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Created September 12, 2021 12:26
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Demonstration of a mocked Timer
import Foundation
protocol Timing {
associatedtype TimerType: Timing
static func scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: TimeInterval, repeats: Bool, block: @escaping (TimerType) -> Void) -> TimerType
func invalidate()
func fire()
extension Timer: Timing {}
struct MockTimer: Timing {
typealias TimerType = Self
static var timerCreated: ((Self) -> Void)?
var timeInterval: TimeInterval
var repeats: Bool
var block: (Self) -> Void
var mockInvalidate: () -> Void
static func scheduledTimer(
withTimeInterval timeInterval: TimeInterval,
repeats: Bool,
block: @escaping (TimerType) -> Void
) -> TimerType {
var invalidatableBlock: ((TimerType) -> Void)? = block
let timer = MockTimer(
timeInterval: timeInterval,
repeats: repeats,
block: { invalidatableBlock?($0) },
mockInvalidate: { invalidatableBlock = nil }
return timer
func invalidate() {
func fire() {
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