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Last active January 1, 2016 04:29
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BiLingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) between corpus and BLEU+1 per sentence
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import codecs
import math
from collections import defaultdict
# calculate BLEU score between two corpus
def BLEU(ws_hyp, ws_ref, **kwargs):
# check args
max_n = 4
if 'maxn' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['maxn'], int) and kwargs['maxn'] > 0:
max_n = kwargs['maxn']
dump = False
if 'dump' in kwargs and kwargs['dump'] is True:
dump = True
# calc N-gram precision
np = 0
for n in range(1, max_n+1):
numer = 0
denom = 0
for hyp, ref in zip(ws_hyp, ws_ref):
if len(hyp) < n:
possible_ngram = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for i in range(len(ref)-(n-1)):
possible_ngram[tuple(ref[i:i+n])] += 1
for i in range(len(hyp)-(n-1)):
key = tuple(hyp[i:i+n])
if key in possible_ngram and possible_ngram[key] > 0:
possible_ngram[key] -= 1
numer += 1
denom += len(hyp)-(n-1)
if dump:
print('P(n=%d) = %f (%d/%d)' % (n, numer/float(denom), numer, denom))
np += math.log(numer) - math.log(denom)
# calc brevity penalty
sumlen_hyp = sum(len(x) for x in ws_hyp)
sumlen_ref = sum(len(x) for x in ws_ref)
bp = min(1.0, math.exp(1.0-sumlen_ref/float(sumlen_hyp)))
if dump:
print('BP = %f (HYP:%d, REF:%d)' % (bp, sumlen_hyp, sumlen_ref))
# calc final score
bleu = bp * math.exp(np/max_n)
if dump:
print('BLEU = %f' % bleu)
return bleu
# calculate BLEU+1 score between two sentences
def BLEUp1(hyp, ref, **kwargs):
# check args
max_n = 4
if 'maxn' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['maxn'], int) and kwargs['maxn'] > 0:
max_n = kwargs['maxn']
# calc N-gram precision
np = 0
for n in range(1, max_n+1):
numer = 0 if n == 1 else 1
possible_ngram = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for i in range(len(ref)-(n-1)):
possible_ngram[tuple(ref[i:i+n])] += 1
for i in range(len(hyp)-(n-1)):
key = tuple(hyp[i:i+n])
if key in possible_ngram and possible_ngram[key] > 0:
possible_ngram[key] -= 1
numer += 1
if numer == 0: # no shared unigram
return 0
denom = (0 if n == 1 else 1) + max(0, len(hyp)-(n-1))
np += math.log(numer) - math.log(denom)
# calc brevity penalty
bp = min(1.0, math.exp(1.0-len(ref)/float(len(hyp))))
# calc final score
bleu = bp * math.exp(np/max_n)
return bleu
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print('USAGE: python <file:HYP> <file:REF>')
ws_hyp = []
with[1], 'r', 'utf-8') as fp:
for l in fp:
ls = l.strip().split(' ')
ws_ref = []
with[2], 'r', 'utf-8') as fp:
for l in fp:
ls = l.strip().split(' ')
BLEU(ws_hyp, ws_ref, dump=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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