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Last active March 25, 2019 10:09
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package ...util.perf;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.util.StopWatch;
import java.util.Optional;
import static ...isProduction;
import static java.lang.Thread.currentThread;
import static java.util.Optional.*;
import static org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter.arrayFormat;
import static org.springframework.context.annotation.ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS;
import static org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_REQUEST;
import static org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes;
* The intended usage is to (manually) create an instance of this class wherever we want to time (or otherwise profile)
* the execution of a section of code throughout the handling of a web request (as opposed to having it injected). The
* information gathered is local to each request handling thread and multiple code sections, in different method calls
* within the same thread can thus be timed and logged under the same report through this mechanism.
* <p/>
* If the current thread is not a request handling one (e.g., flows, scheduled jobs, etc.), calls to the
* methods of this class have no effect.
* @author <a href="">Octavian Nita</a>
* @version $Id$
@Configurable(preConstruction = true)
public class RequestPerformanceContext {
private ApplicationContext context;
* A request-scoped (or thread-local) {@link StopWatch}. Should be non-{@code null} if the current thread is
* handling a web request and timing various sections within the request handling thread is allowed.
private StopWatch requestStopWatch;
public RequestPerformanceContext() {
// Try to obtain a request-specific stopwatch, if available and allowed:
requestStopWatch = isProduction() || notInRequestProcessing() ? null : context
.getBean(RequestPerformanceContextConfig.REQUEST_STOPWATCH, StopWatch.class);
if (requestStopWatch != null) {
p("Acquired request-specific stopwatch {}", requestStopWatch);
} else {
p("Not a request-handling thread or no request-specific stopwatches are available");
public RequestPerformanceContext start(Class<?> klass, String methodName) {
return start(taskName(klass, methodName));
public RequestPerformanceContext start(Object object, String methodName) {
return start(taskName(object, methodName));
public RequestPerformanceContext start(@NonNull String taskName) {
if (requestStopWatch != null) {
if (requestStopWatch.isRunning()) {
p("Stopping request-specific stopwatch before starting task {}...", taskName);
return this;
public RequestPerformanceContext stop() {
if (requestStopWatch != null) {
if (requestStopWatch.isRunning()) {
return this;
public RequestPerformanceContext report() { return report(null); }
public RequestPerformanceContext report(Logger log) {
if (requestStopWatch != null) {
(log == null ? RequestPerformanceContext.log : log).info(requestStopWatch.prettyPrint());
return this;
public static boolean inRequestProcessing() { return getRequestAttributes() != null; }
public static boolean notInRequestProcessing() { return getRequestAttributes() == null; }
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> startTimed(Class<?> klass, String methodName) {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().start(klass, methodName)) : empty();
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> startTimed(Object object, String methodName) {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().start(object, methodName)) : empty();
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> startTimed(@NonNull String taskName) {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().start(taskName)) : empty();
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> stopTimed() {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().stop()) : empty();
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> reportPerf() {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().report()) : empty();
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> reportPerf(Logger log) {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().report(log)) : empty();
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> stopTimedAndReport() {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().stop().report()) : empty();
public static Optional<RequestPerformanceContext> stopTimedAndReport(Logger log) {
return inRequestProcessing() ? of(new RequestPerformanceContext().stop().report(log)) : empty();
static class RequestPerformanceContextConfig {
static final String REQUEST_STOPWATCH = "requestStopWatch";
@Scope(value = SCOPE_REQUEST, proxyMode = TARGET_CLASS)
StopWatch requestStopWatch() { return new StopWatch(REQUEST_STOPWATCH); }
private void p(String fmt, Object... args) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
final Thread currentThread = currentThread();
log.debug(">>> PERF (thread #" + currentThread.getId() + ": " + currentThread.getName() + " >>> " +
arrayFormat(fmt, args).getMessage());
private static String taskName(Object objectOrClass, String methodName) {
String taskName = "";
if (objectOrClass != null) {
taskName =
((objectOrClass instanceof Class) ? (Class<?>) objectOrClass : objectOrClass.getClass()).getName();
if (methodName != null) {
taskName += "::" + methodName;
return taskName.isEmpty() ? "N/A" : taskName;
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