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Created October 12, 2019 17:05
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Item #: 4886

Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4886 is currently located in ███████████, England. All attempts to capture SCP-4886 for transport to a more secure Foundation location have been unsuccessful, so the Foundation has purchased and quarantined the town and surrounding area under the guise of creating a nature preserve.

The only successful means of containing SCP-4886 so far have been to maintain the stone walls around the town and to hide bells around the town, as, despite appearances, it is unable to fly and it appears to have a pathological need to collect bells. All maintenance of containment must be conducted while SCP-4886 is asleep, or it will at the very least interfere with maintenance, possibly resulting in a containment breach.

SCP-4886 should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to come into contact with SCP-513. Any personnel suggesting this should be immediately reassigned to Class E pending psychological review.

Description: SCP-4886 appears to be an average member of the Anser anser domesticus species, although it expresses heightened intelligence and is unable to fly. No exact pattern to its day-to-day behavior has been recorded, but as a general rule it spends most of the day between sunrise and sunset terrorizing the inhabitants of the town by honking at them, stealing objects, and making itself a general nuisance on a wide scale.

Honks produced by SCP-4886 are unusually startling and will startle anyone nearby, regardless of if they were aware of its presence beforehand, often causing them to drop items they are carrying. This also functions when they are heard through radio transmission or recording. It is also capable of stealing items directly out of people's hands, no matter how hard they might be grasping the item. These combined attributes lead us to assume that it produces a memetic field of some kind causing loss of cognitive and motor function when attempting to act counter to its goals.

SCP-4886 has shown the ability to operate mechanical objects it is able to pick up, including the recorder carried by Agent Arkin during the initial Foundation encounter with SCP-4886. The audio recording was overwritten by SCP-4886's honking, which still possesses the anomalous properties discussed previously, and has been confiscated and designated as SCP-4886-1.

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