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Created December 27, 2013 03:17
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Cracking a password with a known structure.
import random
import string
import itertools
def random_capitalize(start):
out = ''
for char in start:
out += char.upper() if random.randrange(2) else char.lower()
return out
def gen_capitalize(start):
valid_indices = {i for i in range(len(start)) if start[i] in string.ascii_lowercase}
for num_cap in range(len(start) + 1):
for indices in itertools.combinations(valid_indices, num_cap):
startlist = list(start)
for index in indices:
startlist[index] = startlist[index].upper()
yield ''.join(startlist)
def random_insert(start, alphabet, num):
ret = start
for i in range(num):
letter = alphabet[random.randrange(len(alphabet))]
index = random.randrange(len(ret) + 1)
ret = ret[:index] + letter + ret[index:]
return ret
def gen_random_insert(start, alphabet, num):
for indices in itertools.combinations(range(len(start)+num), num):
for chars in itertools.product(alphabet, repeat=num):
startlist = list(start)
for i in range(num):
startlist.insert(indices[i], chars[i])
yield ''.join(startlist)
def random_insert(start, alphabet, num):
ret = start
for i in range(num):
letter = alphabet[random.randrange(len(alphabet))]
index = random.randrange(len(ret) + 1)
ret = ret[:index] + letter + ret[index:]
return ret
def random_password_and_known():
password = random_insert("", string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
password = random_insert(password, string.digits, 2)
known = password
password = random_capitalize(password)
password = random_insert(password, string.punctuation, 2)
return (password, known)
def crack(known, oracle):
i = 0
for start in gen_capitalize(known):
for andpunc in gen_random_insert(start, string.punctuation, 2):
i += 1
if oracle(andpunc):
ret = andpunc
print("Found", ret, "at index", i)
print("Ultimately", i)
return ret
def test():
password, known = random_password_and_known()
print("The real password:", password)
print("The known component:", known)
def oracle(candidate):
return candidate == password
crack(known, oracle)
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