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Last active December 16, 2015 07:39
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  • Save odarbelaeze/5400369 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save odarbelaeze/5400369 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A [VMC]( implementation to find the ground state of the Simple Harmonic Oscillator.
// Compile with g++ -O2 -std=c++0x -o sho_test
// or (gnu gcc 4.7 or above)
// Compile with g++ -O2 -std=c++11 -o sho_test
// This package finds the ground state of the Simple Harmonic Oscillator
// with a test function \frac{\sqrt\alpha}{\pi^{\frac{1}{4}}} \exp( - \frac{1}{2} x^2\alpha^2)
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
namespace helpers
double probabiltyRatio(double x1, double x2, double alpha)
double prx1 = std::pow(std::exp( - 0.5 * x1 * x1 * alpha * alpha), 2);
double prx2 = std::pow(std::exp( - 0.5 * x2 * x2 * alpha * alpha), 2);
return (prx2 / prx1);
double localEnergy(double x, double alpha)
return alpha * alpha + x * x * (1 - std::pow(alpha, 4));
double stddev(double ex, double exsq)
return std::sqrt(exsq - std::pow(ex, 2));
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
double alpha = 0.4;
double mcs = 1000000;
double step = 2.0;
// Famous Merssene Twister engine, the best one :)
std::mt19937_64 engine;
// Useful distributions (in the non trivial way)
std::uniform_real_distribution<> zero_to_one(0.0,1.0);
std::uniform_real_distribution<> minus_one_to_one(-1.0,1.0);
while (alpha < 1.4)
double xNew;
double x = minus_one_to_one(engine);
double w;
double s;
double localEnergy;
double energy = 0.0;
double energysq = 0.0;
int accepted = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mcs; ++i)
xNew = x + step * minus_one_to_one(engine);
w = helpers::probabiltyRatio(x, xNew, alpha);
s = zero_to_one(engine);
if (w >= s)
x = xNew;
// You can print out the x values of some alphas so the probability
// distribution of x ca be ploted in a histogram
localEnergy = helpers::localEnergy(x, alpha);
energy += localEnergy;
energysq += localEnergy * localEnergy;
// Prints out: alpha, expected energy, and standard deviation of
// the expected energy as well as the acceptance ration of the process
// the "optimal" value of the aceptance ratio is about 0.5
std::cout << alpha
<< " " << energy / mcs
<< " " << helpers::stddev(energy/mcs, energysq/mcs)
<< " " << (double) accepted / mcs << std::endl;
alpha += 0.01;
return 0;
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