjectiveCAutocompleteDelegate"