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Created March 14, 2015 00:03
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Playing with Haskell Threads
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Text.Printf
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.String
main :: IO ()
main = do
m <- initIdRef
forever $ do
s <- getLine
let sl = words s in
if length sl > 0 then
if (sl !! 0) == "del" then do
let time = (read $ sl !! 1 :: Int)
count <- dropDelay m time
printf "Dropped %d threads waiting for %d seconds\n" count time
else do
(num, id) <- setReminder m s
trackThreadId m num id
return ()
-- ===========================================================
-- Track active thread ids
type IdMap = Map.Map Int (Set ThreadId)
data IdRef = IdRef (MVar IdMap)
initIdRef :: IO IdRef
initIdRef = do
m <- newMVar $ Map.empty
return $ IdRef m
trackThreadId :: IdRef -> Int -> ThreadId -> IO ()
trackThreadId (IdRef mv) num id = do
m <- takeMVar mv
let newm = Map.alter (\x -> if isNothing x then
Just $ Set.singleton id
Just $ Set.insert id $ fromJust x) num m
putMVar mv newm
dropThreadId :: IdRef -> Int -> ThreadId -> IO ()
dropThreadId (IdRef mv) num id = do
m <- takeMVar mv
let newm = Map.alter (\x -> if isNothing x then
Just $ Set.delete id $ fromJust x) num m
printf "ThreadMap[%d]= %s\n" num $ show $ fromMaybe Set.empty $ Map.lookup num newm
putMVar mv newm
dropDelay :: IdRef -> Int -> IO (Int)
dropDelay (IdRef mv) num = do
m <- takeMVar mv
case Map.lookup num m of
Just existing -> do
putMVar mv $ Map.delete num m
mapM_ (\x -> throwTo x ThreadKilled) $ Set.toList existing
return $ Set.size existing
Nothing -> do
putMVar mv m
return 0
-- ===========================================================
-- Fork delay
setReminder :: IdRef -> String -> IO (Int, ThreadId)
setReminder ref s = do
let t = read s :: Int
printf "Ok, I'll remind you in %d seconds\n" t
id <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay (10^6 * t)
printf "%d seconds passed!\n" t
mid <- myThreadId
dropThreadId ref t mid
return (t, id)
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