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Created February 4, 2021 23:26
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Invoicing
( invoiceRoutes
, newInvoice
, waitInvoices
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Network.Wai (Middleware, pathInfo, requestMethod)
import Network.Wai.EventSource (ServerEvent(..), eventSourceAppChan)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Web.Scotty
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Satsbacker.Config
import Satsbacker.Data.Invoice
import Satsbacker.Data.Site (Site(..))
import Satsbacker.Data.InvoiceId (newInvoiceId, encodeInvoiceId, InvId(..))
import Network.RPC.CLightning (listinvoices)
import Network.RPC.Config (SocketConfig(..))
import Bitcoin.Denomination
import Network.RPC (rpc)
newInvoice :: SocketConfig -> MSats -> Text -> IO Invoice
newInvoice cfg (MSats int) description = do
invId <- liftIO newInvoiceId
let label = encodeInvoiceId invId
args = [show int, B8.unpack label, T.unpack description]
newInv <- rpc cfg "invoice" args
let inv = fromNewInvoice (InvId (decodeUtf8 label)) newInv
either fail return inv
postInvoice :: Config -> ActionM ()
postInvoice Config{..} = do
msatoshis <- msats <$> param "msatoshi"
description <- param "description"
inv <- liftIO (newInvoice cfgRPC msatoshis description)
json $ invoiceToJSON (siteAmountCfg cfgSite) inv
micro :: Int
micro = 1000000
-- max 30 minutes
sanitizeTimeout :: Int -> Int
sanitizeTimeout = min (1800 * micro) . (*micro)
waitForInvoice :: MVar WaitInvoice -> InvId -> IO Invoice
waitForInvoice !mv !invId = do
WaitInvoice (!_, !(CLInvoice !inv)) <- takeMVar mv
if (invoiceId inv == invId)
then return inv
else waitForInvoice mv invId
checkPaidInvoice :: SocketConfig -> InvId -> IO (Maybe Invoice)
checkPaidInvoice cfgRPC (InvId invId) = do
invs <- listinvoices cfgRPC invId
case invs of
[] -> return Nothing
[inv] -> if isPaid inv
then return (Just inv)
else return Nothing
_ -> fail ("more than one invoice with id " ++ T.unpack invId)
pinger :: MVar () -> Chan ServerEvent -> IO ()
pinger stop events = do
m <- tryTakeMVar stop
case m of
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> do
writeChan events commentEvent
threadDelay (micro * 15)
pinger stop events
commentEvent = CommentEvent (fromByteString "ping")
waitInvoice :: Config -> Chan ServerEvent -> Maybe Int -> InvId -> IO ()
waitInvoice Config{..} events mtimeout invId = do
mpaid <- checkPaidInvoice cfgRPC invId
stop <- newEmptyMVar
case mpaid of
Nothing -> wait stop
Just _ -> sendPaidEvent stop
eventName = fromByteString "paid"
eventId = Just (fromByteString "0")
paidEvent = ServerEvent (Just eventName) eventId [eventName]
sendPaidEvent stop = do
putMVar stop ()
writeChan events paidEvent
writeChan events CloseEvent
wait pingStop = do
-- default 30 second timeout
let waitFor = maybe (30 * micro) sanitizeTimeout mtimeout
_ <- forkIO (pinger pingStop events)
minv <- timeout waitFor $ waitForInvoice cfgPayNotify invId
case minv of
Nothing -> do putMVar pingStop ()
writeChan events CloseEvent
Just _ -> sendPaidEvent pingStop
waitinvoiceSSE :: Config -> Middleware
waitinvoiceSSE config gonext req responder =
method = requestMethod req
path = pathInfo req
mtimeout = Just 600 -- 10 minutes
case (method, path) of
("GET", ["payment-stream", invId]) -> do
events <- newChan
_ <- forkIO (waitInvoice config events mtimeout (InvId invId))
let sseApp = eventSourceAppChan events
sseApp req responder
(_, _) ->
gonext req responder
invoiceRoutes :: Config -> ScottyM ()
invoiceRoutes cfg = do
post "/invoice" (postInvoice cfg)
-- get "/invoice/:invId/wait" (waitInvoice cfg)
middleware (waitinvoiceSSE cfg)
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