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Created October 9, 2013 18:33
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Study Hall #1 @bocoup
;;; Study Hall #1
;;; example lisp code, by Eric O'Connor
;; define a package
(defpackage play
(:use cl))
;; use the package
(in-package :play)
;; utility functions
(defun quit ()
;; eval-when :compile-toplevel allows these functions to be available
;; during macro expansion
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun xor (a b)
(and (or a b)
(not (and a b))))
(defun flatten (lst)
(if (consp lst)
(append (flatten (car lst)) (flatten (cdr lst)))
(when lst (list lst))))
(defun match (a b)
((match-inner (a b)
(let ((matches (list)))
(cond ((and (consp a) (consp b))
(let ((cam (match-inner (car a) (car b)))
(cdm (match-inner (cdr a) (cdr b))))
(if (and (car cam) (car cdm))
(setq matches
(append matches (cdr cam) (cdr cdm)))
(cons t matches))
((or (xor (consp a) (consp b))
(xor (null a) (null b)))
(if (not (and (null a) (null b)))
(list t (list a b))
(list t)))))))
(cdr (match-inner a b))))
;;; ================================================
;;; unless macro
(defmacro my-unless (test &rest a)
`(or ,test (progn ,@a)))
;;; ================================================
;;; matchcase macro
(defmacro matchcase (match-item &rest matches)
;; gensyms prevent hygiene leaks
(let ((evaled-item (gensym "item-"))
(done-symbol (gensym)))
`(let ((,evaled-item ,match-item))
(block ,done-symbol
,@(let ((col (list)))
(m matches)
(let ((gsymbols (flatten (car m)))
(match-symbol (gensym "match-")))
(push `(let ((,match-symbol (match ',(car m) ,evaled-item)))
(when ,match-symbol
(,@(let ((col (list)))
(dolist (binding gsymbols)
(push `(,binding
(cadr (assoc ',binding
;; catch errors (like try ... finally)
(progn ,@(cdr m))
;; return to (block above
(return-from ,done-symbol)))))
;;; ================================================
;;; matchcase usage:
(matchcase '(123 345 678)
((a b c)
(format t "abc: ~A, ~A, ~A~%"
a b c))
((x (y (z)))
(format t "xyz: ~A, ~A, ~A"
x y z)))
;; prints => abc: 123, 345, 678
(matchcase '(123 (345 (678)))
((a b c)
(format t "abc: ~A, ~A, ~A~%"
a b c))
((x (y (z)))
(format t "xyz: ~A, ~A, ~A"
x y z)))
;; prints => xyz: 123, 345, 678
;;; eof
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