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1-28-2015 NYC LPEP $20.16
1-29-2015 DEN $17.06
1-30-2015 Aden Food Market $11.89
1-30-2015 ZIZI LIMONA $96.65
1-31-2015 FOODTOWN $67.49
2-4-2015 NYC-TAXI $15.96
2-4-2015 DRAM $21.00
2-4-2015 BALTHAZAR $42.40
2-5-2015 DINER $31.13
2-7-2015 DOTORY $23.60
bottle_lyric = ->(count) { "#{count} #{count == 1 ? "bottle" : "bottles"} of beer" }
99.downto(2) do |c|
puts "#{} on the wall,"
puts "#{}!"
puts "Take one down, pass it around"
puts "#{} on the wall!"
octosteve / email.rb
Last active December 25, 2015 08:09 — forked from bjbatten/gist:6938812
require 'date'
class Email
attr_reader :email_text
def initialize(email_text)
@email_text = email_text
def date
@date ||= parsed_date.strftime('%a %d %b %Y')


Be able to push to Heroku as any of three Heroku users from a single computer and a single user.

For this, you will not be allowed to copy and paste anything - except SSH keys themselves, because we're not THAT evil.

If you get error messages, read them carefully, and make note of what you understand, what you don't understand, and what you think you understand.