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Last active January 23, 2022 15:33
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Create a rounded rectangle path with ImageSharp
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing;
namespace RoundedRectangleTest
public static class RoundedRectangleExtension
public static IPath ToRoundedRectangle(this RectangleF rectangle, float cornerRadius) => new PathBuilder()
.AddEllipticalArc(rectangle.Left + cornerRadius, rectangle.Top + cornerRadius, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, 0, -90, -90)
.AddEllipticalArc(rectangle.Right - cornerRadius, rectangle.Top + cornerRadius, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, 0, 180, -90)
.AddEllipticalArc(rectangle.Right - cornerRadius, rectangle.Bottom - cornerRadius, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, 0, 90, -90)
.AddEllipticalArc(rectangle.Left + cornerRadius, rectangle.Bottom - cornerRadius, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, 0, 0, -90)
private static PathBuilder AddEllipticalArc(this PathBuilder builder, float x, float y, float radiusX, float radiusY, float rotation, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) =>
builder.AddSegment(new EllipticalArcLineSegment(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, sweepAngle, Matrix3x2.Identity));
// Copied from
private sealed class EllipticalArcLineSegment : ILineSegment
private const float MinimumSqrDistance = 1.75f;
private readonly PointF[] linePoints;
private readonly float x;
private readonly float y;
private readonly float radiusX;
private readonly float radiusY;
private readonly float rotation;
private readonly float startAngle;
private readonly float sweepAngle;
private readonly Matrix3x2 transformation;
public EllipticalArcLineSegment(float x, float y, float radiusX, float radiusY, float rotation, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Matrix3x2 transformation)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radiusX = radiusX;
this.radiusY = radiusY;
this.rotation = rotation % 360;
this.startAngle = startAngle % 360;
this.transformation = transformation;
this.sweepAngle = sweepAngle;
if (sweepAngle > 360)
this.sweepAngle = 360;
if (sweepAngle < -360)
this.sweepAngle = -360;
linePoints = GetDrawingPoints();
EndPoint = linePoints[linePoints.Length - 1];
public PointF EndPoint { get; }
public EllipticalArcLineSegment Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) => matrix.IsIdentity
? this
: new EllipticalArcLineSegment(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, sweepAngle, Matrix3x2.Multiply(transformation, matrix));
ILineSegment ILineSegment.Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) => Transform(matrix);
private PointF[] GetDrawingPoints()
var points = new List<PointF>() { CalculatePoint(startAngle) };
if (sweepAngle < 0)
for (var i = startAngle; i > startAngle + sweepAngle; i--)
var end = i - 1;
if (end <= startAngle + sweepAngle)
end = startAngle + sweepAngle;
points.AddRange(GetDrawingPoints(i, end, 0));
for (var i = startAngle; i < startAngle + sweepAngle; i++)
var end = i + 1;
if (end >= startAngle + sweepAngle)
end = startAngle + sweepAngle;
points.AddRange(GetDrawingPoints(i, end, 0));
return points.ToArray();
private List<PointF> GetDrawingPoints(float start, float end, int depth)
if (depth > 1000)
return new List<PointF>();
var points = new List<PointF>();
var startP = CalculatePoint(start);
var endP = CalculatePoint(end);
if ((new Vector2(endP.X, endP.Y) - new Vector2(startP.X, startP.Y)).LengthSquared() < MinimumSqrDistance)
float mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
points.AddRange(GetDrawingPoints(start, mid, depth + 1));
points.AddRange(GetDrawingPoints(mid, end, depth + 1));
return points;
private PointF CalculatePoint(float angle)
var x = radiusX * MathF.Sin(MathF.PI * angle / 180) * MathF.Cos(MathF.PI * rotation / 180) -
radiusY * MathF.Cos(MathF.PI * angle / 180) * MathF.Sin(MathF.PI * rotation / 180) + this.x;
var y = radiusX * MathF.Sin(MathF.PI * angle / 180) * MathF.Sin(MathF.PI * rotation / 180) +
radiusY * MathF.Cos(MathF.PI * angle / 180) * MathF.Cos(MathF.PI * rotation / 180) + this.y;
return PointF.Transform(new PointF(x, y), transformation);
public ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Flatten() => linePoints;
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odalet commented Jan 22, 2022

Simplified the end of the ToRoundedRectangle by using PathBuilder

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odalet commented Jan 23, 2022

NB: Everything inside the #if !IMAGESHARP_V2 can be removed once SixLabors.ImageSharp v2 is released

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