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Last active February 17, 2021 00:33
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Add Google Play Music Takeout playlists to plex
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python version 3
# Based off of LucidBrot migrate-from-google-play-music and gmusic_playlists_to_plex by Author: Blacktwin, pjft, sdlynx
# Author of this version: ocShawn
import os, sys, csv, html, requests, re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from plexapi.server import PlexServer, CONFIG
Purpose: To allow you to add Google Play Music Takeout playlists to plex
1) First get your Google Play Music playlists out of Takeout at
Requires: plexapi, requests
2) Install requirements Run: `python -m pip install --upgrade pip plexapi requests`
3) Change below:
PLAYLISTS_PATH = path to google takeout Playlists folder
PLEX_URL = url to plex server
PLEX_TOKEN = See for how to get
MUSIC_LIBRARY_NAME = name of plex music library
IGNORE_MUSIC_FOLDERS = folders you want to ignore in PLAYLISTS_PATH
4) Run Script: `python > out.txt`
5) Manually add missed songs in plex
After script runs view out.txt file towards the bottom missed tracks will be listed
6) Done, PLEX party time
# Note that path settings are relative to the current working directory if you don't specify absolute paths.
# Path to "Takeout / Google Play Music / Playlists" as obtained from
PLAYLISTS_PATH = os.path.normpath('E:\Takeout\Google Play Music\Playlists')
# plex server info
# Folders to ignore
# SKIP THUMBS UP playlist set to (True / False)
if not PLEX_URL:
PLEX_URL =['auth'].get('server_baseurl')
if not PLEX_TOKEN:
PLEX_TOKEN =['auth'].get('server_token')
# Connect to Plex Server
sess = requests.Session()
sess.verify = False
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=sess)
class Playlist:
After collecting, the data must be SOMEWHERE. Here.
name: str
content: list = None
def filter_playlists(subfolders):
Returns folder paths which look like a valid playlist export
for folder in subfolders:
# check for existence of Metadata.csv
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, 'Metadata.csv')):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, 'Tracks')):
if not valid:
if os.path.split(folder)[1] != "Thumbs Up":
print("\tInvalid: {}".format(folder), file=sys.stderr)
if valid:
class SongInfo:
Basically a Named Tuple for storing info of a song
title: str
artist: str
liked: bool
album: str
duration_ms: str
def read_gpm_playlist(playlistdir, trackdir='Tracks'):
Returns a list of song names contained in a GPM Takeout Playlist
song_infos_unsorted = []
tracks_path = os.path.join(playlistdir, trackdir)
# Expected contents of that directory is one file per song,
# each file csv-formatted and containing something like this:
# Title,Album,Artist,Duration (ms),Rating,Play Count,Removed,Playlist Index
# "The Show","Lenka","Lenka","235728","5","24","","4"
# <newline>
song_csvs = [ f.path for f in os.scandir(tracks_path) if f.is_file() ]
for song_csv in song_csvs:
with open(song_csv, encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
rows = csv.reader(csvfile)
for title, album, artist, duration_ms, rating, play_count, removed, playlist_index in rows:
if (title.strip() == 'Title') and (artist.strip() == 'Artist') and (album.strip() == 'Album'):
# skip headline
if removed:
# skip removed
# clean up google's htmlencoding mess
title = html.unescape(title)
album = html.unescape(album)
artist = html.unescape(artist)
print("Reading GPM {} by {}.".format(title.encode('utf-8'), artist.encode('utf-8')))
song_info = SongInfo(title= title, album= album, artist= artist, liked= (rating == '5'), duration_ms= duration_ms)
song_infos_unsorted.append((song_info, playlist_index))
except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
print("INFO: Skipping file {} due to Unicode Reading Error.".format(song_csv.encode('utf-8')))
# sort playlist by index
song_infos_sorted = sorted(song_infos_unsorted, key=lambda x: x[1])
return [song_tuple[0] for song_tuple in song_infos_sorted]
def folders_of_path(folderpath):
return os.path.normpath(folderpath).split(os.sep)
def is_ignored(folder):
path = os.path.normpath(folder)
folders= folders_of_path(path)
return any([item in folders for item in IGNORE_MUSIC_FOLDERS])
def round_down(num, divisor):
num (int,str): Number to round down
divisor (int): Rounding digit
Rounded down int
num = int(num)
return num - (num%divisor)
def compare(ggmusic, pmusic):
ggmusic (dict): Contains track data from Google Music
pmusic (object): Plex item found from search
pmusic (object): Matched Plex item
title = str(ggmusic.title.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
duration = int(ggmusic.duration_ms)
# Check if track duration match
if isinstance(duration, int) and isinstance(pmusic.duration, int):
if round_down(duration, 1000) == round_down(pmusic.duration, 1000):
return [pmusic]
# Lastly, check if title matches
if title == pmusic.title:
return [pmusic]
# check if title matches raw
elif ggmusic.title == pmusic.title:
return [pmusic]
# check if title matches raw trimmed caseless all special carecters removed
elif re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', ggmusic.title).lower() == re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', pmusic.title).lower():
return [pmusic]
def main():
print("Considering any playlists in {}".format(PLAYLISTS_PATH))
print("Collecting playlist directories...\n")
print("Collecting playlist directories...\n", file=sys.stderr)
subfolders = [ f.path for f in os.scandir(PLAYLISTS_PATH) if f.is_dir() and not is_ignored(f.path) ]
playlists = list(filter_playlists(subfolders))
for playlistpath in playlists:
playlistname = os.path.basename(playlistpath)
print("\tPlaylist: {}".format(playlistname))
print("\tPlaylist: {}".format(playlistname), file=sys.stderr)
print("Indexing fallback...")
fallback_music_file_infos = []
output_playlists = [] # List of Playlist objects
print("Accumulating Contents...")
# hackaround for Thumbs up Playlist: add it and handle it separately
for playlistpath in playlists:
if playlistpath != THUMBSUPHACK:
playlistname = os.path.basename(playlistpath)
print("Accumulating Contents for Playlist {}".format(playlistname))
song_info_list_sorted = read_gpm_playlist(playlistpath)
playlistname = "Thumbs up"
print("Accumulating Contents for Playlist {}".format(playlistname))
song_info_list_sorted = read_gpm_playlist(PLAYLISTS_PATH, trackdir="Thumbs up")
song_path_list = []
# instantiate playlist object for later use
playlist=Playlist(name=playlistname, content=song_info_list_sorted)
print("Done getting playlists from files RunTime: {}".format( - startTime))
print("Done getting playlists from files RunTime: {}".format( - startTime), file=sys.stderr)
# print(output_playlists[0].name)
# DONE? replace get_all_user_playlist_contents
for pl in output_playlists:
playlistName =
# Check for existing Plex Playlists, skip if exists
if playlistName in [x.title for x in plex.playlists()]:
print("Playlist: ({}) already available, skipping...".format(playlistName))
playlistContent = []
print("Starting: {} Tracks: {}".format(playlistName, len(pl.content)), file=sys.stderr)
print("Adding Playlist: {}".format(playlistName))
# Go through tracks in Google Music Playlist
for ggmusicTrackInfo in pl.content:
if len(playlistContent) % 50 == 0:
print("Remaining:{}".format(len(pl.content) - len(playlistContent)), file=sys.stderr)
trackFound = False
ggmusic = ggmusicTrackInfo
title = str(ggmusic.title)
album = str(ggmusic.album)
artist = str(ggmusic.artist)
# Search Plex for Album title and Track title
albumTrackSearch = PLEX_MUSIC_LIBRARY.searchTracks(
**{'album.title': album, 'track.title': title})
# Check results
if len(albumTrackSearch) == 1:
playlistContent += albumTrackSearch
trackFound = True
if len(albumTrackSearch) > 1:
for pmusic in albumTrackSearch:
albumTrackFound = compare(ggmusic, pmusic)
if albumTrackFound:
playlistContent += albumTrackFound
trackFound = True
# Nothing found from Album title and Track title
if not trackFound:
# Search Plex for Track title
trackSearch = PLEX_MUSIC_LIBRARY.searchTracks(
**{'track.title': title})
if len(trackSearch) == 1:
playlistContent += trackSearch
trackFound = True
if len(trackSearch) > 1:
for pmusic in trackSearch:
trackFound = compare(ggmusic, pmusic)
if trackFound:
playlistContent += trackFound
trackFound = True
# Nothing found from Track title
if not trackFound:
# Search Plex for Artist
artistSearch = PLEX_MUSIC_LIBRARY.searchTracks(
**{'artist.title': artist})
for pmusic in artistSearch:
artistFound = compare(ggmusic, pmusic)
if artistFound:
playlistContent += artistFound
trackFound = True
# last shot to find a match
if not trackFound:
# Use Artist search
for pmusic in artistSearch:
toMatchA = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', title).lower()
toMatchB = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', pmusic.title).lower()
if toMatchA in toMatchB or toMatchB in toMatchA:
playlistContent += [pmusic]
trackFound = True
if not trackFound:
print(u"Could not find in Plex:\n\t{} - {} - {}".format(artist.encode('utf-8'), album.encode('utf-8'), title.encode('utf-8')))
if len(playlistContent) != 0:
print("Google Music Playlist: {}, has {} tracks. {} tracks were added to Plex.".format(
playlistName, len(pl.content), len(playlistContent)))
plex.createPlaylist(playlistName, playlistContent)
print("Google Music Playlist: {}, has {} tracks. {} tracks were added to Plex.".format(
playlistName, len(pl.content), len(playlistContent)), file=sys.stderr)
print("Could not find any matching tracks in Plex for {}".format(playlistName))
print("Total RunTime: {}".format( - startTime))
print("Total RunTime: {}".format( - startTime), file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == 'help':
print("hello. Specify some things in the source file with the CAPS LOCKED variables!")
print("If you're running this in Windows CMD, you might need to `set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8` first.")
print("It is probably advisable to pipe the stdout into a file so that the important messages from STDERR surface clearly.")
# always:
print("Done", file=sys.stderr)
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