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Last active May 29, 2019 18:21
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Save odayvhl/9079fbc7e591482548659b16568776aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function(n, q, w) {
function E(a, b, d) {
return function() {
try {
return a.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (e) {
d || Wa(e, b)
function Wa(a, b) {
var d;
if (.01 > Math.random()) try {
var e = a && a.message || "";
(d = -1 < e.indexOf("network error occurred") || -1 < e.indexOf("send beacon") && -1 < e.indexOf("Content Security Policy")) || (new Oa).log("jserrs", Da, a.message, b, H.href, "", "string" === typeof a.stack && a.stack.replace(/\n/g, "\\n"))
} catch (g) {}
function C(a, b, d, e) {
return n.setTimeout(E(a, d || "setTimeout", e), b)
function Cb(a, b, d, e, g) {
function p(c,
a) {
a = Math.max(0, Math.min(a, 65535));
k.mergeArrays(c, [a >> 8, a & 255])
function h(c, a) {
k.mergeArrays(c, [a & 255])
function m(c, a) {
if (-1 == xa.indexOf(a)) return !0;
h(c, a)
function f(c, a) {
for (a = Math.max(0, a | 0); 127 < a;) k.mergeArrays(c, [a & 127 | 128]), a >>= 7;
k.mergeArrays(c, [a])
function c(c, a) {
255 < a.length && (a = a.substr(0, 255));
k.mergeArrays(c, [a.length]);
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) p(c, a.charCodeAt(f))
function l(c, a) {
f(c, a.length);
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) f(c, a.charCodeAt(b))
function t(a) {
if (!a.nodeName) return a[Z] = -1, null;
var b = +a[Z];
if (!isFinite(b) || 0 >= b) return null;
if (a.attributes)
for (var l = a; l;) {
if (l.attributes.__ym_wv_ign) return null;
l = l.parentElement
l = 64;
var d = 0,
e = v.getElementParent(a),
g = e && e[Z] ? e[Z] : 0;
0 > g && (g = 0);
var t = a.nodeName.toUpperCase(),
z = Eb[t];
z || (l |= 2);
var D = v.getElementNeighborPosition(a);
D || (l |= 4);
var y = v.getElementRegion(a);
(e = e ? v.getElementRegion(e) : null) && y[0] == e[0] && y[1] == e[1] && y[2] == e[2] && y[3] == e[3] && (l |= 8);
Pa[b].pos = y[0] + "x" + y[1];
Pa[b].size = y[2] + "x" + y[3]; && "string" == typeof &&
(l |= 32);
(e = v.calcTextChecksum(a)) && (l |= 16);
var A = v.calcAttribChecksum(a);
A && (d |= 2);
a: {
var k = v.getElementChildren(v.getElementParent(a), a.tagName);
for (var Q = 0; Q < k.length; Q++)
if ((!k[Q].id || "string" != typeof k[Q].id) && v.calcAttribChecksum(k[Q]) == A && v.calcTextChecksum(k[Q]) == e) {
k = !0;
break a
} k = !1
if (k) {
l |= 1;
var aa = v.calcChildrenChecksum(a)
k = [];
if (m(k, 1)) return null;
f(k, b);
h(k, l);
f(k, g);
z ? h(k, z) : c(k, t);
D && f(k, D);
l & 8 || (f(k, y[0]), f(k, y[1]), f(k, y[2]), f(k, y[3]));
l & 32 && c(k,;
e && p(k, e);
l & 1 && p(k, aa);
h(k, d);
A && p(k, A);
return k
function z(c, a, b, l, d, e) {
for (var g; b && (g = v.getElementSize(b)) && (!g[0] || !g[1]);) b = v.getElementParent(b);
if (!b) return null;
g = b[Z];
if (!g || 0 > g) return null;
var t = {
mousemove: 2,
click: 32,
dblclick: 33,
mousedown: 4,
mouseup: 30,
touch: 12
} [a];
if (!t) return null;
var z = v.getElementXY(b);
b = [];
if (m(b, t)) return null;
f(b, c);
f(b, g);
f(b, Math.max(0, l[0] - z[0]));
f(b, Math.max(0, l[1] - z[1]));
/^mouse(up|down)|click$/.test(a) && (c = d || e, h(b, 2 > c ? 1 : c == (d ? 2 : 4) ? 4 : 2));
return b
function D(c, a, b, l, d) {
var e = [];
if (m(e, 38)) return null;
f(e, c);
p(e, a);
h(e, b);
c = l[Z];
if (!c || 0 > c) c = 0;
f(e, c);
h(e, d ? 1 : 0);
return e
function y(c, a) {
var b;
if (0 == a.length) var d = b = "";
else 100 >= a.length ? (b = a, d = "") : 200 >= a.length ? (b = a.substr(0, 100), d = a.substr(100)) : (b = a.substr(0, 97), d = a.substr(a.length - 97));
var h = [];
if (m(h, 29)) return null;
f(h, c);
l(h, b);
l(h, d);
return h
function aa(c) {
var a = [];
if (m(a, 27)) return null;
f(a, c);
return a
function O(c) {
var a = [];
h(a, 14);
f(a, c);
return a
function A(c) {
var a = [];
if (m(a, 15)) return null;
f(a, c);
return a
function ia(c, a) {
var b = [];
if (m(b, 17)) return null;
f(b, c);
f(b, a[Z]);
return b
function sa(c, a) {
var b = [];
if (m(b, 18)) return null;
f(b, c);
f(b, a[Z]);
return b
function Qa(a, b, l, d) {
var e = [];
if (m(e, 39)) return null;
f(e, a);
f(e, b[Z]);
c(e, String(l));
h(e, d ? 1 : 0);
return e
function pa(c, a) {
var b = a[Z];
if (0 < b) {
var l = [],
d = v.getElementRegion(a),
h = Pa[b],
e = d[0] + "x" + d[1],
g = d[2] + "x" + d[3];
if (e != h.pos) {
h.pos = e;
if (m(l, 9)) return null;
f(l, c);
f(l, b);
f(l, d[0]);
f(l, d[1])
if (g != h.size) {
h.size = g;
if (m(l, 10)) return null;
f(l, c);
f(l, b);
f(l, d[2]);
f(l, d[3])
if (l.length) return l
return null
function ta(c) {
var a = c[Z];
if (!a || 0 > a || !/^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA$/.test(c.nodeName) || !c.form || B(c.form)) return null;
var b = v.getFormNumber(c.form);
if (0 > b) return null;
var d = "INPUT" == c.nodeName ? {
text: 0,
color: 0,
date: 0,
datetime: 0,
"datetime-local": 0,
email: 0,
number: 0,
range: 0,
search: 0,
tel: 0,
time: 0,
url: 0,
month: 0,
week: 0,
password: 2,
radio: 3,
checkbox: 4,
file: 6,
image: 7
} [c.type] : {
} [c.nodeName];
if ("number" != typeof d) return null;
for (var h = -1, e = c.form.elements, g = e.length, t = 0, z = 0; t < g; t++)
if (e[t].name == {
if (e[t] == c) {
h = z;
} if (0 > h) return null;
e = [];
if (m(e, 7)) return null;
f(e, a);
f(e, b);
f(e, d);
l(e, || "");
f(e, h);
return e
function F(c, a) {
var b = v.getFormNumber(a);
if (0 > b) return null;
for (var l = a.elements, d = l.length, h = [], e = 0; e < d; e++)
if (!v.isEmptyField(l[e])) {
var g = l[e][Z];
g && 0 < g && k.mergeArrays(h, [g])
} l = [];
if (m(l, 11)) return null;
f(l, c);
f(l, b);
f(l, h.length);
for (b = 0; b < h.length; b++) f(l, h[b]);
return l
function ja(c, a, f) {
c = c.apply(n, a);
S.append(c, f)
function w(c) {
if (c[Z]) c = pa(x.nowEventTime(),
else {
var a = v.getElementParent(c);
a && w(a);
c[Z] = fa;
Pa[fa] = {};
a = t(c);
S.append(a, void 0);
c = ta(c)
S.append(c, void 0)
function u(c, a) {
var f = c && v.classNameExists(c, "(ym-disable-keys|-metrika-nokeys)");
a && c && (f = f || !!v.getElementsByClassName("(ym-disable-keys|-metrika-nokeys)", c).length);
return f
function B(c) {
return c && v.classNameExists(c, "(ym-disable-submit|-metrika-noform)")
function C(c) {
var a = U.getTarget(c);
if (a && "SCROLLBAR" != a.nodeName) {
if (/^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON$/.test(a.tagName))
if (a[Z]) w(a);
else {
var f = a.form;
if (f) {
f = f.elements;
for (var b = f.length, l = 0; l < b; l++) /^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON$/.test(f[l].tagName) && !f[l][Z] && w(f[l])
} else w(a)
else w(a);
ja(z, [x.nowEventTime(), c.type, a, U.getPos(c), c.which, c.button])
function E(c) {
function Ia(c) {
return (c.shiftKey ? 2 : 0) | (c.ctrlKey ? 4 : 0) | (c.altKey ? 1 : 0) | (c.metaKey ? 8 : 0) | (c.ctrlKey || c.altKey ? 16 : 0)
function Ea(c) {
if (!c) return {
ignore: !0,
forceRecord: !1,
isPrivate: !1,
privateFlag: !1,
recordData: !0
var a = "password" === c.type || la.test( || la.test(,
f = k.reduce(function(a, f) {
return a || Q.generalRegex.test(c[f])
}, !1, ["className", "id", "name"]) || Q.placeholderRegex.test(c.placeholder),
b = Q.forceRecordRegex.test(c.className);
return {
forceRecord: b,
ignore: a,
isPrivate: f,
privateFlag: !b && (f || a),
recordData: b || !(f && g.get("isEU") || a)
function Ja(c) {
return "INPUT" == c.tagName ? "password" == c.type || && la.test( || && la.test( : !1
function M(c, a, f) {
c = U.getTarget(c);
var b = Ea(c);
b.ignore || !b.forceRecord && (b.isPrivate && g.get("isEU") || u(c)) || (w(c), ja(D,
[x.nowEventTime(), a, f, c, b.privateFlag]))
function ba(c) {
var a = c.keyCode,
f = Ia(c);
if ({
3: 1,
8: 1,
9: 1,
13: 1,
16: 1,
17: 1,
18: 1,
19: 1,
20: 1,
27: 1,
33: 1,
34: 1,
35: 1,
36: 1,
37: 1,
38: 1,
39: 1,
40: 1,
45: 1,
46: 1,
91: 1,
92: 1,
93: 1,
106: 1,
110: 1,
111: 1,
144: 1,
145: 1
} [a] || 112 <= a && 123 >= a || 96 <= a && 105 >= a || f & 16) 19 == a && 4 == (f & -17) && (a = 144), M(c, a, f | 16), ya = !1, k.setTimeout(function() {
ya = !0
}, 1, "fvl.keyDown"), !(67 == a && f & 4) || f & 1 || f & 2 || G()
function T(c) {
ya && !Ka && 0 !== c.which && (M(c, c.charCode || c.keyCode, Ia(c)), Ka = !0, k.setTimeout(function() {
Ka = !1
}, 1, "fvl.keyPress"))
function ha() {
if (n.getSelection) {
try {
var c = n.getSelection()
} catch (Db) {
var a = c.toString();
var f = c.anchorNode
} else q.selection && q.selection.createRange && (c = q.selection.createRange(), a = c.text, f = c.parentElement());
if ("string" == typeof a) {
try {
for (; f && 1 != f.nodeType;) f = f.parentNode
} catch (Db) {
if (f) {
c = Ea(f).privateFlag || u(f, !0);
f = f.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var b = 0; b < f.length && !c;) c = Ea(f[b]).privateFlag || u(f[b], !0), b++;
a != Xa && (Xa = a, a = c ? {
return Q.obfuscatedSymbol
}, a.split("")).join("") :
a, ja(y, [x.nowEventTime(), a]))
function G() {
Za || (Za = !0, Xa && ja(aa, [x.nowEventTime()]), k.setTimeout(function() {
Za = !1
}, 1, "fvl.copy"))
function J() {
Aa || (Aa = !0, ja(O, [x.nowEventTime()]))
function H() {
Aa && (Aa = !1, ja(A, [x.nowEventTime()]))
function N(c) {
(!Aa || c && !c.fromElement) && J()
function I(c) {
c && !c.toElement && H()
function V(c) {
if ((c = U.getTarget(c)) && /^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON$/.test(c.tagName)) {
if (c[Z]) w(c);
else {
var a = c.form;
if (a) {
a = a.elements;
for (var f = a.length, b = 0; b < f; b++) /^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON$/.test(a[b].tagName) &&
!a[b][Z] && w(a[b])
} else w(c)
ja(ia, [x.nowEventTime(), c])
function W(c) {
(c = U.getTarget(c)) && /^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON$/.test(c.tagName) && (w(c), ja(sa, [x.nowEventTime(), c]))
function X(c) {
if ((c = U.getTarget(c)) && !Ja(c) && !u(c) && /^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA$/.test(c.tagName)) {
var a = Ea(c),
f = /^(checkbox|radio)$/.test(c.type) ? c.checked : c.value;
f = a.recordData ? f : {
return Q.obfuscatedSymbol
}, f.split("")).join("");
ja(Qa, [x.nowEventTime(), c, f, a.privateFlag])
function Y(c) {
if ((c = U.getTarget(c)) &&
!B(c) && "FORM" == c.nodeName) {
for (var a = c.elements, f = 0; f < a.length; f++) v.isEmptyField(a[f]) || w(a[f]);
ja(F, [x.nowEventTime(), c], !0)
function P(c) {
(c = U.getTarget(c)) && "BODY" == c.tagName && S.append([], !0)
var S = new kb({
protocol: a,
counterId: b,
globalConfig: g,
counterType: d,
meta: {
url: K().href,
hitId: e,
timezone: $a,
timestamp: ab
Eb = {
A: 1,
ABBR: 2,
AREA: 6,
B: 7,
BASE: 8,
BDO: 10,
BIG: 11,
BODY: 13,
BR: 14,
CITE: 18,
CODE: 19,
COL: 20,
DD: 22,
DEL: 23,
DFN: 24,
DIR: 25,
DIV: 26,
DL: 27,
DT: 28,
EM: 29,
FONT: 31,
FORM: 32,
FRAME: 33,
H1: 35,
H2: 36,
H3: 37,
H4: 38,
H5: 39,
H6: 40,
HEAD: 41,
HR: 42,
HTML: 43,
I: 44,
IMG: 46,
INPUT: 47,
INS: 48,
KBD: 50,
LABEL: 51,
LI: 53,
LINK: 54,
MAP: 55,
MENU: 56,
META: 57,
OL: 61,
P: 64,
PARAM: 65,
PRE: 66,
Q: 67,
S: 68,
SAMP: 69,
SMALL: 72,
SPAN: 73,
STYLE: 76,
SUB: 77,
SUP: 78,
TABLE: 79,
TBODY: 80,
TD: 81,
TFOOT: 83,
TH: 84,
THEAD: 85,
TITLE: 86,
TR: 87,
TT: 88,
U: 89,
UL: 90,
VAR: 91,
xa = [17, 18, 38, 32, 39, 15, 11, 7, 1],
Q = function() {
var c = "first(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name last(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name zip postal phone address passport (bank|credit)(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}card card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}number card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}holder cvv card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}exp card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name card.*month card.*year card.*month card.*year password email birth(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}(day|date) second(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name third(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name patronymic middle(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name birth(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}place house street city flat state".split(" ");
return {
generalRegex: new RegExp("(" + c.join("|") + ")", "i"),
placeholderRegex: new RegExp("(" + c.concat("\u0438\u043c\u044f;\u0444\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043b\u0438\u044f;\u043e\u0442\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e;\u0438\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043a\u0441;\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0444\u043e\u043d;\u0430\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0441;\u043f\u0430\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0440\u0442;\u041d\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0440(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b;\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0430(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2} \u0440\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f;\u0434\u043e\u043c;\u0443\u043b\u0438\u0446\u0430;\u043a\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430;\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434;\u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c".split(";")).join("|") +
")", "i"),
forceRecordRegex: /ym-record-keys/i,
obfuscatedSymbol: String.fromCharCode(8226),
obfuscatedKeyCode: 88
fa = 1,
la = /^(password|passwd|pswd)$/,
ya = !0,
Ka = !1,
Xa = "",
Za = !1,
Aa = !0;
var Z = "metrikaId_" + Math.random(),
Pa = {},
L = ":submit" + Math.random();
if (!k.isMetrikaPlayer()) {
r.on(q, "click,dblclick,mousedown", C);
r.on(q, "mouseup", E);
r.on(q, "keydown", ba);
r.on(q, "keypress", T);
r.on(q, "copy", G);
if (v.getBody()) r.on(q, "mouseleave", P);
q.attachEvent && !n.opera ? (r.on(q, "focusin", N), r.on(q,
"focusout", I)) : (r.on(n, "focus", J), r.on(n, "blur", H), r.on(q, "blur", H));
q.addEventListener ? (r.on(q, "focus", V), r.on(q, "blur", W), r.on(q, "change", X), r.on(q, "submit", Y)) : q.attachEvent && (r.on(q, "focusin", V), r.on(q, "focusout", W), function() {
for (var c = q.getElementsByTagName("form"), a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
for (var f = c[a].getElementsByTagName("*"), b = 0; b < f.length; b++)
if (/^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA$/.test(f[b].tagName)) r.on(f[b], "change", X);
r.on(c[a], "submit", Y)
(function() {
var c = q.getElementsByTagName("form");
if (c.length)
for (var a =
0; a < c.length; a++) {
var f = c[a].submit;
if ("function" == typeof f || "object" == typeof f && /^\s*function submit\(\)/.test(String(f))) c[a][L] = f, c[a].submit = function() {
target: this
return this[L]()
return {
start: function() {
stop: function() {
r.un(q, "click", C);
r.un(q, "dblclick", C);
r.un(q, "mousedown", C);
r.un(q, "mouseup", E);
r.un(q, "keydown", ba);
r.un(q, "keypress", T);
r.un(q, "copy", G);
r.un(q, "focusin", N);
r.un(q, "focusout", I);
r.un(n, "focus", J);
r.un(n, "blur", H);
r.un(q, "blur", H);
q.removeEventListener ?
(r.un(q, "focus", V), r.un(q, "blur", W), r.un(q, "change", X), r.un(q, "submit", Y)) : q.detachEvent && (r.un(q, "focusin", V), r.un(q, "focusout", W), function() {
for (var c = q.getElementsByTagName("form"), a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
for (var f = c[a].getElementsByTagName("*"), b = 0; b < f.length; b++) /^INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA$/.test(f[b].tagName) && r.un(f[b], "change", X);
r.un(c[a], "submit", Y)
(function() {
for (var c = q.getElementsByTagName("form"), a = 0; a < c.length; a++) c[a][L] && (c[a].submit = c[a][L])
function K() {
for (var a = {}, b = "hash host hostname href pathname port protocol search".split(" "),
d = b.length, e = d, g, p; e--;) a[b[e]] = "";
try {
for (g = n.location, e = d; e--;) p = b[e], a[p] = "" + g[p]
} catch (h) {
H && (a = H)
return a
function ua() {
return 0 == K()^(.*\.)?((yandex(-team)?)\.(com?\.)?[a-z]+|(auto|kinopoisk|beru|bringly)\.ru|ya\.(ru|cc)|yadi\.sk|yastatic\.net|.*\.yandex)$/)
function bb(a) {
return -1 !== ("" + n.navigator.userAgent).toLowerCase().search(a)
function lb(a) {
return (a = a && a.innerHTML && a.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, "")) ? ("" + a).replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") : ""
function mb(a,
b) {
var d;
if (!a || !b) return !1;
var e = [];
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) e.push(b[d].replace(/\^/g, "\\^").replace(/\$/g, "\\$").replace(/\./g, "\\.").replace(/\[/g, "\\[").replace(/\]/g, "\\]").replace(/\|/g, "\\|").replace(/\(/g, "\\(").replace(/\)/g, "\\)").replace(/\?/g, "\\?").replace(/\*/g, "\\*").replace(/\+/g, "\\+").replace(/\{/g, "\\{").replace(/\}/g, "\\}"));
return (new RegExp("\\.(" + e.join("|") + ")$", "i")).test(a)
function Gb(a, b) {
function d(a) {
a = a.split(":");
a = a[1] || "";
a = a.replace(/^\/*/, "").replace(/^www\./, "");
return a.split("/")[0]
return a && b ? d(a) == d(b) : a || b ? !1 : !0
function nb() {
var a = n.performance || n.webkitPerformance,
b = a && a.timing,
d, e = [];
if (b && (d = b.navigationStart))
for (e = [b.domainLookupEnd - b.domainLookupStart, b.connectEnd - b.connectStart, b.responseStart - b.requestStart, b.responseEnd - b.responseStart, b.fetchStart - d, b.redirectEnd - b.redirectStart, b.redirectCount || a.navigation && a.navigation.redirectCount], e.push(b.domInteractive && b.domLoading ? b.domInteractive - b.domLoading : null), e.push(b.domContentLoadedEventStart &&
b.domContentLoadedEventEnd ? b.domContentLoadedEventEnd - b.domContentLoadedEventStart : null), e.push(b.domComplete ? b.domComplete - d : null), e.push(b.loadEventStart ? b.loadEventStart - d : null), e.push(b.loadEventStart && b.loadEventEnd ? b.loadEventEnd - b.loadEventStart : null), e.push(b.domContentLoadedEventStart ? b.domContentLoadedEventStart - d : null), a = 0; a < e.length; a++) b = e[a], null !== b && (0 > b || 36E5 < b) && (e[a] = null);
return e
function Hb(a) {
var b = [],
d = a._lastPerformanceTiming,
e = nb(),
if (d) {
var p = 0;
for (g = d.length; p < g; p++) null ===
e[p] ? b.push(e[p]) : b.push(d[p] === e[p] ? "" : e[p])
} else b = e;
a._lastPerformanceTiming = e;
return b.join(",")
function Ib(a) {
return "first-contentful-paint" ===
function Jb() {
var a = n.performance && n.performance.getEntriesByType,
b = a ? k.filter(Ib, n.performance.getEntriesByType("paint")) : [];
if (b.length) return b = b[0], Math.round(b.startTime);
if (a) return 0;
if ("object" == typeof && {
if (b =, b.requestTime && b.firstPaintTime && n.performance && n.performance.timing) return Math.round(1E3 *
b.firstPaintTime - n.performance.timing.navigationStart)
} else if (n.performance && n.performance.timing && (b = n.performance.timing, b.navigationStart && b.msFirstPaint)) return b.msFirstPaint - b.navigationStart;
return null
var La = !1;
try {
var Kb = function(a) {
function b(e) {
if (d[e]) return d[e].exports;
var g = d[e] = {
i: e,
l: !1,
exports: {}
a[e].call(g.exports, g, g.exports, b);
g.l = !0;
return g.exports
var d = {};
b.m = a;
b.c = d;
b.d = function(a, d, p) {
b.o(a, d) || Object.defineProperty(a, d, {
enumerable: !0,
get: p
b.r = function(a) {
"undefined" !==
typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(a, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
value: !0
b.t = function(a, d) {
d & 1 && (a = b(a));
if (d & 8 || d & 4 && "object" === typeof a && a && a.__esModule) return a;
var e = Object.create(null);
Object.defineProperty(e, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: a
if (d & 2 && "string" != typeof a)
for (var h in a) b.d(e, h, function(b) {
return a[b]
}.bind(null, h));
return e
b.n = function(a) {
var d = a && a.__esModule ? function() {
return a["default"]
} : function() {
return a
b.d(d, "a", d);
return d
b.o = function(a, b) {
return, b)
b.p = "";
return b(b.s = 65)
}([function(a, b) {
a.exports = function(a, b, g) {
b in a ? Object.defineProperty(a, b, {
value: g,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : a[b] = g;
return a
}, function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "IterableUtils", function() {
return t
var e = d(26),
g = d(17),
p = d(25),
h = d(7),
m = d(10);
a = d(8);
var f = d(3),
c = a.a.Map,
l = a.a.Set,
t = {
binarySearch: function(c, a, f) {
var b = 0,
l = c.length - 1;
for (f = "function" === typeof f ? f : function(c) {
return c
}; b <=
l;) {
var d = Math.round((b + l) / 2),
m = f(c[d]);
if (m === a) {
var h = c[d];
} else a > m ? b = d + 1 : l = d - 1
return h
forof: function(c, a) {
c instanceof h.List ? c.forEach(a) : c instanceof m.KeyValue ? c.forEach(a) : Object(e.a)(c, a)
forin: function(c, a) {
Object(g.a)(c, a)
fastIterate: function(c, a) {
for (var f = 0, b = c.length; f < b; f++) a(f, c[f])
toArray: function(a) {
return a instanceof h.List || a instanceof m.KeyValue ? l && a instanceof l || c && a instanceof c ? Object(p.a)(a) : a.toArray() : Object(p.a)(a)
addToArray: function(c) {
for (var a, f = arguments.length,
b = Array(1 < f ? f - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < f; l++) b[l - 1] = arguments[l];
return (a = []).concat.apply(a, b).reduce(function(c, a) {
0 > c.indexOf(a) && c.push(a);
return c
}, c)
removeFromArray: function(c) {
for (var a, f = arguments.length, b = Array(1 < f ? f - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < f; l++) b[l - 1] = arguments[l];
return (a = []).concat.apply(a, b).reduce(function(c, a) {
var f = c.indexOf(a);
0 <= f && c.splice(f, 1);
return c
}, c)
isArray: function(c) {
return "function" === typeof Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(c) : "[object Array]" === {}
inArray: function(c, a) {
return c ?
"function" === typeof c.includes ? c.includes(a) : 0 <= c.indexOf(a) : !1
fill: function(c, a) {
if (Array.prototype.fill) return c.fill(a);
for (var f = c.length; 0 < f--;) c[f] = a;
return c
reduce: function(c, a, f) {
return this.toArray(c).reduce(a, f)
reduceRight: function(c, a, f) {
return this.toArray(c).reduceRight(a, f)
map: function(c, a) {
var b = this.toArray(c);
if (f.ObjectUtils.isNative(, "map")) return;
for (var l = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) l[d] = a(b[d], d, b);
return l
find: function(c, a) {
if (Array.prototype.find) return c.find(a);
var f;
this.forof(c, function(b, l) {
return !0 === !!a(b, l, c) ? (f = b, !1) : !0
return f
keys: function(c) {
if ("function" === typeof c.keys) return c.keys();
var a = [];
this.forof(c, function(c, f) {
return a
values: function(c) {
if (c.hasOwnProperty("values")) return c.values();
var a = [];
this.forof(c, function(c, f) {
return a
includes: function(c, a, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = 0);
if (f.ObjectUtils.isNative(Array.prototype.includes, "includes")) return c.includes(a, b);
for (var l = c.length; b < l; b++)
if (c[b] === a) return !0;
return !1
}, function(a, b, d) {
b.a = "undefined" !== typeof n ? n : "undefined" !== typeof self ? self : global
}, function(a, b, d) {
a = d(6);
var e = d.n(a),
g = d(8),
p = g.a.Object.assign || function(c) {
for (var a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var f = arguments[a],
b = g.a.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(f),
for (l in f) b(l) && (c[l] = f[l])
return c
h = d(17),
m = d(26),
f = d(33);
d.d(b, "ObjectUtils", function() {
return c
var c = {
sizeof: function(c, a) {
void 0 === c && (c = {});
void 0 === a && (a = !1);
var b = JSON.stringify(c);
b = -~encodeURI(b).split(/%..|./).length;
return a ? f.NumberUtils.bytesToSize(b) : b
assign: function(c) {
for (var a = arguments.length, f = Array(1 < a ? a - 1 : 0), b = 1; b < a; b++) f[b - 1] = arguments[b];
return p.apply(void 0, [c].concat(f))
deleteProps: function(c, a) {
void 0 === a && (a = []);
Object(m.a)(a, function(a) {
delete c[a]
return c
copyObject: function(c) {
return e()({}, c)
type: function(c) {
return {}
deepCopyObject: function(c) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(c))
combine: function() {
for (var c = arguments.length, a = Array(c), f = 0; f < c; f++) a[f] = arguments[f];
return a.reduce(function(c, a) {
return null != a ? e()({}, c, a) : c
}, {})
findNativeImplementation: function(c) {
if (this.isNative(g.a[c], c)) return g.a[c];
var a = ["webkit", "moz", "ms", "o"];
c = "" + c.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + c.slice(1);
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
var b = "" + a[f] + c;
if (this.isNative(g.a[b], b)) return g.a[b]
return null
isNative: function(c, a) {
return c ? (new RegExp("function\\s*" + a + "\\s*\\(\\)\\s*\\{\\s*\\[native[\\s-]code\\]\\s*\\}", "i")).test(c.toString()) : !1
isMonkeyPatchedOrUndefined: function(c, a) {
var f =
if (f[c] === w || !this.isNative(f[c], c)) return !0;
if (a)
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
if (!this.isNative(f[c].prototype[a[b]], a[b])) return !0;
return !1
objectKeys: function(c) {
var a = [];
Object(h.a)(c, function(c) {
return a.push(c)
return a
objectValues: function(c) {
var a = [];
Object(h.a)(c, function(c, f) {
return a.push(f)
return a
safeAccess: function(c, a) {
if (null == c || "string" !== typeof a) return w;
for (var f = a.split("."), b = c, l = 0, d = f.length; l < d; l++)
if (b = b[f[l]], null == b) return w;
return b
}, function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "DO_NOT_TRACK", function() {
return p
d.d(b, "IS_INCOGNITO", function() {
return h
d.d(b, "IS_MOBILE_DEVICE", function() {
return m
d.d(b, "IS_DEVELOPMENT", function() {
return f
a = d(6);
var e = d.n(a);
a = d(11);
var g = d(2);
d = e()({}, d(32).BrowserUtils, d(34).DocumentUtils, d(14).DOMUtils, d(35).FunctionUtils, d(1).IterableUtils, d(85).MapUtils, d(33).NumberUtils, d(3).ObjectUtils, d(24).StringUtils, d(36).TimeUtils, d(20).Tools, {
math: d(87).MathUtils
try {
var p = a.a.respectDoNotTrack && !0 === navigator.doNotTrack
} catch (c) {
p = !1
var h = function() {
try {
g.a.localStorage.setItem("test", "test");
var c = "test" !== g.a.localStorage.getItem("test");
return c
} catch (l) {
return !0
try {
var m = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? !0 : !1
} catch (c) {
m = !1
var f = "development" === a.a.environment;
Object.defineProperties(d, {
value: p
value: h
value: m
value: f
b["default"] = d
}, function(a, b) {
a.exports = function(a) {
if (void 0 ===
a) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a
}, function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(0);
a.exports = function(a) {
for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
var d = null != arguments[b] ? arguments[b] : {},
m = Object.keys(d);
"function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && (m = m.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(d).filter(function(a) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d, a).enumerable
m.forEach(function(f) {
e(a, f, d[f])
return a
}, function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "List", function() {
return m
a = d(12);
var e = d.n(a);
a = d(0);
var g = d.n(a),
p = d(8);
a = d(3);
var h = d(1);
d = p.a.Set;
a = a.ObjectUtils.isMonkeyPatchedOrUndefined("Set", "add has clear delete forEach toString".split(" "));
var m = function() {
function a(c) {
g()(this, "list", []);
c && (c instanceof a ? this.create(h.IterableUtils.toArray(c)) : c instanceof Array && this.create(c))
var c = a.prototype;
c.add = function(c) {
!1 === this.has(c) && this.list.push(c);
return this
c.has = function(c) {
return 0 <= this.list.indexOf(c)
c.clear = function() {
this.list.length = 0;
return this
c["delete"] = function(c) {
c = this.list.indexOf(c);
return 0 <= c ? (this.list.splice(c, 1), !0) : !1
c.each = function(c) {
if ("function" === typeof c)
for (var a = 0; a < this.list.length;) {
var f = this.list[a];
2 === c.length ? c(f, f) : c(f);
c.forEach = function(c) {
c.values = function() {
return this.list.slice(0)
c.keys = function() {
return this.list.slice(0)
c.toArray = function() {
return this.list.slice(0)
c.toString = function() {
return "List(" + this.size + ")"
c.create = function(c) {
for (var a = 0; a < c.length;) this.add(c[a]),
e()(a, [{
key: "size",
get: function() {
return this.list.length
return a
b["default"] = a ? m : d
}, function(a, b, d) {
var e = function(a, b) {
var d = a.contentWindow;
return d ? b.reduce(function(a, f) {
return a && d.hasOwnProperty(f)
}, !0) : !1
b.a = function() {
var a = "undefined" !== typeof global ? global : "undefined" !== typeof self ? self : n;
if ("undefined" !== typeof q && q.body) {
var b = q.createElement("iframe"); = "_ym_native";
b.title = "_ym_native";
b.frameBorder = "0"; = "0"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "absolute"; = "100%"; = "100%";"border", "0", "important");
b.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
/Trident|MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? q.body.parentNode && q.body.parentNode.appendChild(b) : q.body.appendChild(b);
e(b, ["Set", "Map"]) && (a = b.contentWindow || a)
return a
}, function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
d.d(b, "b", function() {
return t
d.d(b, "a", function() {
return z
var e = d(29),
p = d.n(e);
e = d(6);
var h = d.n(e);
e = d(11);
var m = d(3),
f = d(1),
c = d(14),
l = d(20);
e =
var t = e.IGNORED_NODES,
k = [],
O = {},
A = {
INPUT: function(c, a) {
var f = h()({}, a);
"checkbox" === a.type || "radio" === a.type ? c.checked ? a.checked = "checked" : delete a.checked : f.value = c.value;
return f
IMG: function(c, a) {
var f = h()({}, a);
c.currentSrc && (f.src = c.currentSrc || a.src);
return f
ia = function(c) {
if (null == c) return !1;
c = c.nodeType;
return c === Node.TEXT_NODE || c === Node.COMMENT_NODE
n = function Ja(c, a) {
var f = [];
if ("function" === typeof a) {
var b =
null != b && b !== NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT || f.push(c)
} else f.push(c);
if (c.childNodes && 0 < c.childNodes.length) {
b = c.childNodes;
for (var d = 0, l = b.length; d < l; d++) f.push.apply(f, Ja(b[d]))
return f
Qa = function(c, a, f) {
var b = function(c) {
return "function" === typeof f ? f(c) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT
if ("function" === typeof a && b(c) === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT && (a(c), !1 === ia(c)))
for (c = q.createTreeWalker(c, -1, f ? {
acceptNode: b
} : null, !1); c.nextNode() && !1 !== a(c.currentNode););
pa = function(a, f) {
var b = [];
a && (c.DOMUtils.nodeIsInTree(a) ? Qa(null == a ? q.documentElement : a, function(c) {
}, f) : b.push.apply(b, n(a, f)));
return b
ta = function(c) {
var a = c["*"],
b = p()(c, ["*"]),
d = {},
l = new RegExp(a.join("|"), "i");
f.IterableUtils.forin(b, function(c) {
var f, l = (f = []).concat.apply(f, b[c].concat(a));
d[c] = new RegExp(l.join("|"), "i")
return function(c, a) {
if (c && a) {
var f = "string" === typeof c ? c : c.nodeName;
if (f) return (f = d[f.toLowerCase()]) && !!a.match(f) || !!a.match(l)
return !1
F = [function(c,
a, f) {
return null == f || /^javascript/.test(f)
}, function(c, a) {
return "SCRIPT" === c.nodeName && "src" === a
}, function(c, a) {
return "A" === c.nodeName && "href" === a
r = function(c, a, f) {
for (var b = 0, d = F.length; b < d; b++)
if (!0 === F[b](c, a, f)) return !1;
return !0
v = function(c, f, b) {
var d = b;
if (r(c, f, b)) {
d = k.reduce(function(b, d) {
try {
var l = d(c, f, b);
return null != l ? l : b
} catch (qa) {
return a.warn("Filtering error", qa), b
}, d);
if ("string" === typeof d) return (b = O[f]) ? b(c, f, d) || d : d;
if (null != d && !1 !== d) return d.baseVal
return null
x = function(c,
a) {
a: {
try {
} catch (M) {
var f = !1;
break a
f = !0
return !f || ta({
nodeName: c
}, a) ? !1 : a
u = function(c, f, b) {
if (b && && b.value) {
if (!1 !== x(f, try {
var d, l = v(c,, b.value);
return d = {}, d[] = l || "", d
} catch (T) {
a.warn("Error while reading attribute", b, c), a.warn(T)
} else a.warn("Error while reading attribute", b, c);
return null
e = function(c) {
var a = new RegExp(c.join("|"), "gi");
return function(c) {
return c && !!c.nodeName.match(a)
var B = function(c) {
return c && c.namespaceURI ? /svg/.test(c.namespaceURI) :
e = {
all: pa,
map: function(c, a, b) {
var d = [];
c = pa(c, b);
f.IterableUtils.fastIterate(c, function(c, f) {
return d
walk: Qa,
each: function(c, a, b) {
c && (c = pa(c, b), f.IterableUtils.fastIterate(c, a))
getAttributes: function(c) {
var a = {},
b = c.nodeName,
d = f.IterableUtils.toArray(c.attributes);
d && d.length && (f.IterableUtils.fastIterate(d, function(f, d) {
var l = u(c, b, d);
l && m.ObjectUtils.assign(a, l)
}), (d = y[b] || w) && f.IterableUtils.fastIterate(d, function(f, d) {
u(a, b, {
name: d,
value: c[d]
return (d = A[b]) ? d(c, a) :
getContent: function(c) {
if (null != c && ia(c)) return c.textContent
getNamespace: function(c) {
if (B(c)) return c.namespaceURI
normalizeAttributeValue: v,
cloneAttributes: function(c, a) {
var b = f.IterableUtils.toArray(c.attributes);
f.IterableUtils.fastIterate(b, function(c, f) {
var b = !1 === l.Tools.isNULL(f.namespaceURI),
d = f.cloneNode();
b ? a.attributes.setNamedItemNS(d) : a.attributes.setNamedItem(d)
return a
isSVG: B,
isTextNode: ia,
isIgnoredNode: e,
isIgnoredAttr: ta,
isAttributeNameValid: x,
isSkippedAttribute: function(c) {
return f.IterableUtils.includes(D,
Object.defineProperty(e, "addAttributesFilter", {
value: function(c) {
"function" === typeof c && k.push(c)
b.c = e
}).call(this, d(15)["default"])
}, function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "KeyValue", function() {
return m
a = d(12);
var e = d.n(a);
a = d(0);
var g = d.n(a);
a = d(3);
var p = d(8),
h = d(1);
d = p.a.Map;
a = a.ObjectUtils.isMonkeyPatchedOrUndefined("Map", "set get has clear delete forEach toString".split(" "));
var m = function() {
function a(c) {
g()(this, "lastIndex", 0);
g()(this, "list", []);
g()(this, "index", []);
c instanceof a ? this.create(h.IterableUtils.toArray(c)) :
c instanceof Array && this.create(c)
var c = a.prototype;
c.allocate = function(c) {
void 0 === c && (c = 0);
this.list.length = c;
this.index.length = c
c.set = function(c, a) {
var f = this.indexOf(this.index, c); - 1 !== f ? this.list[f].value = a : (this.list[this.lastIndex] = {
key: c,
value: a
}, this.index[this.lastIndex] = c, this.lastIndex++);
return this
c.get = function(c) {
return (c = this.find(c)) ? c.value : w
c.keys = function() {
return {
return c.key
c.values = function() {
return {
return c.value
c.has = function(c) {
return -1 !== this.indexOf(this.index, c)
c.clear = function() {
this.lastIndex = 0;
this.list.length = 0;
this.index.length = 0;
return this
c["delete"] = function(c) {
if (c = this.find(c))
if (c = this.indexOf(this.list, c), -1 !== c) return this.list.splice(c, 1), this.index.splice(c, 1), this.lastIndex--, !0;
return !1
c.each = function(c) {
"function" === typeof c && this.loop(function(a) {
var f = a.key;
a = a.value;
2 === c.length ? c(f, a) : c([f, a])
c.forEach = function(c) {
var a = this;
"function" === typeof c && this.loop(function(f) {
f.key, a)
c.toArray = function() {
return {
return [c.key, c.value]
c.toString = function() {
return "KeyValue(" + this.size + ")"
c.loop = function(c) {
if ("function" === typeof c)
for (var a = 0; a < this.list.length;), this.list[a]), a++
c.create = function(c) {
var a = 0;
if (c && 0 < c.length)
for (; a < c.length;) {
var f = c[a];
this.set(f[0], f[1]);
c.find = function(c) {
c = this.indexOf(this.index, c);
if (-1 !== c) return this.list[c]
c.indexOf = function(c, a) {
return [], a)
e()(a, [{
key: "size",
get: function() {
return this.lastIndex
return a
b["default"] = a ? m : d
}, function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "a", function() {
return e
var e = {
environment: "production",
"package": {
version: "2.6.2"
server: function(a) {
switch (a) {
case "test":
return {
port: 8080, css_path: "/", public_host: "webvisor.local"
case "production":
return {
port: 8080, css_path: "/", public_host: "webvisor.local"
case "metrika":
return {
port: 8080, css_path: "/", public_host: "webvisor.local"
return {
port: 8080, css_path: "/", public_host: "webvisor.local"
respectDoNotTrack: !0,
experimentalWebSocket: !0,
captors: {
canvas: !1,
input: !0,
checkable: !0,
keystrokes: !0,
media: !1,
mouse: !0,
focus: !0,
mutations: !0,
resize: !0,
deviceRotation: !0,
selection: !0,
scroll: !0,
touch: !0,
zoom: !0,
window: !0,
srcset: !0
captorsConfig: {
input: {
PD: function() {
return {
delimiter: "(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}",
suspiciosWords: "first(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name last(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name zip postal phone address passport (bank|credit)(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}card card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}number card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}holder cvv card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}exp card(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name card.*month card.*year card.*month card.*year password email birth(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}(day|date) second(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name third(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name patronymic middle(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}name birth(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}place house street city flat state".split(" "),
placeholderSuspiciousWords: "\u0438\u043c\u044f \u0444\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043b\u0438\u044f \u043e\u0442\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0438\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0444\u043e\u043d \u0430\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0441 \u043f\u0430\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0440\u0442 \u043d\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0440(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b \u0434\u0430\u0442\u0430(-|\\.|_|\\s){0,2}\u0440\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0434\u043e\u043c \u0443\u043b\u0438\u0446\u0430 \u043a\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430 \u0433\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434 \u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c".split(" ")
DOMIndexer: {
IGNORED_NODES: ["script", "noscript", "audio"],
"*": ["^on*", "srcset", "integrity", "crossorigin"],
iframe: ["src"],
script: ["src", "type"]
VIDEO: ["width", "height"]
URL_NODES: ["link", "img", "svg"],
URL_ATTRIBUTES: "href link content poster style src srcset".split(" "),
a: {
href: "#"
}, function(a, b) {
function d(a, b) {
for (var d = 0; d <
b.length; d++) {
var h = b[d];
h.enumerable = h.enumerable || !1;
h.configurable = !0;
"value" in h && (h.writable = !0);
Object.defineProperty(a, h.key, h)
a.exports = function(a, b, p) {
b && d(a.prototype, b);
p && d(a, p);
return a
}, function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(7),
h = d(1),
m = d(3),
f = function() {
function c(c, f) {
var b = void 0 === f ? {} : f,
d = b.context;
d = void 0 === d ? null : d;
b = b.expose;
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
this.allowedEvents = new e["default"]((this.eventsList || c || []).map(function(c) {
return c.split(":")[0]
this.context = d || this;
new a)._define("_memory", new a)._define("_namespaces", new a)._define("_options", new a)._define("_once", new a);
this._exposeEvents(d, b)
var f = c.prototype;
f.emit = function(c) {
for (var a = this, f = arguments.length, b = Array(1 < f ? f - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < f; d++) b[d - 1] = arguments[d];
return new g(function(f, d) {
var l = c.split(" ");
h.IterableUtils.forof(l, function(c) {
a._invokeEvent(c, b, f, d)
return a
f.on = function(c, a) {
var f = this;
if ("function" === typeof a) {
var b = c.split(" ");
h.IterableUtils.forof(b, function(c) {
} else throw Error("Callback sould be a function");
return this
}; = function(c, a) {
var f = this;
var b = c ? c.split(" ") : h.IterableUtils.keys(f._events);
h.IterableUtils.forof(b, function(c) {
f._removeEvent(c, a)
return this
f._define = function(c, a) {
Object.defineProperty(this, c, {
value: a,
writable: !1
return this
f._exposeEvents = function(c, a) {
a && m.ObjectUtils.assign(c, {
on: this.on.bind(this),
emit: this.emit.bind(this)
f._getNamespace = function(c, a) {
var f = this._namespaces.get(c);
return f ? f.get(a) || this._events.get(c) : this._events.get(c)
f._hasOption = function(c, a) {
var f = this._options.get(c);
return !!f && f.has(a)
f._invokeEvent = function(c, a, f) {
var b = this;
c = c.split(".");
var d = c[0];
c = c[1];
var l = this._hasOption(d, "stop");
if ((c = this._getNamespace(d, c)) && 0 < c.size) {
var m = g.resolve();
a = this._saveMemory(d, a);
h.IterableUtils.forof(c, function(c) {
if (b._isAlreadyCalled(d, c)) return !0;
m = m.then(function(m) {
return !1 !== m ? (m = b._runCallback(d, c, a), f(m), l ? m : null) : !1
f._isAlreadyCalled = function(c,
a) {
if (this._hasOption(c, "once")) {
var f = this._once.get(c) || new e["default"];
if (f.has(a)) return !0;
this._once.set(c, f)
return !1
f._runCallback = function(c, a, f) {
f = this._saveMemory(c, f);
return, [this.context].concat(f))
f._saveEvent = function(c, a) {
var f = c.split(":"),
b = f[0];
f = f.slice(1);
var d = b.split(".");
b = d[0];
d = d[1];
var l = this._events.get(b) || new e["default"];
f = this._options.get(b) || new e["default"](f);
var m = this._memory.get(b) || !1;
l.has(a) || (l.add(a), this._events.set(b, l), this._options.set(b,
f), this._saveNamespace(b, d, a), m && this._runCallback(b, a, m))
f._saveMemory = function(c, a) {
return this._hasOption(c, "memory") ? this._memory.has(c) ? this._memory.get(c) || [] : this._memory.set(c, a) && a : a
f._saveNamespace = function(c, f, b) {
var d = this._namespaces.get(c) || new a,
l = d.get(f || "__global") || new e["default"];
d.set(f || "__global", l);
this._namespaces.set(c, d)
f._setupEvents = function() {
var c = this;
this.allowedEvents.size && h.IterableUtils.forof(this.allowedEvents, function(a) {
var f = a.split(":");
a =
f = f.slice(1);
c._options.set(a, new e["default"](f));
c._events.set(a, new e["default"])
f._removeCallbacks = function(c, a) {
if (a instanceof e["default"]) {
var f = this._events.get(c);
h.IterableUtils.forof(a, function(c) {
f && f["delete"](c)
f._removeEvent = function(c, a) {
var f = c.split("."),
b = f[0];
f = f[1];
var d = this._events.get(b) || new e["default"];
d.has(a) ? (f || d["delete"](a), this._removeNamespace(b, f, a)) : (f || (this._events["delete"](b), this._options["delete"](b)), this._removeNamespace(b, f))
f._removeNamespace =
function(c, a) {
var f = this,
b = this._namespaces.get(c);
b && (a ? (this._removeCallbacks(c, b.get(a)), b["delete"](a)) : (h.IterableUtils.forof(b, function(a) {
f._removeCallbacks(c, a)
}), this._namespaces["delete"](c)))
return c
b.a = f
}).call(this, d(10)["default"], d(23).Promise)
}, function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "DOMUtils", function() {
return h
var e = d(2),
g = d(1),
p = d(3),
h = {
base: function() {
var a = q.createElement("a");
a.href = "/";
var f = q.querySelector("base");
f && f.href && (a.href = f.href);
return a.href
getScroll: function(a) {
return null ==
a ? {
left: 0,
top: 0
} : a.window === a ? {
top: a.scrollY || 0,
left: a.scrollX || 0
} : null === a.ownerDocument ? this.getScroll(this.scrollingElement(a)) : {
top: a.scrollTop || 0,
left: a.scrollLeft || 0
documentVisible: function() {
if ("undefined" !== typeof q) {
var a = "undefined" !== typeof q.msHidden ? "msHidden" : "undefined" !== typeof q.webkitHidden ? "webkitHidden" : "hidden";
return function() {
return q[a]
isDOMNode: function(a) {
if (a) try {
var f = a.ownerDocument;
if (null === f) return !1;
if (f.defaultView) return a instanceof f.defaultView.Node
} catch (c) {
return "object" ===
typeof a && "object" === typeof && "object" === typeof a.ownerDocument
return !1
isScrollable: function(a) {
var f = a.scrollHeight !== a.clientHeight;
return a.scrollWidth !== a.clientWidth || f
scrollingElement: function(a) {
a = a || q;
return a.scrollingElement || (a.documentElement.scrollHeight > a.body.scrollHeight && 0 === a.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") ? a.documentElement : a.body)
convertNode: function(a, f, c) {
var b = void 0 === c ? {} : c;
c = b.doc;
c = void 0 === c ? q : c;
b = b.saveChildren;
b = void 0 === b ? !0 : b;
c = c || a.ownerDocument;
var d = c.createElement(f);
g.IterableUtils.forof(a.attributes, function(c) {
d.setAttribute(, c.value)
b && g.IterableUtils.forof(a.childNodes, function(c) {
return d
nodeIsRecordable: function(a) {
if (null !== a) {
var f = null != a.getAttribute("metrika-ignore") || /-metrika-ignore/.test(a.className),
c = null != a.getAttribute("metrika-force") || /-metrika-force/.test(a.className);
a = a.getAttribute("type");
return c ? !0 : !f && "password" !== a
return !1
contentSizeChanged: function(a, f) {
var c = a.ownerDocument ? a.ownerDocument.defaultView :
b = {
stopped: !1,
height: null,
width: null,
runner: function() {
if (!this.stopped) {
var b = null == a ? {} : "function" === typeof a ? a() || {} : a;
var d = b.scrollHeight;
b = b.scrollWidth;
if (d !== this.height || b !== this.width) this.height = d, this.width = b, f({
width: b,
height: d
c && c.requestAnimationFrame(this.runner.bind(this))
stop: function() {
this.stopped = !0
return b
elementsFromPoint: function(a, f, c) {
c = c || q;
var b = c.elementsFromPoint;
if (b) return, a, f);
b = [];
for (var d = [], h;
(h = c.elementFromPoint(a, f)) && -1 === b.indexOf(h);) {
var m =;
value: m.getPropertyValue("pointer-events"),
priority: m.getPropertyPriority("pointer-events")
m.setProperty("pointer-events", "none", "important")
for (a = d.length; f = d[--a];) b[a].style.setProperty("pointer-events", f.value ? f.value : "", f.priority);
return b
nodeIndentLevel: function(a) {
for (var f = 0; a.parentNode;) a = a.parentNode, f++;
return f
offsets: function(a, f) {
var c = void 0 === f ? {} : f,
b = c.relative,
d = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
b = c.excludeBorder;
var h = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
c = c.excludePadding;
var m = void 0 ===
c ? !1 : c;
!1 === "getBoundingClientRect" in a && ("documentElement" in a ? a = a.documentElement : "document" in a && (a = a.document.documentElement));
var e = (a.ownerDocument || q).defaultView || n,
g = a.getBoundingClientRect();
c =;
b = g.right;
var p = g.bottom,
A = g.left;
d && (c =, A = g.left);
if (h || m) d = e.getComputedStyle(a), h && (h = d.borderRightWidth, e = d.borderBottomWidth, g = d.borderLeftWidth, c += parseInt(d.borderTopWidth || "0", 10), b += parseInt(h || "0", 10), p += parseInt(e || "0", 10), A += parseInt(g || "0", 10)), m && (m = d.paddingRight, h = d.paddingBottom,
e = d.paddingLeft, c += parseInt(d.paddingTop || "0", 10), b += parseInt(m || "0", 10), p += parseInt(h || "0", 10), A += parseInt(e || "0", 10));
return {
top: c,
right: b,
bottom: p,
left: A
nodeIsInTree: function(a) {
if (this.isDOMNode(a)) {
var f = a.ownerDocument;
if (null != f) return f.documentElement.contains(a)
return !1
waitForNode: function(a, f, c) {
var b = this;
void 0 === c && (c = 500);
var d = {
disconnect: function() {}
if (b.nodeIsInTree(a)) f(!0);
else {
var h = a.ownerDocument || q,
e = new MutationObserver(function() {
b.nodeIsInTree(a) && (f(!0), e.disconnect())
e.observe(h.documentElement, {
subtree: !0,
childList: !0
var m = isFinite(c) ? C(function() {
b.nodeIsInTree(a) || (f(!1), e.disconnect())
}, c) : w;
d.disconnect = function() {
m && clearTimeout(m);
return d
createElement: function(a, f, c) {
c = c || q;
var b = c.createElement(a);
g.IterableUtils.forin(f, function(c) {
var a = f[c];
"style" === c ? p.ObjectUtils.assign(b[c], a) : b[c] = a
return b
matchesSelector: function(a, f) {
var c = g.IterableUtils.find(["matches", "webkitMatchesSelector", "mozMatchesSelector", "msMatchesSelector",
], function(c) {
return c in q.body
this.matchesSelector = function(a, f) {
if (c) {
if (null == a || null == a.ownerDocument) return !1;
try {
if (c in a) return a[c](f)
} catch (z) {}
return !1
return this.matchesSelector(a, f)
closestParent: function(a, f, c) {
void 0 === c && (c = !1);
for (a = c && !this.isTextNode(a) ? a : a.parentNode; a;) {
if (a && this.matchesSelector(a, f)) return a;
a = a.parentNode
return null
isTextNode: function(a) {
return 0 <= [Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE].indexOf(a.nodeType)
isChildOf: function(a, f, c) {
void 0 ===
c && (c = !1);
return null != this.closestParent(a, f, c)
copyAttributes: function(a, f) {
g.IterableUtils.forof(a.attributes, function(c) {
try {
f.setAttribute(, c.value)
} catch (l) {
e.a.console.warn("Can't copy attribute [" + + "\x3d" + c.value + "]", {
sourceNode: a
return f
isHiddenContent: function(a) {
if (null == a) return !1;
if ("#text" === a.nodeName) return this.isHiddenContent(a.parentNode);
if (/ym-hidden-content/.test(a.className)) return !1;
var f = this.closestParent(a, ".ym-hide-content", !0);
a: {
a = this.closestParent(a,
".ym-show-content", !0);f === a && (a = null);
if (null != f || null != a) {
if (f && null == a) {
f = !0;
break a
if ((null != f || !a) && f && a) {
f = !f.contains(a);
break a
f = !1
return f
}, function(a, b, d) {
a = d(17);
var e = d(2);
d = d(8).a.console;
var g = {
console: function() {},
warn: function() {},
info: function() {},
group: function() {},
groupCollapsed: function() {},
groupEnd: function() {},
time: function() {},
end: function() {}
p = ["%cWV:", "font-weight: bold;"];
e.a !== && p.length && (p[1] += "color: purple");
Object(a.a)(d, function(a) {
g[a] = function() {}
g.__native = d;
g.__debugMode = !1;
g.__addDebug = function(a, b) {};
b["default"] = g
}, function(a, b) {
a.exports = function(a, b) {
a.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype);
a.prototype.constructor = a;
a.__proto__ = b
}, function(a, b, d) {
b.a = function(a, b, d) {
void 0 === d && (d = !1);
var h = 2 === b.length;
if (a && b instanceof Function)
for (var e in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(e) || !0 === d) {
var f = h ? b(e, a[e]) : b(e);
if (!0 !== f && !1 === f) break
}, function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, d) {
var e = new a;
b.a = {
throttledFunctions: e,
invokeAll: function(a) {
function(b, f) {
create: function(a, b) {
var f = void 0 === b ? {} : b,
c = f.timeout,
l = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
c = f.immediateFirstRun;
var h = void 0 === c ? !1 : c;
f = f.context;
var m = !0,
g = null,
p = null,
k = null,
O = null,
A = !1,
n = null,
sa = null;
f = {
invoke: function() {
var c = this.context || this;
k !== g && (O =, k = g,, {
object: g,
prevObject: null,
timeDifff: 0,
args: sa
run: function(c) {
var f = this.context || this;
h && (clearTimeout(n), n = C(function() {
return m = !0
}, l));
if (!A) {
g = c;
for (var b = arguments.length, e = Array(1 < b ? b - 1 : 0), t = 1; t <
b; t++) e[t - 1] = arguments[t];
sa = e;
m && h ? (m = !1, k = c,, {
object: c,
prevObject: null,
timeDifff: 0,
args: sa
})) : (O =, A = !0, C(function Fb() {
var c = parseInt( - O, 10);
c >= l ? (A = !1, O =, k !== g && (p = k, k = g,, {
object: g,
prevObject: p,
timeDiff: c,
args: sa
}))) : C(Fb)
context: void 0 === f ? null : f,
call: function() {
var c;
(c =, arguments)
e.set(a, f);
return f
setContext: function(a, b) {
if (e.has(a)) {
var f = e.get(a);
null == f.context && (f.context = b)
}).call(this, d(10)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
d.d(b, "a", function() {
return t
var e = d(11),
h = new a,
m = String.fromCharCode(8226),
f = e.a.captorsConfig.input.PD();
e = f.suspiciosWords;
f = f.placeholderSuspiciousWords;
var c = new RegExp("(" + e.join("|") + ")", "i"),
l = new RegExp("(" + e.concat(f).join("|") + ")", "i"),
t = {
isValidType: function(c) {
return /color|date|datetime-local|email|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week/i.test(c)
isValidNode: function(c) {
var a = c.nodeName;
c = c.type;
return "INPUT" === a ? t.isValidType(c) :
isPrivateInformationField: function(a) {
var f = a.placeholder;
return [a.className,,].reduce(function(a, f) {
return a || c.test(f)
}, !1) || l.test(f)
isIgnored: function(c) {
var a = c.className;
return /password/i.test(c.type) || /ym-disable-keys/i.test(a) || g.isHiddenContent(c) ? !0 : !1
isRecordable: function(c) {
return this.matchesClass(c.className, "ym-record-keys") ? !0 : !1
matchesClass: function(c, a) {
return (new RegExp(a, "i")).test(c)
isAllowed: function(c, a) {
void 0 === a && (a = !1);
return a ? !0 === t.isRecordable(c) : !1 === t.isIgnored(c)
isChanged: function(c, a) {
var f = !0;
h.has(c) && (f = h.get(c)[0], f = a !== f);
f && h.set(c, [a]);
return f
validate: function(c, a) {
void 0 === a && (a = {});
var f = a,
b = f.isEU,
d = f.recording.keysMode;
f = t.isRecordable(c);
var l = t.isPrivateInformationField(c);
b = t.isAllowed(c, "explicit" === d) && (!b || !l);
return {
forceRecord: f,
isPrivate: l,
isAllowed: b
encode: function(c) {
void 0 === c && (c = "");
return c && 0 < c.length ? c.split(/\n/).map(function(c) {
return g.repeatString(m, c.length)
}).join("\n") :
}).call(this, d(10)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
d.d(b, "Tools", function() {
return l
var e = d(11),
h = d(2),
m = d(39),
f = d(3),
c = {
"null": null,
undefined: w,
"true": !0,
"false": !1
l = {
delay: function(c, f) {
void 0 === f && (f = 0);
return new a(function(a) {
C(function() {
}, f)
copyText: function(c) {
return new a(function(a) {
var f = q.createElement("textarea"),
b = q.body;
f.value = c; = "0"; = "absolute"; = "-99999px"; = "-99999px";
f.onselect =
function() {
try {
f.onselect = null, q.execCommand && q.execCommand("copy"), a()
} catch (aa) {
g.warn("Error while copying text " + c, aa)
globalize: function(c, a) {
"undefined" !== typeof h.a && Object.defineProperty(h.a, a, {
value: c
guid: function() {
var c = function() {
return Math.floor(65536 * (1 + Math.random())).toString(16).substring(1)
return c() + c() + "-" + c() + "-" + c() + "-" + c() + "-" + c() + c() + c()
measure: function(c, a, f) {
if (null != a) return "function" === typeof a ? a() : a
apiMock: function(c) {
var a = {
properties: [],
methods: []
c = c.prototype;
for (var f in c)
if (c.hasOwnProperty(f)) try {
c[f] instanceof Function ? a.methods.push(f) :
} catch (y) {
return a
imageUrl: function(c) {
return /^\//.test(c) ? c : [e.a.server.css_path.replace(/([/]+)$/, ""), c].join("/")
cast: function(a) {
if (c.hasOwnProperty(a)) return c[a];
var f = Number(a);
return String(f) === a ? f : a
"catch": function(c) {
try {
} catch (z) {
return g.warn(z), z
fetch: m.a,
promise: function(c) {
return (new a(function(a, f) {
c(a, f)
}))["catch"](function(c) {
isNULL: function(c) {
return null == c
isFunction: function(c) {
return "function" === typeof c
promiseError: function(c) {
return a.reject(c)
promiseExec: function(c) {
return new a(function(a) {
requestAnimationFrame: function(c) {
var a = f.ObjectUtils.findNativeImplementation("requestAnimationFrame"),
b = f.ObjectUtils.findNativeImplementation("cancelAnimationFrame");
if (a && b) return this.requestAnimationFrame = a.bind(n), this.requestAnimationFrame(c);
this.requestAnimationFrame = a = function(c) {
return C(c,
return a(c)
cancelAnimationFrame: function(c) {
var a = f.ObjectUtils.findNativeImplementation("requestAnimationFrame"),
b = f.ObjectUtils.findNativeImplementation("cancelAnimationFrame");
a && b ? (this.cancelAnimationFrame = b.bind(n), this.cancelAnimationFrame(c)) : (this.cancelAnimationFrame = function(c) {
}, clearTimeout(c))
throwError: function(c) {
throw Error(c);
errorProxy: function(c, a, f) {
void 0 === a && (a = !1);
try {
return c()
} catch (y) {
return n.console.warn("Error while running " + (f ||, y),
}).call(this, d(23).Promise, d(15)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(2),
g = function(a) {
return "undefined" !== typeof Window && a && a.window && a.window === a
p = function() {
var a = !1;
if (g(e.a)) try {
e.a.addEventListener("test", function() {}, Object.defineProperties({}, {
passive: {
get: function() {
return a = !0
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
} catch (f) {}
return a
h = function(a, f, c, b, d) {
void 0 === d && (d = {});
a += "EventListener";
return p ? f[a](c, b, d) : f[a](c, b, "boolean" === typeof d ? d : d.capture || !1)
a = function() {
function a() {}
a.on = function(a, c, b, d) {
void 0 === d && (d = {});
return h("add", a, c, b, d)
}; = function(a, c, b, d) {
void 0 === d && (d = {});
return h("remove", a, c, b, d)
return a
b.a = a
function(a, b, d) {
a = d(2).a.Symbol;
d = a instanceof Function && a.iterator ? a : d(66);
b["default"] = d
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "Promise", function() {
return e
var e = d(2).a.Promise || d(86).Promise
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "StringUtils", function() {
return p
var e = d(2),
g = d(1),
p = {
dasherize: function(a) {
return a.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(b, f) {
var c =
/[A-Z]/g.test(a[f - 1]);
return (0 === f || c ? "" : "-") + b.toLowerCase()
pad: function(a, b, f, c) {
void 0 === b && (b = 2);
void 0 === f && (f = " ");
void 0 === c && (c = !1);
a = String(a);
b = g.IterableUtils.fill(Array(Math.max(0, Math.min(b - a.length, b))), f);
return c ? "" + a + b.join("") : "" + b.join("") + a
stringToBlobURL: function(a, b, f) {
void 0 === f && (f = e.a.location);
var c = function() {
try {
return new Blob([a], {
type: b
} catch (z) {
var c = e.a;
c = new(c.BlobBuilder || c.WebKitBlobBuilder || c.MozBlobBuilder || c.MSBlobBuilder);
return c.getBlob(b)
d = function(c) {
return c ? (c = (URL || webkitURL).createObjectURL(c), /blob:(?!http[s]?).*/.test(c) ? c.replace("blob:", "blob:" + (f.protocol + "//" + + "/") : c) : w
return c ? {
blob: c,
url: d
} : null
repeatString: function(a, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = 1);
return Array(b + 1).join(a)
parseURL: function(a) {
if (!a) return w;
if ("string" !== typeof a) return e.a.console.warn("URL was expected to be a string", a), w;
var b = a.match(/^(http[s]?|file):\/\/([^/\n]*)([^?\n]*)(\?[^\n]*)?/);
if (b) {
var f = b.slice(1);
b = f[0];
var c = f[1],
d = f[2];
f = f[3];
var h = c ? (c.match(/([^:\s]+)(:[0-9]*)?/) || []).slice(1) : [],
g = h[0];
g = void 0 === g ? w : g;
h = h[1];
h = void 0 === h ? w : h;
var p = g ? (g.match(/\.([^.]+)$/) || [])[1] : w,
k = d ? function() {
var c = d.match(/([^/]+)\.([^/]*)$/);
return c ? c[0] : w
}() : w,
n = d && k ? d.replace("/" + k, "") : d || "/";
return {
protocol: b ? b + ":" : w,
hostname: c,
host: g,
port: (h || "80").replace(/:/, ""),
path: d || "/",
tld: p,
file: k,
pathname: n,
search: f ? f.replace(/^\?/, "") : w,
url: a,
assemble: function(c) {
var a = this;
return c ? c.replace(/(\{([^}]+)\})/g, function() {
return a[2 >= arguments.length ?
w : arguments[2]]
}) : this.url
return w
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
var e = d(8),
p = d(3);
b.a = function(b) {
var d = [];
if (!b) return d;
if (b instanceof Array) return [], 0);
if (p.ObjectUtils.isNative(e.a.Array.from, "from")) return e.a.Array.from(b);
var f = "length" in b ? b.length : "size" in b ? b.size : 0;
var c =, 0);
if (c.length === f) return c;
try {
if (b.forEach) b.forEach(function(c, a) {
var f = c;
a && c && a !== c && (f = [a, c]);
for (var l = b[a.iterator](), h, g; h =, g = h.value, !h.done;) d.push(g);
return d
} catch (D) {
return []
}).call(this, d(22)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
var e = d(25),
p = function(a, b, f) {
a.forEach(function(c, a) {
2 === b.length ? f ? b(c, a) : b([c, a]) : b(c)
b.a = function(b, d) {
var f = 2 === d.length;
if (b && d instanceof Function)
if (null != b[a.iterator])
if (f)
if (b instanceof Array) {
f = 0;
for (var c = b.length; f < c; f++) {
var l = d(f, b[f]);
if (!0 !== l && !1 === l) break
} else {
if (b[a.iterator])
for (f = b, c = Array.isArray(f), l = 0, f = c ? f : f[a.iterator]();;) {
if (c) {
if (l >= f.length) break;
var h = f[l++]
} else {
l =;
if (l.done) break;
h = l.value
h = d(h[0], h[1]);
if (!0 !== h && !1 === h) break
for (f = b, c = Array.isArray(f), l = 0, f = c ? f : f[a.iterator]();;) {
if (c) {
if (l >= f.length) break;
h = f[l++]
} else {
l =;
if (l.done) break;
h = l.value
h = d(h);
if (!0 !== h && !1 === h) break
} else if ("forEach" in b) p(b, d, f);
else if (b instanceof Array)
for (c = Object(e.a)(b), l = 0; l < c.length && (h = c[l], h = f ? d.apply(void 0, h) : d(h), !0 === h || !1 !== h); l++);
}).call(this, d(22)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g, p) {
d.d(b, "b", function() {
return z
var h = d(0);
h = d.n(h);
var e = d(13),
f = "2d webgl experimental-webgl webgl2 experimental-webgl2 bitmaprenderer".split(" "),
c = function() {
var c = q.createElement("canvas");
c.proxy = !1;
return f.filter(function(a) {
return null != c.getContext(a)
l = new a,
t = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext,
z = function(c) {
var a = q.createElement("canvas");
a.width = c.width;
a.height = c.height;
a.proxy = !1;
a.getContext("2d").drawImage(c, 0, 0);
return a.toDataURL("image/jpeg")
k = function(c) {
c = c.constructor;
if (l.has(c)) return l.has(c);
var a = g.apiMock(c);
l.set(c, a);
return a
a = function() {
function a() {}
a.mock = function() {
if (!this.mocked) {
this.mocked = !0;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function(f) {
var b =, f);
if (null !== b) return !1 !== this.proxy && 0 <= c.indexOf(f) && a.update(b), b
var b = q.querySelectorAll("canvas");
g.forof(b, function(a) {
g.forof(f, a.getContext.bind(a))
a.remove = function() {
this.mocked && (this.mocked = !1,, HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = t)
a.update = function(c) {
if (!1 === a.proxies.has(c)) {
var f = this,
b = c.canvas,
d = Object.getPrototypeOf(c),
l = k(c);
g.nodeIsRecordable(b) && && (g.forof(, function(a) {
var b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d, a),
l = g.combine(b);
b.get && (l.get = b.get.bind(c));
b.set && (l.set = function(d) {
f.setterInvoked(c, a, d);
return, d)
Object.defineProperty(c, a, l)
}), g.forof(l.methods, function(a) {
var b = c[a];
Object.defineProperty(c, a, {
configurable: !0,
value: function() {
for (var d = arguments.length, l = Array(d), h = 0; h < d; h++) l[h] = arguments[h];
f.methodInvoked(c, a, l);
return b.bind.apply(b,
a.setterInvoked = function(c, a, f) {
var b = this;
this.mocked && C(function() {
b.send(c, "setter", {
name: a,
value: String(f)
a.methodInvoked = function(c, a, f) {
var b = this;
this.mocked && C(function() {
f = {
return c instanceof Image ? z(c) : String(c)
b.send(c, "method", {
name: a,
args: f
a.send = function() {};
return a
h()(a, "proxies", new p);
h()(a, "mocked", !1);
h()(a, "events", new e.a(["setter:memory", "method:memory"]));
b.a = a
}).call(this, d(10)["default"], d(4)["default"],
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(12),
h = d.n(e);
e = d(0);
var m = d.n(e);
e = function() {
function f() {
m()(this, "executionFrameId", null);
m()(this, "jobExecutionStartStamp", null); = [];
this.isRunning = !1
var c = f.prototype;
c.push = function(c, f) {
var b, d = this;
void 0 === f && (f = !1);
(b =, [].concat(c));
f ? this.start(!0) : a.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
return d.start(f)
c.start = function(c) {
void 0 === c && (c = !1);
this.isRunning || this.executeNextJob(c)
c.executeNextJob =
function(c) {
void 0 === c && (c = !1);
this.hasJobs && (c ? this._executeJobsSync() : this._executeJobsAsync())
c._executeJobsSync = function() {
if (this.hasJobs && this.isRunning) {
for (a.cancelAnimationFrame(this.executionFrameId); this.hasJobs;) this._executeJob();
this.jobExecutionStartStamp = null;
this.isRunning = !1
c._executeJobsAsync = function() {
var c = this;
if (this.hasJobs) {
this.isRunning = !0;
var f;
this.executionFrameId = a.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
for (; c.hasJobs && (!c.jobExecutionStartStamp || 150 > f);) f = c._executeJob(!c.jobExecutionStartStamp);
c.jobExecutionStartStamp = null;
} else this.isRunning = !1
c._executeJob = function(c) {
void 0 === c && (c = !0);
c && (this.jobExecutionStartStamp = (new Date).valueOf());
c =;
try {
} catch (t) {
g.log("Error occurred when running job"), g.log(t), g.log(c.toString())
return (new Date).valueOf() - this.jobExecutionStartStamp
h()(f, [{
key: "hasJobs",
get: function() {
return 0 <
return f
b.a = e
}).call(this, d(4)["default"], d(15)["default"])
function(a, b) {
a.exports = function(a,
b) {
if (null == a) return {};
var d = {},
e = Object.keys(a),
for (h = 0; h < e.length; h++) {
var m = e[h];
0 <= b.indexOf(m) || (d[m] = a[m])
return d
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "a", function() {
return e
d.d(b, "b", function() {
return g
var e = function() {
function a() {
this.m = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.use = function(a) {
b.useRight = function(a) {
}; = function(a, f) {
this._execute(a, f)
b._execute = function(a, f) {
this.m.reduceRight(function(c, f) {
return function(b) {
return f(b || a, c)
}, function(c) {
return f(c || a)
return a
g = function() {
function a() {
this.m = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.use = function(a) {
b.useRight = function(a) {
}; = function(a, f) {
return this._execute(a, f)
b._execute = function(a) {
for (var f = 0, c = this.m.length; f < c; f++) {
var b = this.m[f](a);
if (b === w) break;
a = b
return a
return a
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(76)();
a.exports = function(a) {
return a !== e && null !== a
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "BrowserUtils", function() {
return p
var e = d(2),
g = d(14),
p = {
isMSIE: function() {
var a = e.a.navigator.userAgent,
b = a.indexOf("MSIE ");
if (0 < b) return parseInt(a.substring(b + 5, a.indexOf(".", b)), 10);
if (0 < a.indexOf("Trident/")) return b = a.indexOf("rv:"), parseInt(a.substring(b + 3, a.indexOf(".", b)), 10);
b = a.indexOf("Edge/");
return 0 < b ? parseInt(a.substring(b + 5, a.indexOf(".", b)), 10) : !1
isIframe: function(a) {
return !== a
isMobile: function(a) {
a = a || n && n.navigator ? navigator.userAgent : null;
if (null == a) return !1;
var b = !1;
if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(a) ||
/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf-5|g-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd-(m|p|t)|hei-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs-c|ht(c(-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt-g|qa-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|-[2-7]|i-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h-|oo|p-)|sdk\/|se(c(-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh-|shar|sie(-|m)|sk-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h-|v-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl-|tdg-|tel(i|m)|tim-|t-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m-|m3|m5)|tx-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas-|your|zeto|zte-/i.test(a.substr(0,
4))) b = !0;
return b
isAndroid: function() {
return /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
isIOS: function() {
return /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
orientation: function(a) {
a = a || e.a;
return null != a ? a : (a = a.screen.orientation || a.screen.mozOrientation || a.screen.msOrientation) && a.angle || 0
devicePixelRatio: function() {
return e.a.devicePixelRatio || 1
meta: function(a) {
return (a = q.querySelector('meta[name\x3d"ym:' + a + '"]')) ? a.content : null
scaleFactor: function(a, b) {
var f = a.clientWidth,
c = a.clientHeight,
d = b.clientWidth,
e = b.clientHeight;
return d > f || e > c ? (f /= d, c /= e, Math.min(1, Math.max(f > c ? .1 : .35, Math.min(f, c)))) : 1
viewportGetter: function(a) {
a = a || n.document;
var b = a.defaultView,
f = function(c) {
/Trident|MSIE/.test(n.navigator.userAgent) ? a.body.parentNode && a.body.parentNode.appendChild(c) : a.body.appendChild(c)
c = a.querySelector("ym-measure.ym-viewport"),
d = a.querySelector("ym-measure.ym-zoom");
null === c && (c = g.DOMUtils.createElement("ym-measure", {
className: "ym-viewport",
style: {
display: "block",
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
position: "fixed",
transform: "translate(0, -100%)",
msTransform: "translate(0, -100%)",
webkitTransform: "translate(0, -100%)",
transformOrigin: "0 0",
msTransformOrigin: "0 0",
webkitTransformOrigin: "0 0"
}), f(c));
null === d && (d = g.DOMUtils.createElement("ym-measure", {
className: "ym-zoom",
style: {
bottom: "100%",
position: "fixed",
width: "100vw"
}), f(d));
return Object.defineProperties({
getSize: function(a) {
void 0 === a && (a = 1);
var f = c;
return {
width: Math.round(f.clientWidth * a),
height: Math.round(f.clientHeight *
}, {
zoomLevel: {
get: function() {
return parseFloat((d.clientWidth / b.innerWidth).toFixed(3))
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
scrollingElement: {
get: function() {
return a.scrollingElement || (a.documentElement.scrollHeight > a.body.scrollHeight && 0 === a.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") ? a.documentElement : a.body)
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
orientation: {
get: function() {
var a = da ? da.orientation || da.mozOrientation || da.msOrientation : null;
return a && a.angle || 0
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "NumberUtils", function() {
return e
var e = {
size: function(a, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = "kb");
switch (b.toLowerCase()) {
case "b":
case "byte":
case "bytes":
return a;
case "kb":
case "kilobyte":
case "kilobytes":
return a * this.size(1024, "bytes");
case "mb":
case "megabyte":
case "megabytes":
return a * this.size(1024, "kilobytes");
case "gb":
case "gigabyte":
case "gigabytes":
return a * this.size(1024, "megabytes");
case "tb":
case "terabyte":
case "terabytes":
return a * this.size(1024, "gigabytes")
bytesToSize: function(a) {
if (0 ===
a) return "0 Byte";
var b = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(a) / Math.log(1024)), 10);
return Math.round(a / Math.pow(1024, b), 2) + " " + ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"][b]
closestNumber: function(a, b) {
return a.length ? a.reduce(function(a, d) {
return Math.abs(d - b) < Math.abs(a - b) ? d : a
}) : null
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "DocumentUtils", function() {
return g
var e = function(a) {
return a ? "IFRAME" === a.nodeName ? a.contentDocument : a : null
g = {
open: function(a) {
(a = e(a)) &&
write: function(a, b) {
var d = e(a);
d && d.write(b)
close: function(a) {
(a =
e(a)) && a.close()
initDocument: function(a) {
var b = void 0 === a ? {} : a;
a = b.html;
var d = b.doctype;
d = void 0 === d ? "\x3c!DOCTYPE html\x3e" : d;
b = b.doc || q.cloneNode(!1);;
this.write(b, a || d + "\x3chtml\x3e\x3chead\x3e\x3c/head\x3e\x3cbody\x3e\x3c/body\x3e\x3c/html\x3e");
return b
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "FunctionUtils", function() {
return e
var e = {
invoke: function(a, b, d) {
void 0 === b && (b = []);
return "function" === typeof a ? (d && (a = a.bind(d)), a.apply(void 0, b)) : a
lazy: function(a, b) {
void 0 ===
b && (b = 0);
var d;
return function() {
for (var e = arguments.length, f = Array(e), c = 0; c < e; c++) f[c] = arguments[c];
d = C(function() {
a.apply(void 0, f)
}, b)
once: function(a) {
var b = function() {
var d = a.apply(void 0, arguments);
b = function() {
return d
return d
return function() {
return b.apply(void 0, arguments)
noop: function() {
return function() {}
toFunction: function(a) {
return "function" === typeof a ? a : this.noop()
repeat: function(a, b) {
var d = void 0 === b ? {} : b,
e = d.context,
f = void 0 === e ? null : e;
e = d.args;
var c =
void 0 === e ? [] : e;
e = d.delay;
var l = void 0 === e ? 0 : e;
d = d.raf;
d = void 0 === d ? !0 : d;
var g =,
p = !1,
k = null,
y = d ? this.requestAnimationFrame.bind(this) : C,
n = d ? this.cancelAnimationFrame.bind(this) : clearTimeout;
d = function A() {
p ? n(k) : ( - g >= l && (g =, a.apply(f, c)), k = y(A))
d.stop = function() {
p = !0
return d
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "TimeUtils", function() {
return g
a = d(38);
var e = d(24),
g = {
now: function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
formatTime: function(a, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = !0);
a = Number(a);
return [Math.floor(a / 3600), Math.floor(a / 60 % 60), Math.floor(a % 60)].filter(function(a, f) {
return !(0 === a && 0 === f)
}).map(function(a, f) {
return e.StringUtils.pad(a, 0 !== f || b ? 2 : 0, "0")
formattedTime: function(a, b, d) {
void 0 === b && (b = ["sec", "min", "hours"]);
void 0 === d && (d = !0);
var f = g.formatTime(a, d).reverse();
return b.reduce(function(a, b, d) {
f[d] && parseInt(f[d], 10) && a.push(parseInt(f[d], 10) + " " + b);
return a
}, []).reverse().join(" ")
timer: a.a
function(a, b) {
function d() {
throw Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function e() {
throw Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
function g(a) {
if (t === C) return C(a, 0);
if ((t === d || !t) && C) return t = C, C(a, 0);
try {
return t(a, 0)
} catch (ia) {
try {
return, a, 0)
} catch (sa) {
return, a, 0)
function p(a) {
if (z === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(a);
if ((z === e || !z) && clearTimeout) return z = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(a);
try {
return z(a)
} catch (ia) {
try {
return, a)
} catch (sa) {
return, a)
function h() {
y && n && (y = !1, n.length ? k = n.concat(k) : O = -1, k.length &&
function m() {
if (!y) {
var a = g(h);
y = !0;
for (var c = k.length; c;) {
n = k;
for (k = []; ++O < c;) n && n[O].run();
O = -1;
c = k.length
n = null;
y = !1;
function f(a, c) { = a;
this.array = c
function c() {}
var l = a.exports = {};
try {
var t = "function" === typeof C ? C : d
} catch (A) {
t = d
try {
var z = "function" === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : e
} catch (A) {
z = e
var k = [],
y = !1,
n, O = -1;
l.nextTick = function(a) {
var c = Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (1 < arguments.length)
for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) c[b - 1] = arguments[b];
k.push(new f(a, c));
1 !==
k.length || y || g(m)
}; = function() {, this.array)
l.title = "browser";
l.browser = !0;
l.env = {};
l.argv = [];
l.version = "";
l.versions = {};
l.on = c;
l.addListener = c;
l.once = c; = c;
l.removeListener = c;
l.removeAllListeners = c;
l.emit = c;
l.prependListener = c;
l.prependOnceListener = c;
l.listeners = function(a) {
return []
l.binding = function(a) {
throw Error("process.binding is not supported");
l.cwd = function() {
return "/"
l.chdir = function(a) {
throw Error("process.chdir is not supported");
l.umask =
function() {
return 0
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, d) {
var e = function() {
if ("undefined" !== typeof n) return n;
if ("undefined" !== typeof global) return global;
if ("undefined" !== typeof self) return self
h = function() {
g = function(c) {
return c ? (c = this._getTime() - c, 0 > c && a.warn("Invalid stamp: " + c), c) : 0
f = function(a, f) {
var c;
(c = e.console).log.apply(c, a.concat([f + "ms"]))
b.a = function(a) {
void 0 === a && (a = {});
var c = a.getStamp || g,
b = a.printLog || f,
d = {
start: function() {
var a = this._getTime();
this._initializedAt =
this._initializedAt || a;
this._startedAt = a;
return d
stamp: function() {
return this._getStamp(this._startedAt)
stampSinceCreated: function() {
return this._getStamp(this._initializedAt)
reset: function() {
return this.start()
log: function() {
for (var a = arguments.length, c = Array(a), f = 0; f < a; f++) c[f] = arguments[f];
b(c, this.stamp());
return this
logSinceCreated: function() {
for (var a = arguments.length, c = Array(a), f = 0; f < a; f++) c[f] = arguments[f];
b(c, this.stampSinceCreated());
return this
Object.defineProperties(d, {
_getTime: {
value: (a.getTime ||
_getStamp: {
value: c.bind(d)
return d
}).call(this, d(15)["default"], d(37))
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
var e = d(34),
p = d(3),
h = d(17);
b.a = function(b) {
var f = p.ObjectUtils.assign({
url: "",
headers: {},
method: "get",
type: "json",
data: null
}, b);
if (b.headers === w || b.headers["Content-Type"] === w) f.headers = f.headers || {}, f.headers["Content-Type"] = function() {
switch (f.type) {
case "json":
return "application/json";
case "css":
return "text/css";
case "html":
return "text/html";
return "text/plain"
return (new a(function(a,
b) {
var c = new XMLHttpRequest,
d = new FileReader;
"css" === f.type && (c.responseType = "blob");
c.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
var l = c.status;
4 === c.readyState && (200 <= l && 301 > l ? "css" === f.type ? (d.addEventListener("load", function(c) {
result: d.result,
error: null
}), d.readAsText(c.response)) : (l = function(a) {
switch (f.type) {
case "json":
return JSON.parse(a);
case "html":
return e.DocumentUtils.initDocument({
html: a
return a
}(c.responseText), a({
result: l,
error: null
})) : b(Error(l + " " + c.statusText)))
c.addEventListener("error", b);, f.url);
Object(h.a)(f.headers, function(a, f) {
c.setRequestHeader(a, f)
c.send( ? JSON.stringify( : w)
}))["catch"](function(a) {
return {
result: null,
error: a
}).call(this, d(23).Promise)
function(a, b, d) {
function e() {
if ("undefined" === typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if ("function" === typeof Proxy) return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {})), !0
} catch (h) {
return !1
function g(b, d, f) {
e() ? a.exports = g = Reflect.construct : a.exports = g = function(a, f, b) {
var c = [null];
c.push.apply(c, f);
a = new(Function.bind.apply(a, c));
b && p(a, b.prototype);
return a
return g.apply(null, arguments)
var p = d(88);
a.exports = g
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(6),
h = d.n(e),
m = d(19),
f = new a,
c = {
input: {
capture: !0,
passive: !0
change: {
capture: !0
keyup: {
capture: !0
paste: {
capture: !0
cut: {
capture: !0
b.a = {
inputs: {},
events: {},
create: function(a) {
var b = this;
this.checkInpudDescriptorOverrideAbility =
this.handleInputValueChange = this.handleInputValueChange.bind(this);
this.handleInputChangeValueEvent = this.handleInputChangeValueEvent.bind(this);
this.handleNodeIndex = this.handleNodeIndex.bind(this);
this.handleNodeRemoval = this.handleNodeRemoval.bind(this);
this.recorder = a;
this.checkInpudDescriptorOverrideAbility() && (a.indexer.dom.forEach(function(a) {
}), a.indexer.on("add", this.handleNodeIndex), a.indexer.on("remove", this.handleNodeRemoval));
g.forin(c, function(d) {
f.add(a.attachEvent(a.document, d, b.handleInputChangeValueEvent, c[d]))
handleNodeIndex: function(a) {
if (m.a.isValidNode(a.nativeNode) && "__ym_input_override_test" !== a.nativeNode.getAttribute("class")) {
var c = a.nativeNode,
f =,
b = "radio" === a.attributes.type || "checkbox" === a.attributes.type;
a = this.getPropertyName(b);
this.inputs[f] = {
checkable: b,
value: c[a]
b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(c), a) || {};
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, a) || {},
l = h()({}, b, d);
if (g.isNative(l.set, "(set)?")) {
var e = this;
try {
Object.defineProperty(c, a, h()({}, l, {
configurable: !0,
set: function(a) {
e.handleInputValueChange(f, a, this);
return, a)
} catch (A) {
delete this.inputs[f]
handleInputChangeValueEvent: function(a) {
a =;
var c = this.recorder.indexer.getNodeId(a);
if (this.inputs[c]) {
var f = this.getPropertyName(this.inputs[c].checkable);
this.handleInputValueChange(c, a[f], a)
handleInputValueChange: function(a, c, f) {
var b = this.inputs[a],
d = b.checkable;
if (c !== b.value) {
if (d) f =
this.recorder._getEventObject("change", a, {
checked: c
else {
var l = m.a.validate(f, this.recorder.options);
b = l.forceRecord;
var e = l.isPrivate;
l = l.isAllowed || b ? c : m.a.encode(c);
f = this.recorder._getEventObject("change", f, {
value: l,
hidden: e && !b
this.inputs[a] = {
checkable: d,
value: c
handleNodeRemoval: function(a) {
a.nativeNode && "__ym_input_override_test" === a.nativeNode.getAttribute("class") || delete this.inputs[]
getPropertyName: function(a) {
return a ? "checked" : "value"
checkInpudDescriptorOverrideAbility: function() {
var a = !0,
c = n.document.createElement("input");
c.value = "INPUT_VALUE";
c.setAttribute("style", "display: none !important;");
c.setAttribute("type", "text");
c.setAttribute("class", "__ym_input_override_test");
try {
var f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(c), "value") || {},
b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, "value") || {},
d = h()({}, f, b);
Object.defineProperty(c, "value", h()({}, d, {
configurable: !0,
set: function(a) {
return, a)
"INPUT_VALUE" !== c.value &&
(a = !1);
c.value = "INPUT_TEST";
"INPUT_TEST" !== c.value && (a = !1)
} catch (aa) {
a = !1
return a
destroy: function(a) {
var c = this;
Object.keys(this.inputs).forEach(function(f) {
var b = a.indexer.findByID(f);
if (b) {
f = c.getPropertyName(c.inputs[f].checkable);
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(b), f);
Object.defineProperty(b, f, d)
Object.keys( {
});"add", this.handleNodeIndex);"remove",
}).call(this, d(7)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(18),
h = {
mousemove: {
capture: !0,
passive: !0,
lazy: 5
mousedown: {
capture: !0
mouseup: {
capture: !0
click: {
capture: !0
m = new a,
f = function(a) {
var c = a.object;
a = a.args[0];
var f = c.type,
b =,
d = c.pageX,
l = c.pageY,
e = c.clientX;
e = void 0 === e ? null : e;
c = c.clientY;
c = void 0 === c ? null : c;
b = this.document.elementFromPoint(void 0 === d ? null : d, void 0 === l ? null : l) || b;
a = this._getEventObject(f, b, {
x: e,
y: c
}, a);
c = e.a.create(f, {
timeout: 0
l = function(a) {
var b = this.stamp;
"mousemove" === a.type ?, a, b) :, {
object: a,
args: [b]
b.a = {
create: function(a) {
var c = a._universalHandler(l);
g.forin(h, function(f) {
m.add(a.attachEvent(a.document, f, c, h[f]))
destroy: function(a) {
g.forof(m, function(c) {
return a.removeEvent(c)
}).call(this, d(7)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, d) {
var e = {
focus: {
capture: !0
blur: {
capture: !0
h = new a,
g = function(a) {
a = this._getEventObject(a.type,;
b.a = {
create: function(a) {
var c = a._universalHandler(g);
d.forin(e, function(f) {
h.add(a.attachEvent(a.document, f, c, e[f]))
destroy: function(a) {
d.forof(h, function(c) {
return a.removeEvent(c)
}).call(this, d(7)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
var d, e = function(b, d) {
var f = this,
c =;
this._executeCaptor("deviceRotation", function() {
C(function() {
var l = - c;
b, l))
}, 300)
b.a = {
getValue: function(a, b) {
var f = this.viewport.getSize(1);
f = this._getEventObject("deviceRotation", 0, {
width: f.width,
height: f.height,
orientation: this.viewport.orientation
f.stamp -= b;
return f
create: function(a) {
d = a.attachEvent(a.window, "orientationchange", a._universalHandler(e, {
extra: [this]
}), {
passive: !0
destroy: function(a) {
}).call(this, d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(18),
h, m = new a,
f = function(a) {
var c = a.args[0],
f = this.viewport.scrollingElement,
b = this.document,
d = this.window;
a =;
b = a === d || a === b ? d : a;
d = g.getScroll(b);
c = this._getEventObject("scroll", b, {
x: Math.max(d.left, 0),
y: Math.max(, 0),
page: b === f || b === n || b === q
}, c);
c = function(a) {
var c =;
if (m.has(c)) c = m.get(c);
else {
var b = e.a.create(f, {
timeout: g.isAndroid() ? 0 : 100,
immediateFirstRun: !0
m.set(c, b);
c = b
}, a)
b.a = {
create: function(a) {
var f = a._universalHandler(c);
h = a.attachEvent(a.document, "scroll", f.bind(a), {
capture: !0,
passive: !0
destroy: function(a) {
}).call(this, d(10)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, d) {
var e = {
mousemove: {
capture: !0,
passive: !0,
lazy: 5
touchmove: {
capture: !0,
passive: !0,
lazy: 5
mousedown: {
capture: !0
touchdown: {
capture: !0
h = new a,
g = !1,
f = function(a) {
var c = "select" === a.type ? this.selection.getSelectionFor( : this.selection.getPageSelection();
c && c.start !== c.end && -1 !== ["mousemove", "touchmove", "touchdown"].indexOf(a.type) ? (g = !0, a = this._getEventObject("selection", "select" === a.type ? : this.rootNode,
c), this._publishActions(a)) : g && -1 !== ["mousedown", "touchmove", "touchdown"].indexOf(a.type) && (g = !1, a = this._getEventObject("selection", null, {
start: 0,
end: 0
}), this._publishActions(a))
b.a = {
create: function(a) {
var c = a._universalHandler(function(c) {
("mousemove" === c.type && 1 === c.which || -1 !== ["mousedown", "touchmove", "touchdown"].indexOf(c.type)) &&, c)
d.forin(e, function(f) {
h.add(a.attachEvent(a.document, f, c, e[f]))
destroy: function(a) {
d.forof(h, function(c) {
return a.removeEvent(c)
d(7)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g, p) {
var e = d(18),
m = {
touchmove: {
capture: !0,
passive: !0
touchstart: {
capture: !0
touchend: {
capture: !0
touchcancel: {
capture: !0
touchforcechange: {
capture: !0
f = new a,
c = new g,
l = !1,
t = function(a) {
var c = a.object;
a = a.args[0];
var f = c.type,
b =, function(a) {
return {
id: a.__id,
x: Math.round(a.clientX),
y: Math.round(a.clientY),
force: a.force
c = this._getEventObject(f,, {
touches: b
}, a);
z = e.a.create(t, {
timeout: p.isAndroid() ? 0 : 300
k = function(a) {
var f = this.stamp,
b = "touchcancel" === a.type || "touchend" === a.type;
a.changedTouches && 0 < a.changedTouches.length && p.forof(a.changedTouches, function(a) {
var f = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
if (c.has(a.identifier)) var d = c.get(a.identifier);
else d = p.guid(), c.set(a.identifier, d);
f && c["delete"](a.identifier);
a.__id = d
"touchmove" === a.type ? l ?, {
object: a,
args: [f]
}) :, a, f) :, {
object: a,
args: [f]
b.a = {
create: function(a) {
var c = a._universalHandler(k);
function(b) {
f.add(a.attachEvent(a.document, b, c, m[b]))
var b = null,
d = a._universalHandler(function() {
l = !0;
b = C(function() {
return l = !1
}, 150)
f.add(a.attachEvent(q, "scroll", d, {
passive: !0,
capture: !0
destroy: function(a) {
p.forof(f, function(c) {
return a.removeEvent(c)
}).call(this, d(7)["default"], d(10)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, d) {
var e = new a,
h = [],
g = null,
f = function() {
var a = this,
f = this.stamp,
b = this.viewport.zoomLevel;
if (this.zoomLevel !== b) {
var e = d.scrollingElement(),
m = e.scrollLeft;
e = e.scrollTop;
this.zoomLevel = b;
h.push([f, b, m, e]);
g = C(function() {
var c = h[0],
f = h[h.length - 1],
b = f[0];
c = a._getEventObject("zoom", 0, {
zoomFrom: {
level: c[1],
x: c[2],
y: c[3]
zoomTo: {
level: f[1],
x: f[2],
y: f[3]
duration: b - c[0]
}, b);
h.length = 0;
}, 100)
b.a = {
create: function(a) {
a = a._universalHandler(f);
this.captor = d.repeat(a)
destroy: function() {
}).call(this, d(7)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, d) {
var e,
h = "undefined" !== typeof q.hidden ? {
hidden: "hidden",
event: "visibilitychange"
} : "undefined" !== typeof q.msHidden ? {
hidden: "msHidden",
event: "msvisibilitychange"
} : "undefined" !== typeof q.webkitHidden ? {
hidden: "webkitHidden",
event: "webkitvisibilitychange"
} : null,
g = h ? (e = {}, e[h.event] = {
capture: !0
}, e) : {
focus: {
capture: !0
blur: {
capture: !0
f = {
focus: "windowfocus",
blur: "windowblur"
c = new a,
l = function(a) {
a = h ? this._getEventObject(f[q[h.hidden] ? "blur" : "focus"], n) : this._getEventObject(f[a.type], n);
b.a = {
create: function(a) {
var f = a._universalHandler(l);
d.forin(g, function(b) {
c.add(a.attachEvent(a.window, b, f, g[b]))
destroy: function(a) {
d.forof(c, function(c) {
return a.removeEvent(c)
}).call(this, d(7)["default"], d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
var e = d(12),
p = d.n(e);
e = d(5);
var h = d.n(e);
e = d(16);
var m = d.n(e);
e = d(0);
var f = d.n(e);
e = d(13);
var c = d(51),
l = d(28),
t = d(9);
e = function(b) {
function d(d, e) {
var g = || this;
f()(h()(g), "IGNORE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE", "__ym_wv_ign");
"eventsList", ["mutation"]);
g.indexer = e;
g.originalHTML = g.indexer.html; = d;
g.watcher = new c.a(;
g.queue = new l.a;
g._timer = a.timer();
g.watcher.on("mutation", g.collectMutations.bind(h()(g)));
return g
m()(d, b);
var e = d.prototype;
e.addChanges = function(c, f) {
for (var b = arguments.length, d = Array(2 < b ? b - 2 : 0), e = 2; e < b; e++) d[e - 2] = arguments[e];
if (null != c[f] && 0 < d.length) {
var l, h = c[f].length;
a.fastIterate(d, function(a, c) {
return c.i = h + a
c[f] = (l = c[f]).concat.apply(l, d)
e.collectMutations = function(a) {
var c =
this.queue.push(function() {
var f = c.processMutations(a);
f.hasData && c.emit("mutation",
e.destroy = function() {
e.cleanChangesObject = function(c) {
a.forin(c, function(a) {
0 === c[a].length && delete c[a]
return c
e.initObserver = function() {
this.initObserver = a.noop();
e.processMutations = function(c) {
var f = this,
b = !1,
d = [];
a.fastIterate(c, function(a, c) {
if ( && !t.c.isIgnoredNode( {
var e =
!1 !== function() {
var a = c.type,
b =,
d = f.indexer.getIndexedNodeId(b);
if (null == d) return !1;
b = [c, d, b, e];
switch (a) {
case "childList":
return f.processTreeChanges.apply(f, b);
case "attributes":
return f.processAttributesChanges.apply(f, b);
case "characterData":
return f.processContentChanges.apply(f, b)
}() && (b = !0, d.push(f.cleanChangesObject(e)))
return {
store: d,
hasData: b
e.combineMutations = function(c, f) {
return a.reduce(Object.keys(f), function(a, c) {
var b;
null == a[c] && (a[c] = []);
a[c] = (b = a[c]).concat.apply(b,
return a
}, c)
e.processTreeChanges = function(c, f, b, d) {
var e = this,
l = c.nextSibling,
h = c.previousSibling;
b = c.meta;
c = b.addedNodes;
b = b.removedNodes;
b = void 0 === b ? [] : b;
var g = [],
m = [];
a.fastIterate(void 0 === c ? [] : c, function(c, b) {
e.indexer.reindexNodeTree(b, {
parentID: f,
callback: function(c, f) {
if (c) {
var d = a.combine({
pa: c.parent,
}, f === b && {
pr: e.getIDForNode(h),
nx: e.getIDForNode(l)
c.content && (d.ct = c.content);
c.namespace && (d.ns = c.namespace); = t.c.getAttributes(c.nativeNode);
a.fastIterate(b, function(a, c) {
var b = {
id: e.indexer.removeNodeTree(c),
pa: f,
pr: e.getIDForNode(h),
nx: e.getIDForNode(l)
}; && m.push(b)
if (0 === g.length && 0 === m.length) return !1;
this.addChanges.apply(this, [d, "a"].concat(m));
this.addChanges.apply(this, [d, "b"].concat(g))
e.processAttributesChanges = function(a, c, f, b) {
var d, e = a.meta;
a =;
f = e.oldValue;
e = e.newValue;
this.addChanges(b, "c", {
id: c,
at: (d = {}, d[a] = {
n: e,
o: f
}, d)
e.processContentChanges = function(a, c, f, b) {
this.addChanges(b, "d", {
id: c,
ct: {
n: a.meta.newValue,
o: a.meta.oldValue
e.getIDForNode = function(a) {
if (a) {
var c = this.indexer.getNodeId(a);
if (null != c) return c;
return this.indexer.getNodeId(a)
p()(d, [{
key: "changesObject",
get: function() {
return {
a: [],
b: [],
c: [],
d: []
}, {
key: "html",
get: function() {
return this.originalHTML
return d
b.a = e
}).call(this, d(4)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(5),
h = d.n(e);
e = d(16);
var m = d.n(e);
e = d(0);
var f = d.n(e),
c = d(9);
e = function(b) {
function d(a) {
var c = ||
f()(h()(c), "eventsList", ["mutation"]);
c.paused = !0;
c.element = a;
c.document = a.ownerDocument; = null;
return c
m()(d, b);
var e = d.prototype;
e.start = function() {, {
childList: !0,
attributes: !0,
characterData: !0,
subtree: !0,
attributeOldValue: !0,
characterDataOldValue: !0
e.stop = function() {
e.initMutationObserver = function() {
var a = this; = new MutationObserver(function() {
try {
for (var c = arguments.length, f = Array(c),
b = 0; b < c; b++) f[b] = arguments[b];
a.processMutations.apply(a, f)
} catch (A) {}
e.processMutations = function(c) {
var f = this;
c = a.toArray(c);
var b = {
added: new g,
removed: new g
c = a.reduceRight(c, function(a, c) {
var d = c.type,
e =,
l = f.collectSummary(d, e, b, c);
null != l && a.unshift({
target: e,
type: d,
meta: l,
nextSibling: c.nextSibling,
previousSibling: c.previousSibling
return a
}, []);
0 < c.length && this.emit("mutation", c);
e.collectSummary = function(f, b, d, e) {
switch (f) {
case "childList":
b =
a.reduce(e.addedNodes, function(a, f) {
!1 === d.added.has(f) && (a.push(f), c.c.walk(f, function(a) {
return d.added.add(a)
return a
}, []);
e = a.reduce(e.removedNodes, function(a, f) {
!1 === d.removed.has(f) && (a.push(f), c.c.walk(f, function(a) {
return d.removed.add(a)
return a
}, []);
if (0 < b.length || 0 < e.length) return {
addedNodes: b,
removedNodes: e
case "attributes":
f = e.attributeName;
e = e.oldValue;
var l = b.getAttribute(f);
if (e !== l) return {
name: f,
oldValue: c.c.normalizeAttributeValue(b, f, e),
newValue: c.c.normalizeAttributeValue(b,
f, l)
case "characterData":
if (e = e.oldValue, b = b.textContent, b !== e) return {
oldValue: e,
newValue: b
return d
b.a = e
}).call(this, d(4)["default"], d(7)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
var e = d(16),
p = d.n(e);
e = function(b) {
function d(c) {
void 0 === c && (c = []);
var f = || this;
a.fastIterate(c, function(a, c) {
return f
p()(d, b);
var f = d.prototype;
f.main = function(a, f) {
"function" === typeof f && f()
f.send = function(a) {, this.main.bind(this))
return d
b.a = e
function(a, b, d) {
a = d(0);
var e = d.n(a),
g = d(2);
d = function() {
function a(a) {
var f = this;
e()(this, "_options", {
checkOnLoad: !1,
resetOnEnd: !1,
loopCheckTime: 50,
loopMaxNumber: 5,
baitClass: "adsbygoogle yap-reset ya_partner",
baitStyle: "width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; position: absolute !important; left: -10000px !important; top: -1000px !important;",
debug: !1
e()(this, "_var", {
version: "3.2.1",
bait: null,
checking: !1,
loop: null,
loopNumber: 0,
event: {
detected: [],
notDetected: []
a !== w &&
a = function() {
C(function() {
!0 === f._options.checkOnLoad && (!0 === f._options.debug && f._log("onload-\x3eeventCallback", "A check loading is launched"), null === f._var.bait && f._creatBait(), C(function() {
}, 1))
}, 1)
g.a.addEventListener !== w ? g.a.addEventListener("load", a, !1) : g.a.attachEvent("onload", a)
var b = a.prototype;
b._log = function() {};
b.setOption = function(a, f) {
if (f !== w) {
var c = a;
a = {};
a[c] = f
for (var b in a) this._options[b] = a[b], !0 === this._options.debug && this._log("setOption", 'The option "' +
b + '" he was assigned to "' + a[b] + '"');
return this
b._creatBait = function() {
var a = q.createElement("div");
a.setAttribute("class", this._options.baitClass);
a.setAttribute("style", this._options.baitStyle);
this._var.bait = g.a.document.body.appendChild(a);
this._var.bait = g.a.document.body.appendChild(a);
!0 === this._options.debug &&
this._log("_creatBait", "Bait has been created")
b._destroyBait = function() {
this._var.bait = null;
!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("_destroyBait", "Bait has been removed")
b.check = function(a) {
var f = this;
a === w && (a = !0);
!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("check", "An audit was requested " + (!0 === a ? "with a" : "without") + " loop");
if (!0 === this._var.checking) return !0 === this._options.debug && this._log("check", "A check was canceled because there is already an ongoing"),
this._var.checking = !0;
null === this._var.bait && this._creatBait();
this._var.loopNumber = 0;
!0 === a && (this._var.loop = setInterval(function() {
}, this._options.loopCheckTime));
C(function() {
}, 1);
!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("check", "A check is in progress ...");
return !0
b.checkSync = function() {
return this._checkBait()
b._checkBait = function(a) {
var f = !1;
if (!g.a.document.body) return !1;
null === this._var.bait && this._creatBait();
if (null !== g.a.document.body.getAttribute("abp") ||
null === this._var.bait.offsetParent || 0 === parseInt(this._var.bait.offsetHeight, 10) || 0 === parseInt(this._var.bait.offsetLeft, 10) || 0 === parseInt(this._var.bait.offsetTop, 10) || 0 === parseInt(this._var.bait.offsetWidth, 10) || 0 === parseInt(this._var.bait.clientHeight, 10) || 0 === parseInt(this._var.bait.clientWidth, 10)) f = !0;
if (g.a.getComputedStyle !== w) {
var c = g.a.getComputedStyle(this._var.bait, null);
!c || "none" !== c.getPropertyValue("display") && "hidden" !== c.getPropertyValue("visibility") || (f = !0)
}!0 === this._options.debug &&
this._log("_checkBait", "A check (" + (this._var.loopNumber + 1) + "/" + this._options.loopMaxNumber + " ~" + (1 + this._var.loopNumber * this._options.loopCheckTime) + "ms) was conducted and detection is " + (!0 === f ? "positive" : "negative"));
!0 === a && (this._var.loopNumber++, this._var.loopNumber >= this._options.loopMaxNumber && this._stopLoop());
if (!0 === f) this._stopLoop(), this._destroyBait(), this.emitEvent(!0), !0 === a && (this._var.checking = !1);
else if (null === this._var.loop || !1 === a) this._destroyBait(), this.emitEvent(!1), !0 ===
a && (this._var.checking = !1);
return f
b._stopLoop = function() {
this._var.loop = null;
this._var.loopNumber = 0;
!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("_stopLoop", "A loop has been stopped")
b.emitEvent = function(a) {
!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("emitEvent", "An event with a " + (!0 === a ? "positive" : "negative") + " detection was called");
a = this._var.event[!0 === a ? "detected" : "notDetected"];
for (var f in a)
if (!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("emitEvent", "Call function " + (parseInt(f,
10) + 1) + "/" + a.length), a.hasOwnProperty(f)) a[f]();
!0 === this._options.resetOnEnd && this.clearEvent();
return this
b.clearEvent = function() {
this._var.event.detected = [];
this._var.event.notDetected = [];
!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("clearEvent", "The event list has been cleared")
b.on = function(a, f) {
this._var.event[!0 === a ? "detected" : "notDetected"].push(f);
!0 === this._options.debug && this._log("on", 'A type of event "' + (!0 === a ? "detected" : "notDetected") + '" was added');
return this
b.onDetected = function(a) {
return this.on(!0,
b.onNotDetected = function(a) {
return this.on(!1, a)
return a
b.a = d
function(a, b, d) {
a = function() {
function a(a) {
void 0 === a && (a = "body");
this.root = "string" === typeof a ? q.querySelector(a) : a;
a = -1 !== navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") ? "macos" : "other";
this.OS = a;
this.modifierCodes = {
91: "super",
93: "super",
224: "super",
18: "alt",
17: "ctrl",
16: "shift",
9: "tab",
8: "backspace",
46: "delete"
this.keyOrder = {
"super": 1,
ctrl: 2,
alt: 3,
shift: 4,
tab: 5,
"delete": 6,
backspace: 6
this.singleKeys = [4, 9, 8, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46];
this.keyDict = {
macos: {
91: "\x26#8984;",
93: "\x26#8984;",
224: "\x26#8984;",
18: "\x26#8997;",
17: "\x26#8963;",
16: "\x26#8679;",
9: "\x26#8677;",
8: "\x26#9003;",
46: "\x26#9003;"
other: {
91: "\x26#xff;",
93: "\x26#xff;",
224: "\x26#xff;",
18: "Alt",
17: "Ctrl",
16: "Shift",
9: "Tab",
8: "Backspace",
46: "Delete"
multi: {
37: "\x26larr;",
38: "\x26uarr;",
39: "\x26rarr;",
40: "\x26darr;",
13: "Enter"
this.initialModifier = null;
this.modifierPressed = 0; = [];
this.modifiers = {};
this.captors = [];
this.filters = [];
this.keyStroke = [];
this.holding = [];
var b = a.prototype;
b.onCapture = function(a) {
"function" === typeof a && 0 > this.captors.indexOf(a) && this.captors.push(a)
b.addElementFilter = function(a) {
"function" === typeof a && 0 > this.captors.indexOf(a) && this.filters.push(a)
b.applyFilters = function(a) {
var b = this;
return this.filters.reduce(function(d, f) {
return !0 === d ? d &&, a) : !1
}, !0)
b.initHandler = function() {
this.attachEvent("keydown", this.keydownHandler);
this.attachEvent("keyup", this.keyupHandler)
b.getKeystroke = function(a) {
var b =
d = this.keyOrder;
return {
var c = a.keyCode,
f = b.modifierCodes[a.keyCode],
d = b.getKeySymbol(a);
return {
id: c,
key: b.getKeySymbol(a),
isMeta: !!f && /^&#/.test(d),
modifier: f
}).sort(function(a, c) {
return (d[a.modifier] || 100) - (d[c.modifier] || 100)
b.getKeySymbol = function(a) {
return this.keyDict[this.OS][a.keyCode] || this.keyDict.multi[a.keyCode] || String.fromCharCode(a.keyCode)
b.startCapture = function(a) {
this.initialModifier = a;
b.sendKeys = function(a, b) {
var d =
void 0 === b && (b = !1);
if (1 < a.length || b) {
var f = this.getKeystroke(a);
this.captors.forEach(function(a) {
return, f, b)
b.endCapture = function() {
var a = this;
this._keyStroke = this.keyStroke.slice(0);
this._endCapture = C(function() {
b.pushKey = function(a) {
!1 === this.isCaptured(a) && this.keyStroke.push(a)
b.removeKey = function(a) {
this.keyStroke = this.keyStroke.reduce(function(b, d) {
d.keyCode !== a.keyCode && b.push(d);
return b
}, [])
b.cancelCapture =
function() {
this.isModifierPressed() ? C(this.cancelCapture.bind(this), 100) : this.keyStroke.length = 0
b.reset = function() {
var a = this;
this._reset = C(function() {
}, 300)
b.resetImmediate = function() {
this.modifierPressed = 0;
this.keyStroke.length = 0;
this.holding.length = 0;
b.cancelReset = function() {
b.keydownHandler = function(a) {
this.applyFilters( && !1 === this.isInputWithShift(a) && !a.repeat && 0 > this.held(a.keyCode) && (this.holding.push(a.keyCode),
this.isModifier(a.keyCode) && !this.isModifierPressed() ? (this.modifierPressed += 1, this.startCapture(a), this.reset()) : this.isModifierPressed() ? (this.cancelReset(), this.pushKey(a), this.endCapture()) : (this.resetImmediate(), this.pushKey(a)))
b.keyupHandler = function(a) {
if (this.applyFilters( {
var b = this.isModifier(a.keyCode),
d = this.held(a.keyCode);
0 <= d && this.holding.splice(d, 1);
b && this.isModifierPressed() && (this.modifierPressed = 0, this.holding.length = 0);
1 === this.keyStroke.length && (b = this.keyStroke[0],
0 <= this.singleKeys.indexOf(b.keyCode) && (this.sendKeys([b], !0), this.resetImmediate()));
b.attachEvent = function(a, b) {
var d = this;
if ("function" === typeof b) {
var f = function(a) {
(d.root && d.root.contains( || === d.root) &&, a)
q.addEventListener(a, f, !0); {
q.removeEventListener(a, f, !0)
b.held = function(a) {
return this.holding.indexOf(a)
b.isModifier = function(a) {
return null != this.modifierCodes[a]
b.isModifierPressed =
function() {
return 0 < this.modifierPressed
b.isInitialModifier = function(a) {
return this.initialModifier ? this.initialModifier.keyCode === a.keyCode : !1
b.isCaptured = function(a) {
return null != this.keyStroke.reduce(function(b, d) {
null == b && d.keyCode === a.keyCode && (b = d);
return b
}, null)
b.isInputWithShift = function(a) {
return "INPUT" === ? a.shiftKey || 32 === a.keyCode || "shift" === this.modifierCodes[a.keyCode] : !1
b.destroy = function() {
var a;
for (this.resetImmediate(); a =;) a();
this.filters.length =
return a
b.a = a
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(0),
h = d.n(e),
m = d(13),
f = d(27),
c = d(3),
l = d(20),
t = d(1);
e = "HTMLMediaElement" in n;
var z = {},
k = new a(["addEventListener", "removeEventListener"]),
y = function() {
function a() {
h()(this, "originalDescriptors", new g);
h()(this, "mocked", !1);
h()(this, "events", new m.a(["setter", "method"]));
c.ObjectUtils.assign(z, l.Tools.apiMock(HTMLMediaElement))
var b = a.prototype;
b.descriptor = function(a, c) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, c)
b.mock = function() {
var a =
b = HTMLMediaElement.prototype,
f = this;
t.IterableUtils.forof(, function(d) {
if (k.has(d)) return !0;
var e = a.descriptor(b, d);
if (e) {
a.originalDescriptors.set(d, e);
var l = c.ObjectUtils.combine(e);
e.get && (l.get = function() {
e.set && (l.set = function(a) {
f.setterInvoked(this, d, a);
return, a)
Object.defineProperty(b, d, l)
t.IterableUtils.forof(z.methods, function(c) {
if (k.has(c)) return !0;
var d = a.descriptor(b, c);
a.originalDescriptors.set(c, d);
c, {
configurable: !0,
value: function() {
for (var a, b = arguments.length, e = Array(b), l = 0; l < b; l++) e[l] = arguments[l];
f.methodInvoked(this, c, e);
return (a = d.value).call.apply(a, [this].concat(e))
this.mocked = !0
b.remove = function() {;
var a = HTMLMediaElement.prototype;
t.IterableUtils.forof(this.originalDescriptors, function(c, b) {
delete a[b];
Object.defineProperty(a, b, c)
this.mocked = !1
b.setterInvoked = function(a, c, b) {
var f = this;
this.mocked && C(function() {
f.send(a, "setter", {
name: c,
value: b
b.methodInvoked = function(a, c, b) {
var d = this;
this.mocked && C(function() {
b = {
return a instanceof Image ? Object(f.b)(a) : a
d.send(a, "method", {
name: c,
args: b
b.send = function(a, b, f) {, c.ObjectUtils.combine(f, {
media: a
return a
h()(y, "supported", e);
b.a = y
}).call(this, d(7)["default"], d(10)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
d.d(b, "a", function() {
return e
var e = function(b, d) {
void 0 === d && (d = "body");
return new a(function(a) {
null == b.querySelector(d) || q.hidden ||
q.msHidden || q.webkitHidden ? function c() {
null == b.querySelector(d) || q.hidden || q.msHidden || q.webkitHidden ? C(c, 100) : a()
}() : a()
}).call(this, d(23).Promise)
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g, p) {
var e = d(12),
m = d.n(e);
e = d(5);
var f = d.n(e);
e = d(16);
var c = d.n(e);
e = d(0);
var l = d.n(e),
t = d(9);
e = d(13);
var z = d(30),
k = d(1),
n = d(3),
q = d(35),
O = d(20),
A = ["attributes", "namespace", "content", "parent"];
e = function(b) {
function d(c, d) {
var e = void 0 === d ? {} : d;
var h = e.autoIndex;
h = void 0 === h ? !0 : h;
e = e.disabled;
var m = void 0 === e ? !1 : e;
e = ||
l()(f()(e), "eventsList", ["initialIndex:once:memory", "add", "remove", "node"]);
e.disabled = m;
e.nextID = 0;
e.closed = !1;
e.dom = new a;
e.index = new a;
e.initialDOM = new g;
e.middleware = new z.b;
e.document = c;
e.quickAccess = {};
h && e.initialIndex();
return e
c()(d, b);
var e = d.prototype;
e.initialIndex = function() {
e.use = function(a) {
e.initDOMCache = function() {
this.domCache = new a(this.index)
e.writeCache = function(a, c, b) {
this.domCache && this.domCache.set(a, {
node: c,
data: b
e.findCache = function(a) {
if (this.domCache) return this.domCache.get(a)
e.addQuckAccessItem = function(a, c) {
null == this.quickAccess[a] && null == this[a] && (this.quickAccess[a] = c, Object.defineProperty(this, a, {
get: function() {
return this.quickAccess[a]
e.addToIndex = function(a, c, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = null);
if (a = {
this.emit("node", a);
var f = a._DOMIndexerInfo;
if (!1 === this.dom.has(a) || null == f) b = this.generateNodeID(b), f = {
id: b,
name: a.tagName || a.nodeName,
parent: c,
nativeNode: a,
namespace: t.c.getNamespace(a),
attributes: t.c.getAttributes(a),
content: t.c.getContent(a)
}, this.domCache && this.writeCache(b, a, f), this.dom.set(a, f), this.index.set(b, a), a._DOMIndexerID = b, a._DOMIndexerInfo = f, a._DOMIndexer = this;
this.emit("add", f);
return f
p.warn("Can't index undefined node")
e.clear = function(a) {
void 0 === a && (a = !0);
k.IterableUtils.forof(k.IterableUtils.keys(this.dom), function(a) {
k.IterableUtils.forof(["_DOMIndexer", "_DOMIndexerID", "_DOMIndexerInfo"], function(c) {
a[c] = null;
delete a[c]
a && (this.document = null);
e.dump = function() {
return {
dom: new a(this.dom),
index: new a(this.index)
e.dumpRestore = function(a) {
n.ObjectUtils.assign(this, a);
this.document.body.innerHTML = ""
e.findByID = function(a) {
return this.find(a)
e.findByNode = function(a) {
return this.get(a)
e.find = function(a) {
if (null != a) {
var c = this.index.get(a);
return null == c && this.domCache ? (a = this.findCache(a)) && a.node : c
e.findInfo = function(a) {
return this.dom.get(this.find(a))
e.generateNodeID =
function(a) {
return null != a ? a : this.nextID++
e.get = function(a) {
return this.dom.get(a)
e.getNodeId = function(a) {
return (a = this.get(a)) &&
e.getIndexedNodeId = function(a) {
var c = this.getNodeId(a);
return null == c ? (this.reindexNodeTree(a), this.getNodeId(a)) : c
e.getNodesIds = function(a) {
var c = this;
return k.IterableUtils.toArray(a).map(function(a) {
return {
id: c.getNodeId(a),
nodes: c.getNodesIds(a.childNodes)
e.reindexNodeTree = function(a, c) {
var b = this,
f = void 0 === c ? {} : c,
d = f.returnAll;
d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
var e =
l = void 0 === e ? null : e;
f = f.parentID;
var h = void 0 === f ? null : f;
if (a) {
var g = [];
if (a.parentNode || h) l = q.FunctionUtils.toFunction(l), t.c.each(a, function(a, c) {
h = c.parentNode && b.getNodeId(c.parentNode) || h;
if (null != h) {
var f = b.addToIndex(c, h);
l(f, c)
return d ? g : a._DOMIndexerID
e.removeFromIndex = function(a) {
var c = this.getNodeId(a);
this.emit("remove", a);
return c
e.replaceBody =
function(a) {
var c = this.BODY.nativeNode;
delete c._DOMIndexerInfo;
delete c._DOMIndexerID;
this.addToIndex(c,, a)
e.removeNodeTree = function(a, c) {
var b = this;
void 0 === c && (c = !1);
if (a) {
var f = [],
d = a._DOMIndexerID;
t.c.each(a, function(a, c) {
var d = c._DOMIndexerID;
b.emit("remove", c);
return c ? f : d
e.fastIndex = function(a) {
if (!this.disabled) {
var c = this.addToIndex.bind(this),
b = this.initialDOM.add.bind(this.initialDOM);
t.c.each(a, function(a, f) {
var d = c(f, f.parentNode && f.parentNode._DOMIndexerID);
e.toJSON = function(a) {
return d.toJSON(a || this.dom)
e.isIndexed = function(a) {
return this.dom.has(a)
e.showMissingNodes = function(a) {
var c = this;
void 0 === a && (a = !1);
a && O.Tools.measure("Show missing nodes", function() {
var a = t.c.all(c.document.documentElement);
k.IterableUtils.fastIterate(a, function(a, b) {
!1 === c.dom.has(b) && p.log("Missing node", b)
p.log("Index diff: [DOM: " + a.length + "] [INDEX: " +
c.dom.size + "] [DIFF: " + (c.dom.size - a.length) + "]")
e.getCurrentHtml = function() {
var a =, function(a) {
return a[1]
return d.simplify(a)
e.getDocument = function() {
return this.document
e.setDocument = function(a) {
this.document = a
m()(d, [{
key: "HTML",
get: function() {
return this.document.documentElement._DOMIndexerInfo
}, {
key: "BODY",
get: function() {
return this.document.body._DOMIndexerInfo
}, {
key: "html",
get: function() {
return d.simplify(this.initialDOM)
return d
function(a) {
return, function(a) {
var c = {
k.IterableUtils.forof(A, function(b) {
null != a[b] && (c[b] = a[b])
return c
l()(e, "toNodesTree", function(a) {
var c = {};
a = k.IterableUtils.toArray(a);
k.IterableUtils.forof(a, function(a) {
if (null == c[]) {
var b = n.ObjectUtils.combine(a);
c[] = b;
null != a.parent && (a = c[a.parent]) && (a.children = a.children || [], a.children.push(b))
return c[0]
b.a = e
}).call(this, d(10)["default"], d(7)["default"], d(15)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(6),
h = d.n(e);
e = d(12);
var m = d.n(e);
e = d(0);
var f = d.n(e);
e = function() {
function c(c) {
void 0 === c && (c = n);
f()(this, "_cancelMainHandler", null);
f()(this, "subscriptions", {});
var b = a.isIframe(c);
this.window = b ? c.parent : c;
if (c._messenger) return c._messenger;
this.targetWindow = c;
c._messenger = this;
g.log("Messenger created [isFrame: " + b + "]", this.targetWindow.location.href);
c = this.targetWindow;
b = || "";
b = /^ym-/.test(b) ? b : "ym-" + a.guid(); = b;
this.identifier =;
return this
var b = c.prototype;
b.send = function(a, c) {
var b = void 0 === c ? {} : c,
f =,
d = b.onResponse;
b = b.receiver;
var e = null,
l = [];
"function" === typeof d && (e = a + "." + this.timestamp, this.listenOnce(function(a) {
a =;
var c = a._ym_cancel_response,
b =;
if (a.type === e) c ? g.warn("Seems like you forgot to call `answer` in message handler. This message requires your response") : d(b);
else return !1
}, this.targetWindow));
e && l.push("response:" + e);
data: f,
type: a,
target: this._getReceiver(b),
flags: l
b.subscribe = function(a, c) {
var b = this._createSubscriptionsGroup(a);
if (!1 === this._isSubscribed(b, c)) b.push(c);
else throw Error("This callback has already been subscribed to " + a);
b.unsubscribe = function(c, b) {
var f = this._getSubcribers(c);
!0 === this._isSubscribed(f, b) && a.removeFromArray(f, b)
b.unsubscribeAll = function(a) {
(a = this._getSubcribers(a)) && a.splice(0)
b.listen = function(a) {
var c = this;
this._attachEvent("message", a);
return function() {
return c._removeEvent("message",
b.listenOnce = function(a, c) {
var b = this;
c = c || this.window;
var f = function(c) {
!1 !== a(c) && d()
d = function() {
b._removeEvent("message", f, c)
this._attachEvent("message", f, c);
return d
b._attachEvent = function(a, c, b) {
var f = this;
(b || this.window).addEventListener(a, c);
return function() {
return f._removeEvent(a, c)
b._createSubscriptionsGroup = function(a) {
return this._getSubcribers(a) || (this.subscriptions[a] = [])
b._isSubscribed = function(a, c) {
return a && c && 0 <= a.indexOf(c)
b._removeEvent = function(a, c, b) {
(b ||
this.window).removeEventListener(a, c)
b._getSubcribers = function(a) {
return this.subscriptions[a] || null
b._sendMessage = function(a) {
var c = void 0 === a ? {} : a;
a =;
var b = c.flags;
b = void 0 === b ? [] : b;
c = {
_ym_messenger: !0,
_ym_identifier: this.identifier,
type: c.type,
if (b && 0 < b.length)
for (var f = 0, d = b.length; f < d; f++) {
var e = b[f].split(":");
c["_ym_" + e[0]] = e[1] || !0
this._postMessage(c, a)
b._postMessage = function(a, c) {
(c || this.window).postMessage(a, "*")
b._getReceiver = function(a) {
if (null != a) {
if (a.postMessage) return a;
if (a.contentWindow) return a.contentWindow
b._handleMessages = function() {
var a = this;
if (null == this._cancelMainHandler) {
var c = this._attachEvent("message", function(c) {
c = || {};
var b = c._ym_response,
f = c._ym_identifier,
d =,
e = c.type;
if (!0 === c._ym_messenger && e && !/\.([0-9]+)$/.test(e)) {
c = a._getSubcribers(e);
var l = a._findIframeByName(f);
if (null === l) g.warn("Cannot find iframe with id " + f);
else {
var m = {
id: f,
sender: l,
data: d,
type: e
f = 0;
for (d = c.length; f < d; f++) {
var p = c[f];
b ? function() {
var c = {
type: b,
target: l.contentWindow
f = 2 === p.length,
d = null,
e = function(b) {
b = f ? h()({}, c, {
data: b
}) : h()({}, c, {
flags: ["cancel_response"]
f ? (d = C(function() {
g.warn("Response has been canceled because `answer` was never called");
f = !1;
}, 2E3), p(m, e)) : (p(m), e())
}() : p(m)
}, this.targetWindow);
this._cancelMainHandler = function() {
a._cancelMainHandler = null
b._findIframe = function(c) {
var b = []"iframe"));
return a.find(b, function(a) {
return a.contentWindow === c
}) || null
b._findIframeByName =
function(a) {
return this._findIframe(this.targetWindow.frames[a]) || null
m()(c, [{
key: "timestamp",
get: function() {
return c
b.a = e
}).call(this, d(4)["default"], d(15)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(6),
h = d.n(e);
e = function() {
function b(a, b, f) {
void 0 === a && (a = n);
void 0 === b && (b = q);
Object.defineProperty(this, "_indexer", {
value: f
this.window = a;
this.document = b;
this.indexer = this._indexer;
this.selection = this.window.getSelection()
var f = b.prototype;
f.getPageSelection = function() {
var a =
if (a) {
var b = this.indexer.getNodeId(a.startNode),
f = this.indexer.getNodeId(a.endNode);
return h()({}, a, {
startNode: b,
endNode: f
f.restorePageSelection = function(c) {
if (c) {
var b = this.indexer.find(c.startNode),
f = this.indexer.find(c.endNode);
a.isDOMNode(b) && a.isDOMNode(f) && this.restoreSelection(h()({}, c, {
startNode: b,
endNode: f
f.getSelection = function() {
if (0 < this.selection.rangeCount) {
var a = this.selection.getRangeAt(0) || this.document.createRange();
return {
start: a.startOffset,
end: a.endOffset,
startNode: a.startContainer,
endNode: a.endContainer
f.restoreSelection = function(a) {
var c = a.start,
b = a.end,
f = a.startNode;
a = a.endNode;
try {
var d = f.ownerDocument,
e = d.defaultView.getSelection(),
h = d.createRange();
h.setStart(f, c);
h.setEnd(a, b);
} catch (O) {
start: {
startNode: f,
start: c
end: {
endNode: a,
end: b
f.getSelectionFor = function(a) {
if (/text|search|password|tel|url/.test(a.type)) return {
start: a.selectionStart,
end: a.selectionEnd
f.restoreSelectionFor = function(a, b) {
b && null != b.start && null != b.end && /text|search|password|tel|url/.test(a.type) && (a.selectionStart = b.start, a.selectionEnd = b.end)
f.clear = function() {
var a = this.document.createRange();
a.setStart(this.document.body, 0);
a.setEnd(this.document.body, 0);
f.setIndexer = function(a) {
a !== this.indexer && (this.indexer = a)
f.restoreIndexer = function() {
this.indexer = this._indexer
return b
b.a = e
}).call(this, d(4)["default"],
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g) {
var e = d(2),
h = {
doNotTrack: function() {
return !0 !== navigator.doNotTrack
localStorage: function() {
try {
return e.a.localStorage.setItem("test", "value"), e.a.localStorage.removeItem("test"), !0
} catch (m) {
return !1
defineProperty: function() {
try {
return Object.defineProperty({}, "test", {
value: 123
}), !0
} catch (m) {
return !1
b.a = function() {
a.forin(h, function(a) {
if (!h[a]()) return g.log("Feature not supported: " + a), !1
return !0
}).call(this, d(4)["default"], d(15)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
var e = d(29),
p = d.n(e);
e = d(10);
var h = d(1),
m = d(24),
f = d(3),
c = {
items: {
extnameFinder: /\.(css|png|gif|svg|jp[e]?g|mp4|ogv|webm|webp|mp3|ico|woff|ttf|eot)/gi,
urlPartsFinder: /([?./]*)/gi,
anchorFinder: /^(?!#).*([#]+)/g,
cssURLFinder: /url\(['"]?((?!#|data|blob))([^()'"]+)['"]?\)/g,
URLImportFinder: /@import ['"]((?!#|data|blob)([^()'"]+))['"]/g,
protocolMissing: /^(?!http[s]?).*/,
dataurlTest: /^(data|blob):/,
selectorTest: /^#(.*)/,
protocolIncomplete: /^(http[s]?)?(:?\/\/)/,
resourceFinder: /{{RESOURCE_URL}}/,
proxiedURL: /proxy([^?]*)\?url=/i
get: function(a) {
return this.items[a]
reset: function(a) {
this.items[a].lastIndex = 0
test: function(a, c) {
var b = this.get(a);
return b.test(c)
resetMultiple: function() {
for (var a, c = this, b = arguments.length, f = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++) f[d] = arguments[d];
f = (a = []).concat.apply(a, f);
h.IterableUtils.fastIterate(f, function(a, b) {
return c.reset(b)
resetAll: function() {
l = {
location: null,
proxy: null,
base: null,
window: "object" ===
typeof n && n || null,
document: "object" === typeof q && q || null
t = new e["default"],
k = new e["default"],
D = function(a) {
return "string" === typeof a ? URL.parse ? URL.parse(a) : new URL(a) : a
y = function(a) {
return k.get(a) || a
aa = function() {
var a = D(function() {
if (l.base) return l.base;
if (l.document) {
var a = l.document.querySelector("base[href]");
return a ? a.href : l.location
return l.location
return l.location = {
protocol: a.protocol,
path: (a.pathname || a.path || "").replace(/[^/]*$/, "")
O = [];
e = Object.defineProperties({
regexp: c,
patchCSS: function(a, b) {
var f = this,
d = (void 0 === b ? {} : b).location,
e = void 0 === d ? null : d,
l = {
cssURLFinder: function(a) {
return "url('" + a + "')"
URLImportFinder: function(a) {
return '@import "' + a + '"'
["cssURLFinder", "URLImportFinder"].forEach(function(a) {
return c.reset(a)
return ["cssURLFinder", "URLImportFinder"].reduce(function(a, b) {
return f.patchURLS(a, c.get(b), e, l[b])
}, a)
patchURLS: function(a, c, b, f) {
var d = this,
e = a,
l = function(a) {
return "function" === typeof a ? a : function(a) {
return a
"string" === typeof a &&
a.match(c) && (e = a.replace(c, function() {
var a = d.patchURL(2 >= arguments.length ? w : arguments[2], {
location: b
return l(a)
return e
patchURL: function(a, c) {
var b = this,
f = void 0 === c ? {} : c,
d = f.location,
e = void 0 === d ? null : d;
f = f.split;
var l = void 0 === f ? !1 : f;
return "string" === typeof a ? function(a) {
return l ? a.split(",") : [a]
}(a).reduce(function(a, c) {
var f = c.trim().split(" "),
d = f[0];
f = f.slice(1);
d = b.applyPatch(d, e);
a.push([d].concat(f).join(" "));
return a
}, []).join(", ") : a
applyPatch: function(b, f) {
var d = /^(?!\\)/.test(b),
e = this.getRelativeLocation(f),
h =,
g = e.protocol;
e = e.pathname || e.path || "";
d = d ? this.resolvePath(b, e) : b;
if (0 <= O.indexOf(d)) return d;
if (k.has(d)) return t.get(d);
e = b;
if (c.test("dataurlTest", b) || c.test("selectorTest", b)) return b;
c.test("protocolMissing", b) && (e = c.test("protocolIncomplete", b) ? b.replace(c.get("protocolIncomplete"), g + "//") : g + "//" + (h + "/" + d).replace(/([/]+)/g, "/"));
k.set(b, e);
/http[s]?/.test(e) ? (h = e, c.test("proxiedURL", h) ? e = h : (l.isWhitelisted ? (g = l.isWhitelisted(h)) && a.warn("Whitelisted: " +
h) : g = !1, e = g ? h : (g = l.proxy) && c.test("resourceFinder", g) ? g.replace(c.get("resourceFinder"), h.replace(/&/g, "%26")) : h), O.push(e), t.set(b, e), h = e) : (O.push(b), t.set(b, e), h = b);
return l.noEncode ? decodeURIComponent(h) : h
getRelativeLocation: function(a) {
var c = /^(?!\\)/.test(a);
return a ? c ? (c = m.StringUtils.parseURL(y(a)), a = this.resolvePath(a, this.location.protocol + "//" + + (this.location.path || this.location.pathname)), c || f.ObjectUtils.assign({}, this.location, {
path: a
})) : f.ObjectUtils.assign({}, this.location, {
path: a
}) : this.location
resolvePath: function(a, c) {
if (/^\//.test(a)) return a;
for (var b = (c + "/" + a).replace(/([/]+)/g, "/").split("/"), f = [], d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) {
var l = b[d];
"" === l ? f.length = 0 : "." !== l && (".." === l ? 0 < f.length && --f.length : f.push(l))
return f.join("/")
configure: function(a) {
void 0 === a && (a = {});
var c = a;
a = c.proxyWhitelist;
c = p()(c, ["proxyWhitelist"]);
l = f.ObjectUtils.assign({}, l, c);
if (a) {
a = {
return a.replace("*", "(.*)")
var b = new RegExp("" + a, "ig");
l.isWhitelisted =
function(a) {
b.lastIndex = 0;
return b.test(a)
isURLLike: function(a) {
c.resetMultiple(["dataurlTest", "selectorTest", "extnameFinder", "protocolMissing"]);
return c.test("dataurlTest", a) || c.test("selectorTest", a) ? !1 : c.test("extnameFinder", a) && c.test("protocolMissing", a)
clearCache: function() {
isProxiedURL: function(a) {
return a ? c.test("proxiedURL", a) : !1
}, {
location: {
get: function() {
return aa()
set: function(a) {
return (l = f.ObjectUtils.assign({}, l, {
location: a
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
config: {
get: function() {
return l
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
b.a = e
}).call(this, d(15)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
function e() {
try {
if (!n.sessionStorage) return null;
var a = n.sessionStorage.getItem(p),
b = !1;
try {
var f = n.opener ? n.opener.sessionStorage : null;
b = !!f && a === f.getItem(p)
} catch (c) {
b = !0
if (!a || b) a = g["default"].guid(), n.sessionStorage.setItem(p, a);
return a
} catch (c) {
return null
d.d(b, "a", function() {
return e
var g = d(4),
p = "__vw_tab_guid"
function(a, b, d) {
a = d(41);
var e = new(d(28).a),
g = 0,
p = 0,
h =
function(a) {
var c = this,
b = this.stamp;
e.push(function() {
b !== g && (p = 0);
g = b;
c._publishMutations(c._getMutationObject(a, b, p++))
m = d(42),
f = d(43),
c, l = function(a, c) {
if (!this.IS_MOBILE_DEVICE) {
var b = 0,
f = function() {
var d =, a);
d && (0 !== d.stamp ? this._publishActions(d) : 3 > b && (C(f, 300), b += 1))
t = d(44),
k = d(45),
n = d(46),
y = d(47),
aa = d(48);
d = d(49);
b.a = {
canvas: {
create: function(a) {
var c = a.canvasProxy,
b = a._universalHandler(function(a) {
a = this._getEventObject("canvasProperty", a.canvas, {
value: a.value
a = a._universalHandler(function(a) {
a = this._getEventObject("canvasMethod", a.canvas, {
args: a.args
});"setter", b);"method", a);
destroy: function(a) {
input: a.a,
keystrokes: {
create: function(a) {
a.keyCapture.onCapture(function(c) {
c = a._getEventObject("keystroke", -1, c);
destroy: function(a) {
media: {
create: function(a) {
var c =
new a.MediaProxy,
b = a._universalHandler(function(c) {
c = a._getEventObject("mediaProperty",, {
value: c.value
f = a._universalHandler(function(c) {
c = a._getEventObject("mediaMethod",, {
args: c.args
});"setter", b);"method", f);
destroy: function(a) {
mutations: {
create: function(a) {
a.summary.on("mutation", a._universalHandler(h))
destroy: function(a) {"mutation");
mouse: m.a,
focus: f.a,
resize: {
getValue: function() {
var a = this.viewport.getSize(1),
c = a.width;
a = a.height;
var b = this.viewport.scrollingElement;
if (0 < c && 0 < a) return this._getEventObject("resize", 0, {
width: c,
height: a,
pageWidth: b.scrollWidth,
pageHeight: b.scrollHeight
create: function(a) {
c = a.attachEvent(a.window, "resize", a._universalHandler(l, {
extra: [this]
}), {
passive: !0
destroy: function(a) {
deviceRotation: t.a,
scroll: k.a,
selection: n.a,
touch: y.a,
zoom: aa.a,
window: d.a,
checkable: {
scanFrequency: 50,
timeoutId: null,
checkables: {},
recorder: null,
create: function(a) {
this.recorder = a;
this.handleNodeIndex = this.handleNodeIndex.bind(this);
this.handleNodeRemoval = this.handleNodeRemoval.bind(this);
a.indexer.on("add", this.handleNodeIndex);
a.indexer.on("remove", this.handleNodeRemoval);
updatecheckablesStates: function() {
var a = this;
Object.keys(this.checkables).forEach(function(c) {
if ((c = a.checkables[c]) && c.nodeInfo.nativeNode.checked !== c.checked) {
var b = a.recorder._getEventObject("change",, {
checked: c.nodeInfo.nativeNode.checked
c.checked = c.nodeInfo.nativeNode.checked
C(this.updatecheckablesStates.bind(this), this.scanFrequency)
handleNodeIndex: function(a) {
"INPUT" !== || "checkbox" !== a.attributes.type && "radio" !== a.attributes.type || (this.checkables[] = {
checked: a.nativeNode.checked,
nodeInfo: a
handleNodeRemoval: function(a) {
delete this.checkables[]
destroy: function() {
this.handleNodeIndex);"remove", this.handleNodeRemoval)
srcset: {
create: function(a) {
this.onImageLoad = this.onImageLoad.bind(this);
q.addEventListener("load", this.onImageLoad, !0);
this.recorder = a
onImageLoad: function(a) {
a =;
"IMG" === (a.tagName || a.nodeName) && a.getAttribute("srcset") && this.recorder.summary.collectMutations([{
meta: {
name: "src",
oldValue: null,
newValue: a.currentSrc
target: a,
type: "attributes"
destroy: function() {
q.removeEventListener("load", this.onImageLoad)
function(a, b, d) {
a = d(11);
var e = d(10),
g = d(14),
p = {
rand: function(a, b) {
return Math.round(Math.random() * (b - a)) + a
charFromRange: function(a, b) {
var c = this.rand(a, b);
return String.fromCharCode(c)
isLetter: function(a) {
return /[\w\u0410-\u042f\u0430-\u044f]/.test(a)
isNumber: function(a) {
return /[0-9]/.test(a)
isUpperCase: function(a) {
return a === a.toUpperCase()
randomizeString: function(a) {
var c = this;
return (a || "").split("").map(function(a) {
return c.isNumber(a) ? c.rand(0, 9) : c.isLetter(a) ? c.isUpperCase(a) ? c.charFromRange(65,
90) : c.charFromRange(97, 122) : a
getNodeBounds: function(a) {
if (a.getBoundingClientRect) return a.getBoundingClientRect();
var c = q.createRange();
a = c.getBoundingClientRect();
return a
h = a.a.DOMIndexer.HIDABLE_NODES,
m = new e.KeyValue,
f = function(a, b) {
var c = q.createElement(b),
f = p.getNodeBounds(a);
c.setAttribute("ym-node-type", a.nodeName.toLowerCase());
a.attributes && (g.DOMUtils.copyAttributes(a, c), c.className = a.className);
c.className += " ym-hidden-content";
return {
placeholder: c,
bounds: f
b.a = function(a) {
if (0 <= h.indexOf(a.nodeName)) {
var c = g.DOMUtils.isHiddenContent(a);
if (m.has(a)) return m.get(a);
if (c) {
var b = a.nodeName;
c = a.textContent;
if ("#text" === b && c && "" === c.trim()) return a;
c = function(a) {
switch (b) {
case "#text":
var c = f(a, "span").placeholder;
c.setAttribute("ym-text-content", p.randomizeString(a.textContent || ""));
return c;
case "IMG":
return c = f(a, "img"), a = c.placeholder, c = c.bounds, a.src = "\x3d",
a.width = c.width, a.height = c.height, a;
case "TEXTAREA":
case "INPUT":
return c = f(a, "input"), a = c.placeholder, c = c.bounds, = c.width + "px", = c.height + "px", a;
return c = f(a, "span"), a = c.placeholder, c = c.bounds, = c.width + "px", = c.height + "px", a
m.set(a, c);
return c
return a
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a, g, p, h) {
d.d(b, "default", function() {
return X
var e = d(40),
f = d.n(e);
e = d(6);
var c = d.n(e);
e = d(12);
var l = d.n(e);
e = d(5);
var t = d.n(e);
e = d(16);
var k = d.n(e);
e = d(0);
var D = d.n(e),
y = d(11),
aa = d(27),
O = d(63),
A = d(50),
ia = d(52),
v = d(19);
e = d(53);
var r = d(54),
w = d(55),
x = d(56),
u = d(57),
B = d(13),
E = d(21);
var G = d(59),
K = d(60),
J = d(18),
I = d(61),
L = d(9),
P = d(62),
U = d(32),
M = d(14),
ba = d(36),
T = d(4),
ha = d(64),
R = n.console,
za = new e.a({
checkOnLoad: !1,
resetOnEnd: !0
ca = {},
N = {
maxSize: a.size(50, "mb"),
maxDuration: 864E5,
compression: !1,
isEU: !1,
recording: {
keysMode: "explicit"
ka = !0 === K.a,
V = T.IS_INCOGNITO || T.DO_NOT_TRACK || "disable" === a.meta("webvisor"),
W = n !==,
X = function(b) {
function d(c,
f) {
void 0 === c && (c = {});
void 0 === f && (f = {});
var d = || this;
D()(t()(d), "middlewares", []);
D()(t()(d), "iframes", []);
D()(t()(d), "waitingBody", null);
D()(t()(d), "_identifier", a.guid());
D()(t()(d), "offsets", {
left: 0,
top: 0
D()(t()(d), "fatalError", !1);
D()(t()(d), "captors", new g);
D()(t()(d), "prevMutationStamp", null);
D()(t()(d), "prevMutationOrderingID", 0);
D()(t()(d), "inited", !1);
D()(t()(d), "startOptions", null);
D()(t()(d), "precache", []);
D()(t()(d), "paused", !0);
D()(t()(d), "started", !1);
D()(t()(d), "stopped",
D()(t()(d), "eventsList", ["error"]);
D()(t()(d), "_sendEOF", a.once(function() {
if (!d._EOF_SENT) {
var a = d._getEventObject("eof");
events: [a]
d._EOF_SENT = !0
d._context = function(a) {
var c = {};
return a ? (c.window = a.window || n, c.document = a.document || q, c) : {
window: n,
document: q
d._configOptions = c;
Object.defineProperty(d.window, "__YM_WV_ENABLED__", {
value: !0
return !ka || V ? t()(d) || t()(d) : d
k()(d, b);
var e = d.prototype;
e.configure = function() {
var c = this,
b = this._configOptions;
this.frames = [];
this.sender = new ia.a(this.middlewares.splice(0));
this.viewport = U.BrowserUtils.viewportGetter(this.document);
this.zoomLevel = this.viewport.zoomLevel;
this.captors = new g;
this.prevMutationStamp = null;
this.prevMutationOrderingID = 0;
this.inited = !1;
this.startOptions = this.initException = null;
this._timer = ba.TimeUtils.timer();
this.precache = [];
this.options = a.combine(N, b);
this.canvasProxy = aa.a;
this.MediaProxy = w.a;
L.c.addAttributesFilter(function(a, b, f) {
if (v.a.isValidNode(a) && "value" === b) return a = v.a.validate(a, c.options),
b = a.forceRecord, a.isAllowed || b ? f : v.a.encode(f)
e.attachEvent = function() {
for (var a, c = arguments.length, b = Array(c), f = 0; f < c; f++) b[f] = arguments[f];
E.a.on.apply(E.a, (a = []).concat.apply(a, b));
return b
e.removeEvent = function() {
for (var a, c = arguments.length, b = Array(c), f = 0; f < c; f++) b[f] = arguments[f];, (a = []).concat.apply(a, b));
return b
e["continue"] = function() {
V || (this.paused = !1)
e.findNode = function(a) {
return this.indexer.getNodeId(a)
e.pause = function() {
V || (this.paused = !0)
e.middleware =
function(a) {
this.sender ? this.sender.use(a) : this.middlewares.push(a);
return this
e.init = function(a) {
var c = this;
void 0 === a && (a = {});
this.errorLogger(function() {
if (!ka || V) return p.resolve();
c.waitingDocument = Object(x.a)(q);
c.waitingDocument["catch"](function(a) {
var b = a;
"timeout" === a.message && (b = Error("No \x3cbody\x3e found. Can't continue"));
c.fatal("init-failed", b)
return c.waitingDocument.then(function() {
var b = c._initMessenger();
b["catch"](function(a) {
c.fatal("init-failed", a)
return b.then(function() {
c.waitingDocument = !1;
c.indexer = new u.a(q, {
autoIndex: !1,
disabled: a.disableIndex
c.indexer.on("node", function(a) {
return c.connectSlaveRecorder(a)
c.summary = new A.a(q.documentElement, c.indexer);
c.selection = new G.a(n, q, c.indexer);
c.keyCapture = new r.a("body");
a.disableMutations || c.summary.initObserver();
c.cancelIfNotStarted = C(function() {
c.stop(!0, !1)
}, 3E4);
c.inited = !0;
c.startOptions && c.start(c.startOptions)
}, "init")["catch"](function(a) {
c.waitingDocument = !1;
c.fatal("init-failed", a);
c.sendErrors = C(function() {
c.stop(!0, !1)
}, 3E4)
e.connectSlaveRecorder = function(a) {};
e.start = function(c) {
var b = this;
void 0 === c && (c = {});
this.errorLogger(function() {
if (b.waitingDocument)(function ya() {
b.waitingDocument ? C(ya, 50) : b.start(c)
else if (!1 === b.fatalError)
if (!b.inited) b.savePageSnapshot(), b.fatal("init-failed", Error("Unknown error"));
else {
if (ka && !V) {
var f = (c || {}).forms;
b.options.recording = a.combine(N.recording, {
keysMode: void 0 === f || f ? "regular" : "explicit"
b.start = a.noop();
b.started = !0;
b.sendSnapshot().then(function(a) {
a && (b._sendInitialEvents(), b._sendPreCachedData(), b._timer.start())
})["catch"](function(a) {
b.fatal("recording-interrupted", a);
else b.stop(!0, !0)
}, "start")
e.stop = function(a, c) {
var b = this;
void 0 === a && (a = !1);
void 0 === c && (c = !0);
ka && !V && (!1 !== this.started && this.inited || a) && !0 !== this.stopped && (clearTimeout(this.cancelIfNotStarted), clearTimeout(this.sendErrors), this.captors.forEach(function(a) {
a &&
a.hasOwnProperty("destroy") && a.destroy(b)
}), this.indexer && this.indexer.clear(), this.captors && this.captors.clear(), J.a.invokeAll(this), this.summary && this.summary.destroy(), this.keyCapture && this.keyCapture.destroy(), c ? (this._sendEOF(), !0 === this.fatalError && this._sendPreCachedData({
force: !0
}), this.emit("stop")) : a && this.emit("close"), this.started = !1, this.stopped = !0)
e.fatal = function(c, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = null);
this.fatal = a.noop();
b = b || {
message: "Unknown exception",
stack: "No stack provided"
this.fatalError ||
(this.fatalError = !0, R.error("FATAL [" + c + "]:", b), this.savePageSnapshot(), this.sendCustomEvent("fatalError", {
code: c,
exception: b.message,
stack: b.stack
}), this.stop(!0, !0))
e.setURLProxy = function(a) {
I.a.proxy = function() {
if ("string" === typeof a) return a;
if ("function" === typeof a) return
e.sendCustomEvent = function(a, c) {
var b = this._getEventObject(a, null, c);
events: [b]
e._initCaptors = function() {
var c = this;
this.keyCapture.addElementFilter(function(a) {
return "INPUT" === a.nodeName ?
"password" !== a.type && !1 === /ym-disable-keys/.test(a.className) : !0
var b = a.combine({}, y.a.captors, W ? y.a.iframeCaptors : null);
a.forin(b, function(a) {
if (!0 === b[a]) {
var f = O.a[a];
c.errorLogger(function() {
return f.create(c)
}, "init-captor-" + a);
c.captors.set(a, f)
E.a.on(this.window, "beforeunload", this.stop.bind(this))
e.throwError = function(a, c) {
void 0 === c && (c = "recorder");
this.emit("error", {
error: a,
namespace: "recorder:" + c
throw a;
e.errorLogger = function(a, c) {
var b = this;
void 0 === c && (c = "recorder");
try {
var f =
return f instanceof p ? f["catch"](function(a) {
b.throwError(a, c + ":async")
}) : f
} catch (ya) {
this.throwError(ya, c)
e._blockUpcomingCaptor = function(a, c) {
var b = this;
void 0 === c && (c = Infinity);
a && (this._blockedCaptors = this._blockedCaptors || new h, this._blockedCaptors.add(a), Infinity > c && C(function() {
return b._releaseCaptor(a)
}, c))
e._releaseCaptor = function(a) {
a && this._blockedCaptors.has(a) && this._blockedCaptors["delete"](a)
e._executeCaptor = function(a, c) {
a && "function" === typeof c && (this._blockedCaptors &&
this._blockedCaptors.has(a) ? this._releaseCaptor(a) : c())
e._getEventObject = function(a, c, b, f) {
c = "number" === typeof c ? c : c ? this.findNode(c) || -1 : null;
return {
stamp: this._stampForType(a, f),
type: a,
target: c,
meta: b || null
e._getMutationObject = function(a, c, b) {
void 0 === b && (b = 0);
return {
stamp: this._stampForType("mutation", c),
meta: {
changes: a,
index: b
e._stampForType = function(a, c) {
var b = c || this.stamp;
return ca[a] = b + (b === ca[a] ? 1 : 0)
e._getInitialScroll = function() {
var a = [],
c = this.document.body,
b = this._getScroll(c);
null != b && a.push(b);
return a
e._getScrolls = function(c) {
var b = this;
return a.toArray(c).reduce(function(a, c) {
var f = b._getScroll(c);
null != f && a.push(f);
0 < c.childNodes.length && a.concat(b._getScrolls(c.childNodes));
return a
}, [])
e._getScroll = function(a) {
var c = a.scrollTop,
b = a.scrollLeft;
if (0 < c || 0 < b) return {
target: this.findNode(a),
scroll: [c, b]
e._initMessenger = function() {
return p.resolve()
e._initMasterMessenger = function() {
var b = this;
function(c, b) {
var f = a.offsets(c.sender);
success: !0,
offsets: {
left: f.left
this.messenger.subscribe("iframe_data", function(f) {
var d =;
f = f.sender;
var e = b.findNode(f);
if (null != e) {
var l = {
frameId: e
}; && (e = c()({},, l, {
stamp: b._stampForType("page")
}), b._request("/dump", {
page: e
if ( {
f = a.offsets(f, {
relative: !0
var h = f.left,
g =;
f = {
/mouse/.test(a.type) && (a.meta.x = Math.round(a.meta.x + h), a.meta.y = Math.round(a.meta.y + g));
return c()({}, a, l, {
stamp: b._stampForType(a.type)
d.mutations && (d = {
return c()({}, a, l, {
stamp: b._stampForType("mutation")
}), b._publishMutations(d))
e._initSlaveMessenger = function() {};
e._publishActions = function() {
var a;
events: (a = []).concat.apply(a, arguments)
e._publishMutations = function() {
var a;
mutations: (a = []).concat.apply(a, arguments)
e._request = function(b, f, d) {
void 0 === f && (f = {});
void 0 === d && (d = !1);
this._EOF_SENT && !0 !==
d || (!0 === this.started || !0 === d ? (f = a.combine({
_v: y.a["package"].version
}, c()({}, f)), this.sender.send({
url: b,
data: c()({}, f)
})) : this.precache.push([b, f]))
e._saveChanges = function(a) {
this._request("/dump", a);
!this._EOF_SENT && this.started && (this.dataSent >= this.options.maxSize || this.hitDuration >= this.options.maxDuration) && this.stop()
e.sendSnapshot = function() {
var a = this;
return this.snapshot.get({
onSuccess: function(c) {
return !0
onFail: function() {
return !1
e._createSnapshot = function() {
var a =
c = p.resolve().then(function() {
return {
content: a.summary.html
})["catch"](function(a) {
return {
error: a
}).then(function(a) {
return {
content: a.content,
error: a.error
this.snapshot = {
get: function(b) {
var f = b.onSuccess,
d = b.onFail;
return c.then(function(c) {
var b = c.error;
c = c.content;
b ? (c =, c, b), a.fatal("invalid-snapshot", b)) : c =, c);
return c
e.savePageSnapshot = function(a) {
if (this.indexer && !this.indexer.disabled) return a = c()({
content: a,
tabId: Object(P.a)(),
recordStamp: (new Date).getTime()
},, this._saveChanges({
page: a
e._sendInitialEvents = function() {
var a = this,
c = [],
b = function() {
var c = a.captors.get("resize");
return c &&
f = this.viewport.scrollingElement,
d = this._getInitialScroll().map(function(c) {
var b = c.scroll,
d = b[0];
b = b[1];
c = function(a) {
return a === this.document || a === this.window ? f : a
return a._getEventObject("scroll", c, {
x: b,
y: d,
page: c === f
b && c.push(b);
c.push.apply(c, d);
events: c
e._sendPreCachedData = function(a) {
a =
(void 0 === a ? {} : a).force;
a = void 0 === a ? !1 : a;
if (this.precache.length)
for (var c; null != (c = this.precache.shift());) this._request(c[0], c[1], a)
e._connectToParent = function() {
this._sendMessage("connect", {
id: this._identifier
e._sendMessage = function(a, c) {
(W ? : this.window).postMessage({
type: a,
data: c
}, "*")
e._universalHandler = function(a, c) {
var b = this,
f = (void 0 === c ? {} : c).extra,
d = void 0 === f ? [] : f;
return function() {
for (var c = arguments.length, f = Array(c), e = 0; e < c; e++) f[e] = arguments[e];
b.errorLogger(function() {
b.paused ||
a.apply(b, f.concat(d))
}, "universal-handler")
e._createInstance = function() {
for (var a = arguments.length, c = Array(a), b = 0; b < a; b++) c[b] = arguments[b];
return f()(this.constructor, c)
l()(d, [{
key: "window",
get: function() {
return this._context.window
}, {
key: "document",
get: function() {
return this._context.document
}, {
key: "bodyNode",
get: function() {
return this.__bodyNode || (this.__bodyNode = this.document.body)
}, {
key: "fpsDelay",
get: function() {
return 1E3 / this.fps
}, {
key: "doctype",
get: function() {
var a = this.document.doctype || {},
c = a.publicId,
b = a.systemId;
return "\x3c!DOCTYPE " + [ || "html", c ? ' PUBLIC "' + c + '"' : "", !c && b ? " SYSTEM" : "", b ? ' "' + b + '"' : ""].join("") + "\x3e"
}, {
key: "rootNode",
get: function() {
return this.__rootNode || (this.__rootNode = this.document.documentElement)
}, {
key: "stamp",
get: function() {
return this._timer ? this._timer.stamp() : 0
}, {
key: "eventID",
get: function() {
return this._eventID ? this._eventID += 1 : this._eventID = 1
}, {
key: "page",
get: function() {
var a = this.viewport ? this.viewport.getSize() : {
width: 0,
height: 0
c = M.DOMUtils.base(),
b = !!q.querySelector("base[href]");
return {
meta: {
base: c,
hasBase: b,
viewport: a,
title: q.title,
doctype: this.doctype,
address: H.href,
ua: navigator.userAgent,
referrer: q.referrer,
adblocking: za.checkSync(),
screen: {
width: da.width,
height: da.height
location: {
protocol: H.protocol,
path: H.pathname
return d
Y = {
a.forin(Y, function(a) {
var c = {
value: Y[a]
Object.defineProperty(X, a, c);
a, c)
}).call(this, d(4)["default"], d(10)["default"], d(23).Promise, d(7)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
b = d(22)["default"];
a.exports = d(67)() ? b : d(68)
function(a, b, d) {
(function(b) {
var d = {
object: !0,
symbol: !0
a.exports = function() {
if ("function" !== typeof b) return !1;
var a = b("test symbol");
try {
} catch (h) {
return !1
return d[typeof b.iterator] && d[typeof b.toPrimitive] && d[typeof b.toStringTag] ? !0 : !1
}).call(this, d(22)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
(function(b) {
var e = d(69),
p = d(83),
h = Object.create,
m = Object.defineProperties,
f = Object.defineProperty,
c = Object.prototype,
l, t = h(null);
if ("function" === typeof b) {
var k = b;
try {
var n = !0
} catch (O) {}
var y = function() {
var a = h(null);
return function(b) {
for (var d = 0, l, h; a[b + (d || "")];) ++d;
b += d || "";
a[b] = !0;
l = "@@" + b;
f(c, l,, function(a) {
h || (h = !0, f(this, l, e(a)), h = !1)
return l
var q = function(a) {
if (this instanceof q) throw new TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor");
return l(a)
a.exports = l = function ia(a) {
if (this instanceof ia) throw new TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor");
if (n) return k(a);
var c = h(q.prototype);
a = a === w ? "" : String(a);
return m(c, {
__description__: e("", a),
__name__: e("", y(a))
m(l, {
"for": e(function(a) {
return t[a] ? t[a] : t[a] = l(String(a))
keyFor: e(function(a) {
var c;
for (c in t)
if (t[c] === a) return c
hasInstance: e("", k && k.hasInstance || l("hasInstance")),
isConcatSpreadable: e("", k && k.isConcatSpreadable || l("isConcatSpreadable")),
iterator: e("", k && k.iterator || l("iterator")),
match: e("", k && k.match || l("match")),
replace: e("", k && k.replace || l("replace")),
search: e("",
k && || l("search")),
species: e("", k && k.species || l("species")),
split: e("", k && k.split || l("split")),
toPrimitive: e("", k && k.toPrimitive || l("toPrimitive")),
toStringTag: e("", k && k.toStringTag || l("toStringTag")),
unscopables: e("", k && k.unscopables || l("unscopables"))
m(q.prototype, {
constructor: e(l),
toString: e("", function() {
return this.__name__
m(l.prototype, {
toString: e(function() {
return "Symbol (" + p(this).__description__ + ")"
valueOf: e(function() {
return p(this)
f(l.prototype, l.toPrimitive, e("",
function() {
var a = p(this);
return "symbol" === typeof a ? a : a.toString()
f(l.prototype, l.toStringTag, e("c", "Symbol"));
f(q.prototype, l.toStringTag, e("c", l.prototype[l.toStringTag]));
f(q.prototype, l.toPrimitive, e("c", l.prototype[l.toPrimitive]))
}).call(this, d(22)["default"])
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(70),
g = d(78),
p = d(79),
h = d(80);
(a.exports = function(a, b) {
var c;
if (2 > arguments.length || "string" !== typeof a) {
var f = b;
b = a;
a = null
} else f = arguments[2];
if (null == a) {
var d = c = !0;
var m = !1
} else d =, "c"), m =,
"e"), c =, "w");
d = {
value: b,
configurable: d,
enumerable: m,
writable: c
return f ? e(g(f), d) : d
}).gs = function(a, b, c, d) {
"string" !== typeof a && (d = c, c = b, b = a, a = null);
null == b ? b = w : p(b) ? null == c ? c = w : p(c) || (d = c, c = w) : (d = b, b = c = w);
if (null == a) {
var f = !0;
a = !1
} else f =, "c"), a =, "e");
b = {
get: b,
set: c,
configurable: f,
enumerable: a
return d ? e(g(d), b) : b
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = d(71)() ? Object.assign : d(72)
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function() {
var a = Object.assign;
if ("function" !== typeof a) return !1;
var b = {
foo: "raz"
a(b, {
bar: "dwa"
}, {
trzy: "trzy"
return "razdwatrzy" === + + b.trzy
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(73),
g = d(77),
p = Math.max;
a.exports = function(a, b) {
var f, c, d = p(arguments.length, 2);
a = Object(g(a));
var h = function(c) {
try {
a[c] = b[c]
} catch (D) {
f || (f = D)
for (c = 1; c < d; ++c) b = arguments[c], e(b).forEach(h);
if (f !== w) throw f;
return a
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = d(74)() ? Object.keys : d(75)
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function() {
try {
return Object.keys("primitive"), !0
} catch (e) {
return !1
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(31),
g = Object.keys;
a.exports = function(a) {
return g(e(a) ? Object(a) : a)
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function() {}
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(31);
a.exports = function(a) {
if (!e(a)) throw new TypeError("Cannot use null or undefined");
return a
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(31),
g = Array.prototype.forEach,
p = Object.create;
a.exports = function(a) {
var b = p(null);, function(a) {
if (e(a)) {
a = Object(a);
for (var c in a) b[c] = a[c]
return b
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function(a) {
return "function" === typeof a
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports =
d(81)() ? String.prototype.contains : d(82)
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function() {
return "function" !== typeof "razdwatrzy".contains ? !1 : !0 === "razdwatrzy".contains("dwa") && !1 === "razdwatrzy".contains("foo")
function(a, b, d) {
var e = String.prototype.indexOf;
a.exports = function(a, b) {
return -1 <, a, b)
function(a, b, d) {
var e = d(84);
a.exports = function(a) {
if (!e(a)) throw new TypeError(a + " is not a symbol");
return a
function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function(a) {
return a ? "symbol" === typeof a ? !0 : a.constructor && "Symbol" === ? "Symbol" === a[a.constructor.toStringTag] : !1 : !1
function(a, b, d) {
d.d(b, "MapUtils", function() {
return e
var e = {
setIfNotExists: function(a, b, d) {
!1 === a.has(b) && a.set(b, this.invoke(d))
getOrSet: function(a, b, d) {
if (a.has(b)) return a.get(b);
d = this.invoke(d);
a.set(b, d);
return d
getAndUpdate: function(a, b, d) {
var e = d = this.invoke(d);
a.has(b) && (e = a.get(b));
a.set(b, d);
return e
function(a, b, d) {
(function(b) {
(function(b, d) {
a.exports = d()
})(this, function() {
function a(a) {
return "function" ===
typeof a
function d() {
return function() {
return b.nextTick(l)
function e() {
return "undefined" !== typeof P ? function() {
} : c()
function m() {
var a = 0,
c = new U(l),
b = q.createTextNode("");
c.observe(b, {
characterData: !0
return function() { = a = ++a % 2
function f() {
var a = new MessageChannel;
a.port1.onmessage = l;
return function() {
return a.port2.postMessage(0)
function c() {
return function() {
return C(l, 1)
function l() {
for (var a = 0; a < L; a += 2)(0, R[a])(R[a + 1]), R[a] = w, R[a + 1] = w;
L = 0
function t() {
try {
var a = Function("return this")().require("vertx");
P = a.runOnLoop || a.runOnContext;
return e()
} catch (xa) {
return c()
function k(a, c) {
var b = this,
f = new this.constructor(y);
f[N] === w && J(f);
var d = b._state;
if (d) {
var e = arguments[d - 1];
ba(function() {
return G(d, f, e, b._result)
} else B(b, f, a, c);
return f
function D(a) {
if (a && "object" === typeof a && a.constructor === this) return a;
var c = new this(y);
r(c, a);
return c
function y() {}
function aa(a) {
try {
return a.then
} catch (xa) {
return X.error = xa, X
function O(a, c, b, f) {
try {, b, f)
} catch (la) {
return la
function A(a, c, b) {
ba(function(a) {
var f = !1,
d = O(b, c, function(b) {
f || (f = !0, c !== b ? r(a, b) : u(a, b))
}, function(c) {
f || (f = !0, F(a, c))
}, "Settle: " + (a._label || " unknown promise"));
!f && d && (f = !0, F(a, d))
}, a)
function ia(a, c) {
c._state === V ? u(a, c._result) : c._state === W ? F(a, c._result) : B(c, w, function(c) {
return r(a, c)
}, function(c) {
return F(a, c)
function v(c, b, f) {
b.constructor === c.constructor && f === k && b.constructor.resolve === D ? ia(c, b) : f === X ? (F(c, X.error), X.error = null) : f === w ? u(c, b) : a(f) ? A(c, b, f) : u(c, b)
function r(a, c) {
if (a === c) F(a, new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself"));
else {
var b = typeof c;
null === c || "object" !== b && "function" !== b ? u(a, c) : v(a, c, aa(c))
function x(a) {
a._onerror && a._onerror(a._result);
function u(a, c) {
a._state === ka && (a._result = c, a._state = V, 0 !== a._subscribers.length && ba(E, a))
function F(a, c) {
a._state === ka && (a._state = W, a._result = c, ba(x, a))
function B(a, c, b, f) {
var d = a._subscribers,
e = d.length;
a._onerror = null;
d[e] = c;
d[e + V] = b;
d[e + W] = f;
0 === e && a._state && ba(E, a)
function E(a) {
var c = a._subscribers,
b = a._state;
if (0 !== c.length) {
for (var f, d, e = a._result, l = 0; l < c.length; l +=
3) f = c[l], d = c[l + b], f ? G(b, f, d, e) : d(e);
a._subscribers.length = 0
function G(c, b, f, d) {
var e = a(f),
l = void 0,
h = void 0,
g = void 0,
m = void 0;
if (e) {
try {
l = f(d)
} catch (Aa) {
X.error = Aa, l = X
l === X ? (m = !0, h = l.error, l.error = null) : g = !0;
if (b === l) {
F(b, new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise."));
} else l = d, g = !0;
b._state === ka && (e && g ? r(b, l) : m ? F(b, h) : c === V ? u(b, l) : c === W && F(b, l))
function K(a, c) {
try {
c(function(c) {
r(a, c)
}, function(c) {
F(a, c)
} catch (Q) {
F(a, Q)
function J(a) {
a[N] = Y++;
a._state = w;
a._result =
a._subscribers = []
var H = void 0,
I = H = Array.isArray ? Array.isArray : function(a) {
return "[object Array]" ===
L = 0,
P = void 0,
M = void 0,
ba = function(a, c) {
R[L] = a;
R[L + 1] = c;
L += 2;
2 === L && (M ? M(l) : ea())
T = (H = "undefined" !== typeof n ? n : w) || {},
U = T.MutationObserver || T.WebKitMutationObserver;
T = "undefined" === typeof self && "undefined" !== typeof b && "[object process]" === {};
var ca = "undefined" !== typeof Uint8ClampedArray && "undefined" !== typeof importScripts && "undefined" !== typeof MessageChannel,
R = Array(1E3),
ea = void 0;
ea = T ? d() : U ? m() : ca ? f() : H === w ? t() : c();
var N = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2),
ka = void 0,
V = 1,
W = 2,
X = {
error: null
Y = 0,
da = function() {
function a(a, c) {
this._instanceConstructor = a;
this.promise = new a(y);
this.promise[N] || J(this.promise);
I(c) ? (this._remaining = this.length = c.length, this._result = Array(this.length), 0 === this.length ? u(this.promise, this._result) : (this.length = this.length || 0, this._enumerate(c), 0 === this._remaining && u(this.promise, this._result))) : F(this.promise, Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array"))
a.prototype._enumerate = function(a) {
for (var c = 0; this._state === ka && c < a.length; c++) this._eachEntry(a[c], c)
a.prototype._eachEntry = function(a, c) {
var b = this._instanceConstructor,
f = b.resolve;
f === D ? (f = aa(a), f === k && a._state !== ka ? this._settledAt(a._state, c, a._result) : "function" !== typeof f ? (this._remaining--, this._result[c] = a) : b === S ? (b = new b(y), v(b, a, f), this._willSettleAt(b, c)) : this._willSettleAt(new b(function(c) {
return c(a)
}), c)) : this._willSettleAt(f(a), c)
a.prototype._settledAt = function(a, c, b) {
var f = this.promise;
f._state === ka && (this._remaining--, a === W ? F(f, b) : this._result[c] = b);
0 === this._remaining && u(f, this._result)
a.prototype._willSettleAt = function(a, c) {
var b = this;
B(a, w, function(a) {
return b._settledAt(V, c, a)
}, function(a) {
return b._settledAt(W, c, a)
return a
S = function() {
function c(a) {
this[N] = Y++;
this._result = this._state = w;
this._subscribers = [];
if (y !== a) {
if ("function" !== typeof a) throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor");
if (this instanceof c) K(this, a);
else throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
c.prototype["catch"] = function(a) {
return this.then(null, a)
c.prototype["finally"] = function(c) {
var b = this.constructor;
return a(c) ? this.then(function(a) {
return b.resolve(c()).then(function() {
return a
}, function(a) {
return b.resolve(c()).then(function() {
throw a;
}) : this.then(c, c)
return c
S.prototype.then = k;
S.all = function(a) {
return (new da(this,
S.race = function(a) {
var c = this;
return I(a) ? new c(function(b, f) {
for (var d = a.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) c.resolve(a[e]).then(b, f)
}) : new c(function(a, c) {
return c(new TypeError("You must pass an array to race."))
S.resolve = D;
S.reject = function(a) {
var c = new this(y);
F(c, a);
return c
S._setScheduler = function(a) {
M = a
S._setAsap = function(a) {
ba = a
S._asap = ba;
S.polyfill = function() {
var a = void 0;
if ("undefined" !== typeof global) a = global;
else if ("undefined" !== typeof self) a = self;
else try {
a = Function("return this")()
} catch (fa) {
throw Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment");
var c = a.Promise;
if (c) {
var b = null;
try {
b =
} catch (fa) {}
if ("[object Promise]" === b && !c.cast) return
a.Promise = S
return S.Promise = S
}).call(this, d(37))
function(a, b, d) {
(function(a) {
d.d(b, "MathUtils", function() {
return e
var e = {
toChunks: function(b, d) {
var e = b.slice(0),
f = e.length,
c = f === d ? Math.round : Math.floor,
l = 0;
return e.reduce(function(b, h, g) {
var m = c(d / (f / g));
0 < g && 1 < m - l && a.warn("Invalid index " + m + ": " + c(d / (f / (g - 1))) + " \x3c\x3d\x3e " + c(d / (f / g)), [e.length,
g, d
], [e.length / g], [d / (e.length / g)]);
l = m;
b[m] = b[m] || [];
return b
}, [])
split: function(a, b) {
return a.reduce(function(a, f, c) {
c = Math.floor(c / b);
a[c] = (a[c] || []).concat(f);
return a
}, [])
avg: function(a) {
return a.length ? a.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
}) / a.length : NaN
max: function(a) {
return a.length ? a.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a > b ? a : b
}) : NaN
random: function(a, b) {
void 0 === a && (a = 0);
return Math.round(Math.random() * b + a)
}).call(this, d(15)["default"])
function(a, b) {
function d(b, g) {
a.exports =
d = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(a, b) {
a.__proto__ = b;
return a
return d(b, g)
a.exports = d
} catch (a) {
La = {
error: a,
scope: "recoder"
var k = {
isNativeFunction: function(a, b) {
return a ? (new RegExp("function\\s*" + b + "\\s*\\(\\)\\s*\\{\\s*\\[native[\\s-]code\\]\\s*\\}", "i")).test(a.toString()) : !1
mixin: function(a) {
var b, d;
for (b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++)
if (arguments[b]) {
for (d in arguments[b]) arguments[b].hasOwnProperty(d) && (a[d] = arguments[b][d]);
arguments[b].hasOwnProperty("toString") && (a.toString =
} return a
I = function(a) {
a = a || {};
k.mixin(this, a);
I.prototype._initComponent = function() {};
I.inherit = function(a) {
a = a || {};
var b = "function" == typeof this ? this : Object;
a.hasOwnProperty("constructor") || (a.constructor = function() {
b.apply(this, arguments)
var d = function() {};
d.prototype = b.prototype;
a.constructor.prototype = new d;
k.mixin(a.constructor.prototype, a);
a.constructor.prototype.constructor = a.constructor;
a.constructor.superclass = b.prototype;
a.constructor.inherit =
return a.constructor
k.forEachKey = function(a, b, d) {
for (var e in a) a.hasOwnProperty(e) &&, e, a[e], a)
k.isEqual = function(a, b) {
var d = !0;
k.forEachKey(a, function(a, g) {
b.hasOwnProperty(a) && b[a] === g || (d = !1)
if (!d) return d;
k.forEachKey(b, function(b, g) {
a.hasOwnProperty(b) && a[b] === g || (d = !1)
return d
k.getNativeFunction = function(a, b) {
var d;
b = b || n;
return (d = b.constructor && b.constructor.prototype && b.constructor.prototype[a] || b[a]) && "apply" in d ? function() {
return d.apply(b, arguments)
} : function() {}
k.setTimeout = function(a, b, d) {
return k.getNativeFunction("setTimeout")(E(a, d || "setTimeout"), b)
var r = I.inherit({
_initComponent: function() {
r.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this._listeners = []
on: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
g = r._getOpts(g);
b = b.split(",");
var p = b.length,
h = this._listeners,
for (m = 0; m < p; m++) {
var f = b[m];
var c = E(function(a) { || this, a || n.event)
}, "on" + (f || "") + ( || ""));
h[h.length] = [a, f, d, e, g, c];
a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(f, c, r._prepOpts(g)) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" +
f, c)
un: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
g = r._getOpts(g);
var p = this._listeners,
h = p.length,
for (m = 0; m < h; m++) {
var f = p[m];
if (f[0] == a && f[1] == b && f[2] == d && f[3] == e && k.isEqual(f[4], g)) {
p.splice(m, 1);
this._removeListener(a, b, f[5], g);
unAll: function() {
var a = this._listeners,
b = a.length,
for (d = 0; d < b; d++) {
var e = a[d];
this._removeListener(e[0], e[1], e[5], e[4])
a.length = 0
_removeListener: function(a, b, d, e) {
a.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(b, d, r._prepOpts(e)) : a.detachEvent && a.detachEvent("on" + b, d)
r.supportsPassive =
function() {
if (r._supportsPassive !== w) return r._supportsPassive;
r._supportsPassive = !1;
try {
var a = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
get: function() {
r._supportsPassive = !0
n.addEventListener("test", null, a)
} catch (b) {}
return r._supportsPassive
r._getOpts = function(a) {
return k.mixin({
capture: !0,
passive: !0
}, a || {})
r._prepOpts = function(a) {
return r.supportsPassive() ? a : !!a.capture
r.on = function() {
r._instance || (r._instance = new r);
r._instance.on.apply(r._instance, arguments)
r.un = function() {
r._instance &&
r._instance.un.apply(r._instance, arguments)
var x = {
isPerfomance: n.performance && n.performance.timing && n.performance.timing.navigationStart &&,
getMs: function() {
return 0 < this.UNLOAD_MS ? this.UNLOAD_MS : this.isPerfomance ? Math.round(n.performance.timing.navigationStart + : x.oldMs()
getFormStart: function() {
return this.isPerfomance ? Math.round( : this.getMs() - this.initTime
x.oldMs = ? : function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
x.initTime =
r.on(n, "beforeunload,unload", function() {
0 === x.UNLOAD_MS && (x.UNLOAD_MS = x.getMs())
k.pad = function(a) {
return (10 > a ? "0" : "") + a
x.getTimestamp = function() {
var a = new Date;
a = [a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth() + 1, a.getDate(), a.getHours(), a.getMinutes(), a.getSeconds()];
var b = "",
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b += k.pad(a[d]);
return b
x.getTimezone = function() {
return -(new Date).getTimezoneOffset()
x.getMinutes = function() {
return Math.floor(this.getMs() / 1E3 / 60)
x.getSeconds = function() {
return Math.round(this.getMs() /
x.isPerfomance || (x.deltaTime = 0, x.lastNowTime = 0, x.correctTime = 0, x.timeCorrector = function(a) {
x.correctTime = x.getMs();
a && x.correctTime < x.lastTime && (x.deltaTime += a - x.correctTime + 20);
k.setTimeout(function() {
}, 20, "timeCorrector")
x.initCorrector = function() {
x.isPerfomance || x.timeCorrector(0)
x.nowTime = function() {
if (this.isPerfomance) return this.getMs();
var a = this.getMs() + x.deltaTime;
a < x.lastNowTime && (a += x.lastNowTime + 10);
return x.lastNowTime = a
x.nowEventTime = function() {
return Math.round((x.nowTime() -
x.initTime) / 50)
k.toString = function(a) {
k.isFunction = function(a) {
return "function" === typeof a
k.isArray = function(a) {
return "function" === k.isFunction(Array.isArray) ? Array.isArray(a) : "[object Array]" === k.toString(a)
k.mergeArrays = function(a) {
var b, d, e = arguments.length;
for (b = 1; b < e; b++) {
var g = arguments[b];
if (k.isArray(g) || g && "[object Arguments]" === g.toString())
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) a[a.length] = g[d]
return a
k.defer = function(a, b, d, e, g) {
return k.setTimeout(function() {
e || [])
}, b, g)
k.throttle = function(a, b, d, e) {
var g, p, h;
return function() {
p = arguments;
h = this;
g || function() {
g = null;
p && (a.apply(d || h, p), p = null, g = k.setTimeout(arguments.callee, b, e))
var va = I.inherit({
storage: null,
storageKey: "dataBuffer",
store: {
_keys: [],
_values: [],
get: function(a) {
a = k.arrayIndexOf(this._keys, a);
return -1 == a ? null : this._values[a]
set: function(a, b) {
pop: function(a) {
a = k.arrayIndexOf(this._keys, a);
if (-1 == a) return null;
var b = this._values[a];
this._values.splice(a, 1);
return b
maxBufferSize: 255,
flushTimeout: 1E4,
startBufferTime: 0,
active: !0,
meta: null,
onFlush: function() {},
onFlushCtx: null,
bufferExpireTime: 864E5,
_initComponent: function() {
var a;
va.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this.wrappers = [];
this._data = [];
this._packetNumber = 0;
this._flushTID = null;
this._saveToStorageThrottled = k.throttle(this._saveToStorage, 300, this, "DataBuffer._saveToStorage"); && (a = && && a.meta && a.time &&
a.time + this.bufferExpireTime > +x.getMs() && || this, this.dataFromStorage(, a.meta, a.pnum);
setWVType: function(a) {
this.wvType = a;
this._sender.version = a
getFlushSize: function() {
return this._data.length
mergeData: function(a, b) {
k.mergeArrays(a, b)
append: function(a, b) {
this.mergeData(this._data, a);
this._saveToStorageThrottled(); && ((b || this.getFlushSize() >= this.maxBufferSize || this.getFlushSize() === this.maxChunkSize) && this._flush(b), this._flushTID ||
(this._flushTID = k.defer(this._flush, this.flushTimeout, this, [b], "DataBuffer._flush")))
activate: function() { || ( = !0, this.append([]))
clear: function() {
this._data.length = 0;
this._flushTID = null; &&
_flush: function(a) {
if (!this.getFlushSize()) return this.clear(), !1; || this, this._data, this.meta, this._packetNumber, a);
dataFromStorage: function(a) {
return a
dataToStorage: function(a) {
return a
_saveToStorage: function() { && this._data.length &&, {
data: this.dataToStorage(this._data),
meta: this.meta,
pnum: this._packetNumber,
time: x.getMs()
ob = "ru ua by kz az kg lv md tj tm uz ee fr".split(" ");
var ra = ["", ""];
var B = {
storage: {},
init: function() {
var a = this;
E(function() {
n.Ya = n.Ya || {};
n.Ya._metrika = n.Ya._metrika || {}; = n.Ya._metrika
}, "", !0)();
return this
setSafe: function(a, b) {
var d = this;
E(function() {[a] ===
w && ([a] = b)
}, "", !0)();
return this
set: function(a, b) {
E(function() {
n.Ya._metrika[a] = b
}, "", !0)();
return this
get: function(a, b) {
return E(function() {
var d = n.Ya._metrika[a];
return d === w ? b : d
}, "", !0)()
k.async = function(a, b, d) {
if (n.postMessage) {
var e = "__ym__promise" + Math.random() + "_" + x.getMs();
var g = function(d) {
try {
var h =
} catch (m) {
h === e && (d.stopPropagation && d.stopPropagation(),, r.un(n, "message", g, null, {
passive: !1
r.on(n, "message", g, null, {
passive: !1,
name: ".async." + (d ||
n.postMessage(e, "*")
} else k.setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
var J = I.inherit({
counterId: "",
onlyCurrentDomain: !1,
skipPrefix: !1,
_initComponent: function() {
var a;
J.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this._domain = null;
if (!this.onlyCurrentDomain) {
var b =".");
for (a = 2;;)
if (a <= b.length) {
if (this._domain = "." + b.slice(-a).join("."), a++, this.isEnabled()) break
} else {
this._domain = null;
create: function(a, b, d) {
a = [this._prepareName(a) + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(b)];
d && (b = new Date, b.setTime(b.getTime() + 6E4 * d), a.push("expires\x3d" + b.toGMTString()));
this._domain && a.push("domain\x3d" + this._domain);
try {
q.cookie = a.join(";")
} catch (e) {}
read: function(a) {
try {
var b = q.cookie
} catch (d) {}
return b && b.match(new RegExp("(?:^|;\\s*)" + this._prepareName(a) + "\x3d([^;]*)")) ? decodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1) : null
erase: function(a) {
this.create(a, "", -1)
isEnabled: function() {
this.create("metrika_enabled", "1", 60);
var a = !!"metrika_enabled");
return a
_prepareName: function(a) {
return (this.skipPrefix ? "" : "_ym_") + a + (this.counterId ? "_" + this.counterId : "")
J.get = function(a) {
return (new J({
onlyCurrentDomain: !0
J.set = function(a, b, d) {
return (new J({
onlyCurrentDomain: !0
})).create(a, b, d)
J.isEnabled = function() {
return (new J({
onlyCurrentDomain: !0
k._hasIndexOf = [].indexOf && 0 === [w].indexOf(w);
k.arrayIndexOf = k._hasIndexOf ? function(a, b) {
return a.indexOf(b)
} : function(a, b) {
var d;
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (a[d] === b) return d;
return -1
}; = function(a, b) {
var d, e = [];
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) e.push(a(b[d], d));
return e
var Fa = I.inherit({
hostIndexCookieName: "hostIndex",
hosts: ra.slice(),
_initComponent: function() {
this.cookie = new J
readCookie: function() {
var a =,
b, d = this;
if (null === a) this.hostsInfo =, b) {
return [b, 0].join(d.COUNTERS_DELIMITER)
}, ra);
for (this.hostsInfo = a.split(this.HOSTS_DELIMITER), b = 0; b < this.hostsInfo.length; b++) a =
this.hostsInfo[b].split(this.COUNTERS_DELIMITER), 1 < parseInt(a[this.SUCCESS_COUNTER], 10) && (this.cookieIndex = parseInt(a[this.INDEX], 10));
this.cookieIndex === w && (this.cookieIndex = 1);
this.selectedHost = ra[this.cookieIndex];
return this
getUrls: function(a) {
var b = this,
d = ra.slice();
var e = this.cookieIndex;
d[0] = [d[e], d[e] = d[0]][0];
this.hosts = d;
return {
return [b.protocol, "//", d, "/", a].join("")
}, d)
onSuccess: function(a, b) {
var d = k.arrayIndexOf(ra, this.hosts[a]),
e = this;
"beacon" !==
b && this.cookieIndex !== w && d !== this.cookieIndex && this.cookie.create(this.hostIndexCookieName, {
a = a.split(e.COUNTERS_DELIMITER);
d == a[e.INDEX] && (a[e.SUCCESS_COUNTER] = parseInt(a[e.SUCCESS_COUNTER], 10) + 1);
}, this.hostsInfo).join(e.HOSTS_DELIMITER), 1440)
Fa.isEnabled = function() {
return 1 != (new Fa).readCookie().cookieIndex
var Lb = I.inherit({
transports: [],
globalConfig: B,
postParams: [],
isDisabled: function() {
return this.globalConfig.get("oo")
send: function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = [a],
p = this,
h = d || function() {};
if (p.isDisabled());
else {
var m = new Fa({
protocol: this.protocol
this.forceHost ? g = [
[this.protocol, "//", this.forceHost, "/", a].join("")
] : ra && (g = m.getUrls(a));
(function l(a) {
if (a < this.transports.length) try {
var c = new this.transports[a]({
timeout: this.timeout,
postParams: this.postParams,
queryStringParams: this.queryStringParams
b["browser-info"] = c.logInfo(b["browser-info"]);
(function y(d) {
d >= g.length ? c.blockNext() ||, a + 1) : c.request(g[d],
function(a, b, l) {
a ? (, b, l), m.onSuccess(d, : k.async(function() {, d + 1)
}, this, "senderCall")
}, this)
}).call(this, 0)
} catch (z) {
Wa(z, "send by " + (c &&,, a + 1)
}).call(this, 0)
Ba = {};
k.keys = function(a) {
var b, d = [];
for (b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && d.push(b);
return d
Ba.stringify = function(a, b) {
var d = [],
e = b || {},
g = {},
p = k.keys(a).length,
h, m;
if (e.lastOrdering !== w)
for (m = 1; m <= b.lastOrdering.length; m++) g[b.lastOrdering[m - 1]] = p + m;
if (e.firstOrdering !== w)
for (m = 0; m < b.firstOrdering.length; m++) g[b.firstOrdering[m]] =
for (h in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(h))
if (e = a[h], k.isArray(e))
for (m = 0; m < e.length; m++) d.push({
key: h,
value: encodeURIComponent(h) + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(String(e[m]))
else d.push({
key: h,
value: encodeURIComponent(h) + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(String(e))
d.sort(function(a, c) {
var b = g[a.key],
f = g[c.key];
"undefined" === typeof b && (b = p);
"undefined" === typeof f && (f = p);
return b - f
return {
return a.value
}, d).join("\x26")
k.inArray = function(a, b) {
var d;
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (a[d] == b) return !0;
return !1
var na = I.inherit({
postParams: [],
index: 0,
blockNext: function() {
return !1
logInfo: function(a) {
var b;
if (a) return a = (b = a.match(/^ti:\d:/)) ? a.replace(b[0], "") : a, "ti:" + this.index + ":" + a
_buildUrl: function(a, b) {
var d = Ba.stringify(b, this.queryStringParams);
return a + (-1 < a.indexOf("?") ? "\x26" : d ? "?" : "") + d
_splitParams: function(a) {
var b = {},
d = {};
k.forEachKey(a, function(a, g) {
k.inArray(this.postParams, a) ? d[a] = g : b[a] = g
}, this);
return {
get: b,
post: d
_parseResp: function(a) {
return a
Ca = na.inherit({
id: "XHR",
index: 7,
method: "POST",
withCredentials: !0,
blockNext: function() {
return !n.XMLHttpRequest || navigator.platform.match(/Win/) ? !1 : "withCredentials" in new n.XMLHttpRequest
request: function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = this,
if (/[^a-z0-9.:-]/.test( && n.opera && "function" === typeof n.opera.version) {
var h = n.opera.version();
if ("string" === typeof h && "12" === h.split(".")[0]) return, !1)
if (n.XMLHttpRequest) {
var m = new XMLHttpRequest;
if ("withCredentials" in m) {
b = this._splitParams(b);
a = this._buildUrl(a, b.get);
try {,
a, !0)
} catch (f) {
return, !1)
m.withCredentials = this.withCredentials;
m.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (4 === m.readyState) {
try {
p = g._parseResp(m.responseText)
} catch (f) {
return, !1)
d.apply(e, [200 === m.status].concat(p))
}, !1)
setMethod: function(a) {
this.method = a
_preparePostParams: function(a) {
return Ba.stringify(
_setHeaders: function(a) {
a.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
u = {};
k.memorize = function(a, b) {
var d = "memorize";
return function() {
"memorize" === d && (d = a.apply(b || this, arguments));
return d
u.isAndroidWebView = E(function() {
var a = navigator.userAgent || "";
return a.match(/Android.*Version\/[0-9][0-9.]*\sChrome\/[0-9][0-9.]/) || a.match(/Android.*Version\/[0-9][0-9.]*\s(?:Mobile\s)?Safari\/[0-9][0-9.]*\sChrome\/[0-9][0-9.]*/) || a.match(/; wv\).*Chrome\/[0-9][0-9.]*\sMobile/)
}, "isAndroidWebView");
var Mb = na.inherit({
id: "beacon",
index: 1,
request: function(a, b, d, e) {
"function" ===
typeof navigator.sendBeacon && !u.isAndroidWebView() && navigator.onLine ? (b = this._splitParams(b), b.get["force-urlencoded"] = 1,, navigator.sendBeacon(this._buildUrl(a, b.get), Ba.stringify( :, !1)
k.random = function(a, b) {
2 > arguments.length && (b = a, a = 0);
1 > arguments.length && (b = 1073741824);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a)) + a
var Ra = na.inherit({
id: "form",
index: 2,
enctype: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
htmlfileOnly: !1,
_initComponent: function() {
"_htmlfile" in Ra.prototype || (Ra.prototype._htmlfile = this._createHtmlfile());
this._doc = this._htmlfile || (this.htmlfileOnly ? null : q)
request: function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = this._doc;
if (!g) return, !1);
b = this._splitParams(b);
var p = "ifr" + k.random();
var h = g.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "-99999px"; = "-99999px";
var m = ['\x3ciframe name\x3d"', p, '"\x3e\x3c/iframe\x3e', '\x3cform action\x3d"', this._buildUrl(a, b.get), '" method\x3d"post" target\x3d"', p, '" enctype\x3d"',
this.enctype, '"\x3e'
k.forEachKey(, function(a) {
k.mergeArrays(m, ['\x3cinput type\x3d"hidden" autocomplete\x3d"off" autocorrect\x3d"off"', ' autocapitalize\x3d"off" spellcheck\x3d"false" name\x3d"', a, '"/\x3e'])
k.mergeArrays(m, ["\x3c/form\x3e"]);
h.innerHTML = m.join("");
var f = h.getElementsByTagName("form")[0];
k.forEachKey(, function(a, b) {
f[a].value = b
k.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1E4, "TransportForm.request.2");
return, !0, "tf.request")
_createHtmlfile: function() {
try {
if (n.ActiveXObject) {
var a = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");;
return a
} catch (b) {}
return null
Nb = Ra.inherit({
id: "htmlfile",
index: 3,
htmlfileOnly: !0
oa = na.inherit({
id: "img",
index: 4,
request: function(a, b, d, e) {
a = this._buildUrl(a, b);
var g = !1;
b = q.createElement("img");
d = d || function() {};
b.onload = E(function() {
g || (, !0), g = !0)
}, "TransportImage.request");
b.onerror = E(function() {
g || (, !1),
g = !0)
}, "TransportImage.request");
b.src = a;
this.timeout && k.setTimeout(function() {
g || (, !1), g = !0)
}, this.timeout, "ti.request")
ea = {
stringify: function(a) {
try {
var b = JSON.stringify(a)
} catch (d) {}
return k.inArray(["{}", w], b) ? "null" : b
k.toJSON = function(a) {
var b;
if (a === w) return "";
if (null === a) return "null";
switch (a.constructor) {
case Boolean:
return a.toString();
case Number:
return isFinite(a) ? a.toString() : "null";
case String:
return '"' + a.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g,
"\\r") + '"';
case Array:
var d = [];
var e = 0;
for (b = a.length; e < b; e++) d[d.length] = k.toJSON(a[e]);
return "[" + d.join(",") + "]";
case Object:
d = [];
for (e in a) a.hasOwnProperty(e) && a[e] !== w && (d[d.length] = k.toJSON(e) + ":" + k.toJSON(a[e]));
return "{" + d.join(",") + "}";
return ea.stringify(a)
var ca = I.inherit({
counterId: "",
_initComponent: function() {
ca.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this._ls = null;
try {
this._ls = n.localStorage
} catch (a) {}
set: function(a, b) {
if (this.isEnabled()) try {
!b || b && k.isArray(b) &&
!b.length ? this.remove(a) : this._ls.setItem(this._getLsKey(a), k.toJSON(b))
} catch (d) {}
get: function(a) {
if (this.isEnabled()) try {
return JSON.parse(this._ls.getItem(this._getLsKey(a)))
} catch (b) {}
return null
remove: function(a) {
if (this.isEnabled()) try {
} catch (b) {}
isEnabled: function() {
return this._ls && n.JSON && "object" == typeof this._ls && "object" == typeof n.JSON
getStorageId: function() {
var a = this.get("lsid");
a || (a = Math.round(Math.random() * x.getMs()), this.set("lsid", a));
return a
clearStorageId: function() {
_getLsKey: function(a) {
return "_ym_alt" + this.counterId + "_" + a
k.fnv32a = function(a) {
var b = 2166136261,
var e = 0;
for (d = a.length; e < d; ++e) b ^= a.charCodeAt(e), b += (b << 1) + (b << 4) + (b << 7) + (b << 8) + (b << 24);
return b >>> 0
k.getTld = function() {
if (!this._tld) {
var a = H.hostname.split(".");
this._tld = a[a.length - 1]
return this._tld
var L = {
abc: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
tail: "+/\x3d",
tailSafe: "*-_"
v = {
removeNode: function(a) {
var b =
a && a.parentNode;
b && b.removeChild(a)
u.isSafariWebView = E(function() {
var a = navigator.userAgent || "";
return navigator.vendor && -1 < navigator.vendor.indexOf("Apple") && (!a.match(/Safari/) && a.match(/Mobile/) || a.match(/CFNetwork\/[0-9][0-9.]*.*Darwin\/[0-9][0-9.]*/) || -1 !== a.indexOf("FB_IAB") || -1 !== a.indexOf("FBAV") || -1 !== a.indexOf("OKApp") || -1 !== a.indexOf("GSA/"))
}, "isSafariWebView");
u.isSafari = function() {
try {
return navigator.vendor && -1 < navigator.vendor.indexOf("Apple") && navigator.userAgent && !navigator.userAgent.match("CriOS")
} catch (a) {}
return !1
u.getMacOSVersion = E(function() {
var a = navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac OS X ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)/);
return a ? [+a[1], +a[2], +a[2]] : [0, 0, 0]
}, "", !0);
u.getPlatform = E(function() {
return "" + navigator.platform
}, "", !0);
u.isIOS = E(function() {
var a = u.getPlatform() || "";
return "iPhone" === a || "iPad" === a
}, "", !0);
u.isFF = E(function() {
return n && n.document && n.document.documentElement && ? "MozAppearance" in && "undefined" !== typeof n.InstallTrigger : !1
}, "isFF");
var Ma = {
_storage: new ca,
_cookie: new J,
key: "zzlc",
updateInfo: function(a) {
k.forEachKey(this.getInfoFlags(), function(b, d) {
var e =;
e && (a[b] = e)
}, this);
return a
getZZ: function() {
return this._storage.get(this.key) ? this._storage.get(this.key) : this.zz
getPP: function() {
return this.globalConfig && this.globalConfig.get("pp") ? this.globalConfig.get("pp") : this.pp
getPU: function() {
return this.globalConfig && this.globalConfig.get("pu") ? this.globalConfig.get("pu") : this.pu
getFip: function() {
if (this._storage.get(this.fipKey)) return this._storage.get(this.fipKey)
getInfoFlags: function() {
return {
zz: this.getZZ,
pp: this.getPP,
pu: this.getPU,
fip: this.getFip
checkVersion: function() {
var a = u.getMacOSVersion();
return !((u.isIOS() || 10 <= a[0] && 13 <= a[2]) && u.isSafari()) || u.isSafariWebView()
noop: function() {},
genPu: function(a) {
var b = k.fnv32a( +"uid");
this.pu = b;
a.set("pu", b);
return b
initPU: function(a, b) {
var d = this;
b.get("pu") !== w || this.checkVersion() || (this.globalConfig = b, b.setSafe("pu", null), a.addHandler("gpu-get", function() {
return {
type: "gpu-get",
pu: b.get("pu")
}, this), n.opener ? (k.setTimeout(function() {
}, 200, "pu"), a.sendToIframe(n.opener, {
type: "gpu-get"
}, this.handleGpu, this)) : this.genPu(b))
handleGpu: function(a) {
if (a = a.pu) this.pu = a, this.globalConfig.set("pu", a)
onicecandidate: E(function(a) {
var b;
try {
var d = (b = a.localDescription.sdp) && b.match(/c=IN\s[\w\d]+\s([\w\d:.]+)/)
} catch (e) {
a.onicecandidate = this.noop;
"closed" !== a.iceConnectionState && a.close();
d && 0 < d.length && (this.pp = k.fnv32a(d[1]), this.globalConfig.set("pp", this.pp));
a.onicecandidate = this.noop;
}, "wrt"),
onOffer: function(a, b) {
k.isFunction(a.setLocalDescription) && a.setLocalDescription(b, this.noop, this.noop)
initPP: E(function(a) {
var b = n.RTCPeerConnection || n.mozRTCPeerConnection || n.webkitRTCPeerConnection;
this.globalConfig = a;
if (n.navigator.onLine && b && a.get("pp") == w && (this.globalConfig.setSafe("pp", null), b && b.prototype && b.prototype.constructor && {
try {
var d = new b({
iceServers: []
} catch (g) {
if (k.isFunction(d.createOffer) &&
!d.createOffer.length) {
try {
var e = d.createOffer()
} catch (g) {
k.isFunction(e.then) && e.then(k.bind(this.onOffer, this, d));
d.onicecandidate = k.bind(this.onicecandidate, this, d)
}, "rcinit"),
initZZ: function() {
var a = this;
if (!this.getZZ() && !this.checkVersion()) {
var b = k.getNativeFunction("createElement", q)("iframe"); = "none"; = "1px"; = "1px"; = "hidden";
b.src = "" + L.decode("L21ldHJpa2EvenpsYy5odG1s");
r.on(n, "message", this.onMessage, this, {
passive: !1
this.frame = b;
this.timeout = k.setTimeout(function() {
r.un(n, "message", a.onMessage, a, {
passive: !1
a.zz = "na"
}, 3E3, "cd.initZZ")
onMessage: function(a) { && && "__ym__zz" ===, 8) && (this.zz =, v.removeNode(this.frame), this._storage.set(this.key, this.zz), r.un(n, "message", this.onMessage, this, {
passive: !1
}), clearTimeout(this.timeout))
fipKey: "fip",
fpFactors: ["webGL", "plugins", "applePay", "dnt"],
initFip: function() {
if (Object.keys && !this.checkVersion() && !this._storage.get(this.fipKey)) {
var a = new cb(k.reduce(function(a, d) {
a[d] = 1;
return a
}, {}, this.fpFactors));
a = a.toString(!1).join("-");
this._storage.set(this.fipKey, a)
P = Lb.inherit({
protocol: "",
timeout: 4E3,
queryStringParams: {
firstOrdering: ["wmode", "callback", "cnt-class"],
lastOrdering: ["browser-info"]
resource: "",
counterId: "",
counterType: 0,
retry: !1,
transports: [Mb, Ca, oa, Nb],
_initComponent: function() {
P.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this.retry && (this._storage = new ca)
send: function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = this.globalConfig.get(wa.globalKey),
p = this;
g && 3 !== this.counterId ? g(function() {
var h = p._registerRequest(a, b);
p._sendSavedRequest(h, a, b, d, e)
}, a) : (g = p._registerRequest(a, b), p._sendSavedRequest(g, a, b, d, e))
_sendSavedRequest: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
var p = this.globalConfig.get("firstReqStatus"),
h = b.forceNoRedirect;
if ("process" == p) this.globalConfig.set("firstReqCallbacks", k.mergeArrays(this.globalConfig.get("firstReqCallbacks") || [], [
[this, arguments]
else {
p || this.globalConfig.set("firstReqStatus", "process");
this.counterType && (b["cnt-class"] = this.counterType);
this.globalConfig.get("pri") && (d.pri = this.globalConfig.get("pri")); = x.getSeconds();
d.u = P._userID;
d = Ma.updateInfo(d);
d.hi = P._hostID;
p = [this.resource, "/", this.counterId, h ? "/1" : ""].join("");
delete b.forceNoRedirect;
var m = [];
d && (k.forEachKey(d, function(a, c) {
"t" != a && k.mergeArrays(m, [a, c])
}), d.t && k.mergeArrays(m, ["t", d.t]));
m.length && (b["browser-info"] = m.join(":"));
p, b,
function() {
var b;
this.globalConfig.set("firstReqStatus", "complete");
var c = this.globalConfig.get("firstReqCallbacks");
this.globalConfig.set("firstReqCallbacks", null);
if (c)
for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) c[b][0]._sendSavedRequest.apply(c[b][0], c[b][1]);
e && e.apply(g, arguments)
}, this)
_isRetryEnabled: function() {
return this.retry && this._storage && this._storage.isEnabled()
_registerRequest: function(a, b) {
var d;
if (this._isRetryEnabled()) {
b.rqnl = b.rqnl || 0;
var e = this._storage.get("retryReqs") || {};
for (d = 1; e[d];) d++;
e[d] = {
protocol: this.protocol,
resource: this.resource,
counterId: this.counterId,
counterType: this.counterType,
postParams: this.postParams,
params: a,
browserInfo: b,
ghid: this.globalConfig.get("_globalMetrikaHitId"),
time: x.getMs()
this._storage.set("retryReqs", e);
return d
_unregisterRequest: function(a) {
if (a && this._isRetryEnabled()) {
var b = this._storage.get("retryReqs") || {};
b[a] && (delete b[a], this._storage.set("retryReqs", b))
_getVersion: E(function() {
return Da
}, "", !0)
P._storage = new ca;
P.initCookie = function() {
var a = new J,
b ="uid"),
d ="d"),
e = x.getSeconds();
if (!b) b = e + "" + k.random(), a.create("uid", b, 525600), a.create("d", e, 525600);
else if (!d || 15768E3 < e - parseInt(d)) a.create("uid", b, 525600), a.create("d", e, 525600);
P._hostID ="hostIndex");
P._userID = b
P.retransmit = function(a) {
var b = P._storage,
d = b.get("retryReqs") || {},
k.forEachKey(d, function(b, d) {
var h = x.getMs();
a.get("firstReqStatus") || a.set("firstReqStatus", "complete");
d.ghid &&
d.ghid != a.get("_globalMetrikaHitId") && d.time && d.time + 864E5 > h && 500 < h - d.time && 2 >= d.browserInfo.rqnl && (e = new P({
protocol: d.protocol,
resource: d.resource,
counterId: d.counterId,
counterType: d.counterType,
postParams: d.postParams || [],
retry: !0
}), e.send(d.params, d.browserInfo))
k.fletcher = function(a) {
for (var b = a.length, d = 0, e = 255, g = 255, p, h, m; b;) {
p = 21 < b ? 21 : b;
b -= p;
do h = "string" == typeof a ? a.charCodeAt(d) : a[d], d++, 255 < h && (m = h >> 8, h &= 255, h ^= m), e += h, g += e; while (--p);
e = (e & 255) + (e >> 8);
g = (g & 255) + (g >> 8)
a =
(e & 255) + (e >> 8) << 8 | (g & 255) + (g >> 8);
return 65535 == a ? 0 : a
L.encode = function(a, b) {
var d = ( + (b ? L.tailSafe : L.tail)).split(""),
e = a.length,
g = [],
p = e - e % 3,
for (h = 0; h < p; h += 3) {
var m = (a[h] << 16) + (a[h + 1] << 8) + a[h + 2];
k.mergeArrays(g, [d[m >> 18 & 63], d[m >> 12 & 63], d[m >> 6 & 63], d[m & 63]])
switch (e - p) {
case 1:
m = a[p] << 4;
k.mergeArrays(g, [d[m >> 6 & 63], d[m & 63], d[64], d[64]]);
case 2:
m = (a[p] << 10) + (a[p + 1] << 2), k.mergeArrays(g, [d[m >> 12 & 63], d[m >> 6 & 63], d[m & 63], d[64]])
return g.join("")
k.arrayEvery = function(a, b, d) {
var e;
for (e = 0; e <
a.length; e++)
if (!, a[e], e, a)) return !1;
return !0
k.is4Bytes = function(a) {
return !k.arrayEvery((encodeURIComponent(a).match(/(%[A-F,\d]{2})+/g) || []).join("").split("%"), function(a) {
return 240 > parseInt(a, 16)
k.trim = function(a, b) {
a = String(a).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
b && a.length > b && (a = a.substr(0, b));
return a
k.isNumber = function(a) {
return isFinite(a) && !isNaN(a) && "[object Number]" === k.toString(a)
k.isString = function(a) {
return "[object String]" === k.toString(a)
k.warning = function() {
n.console && "function" ===
typeof n.console.warn && console.warn.apply(console, arguments)
k.isObject = function(a) {
try {
return a && null !== a && "[object Object]" === k.toString(a)
} catch (b) {
return !1
k._urlParser = null;
k.parseUrl = function(a) {
if (!this._urlParser) try {
this._urlParser = q.createElement("a")
} catch (b) {}
return this._urlParser ? (this._urlParser.href = a, {
protocol: this._urlParser.protocol,
port: this._urlParser.port,
hostname: this._urlParser.hostname,
hash: this._urlParser.hash,
pathname: this._urlParser.pathname || "/",
path: (this._urlParser.pathname || "/") +,
href: this._urlParser.href
}) : {}
k._playerRegexp = /^.+\.mtproxy\.yandex\.net$/;
k.isMetrikaPlayer = function() {
return "MetrikaPlayer" == || this._playerRegexp.test(n.location.hostname)
v.getDocumentCharset = function() {
return ("" + (q.characterSet || q.charset || "")).toLowerCase()
v.getBody = function() {
for (var a = q.getElementsByTagName("body"); 0 < a.length;) return a[0]
v.getRootElement = function() {
var a = q.documentElement,
b = v.getBody();
return "CSS1Compat" == q.compatMode ? a : b || a
v.getViewportSize = function() {
var a = v.getRootElement();
return [a.clientWidth || n.innerWidth, a.clientHeight || n.innerHeight]
v.getDocumentTitle = function() {
var a = q.title;
"string" != typeof a && (a = (a = q.getElementsByTagName("title")) && a.length ? a[0].innerHTML : "");
return a
u.getSilverlightVersion = k.memorize(function() {
if (n.ActiveXObject) try {
var a = new ActiveXObject("AgControl.AgControl");
var b = function(a, b, e, f) {
for (; d(a, b);) b[e] += f;
b[e] -= f
var d = function(a,
b) {
return a.isVersionSupported(b[0] + "." + b[1] + "." + b[2] + "." + b[3])
var e = [1, 0, 0, 0];
b(a, e, 0, 1);
b(a, e, 1, 1);
b(a, e, 2, 1E4);
b(a, e, 2, 1E3);
b(a, e, 2, 100);
b(a, e, 2, 10);
b(a, e, 2, 1);
b(a, e, 3, 1);
var g = e.join(".")
} catch (p) {} else if (b = n.navigator, b = b.plugins && b.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"]) g = b.description;
return g || ""
u.getFlashVersion = k.memorize(function() {
var a = n.navigator;
if ("undefined" != typeof a.plugins && "object" == typeof a.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) {
var b = a.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
var d = b.version;
if ((b = b.description) ||
if (a = a.mimeTypes, "undefined" == typeof a || !a["application/x-shockwave-flash"] || a["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin) d ? u._flashVersion = d : b && (u._flashVersion = b.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/, "").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/, "."))
} else if ("undefined" != typeof n.ActiveXObject) try {
if (d = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"), b = d.GetVariable("$version")) u._flashVersion = b.split(" ")[1].replace(/,/g, ".").replace(/[^.\d]/g, "")
} catch (e) {}
return u._flashVersion
u.getLanguage = k.memorize(function() {
var a =
(n.navigator ? navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.systemLanguage : "").toLowerCase();
return k.isString(a) ? a : ""
u.getJavaEnabled = k.memorize(function() {
try {
return navigator.javaEnabled()
} catch (a) {
return !1
u.getFingerPrint = k.memorize(function() {
var a = [],
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length)
for (b = 0; b < navigator.plugins.length; b++) {
var d = navigator.plugins[b];
k.mergeArrays(a, [, d.version, d.description, d.filename])
if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length)
for (b =
0; b < navigator.mimeTypes.length; b++) d = navigator.mimeTypes[b], k.mergeArrays(a, [d.type, d.description, d.suffixes]);
return k.fnv32a(a.join(";")) + "01"
u.getNotificationPermission = function() {
try {
var a = Notification.permission
} catch (b) {}
switch (a) {
case "denied":
return 1;
case "granted":
return 2
u.isIframe = k.memorize(function() {
try {
return != n.self
} catch (a) {
return !1
u._nMap = {
other: "0",
none: "1",
unknown: "2",
wifi: "3",
ethernet: "4",
bluetooth: "5",
cellular: "6",
wimax: "7",
mixed: "8"
u.netType = function() {
var a =
(navigator.connection || {
type: ""
return u._nMap[a] || a
u.isHeadLess = k.memorize(function() {
var a, b = ["_phantom", "__nightmare", "callPhantom"];
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
if (n[b[a]]) return !0;
return /PhantomJS/.test(n.navigator.userAgent) || n.navigator.webdriver || n.isChrome && ! ? !0 : /HeadlessChrome/.test(n.navigator.userAgent)
u.getNavigationStart = k.memorize(function() {
var a = n.performance || n.webkitPerformance;
return a && a.timing && a.timing.navigationStart
u.isSameOriginTopFrame = function() {
try {
return ||
} catch (a) {
return !1
u.isDesktop = function(a) {
var b = a.get("bt", {});
a.get("bt") === w && (b.p = navigator.getBattery ? navigator.getBattery() : null, a.set("bt", b), b.p && b.p.then && b.p.then(function(a) {
b.v = a.charging && 0 === a.chargingTime
return b.v
u.isSelenium = k.memorize(function() {
var a = ["_selenium", "callSelenium", "_Selenium_IDE_Recorder"],
b = ["selenium", "webdriver", "driver"],
d, e = n.document,
g = "__webdriver_evaluate __selenium_evaluate __webdriver_script_function __webdriver_script_func __webdriver_script_fn __fxdriver_evaluate __driver_unwrapped __webdriver_unwrapped __driver_evaluate __selenium_unwrapped __fxdriver_unwrapped".split(" ");
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (n[a[d]]) return !0;
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++)
if (e && e[g[d]]) return !0;
if (n.external && n.external.toString && 0 <= n.external.toString().indexOf("Sequentum")) return !0;
if (e.documentElement && e.documentElement.getAttribute)
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
if (e.documentElement.getAttribute(b[d])) return !0;
return !1
r.ready = function(a) {
var b = q.readyState;
if ("interactive" === b || "complete" === b) k.setTimeout(a, 0, "evt::ready");
else {
var d = function() {
r.un(q, "DOMContentLoaded", d);
r.un(n, "load", d);
"DOMContentLoaded", d);
r.on(n, "load", d)
var pb = {
url: "",
_value: null,
init: function(a) {
var b = this._getLs().read("isad");
this.globalConfig = a || B;
b ? this._set(b) : this._getReqStatus() || this._send()
getVal: function() {
return this._value
_set: function(a) {
this._value = "1" == a || "2" == a ? a : null
_send: function() {
var a = this;
r.ready(function() {
var b = q.createElement("img");
b.onload = function() {
b.onerror = function() {
b.src = a.url + String.fromCharCode(97, 100, 118, 101, 114, 116, 46, 103, 105, 102);
u.isSafari() && ( = "absolute", = "hidden", = "0px", = "0px", v.getRootElement().appendChild(b))
_saveReq: function(a) {
this._value = a = a ? "1" : "2";
this._getLs().create("isad", a, 1200)
_setReqStatus: function(a) {
try {
this.globalConfig.set("adStatus", a)
} catch (b) {}
_getReqStatus: function() {
try {
return this.globalConfig.get("adStatus")
} catch (a) {
return "complete"
_getLs: function() {
this._ls || (this._ls = new J);
return this._ls
Sa = {
encode: function(a) {
var b = [],
var e = 0;
for (d = a.length; e < d; e++) {
var g = a.charCodeAt(e);
128 > g ? b.push(g) : (127 < g && 2048 > g ? b.push(g >> 6 | 192) : (b.push(g >> 12 | 224), b.push(g >> 6 & 63 | 128)), b.push(g & 63 | 128))
return b
decode: function(a) {
for (var b = "", d = 0, e, g, p; d < a.length;) e = a.charCodeAt(d), 128 > e ? (b += String.fromCharCode(e), d++) : 191 < e && 224 > e ? (g = a.charCodeAt(d + 1), b += String.fromCharCode((e & 31) << 6 | g & 63), d += 2) : (g = a.charCodeAt(d + 1), p = a.charCodeAt(d + 2), b += String.fromCharCode((e &
15) << 12 | (g & 63) << 6 | p & 63), d += 3);
return b
L.decode = function(a, b) {
for (var d = + (b ? L.tailSafe : L.tail), e = 0, g = "", p, h, m, f, c; a.length % 4;) a += "\x3d";
do {
p = d.indexOf(a.charAt(e++));
h = d.indexOf(a.charAt(e++));
f = d.indexOf(a.charAt(e++));
c = d.indexOf(a.charAt(e++));
if (0 > p || 0 > h || 0 > f || 0 > c) return null;
m = p << 18 | h << 12 | f << 6 | c;
p = m >> 16 & 255;
h = m >> 8 & 255;
m &= 255;
g = 64 == f ? g + String.fromCharCode(p) : 64 == c ? g + String.fromCharCode(p, h) : g + String.fromCharCode(p, h, m)
} while (e < a.length);
return g
k.reduce = function(a, b, d) {
var e = 0;
b == w &&
(b = d[0], e++);
for (; e < d.length;) b = a(b, d[e]), e++;
return b
k.filter = function(a, b) {
var d, e = [];
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) a(b[d]) && e.push(b[d]);
return e
ea.parse = function(a) {
try {
return JSON.parse(a)
} catch (b) {
return null
var Ga = P.inherit({
hitId: 0,
trackHash: !1,
trimParams: !1,
webvisor: !1,
counter: null,
counterNum: 0,
resource: "watch",
retry: !0,
paramsQueue: {
paramsQueue: [],
length: function() {
return this.paramsQueue.length
push: function(a) {
_reduce: function(a) {
return function(b, d) {
function(e) {
if (b.hasOwnProperty(e)) return 1; - 1 == k.arrayIndexOf(a, e) && (b[e] = d[e], delete d[e]);
return 1
return b
_filter: function(a) {
return k.keys(a).length
mixin: function(a) {
var b = {};
this.paramsQueue.length && (b = k.reduce(this._reduce(k.keys(a)), {}, this.paramsQueue), this.paramsQueue = k.filter(this._filter, this.paramsQueue));
return k.mixin({}, a, b)
postParams: ["site-info"],
countersNoTitle: "22836271 1143050 29626870 9928105 26128362 29850769".split(" "),
fake: !1,
sendTitle: !0,
_initComponent: function() {
this._trackHash = this.trackHash;
"0" === "" + this.counterType && (this.sendTitle = -1 === k.arrayIndexOf(this.countersNoTitle, "" + this.counterId))
setTrackHash: function(a) {
this._trackHash = a
sendHit: function(a) {
url: a.url,
title: a.title,
referrer: a.referrer,
vParams: a.vParams,
modes: k.mixin(a.modes || {}, {
ar: !0,
saveRef: !0,
pv: !0
callback: a.callback,
hasPrerender: a.hasPrerender,
ctx: a.ctx
}, "hit")
sendExperiments: function(a) {
url: K().href,
title: "",
referrer: "",
modes: {
ex: !0,
ar: !0
experiments: a.experiments,
callback: a.callback,
ctx: a.ctx
}, "exp")
sendPrerenderHit: function(a) {
url: a.url,
vParams: a.vParams,
title: a.title,
referrer: a.referrer,
modes: {
ar: !0,
pq: !0
}, "hit")
sendAjaxHit: function(a) {
url: a.url,
title: a.title,
referrer: a.referrer,
modes: a.modes
}, "hit")
sendParams: function(a, b, d, e) {
url: e || K().href,
title: "",
referrer: "",
forceNoRedirect: !0,
vParams: a,
modes: {
ar: !0,
pa: !0,
onlyData: !0
callback: b,
ctx: d
}, "pa")
sendGoal: function(a, b) {
if (/[/&=?#]/.test(a)) k.warning("Incorrect goal");
else if (a) {
var d = b.url ? k.parseUrl(b.url) : K();
url: "goal://" + d.hostname + "/" + encodeURIComponent(a),
title: v.getDocumentTitle(),
referrer: d.href,
forceNoRedirect: !0,
vParams: b.vParams,
modes: {
ar: !0
callback: b.callback,
ctx: b.ctx
}, "go")
} else k.warning("Empty goal")
sendClickLink: function(a, b) {
url: a.url,
title: a.title,
referrer: b || K().href,
modes: a.modes
sendExtLink: function(a, b) {
url: a.url,
title: a.title || "",
referrer: b || K().href,
vParams: a.vParams,
modes: {
ar: !0,
ln: !0,
ut: db
callback: a.callback,
ctx: a.ctx
}, "cl")
sendFileUpload: function(a) {
url: a.url,
title: a.title || "",
referrer: K().href,
vParams: a.vParams,
modes: {
ar: !0,
ln: !0,
dl: !0
callback: a.callback,
ctx: a.ctx
}, "fu")
sendNotBounce: function(a, b) {
url: b.url || K().href,
title: "",
referrer: "",
modes: {
cl: a,
ar: !0,
nb: !0,
onlyData: !0
callback: b.callback,
ctx: b.ctx
}, "nb")
sendDevice: function(a) {
browserInfo: {
dip: a.port
callback: a.callback,
ctx: a.ctx
}, "de")
_hitExt: function(a,
b) {
function d(a, c) {
c && (t[a] = c)
var e, g, p, h = {};
if (!k.isMetrikaPlayer()) {
var m = a.modes || {};
var f = a.browserInfo || {};
var c = "undefined" !== typeof a.referrer ? a.referrer : Ta.lastReferrer;
var l = a.url || "";
var t = {};
a.nohit && d("nohit", 1); && !m.onlyData && (c = null === c || "" === c ? "" : this._prepareHitUrl(c), l = this._prepareHitUrl(a.url));
d("forceNoRedirect", a.forceNoRedirect);
d("page-ref", k.trim(c, eb));
d("page-url", k.trim(l, eb));
k.is4Bytes(a.title) && d("charset", "utf-8"); - 1 != K()^|\.)(?:ya|yandex)\.(?:\w+|com?\.\w+)$/) ?
d("ut", db) : "undefined" != typeof m.ut && d("ut", k.trim(m.ut, Ob));
d("exp", a.experiments);
(g = a.vParams) && this.counter && g.__ym && (k.isNumber(g.__ym.turbo_page) && ( = g.__ym.turbo_page), k.isNumber(g.__ym.turbo_page_id) && (this.counter.tpid = g.__ym.turbo_page_id));
(!g || k.isObject(g) && !g.__ym && !g.__ymu) && this.paramsQueue.length() && k.inArray(["go", "hit", "pa"], b) && (g = this.paramsQueue.mixin(g));
g && (l = k.toJSON(g), this.trimParams && l.length > Pb ? p = !0 : 7E5 < l ? k.warning("Too big params") : d("site-info", l));
m.saveRef &&
(Ta.lastReferrer = c);
h = function(a, c) {
var b = {};
k.forEachKey(c, function(a, c) {
-1 === k.arrayIndexOf(["", 0, w, null], c) && (b[a] = c)
return k.mixin({}, a, b)
}(h, {
gdpr: wa.getState(this.globalConfig),
tp: this.counter &&,
tpid: this.counter && this.counter.tpid,
fu: this.getFu(a.url, a.referrer),
eu: this.globalConfig.get("isEU"),
v: this._getVersion(),
pr: a.hasPrerender ? 1 : null
this.fake || (e = this._getTechInfo(a.title, m, this.counterId, a.ts,, this._trackHash, this.hitId, this.webvisor, this.counter, a.nohit));
h.wv =
k.mixin(f, e, h);
this.send(t, f, function() {
p && this.counter.params(g);
a.userParams && this.counter.userParams(a.userParams);
k.isFunction(a.callback) && a.callback.apply(a.ctx, arguments)
}, this)
_prepareHitUrl: function(a) {
var b = K(),
d =;
b = b.href;
if (!k.isString(a)) return b;
if (-1 !=^[a-z][\w.+-]+:\/\//i)) return a;
var e = a.charAt(0);
if ("?" == e) return e =\?/), -1 == e ? b + a : b.substr(0, e) + a;
if ("#" == e) return e =, -1 == e ? b + a : b.substr(0, e) + a;
if ("/" == e) {
if (e =, -1 != e) return b.substr(0,
e + d.length) + a
} else return d = b.split("/"), d[d.length - 1] = a, d.join("/");
return a
getFu: function(a, b) {
var d = a !== K().href,
e = q.referrer.replace(/\/$/, ""),
g = (b || "").replace(/\/$/, "");
e = e !== g;
g = 0;
e && d ? g = 3 : e ? g = 1 : d && (g = 2);
return g
_getTechInfo: function(a, b, d, e, g, p, h, m, f, c) {
function l(a, c, b) {
var f = "" + c;
a && c && (b || -1 === f.indexOf(":")) && (z[a] = f)
function t(a) {
b[a] && l(a, "1")
var z = {};
b = b || {};
e = e || x.getTimestamp();
g = g || x.getTimezone();
l("j", u.getJavaEnabled() ? "1" : "");
var D = u.isDesktop(this.globalConfig);
D !== w &&
l("dp", D ? "1" : "0");
l("nt", u.netType());
l("ns", u.getNavigationStart());
da && l("s", da.width + "x" + da.height + "x" + (da.colorDepth || da.pixelDepth));
n.devicePixelRatio && l("sk", n.devicePixelRatio);
u.isSelenium() && l("iss", "1");
u.isHeadLess() && l("hdl", "1");
u.isIframe() && (l("ifr", "1"), l("sti", u.isSameOriginTopFrame() ? "1" : "0"));
n.ia_document && n.ia_document.shareURL && n.ia_document.referrer && l("iia", "1");
l("adb", pb.getVal());
l("f", u.getFlashVersion());
l("l", u.getSilverlightVersion());
l("fpr", u.getFingerPrint());
this.counterNum); || (D = v.getViewportSize(), l("w", D[0] + "x" + D[1]));
l("z", g);
l("i", e);
l("et", x.getSeconds());
l("en", v.getDocumentCharset());
l("c", navigator.cookieEnabled ? "1" : "");
l("la", u.getLanguage());
l("ntf", u.getNotificationPermission());
k.random(100) || l("np", L.encode(Sa.encode(k.trim(u.getPlatform(), 100))));
p && l("wh", "1");
g = "ar ln dl cpf ad nb pa pq pv ex".split(" ");
for (e = 0; e < g.length; e++) t(g[e]);
g = "va vt sn sa he pai".split(" ");
b.nb && g.push("cl");
for (e = 0; e < g.length; e++) p = g[e], l(p, b[p]);
g = new ca({
counterId: d
g.isEnabled() && (d = g.getStorageId(), e = g.get("reqNum"), c || (e ? e++ : e = 1), g.set("reqNum", e), g.get("reqNum") == e ? (l("ls", d), l("rqn", e)) : (g.remove("reqNum"), g.clearStorageId(), 1 < e && (l("ls", d), l("rqn", 0))));
l("rn", k.random());
l("hid", h);
c || 3 == this.counterId || b.pq || l("ds", Hb(f));
f._firstPaint || c || (f._firstPaint = Jb(), l("fp", f._firstPaint));
if (m) { || ( = Math.round(65535 * Math.random()));
if (h = 0 > h && (h *= -1), h %= 65535;
l("wn", h || k.fletcher(;
try {
n.history && l("hl", String(n.history.length))
} catch (y) {}
h =
this.sendTitle && (h = this._getTitle(a));
l("t", h, !0);
return z
_getTitle: function(a) {
a = "undefined" == typeof a ? (a = v.getDocumentTitle()) ? k.trim(a, qb) : "" : k.trim(a, qb);
return a
k.array2Props = function(a) {
var b = a.length,
d = {},
e = d,
for (g = 0; g < b - 1; g++) {
var p = a[g];
e[p] = {};
g < b - 2 && (e = e[p])
e[p] = a[b - 1];
return d
var Oa = I.inherit({
sampling: 1,
counterId: 26302566,
_initComponent: function() {
Oa.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this._sender = new Ga({
protocol: "https:",
counterId: this.counterId,
retry: !1,
counter: {}
log: function() {
logParams: function(a) {
Math.random() < this.sampling && this._sender.sendHit({
url: H.href,
title: "",
referrer: "",
vParams: a
Qb = P.inherit({
resource: "webvisor",
retry: !0,
postParams: ["wv-data"],
sendPacket: function(a, b, d, e, g, p, h, m) {
if (!a || !a.length) return !1;
var f = L.encode(a, !0);
if (0 == f.indexOf("AAAAAAAAADw") && n.Error) {
var c = Error();
"string" == typeof c.stack && (new Oa({
sampling: .1
})).log("bad visor packet 5", 1)
a = {
rn: k.random(),
"page-url": b,
wmode: 0,
"wv-type": 0,
"wv-hit": d,
"wv-part": e + 1,
"wv-check": k.fletcher(a),
"wv-data": f
g = {
v: this._getVersion(),
z: g,
i: p
return this.send(a, g, h, m)
kb = va.inherit({
protocol: "",
counterId: "",
counterType: "",
meta: null,
maxBufferSize: 7500,
flushTimeout: 3E4,
storageKey: "visorbuff",
active: !1,
_initComponent: function() { = new ca({
counterId: this.counterId
this._sender = new Qb({
globalConfig: this.globalConfig,
protocol: this.protocol,
counterId: this.counterId,
counterType: this.counterType
onFlush: function(a, b, d) {
this._sender.sendPacket(a, b.url, b.hitId, d, b.timezone, b.timestamp)
v.getDocumentHTML = function() {
var a = "";
var b = q.documentElement;
var d = b.outerHTML,
e, g;
if (d) b = d;
else {
d = b.attributes;
var p = "";
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++)(g = d[e]) && (p += " " + + '\x3d"' + (g.value || "") + '"');
b = "\x3chtml" + p + "\x3e" + b.innerHTML + "\x3c/html\x3e"
if (d = q.doctype) a = d.publicId ? ' PUBLIC "' + d.publicId + '"' : "", p = d.systemId ? ' "' + d.systemId + '"' : "", a = "\x3c!DOCTYPE " + + a + p + "\x3e\n";
return a + b
v.getElementParent =
function(a) {
if (!a || a == q.documentElement) return null;
if (a == v.getBody()) return q.documentElement;
var b = null;
try {
b = a.parentNode
} catch (d) {}
return b
v.getElementChildren = function(a, b) {
var d = [],
e, g, p;
if (a && (e = a.childNodes)) {
var h = 0;
for (p = e.length; h < p; h++) {
var m = e[h];
(g = "INPUT" == m.nodeName && m.type && "hidden" == m.type.toLocaleLowerCase()) || b && m.nodeName != b || k.mergeArrays(d, [m])
return d
v.getElementNeighborPosition = function(a) {
var b = v.getElementParent(a),
if (b) {
var e = 0;
b = b.childNodes;
var g = a && a.nodeName;
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var p = b[d] && b[d].nodeName;
if (g == p) {
if (a == b[d]) return e;
return 0
v.getDocumentScroll = function() {
var a = v.getBody();
return [n.pageXOffset || q.documentElement && q.documentElement.scrollLeft || a && a.scrollLeft || 0, n.pageYOffset || q.documentElement && q.documentElement.scrollTop || a && a.scrollTop || 0]
v.getElementXY = function(a) {
var b;
if (!a || !a.ownerDocument || "PARAM" == a.tagName || a == v.getBody() || a == q.documentElement) return [0, 0];
if (a.getBoundingClientRect) {
a = a.getBoundingClientRect();
var d =
return [Math.round(a.left + d[0]), Math.round( + d[1])]
for (b = d = 0; a;) d += a.offsetLeft, b += a.offsetTop, a = a.offsetParent;
return [d, b]
v.getDocumentSize = function() {
var a = v.getRootElement(),
b = v.getViewportSize();
return [Math.max(a.scrollWidth, b[0]), Math.max(a.scrollHeight, b[1])]
v.getElementSize = function(a) {
var b;
return a == v.getBody() || a == q.documentElement ? v.getDocumentSize() : (b = a.getBoundingClientRect && a.getBoundingClientRect()) ? [b.width, b.height] : [a.offsetWidth, a.offsetHeight]
v.getElementRegion =
function(a) {
var b = v.getElementXY(a);
a = v.getElementSize(a);
return [b[0], b[1], a[0], a[1]]
v.calcChildrenChecksum = function(a) {
var b = E(function() {
return a.innerHTML
}, "", !0)() || "";
return k.fletcher(b.replace(/(<[^>]*>|[\u0000-\u0020])/g, ""))
v.getFormNumber = function(a) {
var b = q.getElementsByTagName("form"),
var e = 0;
for (d = b.length; e < d; e++)
if (b[e] == a) return e;
return -1
v.isEmptyField = function(a) {
return "INPUT" == a.nodeName && "submit" != a.type && "image" != a.type && "hidden" != a.type ? "radio" == a.type || "checkbox" == a.type ?
!a.checked : !a.value : "TEXTAREA" == a.nodeName ? !a.value : "SELECT" == a.nodeName ? 0 > a.selectedIndex : !0
v.calcTextChecksum = function(a) {
var b = "";
a = a.childNodes;
var d;
var e = 0;
for (d = a.length; e < d; e++) a[e] && 3 == a[e].nodeType && (b += a[e].nodeValue);
return k.fletcher(b.replace(/[\u0000-\u0020]+/g, ""))
v.calcAttribChecksum = function(a) {
var b = "",
d = "width height align title alt name".split(" "),
"IMG" == a.tagName && (b += a.src.toLowerCase());
"A" == a.tagName && (b += a.href.toLowerCase());
b += String(a.className || "").toLowerCase();
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) a.getAttribute && (b += String(a.getAttribute(d[e]) || "").toLowerCase());
return k.fletcher(b.replace(/[\u0000-\u0020]+/g, ""))
v.classNameExists = function(a, b) {
try {
return (new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + b + "(?:\\s|$)")).test(a.className)
} catch (d) {
return !1
v.getElementsByClassName = function(a, b) {
var d;
b = b || q;
var e = b.getElementsByTagName("*");
var g = [];
for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++) v.classNameExists(e[d], a) && g.push(e[d]);
return g
try {
var cb = function(a) {
function b(e) {
if (d[e]) return d[e].f;
var g = d[e] = {
Z: e,
L: !1,
f: {}
return a[e].call(g.f, g, g.f, b), g.L = !0, g.f
var d = {};
return b.aa = a, b.W = d, b.o = function(a, d, p) {
b.D(a, d) || Object.defineProperty(a, d, {
enumerable: !0,
get: p
}, b.C = function(a) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(a, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}, b.$ = function(a, d) {
if ((1 & d && (a = b(a)), 8 & d) || 4 & d && "object" == typeof a && a && a.a) return a;
var e = Object.create(null);
if (b.C(e), Object.defineProperty(e, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: a
}), 2 & d && "string" != typeof a)
for (var h in a) b.o(e, h, function(b) {
return a[b]
}.bind(null, h));
return e
}, b.X = function(a) {
var d = a && a.a ? function() {
return a["default"]
} : function() {
return a
return b.o(d, "a", d), d
}, b.D = function(a, b) {
return, b)
}, b.Y = "", b( = 0)
}([function(a, b, d) {
var e = this && this.U || function() {
return (e = Object.assign || function(a) {
for (var c, b = 1, f = arguments.length; b < f; b++)
for (var d in c = arguments[b]), d) && (a[d] = c[d]);
return a
}).apply(this, arguments)
b.a = !0;
var g = d(1),
p = d(2),
h = d(4),
m = d(5),
f = d(6);
a = function() {
function a(a) {
var c = this;
this.l = a;
this.H = {
webGL: g.B,
dnt: m.w,
plugins: p.A,
applePay: h.v
this.l = e({
webGL: !1,
dnt: !1,
plugins: !1,
applePay: !1
}, a);
this.G = Object.keys(this.l).filter(function(a) {
return c.l[a]
}).map(function(a) {
return new c.H[a]
return a.prototype.toString = function(a) {
void 0 === a && (a = !0);
var c = {
var c = "";
try {
c = a.g()
} catch (y) {}
return c
return a ? [f.hash(c.join(""), 210)] : {
return f.hash(a,
}, a
b.T = a;
b["default"] = a
}, function(a, b) {
var d = this && this.V || function() {
function a(b, d) {
return (a = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
__proto__: []
instanceof Array && function(a, b) {
a.__proto__ = b
} || function(a, b) {
for (var c in b) b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a[c] = b[c])
})(b, d)
return function(b, d) {
function e() {
this.constructor = b
a(b, d);
b.prototype = null === d ? Object.create(d) : (e.prototype = d.prototype, new e)
b.a = !0;
var e = function(a) {
function b() {
var b =, "webgl") || this;
return b.h && !b.J() && (b.h = !1), b
return d(b,
a), b.prototype.J = function() {
var a = this.canvas.getContext && (this.canvas.getContext("webgl") || this.canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"));
return !!n.WebGLRenderingContext && !!a
}, b.prototype.j = function(a) {
var b = this.c;
return b.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1), b.enable(b.DEPTH_TEST), b.depthFunc(b.LEQUAL), b.clear(b.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | b.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT), "[" + a[0] + ", " + a[1] + "]"
}, b.prototype.M = function(a) {
var b, f = a.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") || a.getExtension("WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") ||
return f ? (0 === (b = a.getParameter(f.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT)) && (b = 2), b) : null
}, b.prototype.s = function() {
var a = this.c,
b = [],
f = a.createBuffer();
a.bindBuffer(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, f);
a.bufferData(a.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([-.2, -.9, 0, .4, -.26, 0, 0, .732134444, 0]), a.STATIC_DRAW);
f.K = 3;
f.O = 3;
var c = a.createProgram(),
d = a.createShader(a.VERTEX_SHADER);
a.shaderSource(d, "attribute vec2 attrVertex;varying vec2 varyinTexCoordinate;uniform vec2 uniformOffset;void main(){varyinTexCoordinate\x3dattrVertex+uniformOffset;gl_Position\x3dvec4(attrVertex,0,1);}");
var e = a.createShader(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
a.shaderSource(e, "precision mediump float;varying vec2 varyinTexCoordinate;void main() {gl_FragColor\x3dvec4(varyinTexCoordinate,0,1);}");
a.attachShader(c, d);
a.attachShader(c, e);
c.R = a.getAttribLocation(c, "attrVertex");
c.P = a.getUniformLocation(c, "uniformOffset");
a.vertexAttribPointer(c.R, f.K, a.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0);
a.uniform2f(c.P, 1, 1);
0, f.O);
null != a.canvas && b.push(a.canvas.toDataURL());
b.push("extensions:" + a.getSupportedExtensions().join(";"));
b.push("webgl aliased line width range:" + this.j(a.getParameter(a.ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE)));
b.push("webgl aliased point size range:" + this.j(a.getParameter(a.ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE)));
b.push("webgl alpha bits:" + a.getParameter(a.ALPHA_BITS));
b.push("webgl antialiasing:" + (a.getContextAttributes().antialias ? "yes" : "no"));
b.push("webgl blue bits:" + a.getParameter(a.BLUE_BITS));
b.push("webgl depth bits:" +
b.push("webgl green bits:" + a.getParameter(a.GREEN_BITS));
b.push("webgl max anisotropy:" + this.M(a));
b.push("webgl max combined texture image units:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS));
b.push("webgl max cube map texture size:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE));
b.push("webgl max fragment uniform vectors:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS));
b.push("webgl max render buffer size:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE));
b.push("webgl max texture image units:" +
b.push("webgl max texture size:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE));
b.push("webgl max varying vectors:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS));
b.push("webgl max vertex attribs:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS));
b.push("webgl max vertex texture image units:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS));
b.push("webgl max vertex uniform vectors:" + a.getParameter(a.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS));
b.push("webgl max viewport dims:" + this.j(a.getParameter(a.MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS)));
b.push("webgl red bits:" + a.getParameter(a.RED_BITS));
b.push("webgl renderer:" + a.getParameter(a.RENDERER));
b.push("webgl shading language version:" + a.getParameter(a.SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION));
b.push("webgl stencil bits:" + a.getParameter(a.STENCIL_BITS));
b.push("webgl vendor:" + a.getParameter(a.VENDOR));
b.push("webgl version:" + a.getParameter(a.VERSION));
try {
var g = a.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info");
g && (b.push("webgl unmasked vendor:" + a.getParameter(g.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL)), b.push("webgl unmasked renderer:" +
} catch (D) {}
return a.getShaderPrecisionFormat ? (b.push("webgl vertex shader high float precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.HIGH_FLOAT).precision), b.push("webgl vertex shader high float precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.HIGH_FLOAT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl vertex shader high float precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.HIGH_FLOAT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl vertex shader medium float precision:" +
a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_FLOAT).precision), b.push("webgl vertex shader medium float precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_FLOAT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl vertex shader medium float precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_FLOAT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl vertex shader low float precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.LOW_FLOAT).precision), b.push("webgl vertex shader low float precision rangeMin:" +
a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.LOW_FLOAT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl vertex shader low float precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.LOW_FLOAT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl fragment shader high float precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.HIGH_FLOAT).precision), b.push("webgl fragment shader high float precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.HIGH_FLOAT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl fragment shader high float precision rangeMax:" +
a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.HIGH_FLOAT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl fragment shader medium float precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_FLOAT).precision), b.push("webgl fragment shader medium float precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_FLOAT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl fragment shader medium float precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_FLOAT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl fragment shader low float precision:" +
a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.LOW_FLOAT).precision), b.push("webgl fragment shader low float precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.LOW_FLOAT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl fragment shader low float precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.LOW_FLOAT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl vertex shader high int precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.HIGH_INT).precision), b.push("webgl vertex shader high int precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER,
a.HIGH_INT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl vertex shader high int precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.HIGH_INT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl vertex shader medium int precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_INT).precision), b.push("webgl vertex shader medium int precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_INT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl vertex shader medium int precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_INT).rangeMax),
b.push("webgl vertex shader low int precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.LOW_INT).precision), b.push("webgl vertex shader low int precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.LOW_INT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl vertex shader low int precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.VERTEX_SHADER, a.LOW_INT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl fragment shader high int precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.HIGH_INT).precision), b.push("webgl fragment shader high int precision rangeMin:" +
a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.HIGH_INT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl fragment shader high int precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.HIGH_INT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl fragment shader medium int precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_INT).precision), b.push("webgl fragment shader medium int precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_INT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl fragment shader medium int precision rangeMax:" +
a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.MEDIUM_INT).rangeMax), b.push("webgl fragment shader low int precision:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.LOW_INT).precision), b.push("webgl fragment shader low int precision rangeMin:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.LOW_INT).rangeMin), b.push("webgl fragment shader low int precision rangeMax:" + a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a.FRAGMENT_SHADER, a.LOW_INT).rangeMax), b.join("~")) : b.join("~")
}, b
}(a = function() {
function a(a) {
this.F = a;
this.h = !0;
this.canvas = q.createElement("canvas");
this.I() || (this.h = !1)
return a.prototype.I = function() {
return this.c = this.canvas.getContext(this.F), !(!this.canvas.getContext || !this.c)
}, a.prototype.g = function() {
return this.h ? this.s() :
}, a
b.B = e;
a = function(a) {
function b() {
return, "2d") || this
return d(b, a), b.prototype.s = function() {
var a = this.canvas,
b = this.c,
f = [];
return a.width = 2E3, a.height = 200, = "inline", b.rect(0, 0, 10, 10), b.rect(2, 2, 6, 6), f.push("canvas winding:" + (!1 ===
b.isPointInPath(5, 5, "evenodd") ? "yes" : "no")), b.textBaseline = "alphabetic", b.fillStyle = "#f60", b.fillRect(125, 1, 62, 20), b.fillStyle = "#069", b.font = "11pt Arial", b.fillText("Cwm fjordbank glyphs vext quiz, \ud83d\ude03", 2, 15), b.fillStyle = "rgba(102, 204, 0, 0.2)", b.font = "18pt Arial", b.fillText("Cwm fjordbank glyphs vext quiz, \ud83d\ude03", 4, 45), b.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply", b.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,255)", b.beginPath(), b.arc(50, 50, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), b.closePath(), b.fill(), b.fillStyle = "rgb(0,255,255)",
b.beginPath(), b.arc(100, 50, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), b.closePath(), b.fill(), b.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,0)", b.beginPath(), b.arc(75, 100, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), b.closePath(), b.fill(), b.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,255)", b.arc(75, 75, 75, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), b.arc(75, 75, 25, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), b.fill("evenodd"), f.push("canvas fp:" + a.toDataURL()), f.join("~")
}, b
b.S = a
}, function(a, b, d) {
b.a = !0;
var e = d(3);
a = function() {
function a() {}
return a.prototype.g = function() {
return e.u(navigator.plugins).sort(function(a, b) {
return > ? 1 :
}).map(function(a) {
return [, a.description, e.u(a).map(function(a) {
return [a.description, a.suffixes, a.type].join()
}, a
b.A = a
}, function(a, b) {
b.a = !0;
b.u = function(a) {
}, function(a, b) {
b.a = !0;
a = function() {
function a() {
this.m = n.ApplePaySession
return a.prototype.g = function() {
var a = !1;
try {
a = n.self !==
} catch (p) {}
if (!this.m || "https:" !== H.protocol || a) return "";
a = "";
for (var b = 1; 10 >= b; b++) a += this.m.supportsVersion(b) ? b : "0";
return a + this.m.canMakePayments()
b.v = a
}, function(a, b) {
b.a = !0;
a = function() {
function a() {
this.b = n.navigator
return a.prototype.g = function() {
return this.b.i ? this.b.i : this.b.N ? this.b.N : this.b.i ? this.b.i : "unknown"
}, a
b.w = a
}, function(a, b) {
function d(a, c) {
a = [a[0] >>> 16, 65535 & a[0], a[1] >>> 16, 65535 & a[1]];
c = [c[0] >>> 16, 65535 & c[0], c[1] >>> 16, 65535 & c[1]];
var b = [0, 0, 0, 0];
return b[3] += a[3] * c[3], b[2] += b[3] >>> 16, b[3] &= 65535, b[2] += a[2] * c[3], b[1] += b[2] >>> 16, b[2] &= 65535, b[2] += a[3] * c[2], b[1] += b[2] >>> 16, b[2] &= 65535, b[1] += a[1] * c[3], b[0] += b[1] >>> 16,
b[1] &= 65535, b[1] += a[2] * c[2], b[0] += b[1] >>> 16, b[1] &= 65535, b[1] += a[3] * c[1], b[0] += b[1] >>> 16, b[1] &= 65535, b[0] += a[0] * c[3] + a[1] * c[2] + a[2] * c[1] + a[3] * c[0], b[0] &= 65535, [b[0] << 16 | b[1], b[2] << 16 | b[3]]
function e(a, c) {
a = [a[0] >>> 16, 65535 & a[0], a[1] >>> 16, 65535 & a[1]];
c = [c[0] >>> 16, 65535 & c[0], c[1] >>> 16, 65535 & c[1]];
var b = [0, 0, 0, 0];
return b[3] += a[3] + c[3], b[2] += b[3] >>> 16, b[3] &= 65535, b[2] += a[2] + c[2], b[1] += b[2] >>> 16, b[2] &= 65535, b[1] += a[1] + c[1], b[0] += b[1] >>> 16, b[1] &= 65535, b[0] += a[0] + c[0], b[0] &= 65535, [b[0] << 16 | b[1], b[2] << 16 |
function g(a, c) {
return 32 === (c %= 64) ? [a[1], a[0]] : 32 > c ? [a[0] << c | a[1] >>> 32 - c, a[1] << c | a[0] >>> 32 - c] : (c -= 32, [a[1] << c | a[0] >>> 32 - c, a[0] << c | a[1] >>> 32 - c])
function p(a, c) {
return 0 === (c %= 64) ? a : 32 > c ? [a[0] << c | a[1] >>> 32 - c, a[1] << c] : [a[1] << c - 32, 0]
function h(a, c) {
return [a[0] ^ c[0], a[1] ^ c[1]]
function m(a) {
return a = h(a, [0, a[0] >>> 1]), a = h(a = d(a, [4283543511, 3981806797]), [0, a[0] >>> 1]), h(a = d(a, [3301882366, 444984403]), [0, a[0] >>> 1])
b.a = !0;
b.hash = function(a, c) {
c = c || 0;
var b = (a = a || "").length % 16,
f = a.length - b,
k = [0, c];
c = [0, c];
for (var n, y, q = [2277735313, 289559509], r = [1291169091, 658871167], A = 0; A < f; A += 16) n = [255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 4) | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 5)) << 8 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 6)) << 16 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 7)) << 24, 255 & a.charCodeAt(A) | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 1)) << 8 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 2)) << 16 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 3)) << 24], y = [255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 12) | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 13)) << 8 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 14)) << 16 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 15)) << 24, 255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 8) | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 9)) << 8 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A + 10)) << 16 | (255 & a.charCodeAt(A +
11)) << 24], n = g(n = d(n, q), 31), k = e(k = g(k = h(k, d(n, r)), 27), c), k = e(d(k, [0, 5]), [0, 1390208809]), y = g(y = d(y, r), 33), c = e(c = g(c = h(c, d(y, q)), 31), k), c = e(d(c, [0, 5]), [0, 944331445]);
switch (n = [0, 0], y = [0, 0], b) {
case 15:
y = h(y, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 14)], 48));
case 14:
y = h(y, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 13)], 40));
case 13:
y = h(y, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 12)], 32));
case 12:
y = h(y, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 11)], 24));
case 11:
y = h(y, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 10)], 16));
case 10:
y = h(y, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 9)], 8));
case 9:
y = d(y = h(y, [0, a.charCodeAt(A + 8)]), r), c = h(c, d(g(y,
33), q));
case 8:
n = h(n, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 7)], 56));
case 7:
n = h(n, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 6)], 48));
case 6:
n = h(n, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 5)], 40));
case 5:
n = h(n, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 4)], 32));
case 4:
n = h(n, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 3)], 24));
case 3:
n = h(n, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 2)], 16));
case 2:
n = h(n, p([0, a.charCodeAt(A + 1)], 8));
case 1:
n = d(n = h(n, [0, a.charCodeAt(A)]), q), k = h(k, d(g(n, 31), r))
return k = e(k = h(k, [0, a.length]), c = h(c, [0, a.length])), c = e(c, k), k = e(k = m(k), c = m(c)), c = e(c, k), ("00000000" + (k[0] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" +
(k[1] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (c[0] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (c[1] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8)
cb = cb["default"]
} catch (a) {
La = {
error: a,
scope: "fip"
k.arrayFilter = function(a, b, d) {
var e = [],
for (g = 0; g < a.length; g++), a[g], g, a) && e.push(a[g]);
return e
k.arrDiff = function(a, b) {
return k.arrayFilter(a, function(a) {
return -1 === k.arrayIndexOf(b, a)
k.encodeURIComponent = function(a, b) {
a = String(a);
b && a.length > b && (a = a.substr(0, b));
return (n.encodeURIComponent || n.escape)(a).replace(/\+/g,
k.bind = function(a, b) {
var d = [], 2);
return function() {
return a.apply(b || this, d.concat([], 0)))
k.clearTimeout = function(a) {
return k.getNativeFunction("clearTimeout")(a)
k.safeDecodeURIComponent = function(a) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(a)
} catch (b) {
return ""
k.isDev = function() {
return !1
k.noop = function() {};
!bb(/webkit/) && bb(/gecko/);
var fb = {
asyncChunk: 400,
maxDuration: 20,
restTime: 100,
asyncBuffer: [],
timeout: null,
rest: 0,
addAsyncItem: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
var p =
fn: a,
ctx: b,
args: e || [],
loggerName: g || ""
d ? (clearTimeout(this.timeout), p.flushAsync(!0)) : x.getMs() - >= this.restTime && !this.timeout ? ( = x.getMs(), p.flushAsync()) : this.timeout || (this.timeout = k.setTimeout(function() { = x.getMs();
p.timeout = !1
}, this.restTime))
chain: function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = this;
a.push = function(a) {
throw 'Try to push in Executor when it started "' + a + '"';
(function c(b, d, f) {
g.addAsyncItem(function(b, f, d) {
f = a[b++](f);
b <= a.length -
1 && c(b, f, d)
}, null, f, [b, d], e + "." + b)
})(0, b, d)
callByTimeout: function(a, b) {
for (var d = x.getMs(), e = 0, g, p = (b || 0) + 1, h = 0, m = this; this.asyncBuffer.length;)
if (g = this.asyncBuffer.shift(), h += 1, !g.isExecuted && (E(function() {
g.fn.apply(g.ctx, g.args)
}, "AsyncExecutor." + g.loggerName)(), e = x.getMs() - d, g.isExecuted = !0, !a && (h >= this.asyncChunk || e >= this.maxDuration))) {
k.setTimeout(function() {
m.callByTimeout(a, p)
}, this.restTime);
flushAsync: function(a) {
this.asyncBuffer.length && this.callByTimeout(a)
Rb = Ca.inherit({
id: "XHRPlain",
index: 8,
_splitParams: function(a) {
var b = {},
d = {};
k.forEachKey(a, function(a, g) {
k.inArray(this.postParams, a) ? this.postParams.isSingle ? d = g : d[a] = g : b[a] = g
}, this);
return {
get: b,
post: d
_preparePostParams: function(a) {
_setHeaders: function(a) {
a.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
gb = P.inherit({
resource: "webvisor",
version: 2,
retry: !1,
postParams: ["wv-data"],
transports: [Rb],
_initComponent: function() {
gb.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this.postParams.isSingle = !0
sendPacket: function(a,
b, d, e, g, p, h, m, f) {
var c = v.getViewportSize();
if (!a || !a.length) return !1;
a = {
rn: k.random(),
"page-url": b,
wmode: 0,
"wv-type": this.version,
"wv-hit": d,
"wv-part": e + 1,
"wv-data": a
g = {
et: h,
w: c[0] + "x" + c[1],
v: this._getVersion(),
z: g,
i: p
this.browserInfoMix && (g = k.mixin(g, this.browserInfoMix));
return this.send(a, g, m, f)
Ua = va.inherit({
protocol: "",
chunkSize: 0,
counterId: "",
counterType: "",
meta: null,
maxBufferSize: 7E5,
flushTimeout: 2E3,
storageKey: "visorbuff2",
active: !1,
wvType: 2,
_v: "",
_initComponent: function() {
this._sender =
new gb({
version: this.wvType,
protocol: this.protocol,
globalConfig: this.globalConfig,
counterId: this.counterId,
browserInfoMix: this.browserInfoMix,
counterType: this.counterType
Ua.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments)
append: function(a) {
!this._data.length && a && a.length && (this.startBufferTime = x.getSeconds());
Ua.superclass.append.apply(this, arguments)
_getSize: function(a) {
var b = this;
this.chunkSize = n.Blob ? this.chunkSize + (new Blob([a])).size : this.chunkSize + 2 * a.length;
this.wrappers.length && k.reduce(function(a,
e) {
var d = e.getBufferData();
b.chunkSize += k.toJSON(d).length
}, 0, this.wrappers);
return this.chunkSize
addData: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
var p = 0,
h = 1,
m = {
type: a
f = .9 * this.maxBufferSize;
this._v = d;
this.wrappers.length && k.arrayEvery(this.wrappers, function(c) {
c.trigger && c.trigger(a, b);
return 1
if (g) this._getSize("{}"), this.append([], e);
else {
b.stamp && (m.stamp = b.stamp, delete b.stamp);
d = ea.stringify(b);
g = this._getSize(d);
if (g > this.maxBufferSize)
for (this._data.length && this._flush(), e = Math.ceil(g / f); p < d.length;) m.partNum =
h, m.end = h === e, = d.slice(p, p += f), h++, this._getSize(, this.append([m], !0);
else = d, this.append([m], e);, {
id: a,
data: b
onFlush: function(a, b, d) {
this.chunkSize = 0;
k.arrayEvery(this.wrappers, function(b) {
if (!b.onFlush) return 1;
k.arrayEvery(a, function(a) {
a =;
if (!a) return 1;
return 1
}, this);
return 1
}, this);
k.arrayEvery(this.wrappers, function(b) {
b = b.getBufferData(); = ea.stringify(;
return 1
b.url, b.hitId, d, b.timezone, b.timestamp, this.startBufferTime)
getFlushSize: function() {
return this.chunkSize
G = function(a) {
function b(e) {
if (d[e]) return d[e].exports;
var g = d[e] = {
i: e,
l: !1,
exports: {}
a[e].call(g.exports, g, g.exports, b);
g.l = !0;
return g.exports
var d = {};
b.m = a;
b.c = d;
b.d = function(a, d, k) {
b.o(a, d) || Object.defineProperty(a, d, {
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
get: k
b.r = function(a) {
Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
value: !0
b.n = function(a) {
var d = a && a.__esModule ? function() {
return a["default"]
} :
function() {
return a
b.d(d, "a", d);
return d
b.o = function(a, b) {
return, b)
b.p = "";
return b(b.s = 18)
}([function(a, b, d) {
function e(a, b, d) {
for (var f = Object.keys(b), c = 0; c < f.length; ++c) void 0 !== a[f[c]] && d || (a[f[c]] = b[f[c]]);
return a
function g(a) {
function b(a, f) {
if (!(this instanceof b)) return new b(a, f);
Object.defineProperty(this, "message", {
get: function() {
return a
Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, b) : Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", {
value: Error().stack ||
f && e(this, f)
}(b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = b;
Object.defineProperty(b.prototype, "name", {
get: function() {
return a
b.prototype.toString = function() {
return + ": " + this.message
return b
b.asPromise = d(15);
b.base64 = d(14);
b.EventEmitter = d(13);
b["float"] = d(12);
b.inquire = d(11);
b.utf8 = d(10);
b.pool = d(9);
b.LongBits = d(8); = "undefined" != typeof n && n || "undefined" != typeof global && global || "undefined" != typeof self && self || this;
b.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : [];
b.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {};
b.isNode = !!( && &&;
b.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(a) {
return "number" == typeof a && isFinite(a) && Math.floor(a) === a
b.isString = function(a) {
return "string" == typeof a || a instanceof String
b.isObject = function(a) {
return a && "object" == typeof a
b.isset = b.isSet = function(a, b) {
var d = a[b];
return !(null == d || !a.hasOwnProperty(b)) && ("object" != typeof d || 0 < (Array.isArray(d) ? d.length : Object.keys(d).length))
b.Buffer = function() {
try {
var a = b.inquire("buffer").Buffer;
return a.prototype.utf8Write ? a : null
} catch (h) {
return null
b._Buffer_from = null;
b._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
b.newBuffer = function(a) {
return "number" == typeof a ? b.Buffer ? b._Buffer_allocUnsafe(a) : new b.Array(a) : b.Buffer ? b._Buffer_from(a) : "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? a : new Uint8Array(a)
b.Array = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array;
b.Long = && || || b.inquire("long");
b.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/;
b.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/;
b.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/;
b.longToHash = function(a) {
return a ? b.LongBits.from(a).toHash() : b.LongBits.zeroHash
b.longFromHash = function(a, d) {
var e = b.LongBits.fromHash(a);
return b.Long ? b.Long.fromBits(e.lo, e.hi, d) : e.toNumber(!!d)
b.merge = e;
b.lcFirst = function(a) {
return a.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + a.substring(1)
b.newError = g;
b.ProtocolError = g("ProtocolError");
b.oneOfGetter = function(a) {
for (var b = {}, d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) b[a[d]] = 1;
return function() {
for (var a =
Object.keys(this), c = a.length - 1; - 1 < c; --c)
if (1 === b[a[c]] && void 0 !== this[a[c]] && null !== this[a[c]]) return a[c]
b.oneOfSetter = function(a) {
return function(b) {
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) a[d] !== b && delete this[a[d]]
b.toJSONOptions = {
longs: String,
enums: String,
bytes: String,
json: !0
b._configure = function() {
var a = b.Buffer;
a ? (b._Buffer_from = a.from !== Uint8Array.from && a.from || function(b, d) {
return new a(b, d)
}, b._Buffer_allocUnsafe = a.allocUnsafe || function(b) {
return new a(b)
}) : b._Buffer_from = b._Buffer_allocUnsafe =
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e(a, c) {
return RangeError("index out of range: " + a.pos + " + " + (c || 1) + " \x3e " + a.len)
function g(a) {
this.buf = a;
this.pos = 0;
this.len = a.length
function k() {
var a = new l(0, 0),
c = 0;
if (!(4 < this.len - this.pos)) {
for (; 3 > c; ++c) {
if (this.pos >= this.len) throw e(this);
a.lo = (a.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * c) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return a
a.lo = (a.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos++]) << 7 * c) >>> 0;
return a
for (; 4 > c; ++c)
if (a.lo = (a.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * c) >>> 0, 128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return a;
a.lo = (a.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28) >>> 0;
a.hi = (a.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >> 4) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return a;
c = 0;
if (4 < this.len - this.pos)
for (; 5 > c; ++c) {
if (a.hi = (a.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * c + 3) >>> 0, 128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return a
} else
for (; 5 > c; ++c) {
if (this.pos >= this.len) throw e(this);
a.hi = (a.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * c + 3) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return a
throw Error("invalid varint encoding");
function h(a, c) {
return (a[c - 4] | a[c - 3] << 8 | a[c - 2] << 16 | a[c - 1] << 24) >>> 0
function m() {
if (this.pos +
8 > this.len) throw e(this, 8);
return new l(h(this.buf, this.pos += 4), h(this.buf, this.pos += 4))
a.exports = g;
var f, c = d(0),
l = c.LongBits,
t = c.utf8,
z, n = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? function(a) {
if (a instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(a)) return new g(a);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
} : function(a) {
if (Array.isArray(a)) return new g(a);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
g.create = c.Buffer ? function(a) {
return (g.create = function(a) {
return c.Buffer.isBuffer(a) ? new f(a) : n(a)
} : n;
g.prototype._slice = c.Array.prototype.subarray ||
g.prototype.uint32 = (z = 4294967295, function() {
z = (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return z;
z = (z | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return z;
z = (z | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 14) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return z;
z = (z | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 21) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return z;
z = (z | (15 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28) >>> 0;
if (128 > this.buf[this.pos++]) return z;
if ((this.pos += 5) > this.len) throw this.pos = this.len, e(this, 10);
return z
g.prototype.int32 = function() {
return 0 | this.uint32()
g.prototype.sint32 = function() {
var a = this.uint32();
return a >>> 1 ^ -(1 & a) | 0
g.prototype.bool = function() {
return 0 !== this.uint32()
g.prototype.fixed32 = function() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw e(this, 4);
return h(this.buf, this.pos += 4)
g.prototype.sfixed32 = function() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw e(this, 4);
return 0 | h(this.buf, this.pos += 4)
g.prototype["float"] = function() {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw e(this, 4);
var a = c["float"].readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos);
this.pos += 4;
return a
g.prototype["double"] = function() {
if (this.pos + 8 > this.len) throw e(this, 4);
var a = c["float"].readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos);
this.pos += 8;
return a
g.prototype.bytes = function() {
var a = this.uint32(),
c = this.pos,
b = this.pos + a;
if (b > this.len) throw e(this, a);
this.pos += a;
return Array.isArray(this.buf) ? this.buf.slice(c, b) : c === b ? new this.buf.constructor(0) :, c, b)
g.prototype.string = function() {
var a = this.bytes();
return, 0, a.length)
g.prototype.skip = function(a) {
if ("number" ==
typeof a) {
if (this.pos + a > this.len) throw e(this, a);
this.pos += a
} else {
if (this.pos >= this.len) throw e(this); while (128 & this.buf[this.pos++])
return this
g.prototype.skipType = function(a) {
switch (a) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
for (; 4 != (a = 7 & this.uint32());) this.skipType(a);
case 5:
throw Error("invalid wire type " + a + " at offset " + this.pos);
return this
g._configure = function(a) {
f = a;
var b = c.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber";
c.merge(g.prototype, {
int64: function() {
uint64: function() {
sint64: function() {
fixed64: function() {
sfixed64: function() {
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e(a, c, b) {
this.fn = a;
this.len = c; = void 0;
this.val = b
function g() {}
function k(a) {
this.head = a.head;
this.tail = a.tail;
this.len = a.len; = a.states
function h() {
this.len = 0;
this.tail = this.head = new e(g, 0,
this.states = null
function m(a, c, b) {
c[b] = 255 & a
function f(a, c) {
this.len = a; = void 0;
this.val = c
function c(a, c, b) {
for (; a.hi;) c[b++] = 127 & a.lo | 128, a.lo = (a.lo >>> 7 | a.hi << 25) >>> 0, a.hi >>>= 7;
for (; 127 < a.lo;) c[b++] = 127 & a.lo | 128, a.lo >>>= 7;
c[b++] = a.lo
function l(a, c, b) {
c[b] = 255 & a;
c[b + 1] = a >>> 8 & 255;
c[b + 2] = a >>> 16 & 255;
c[b + 3] = a >>> 24
a.exports = h;
var t, z = d(0),
n = z.LongBits,
q = z.base64,
r = z.utf8;
h.create = z.Buffer ? function() {
return (h.create = function() {
return new t
} : function() {
return new h
h.alloc = function(a) {
return new z.Array(a)
z.Array !== Array && (h.alloc = z.pool(h.alloc, z.Array.prototype.subarray));
h.prototype._push = function(a, c, b) {
this.tail = = new e(a, c, b);
this.len += c;
return this
f.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype);
f.prototype.fn = function(a, c, b) {
for (; 127 < a;) c[b++] = 127 & a | 128, a >>>= 7;
c[b] = a
h.prototype.uint32 = function(a) {
this.len += (this.tail = = new f(128 > (a >>>= 0) ? 1 : 16384 > a ? 2 : 2097152 > a ? 3 : 268435456 > a ? 4 : 5, a)).len;
return this
h.prototype.int32 = function(a) {
return 0 > a ? this._push(c, 10, n.fromNumber(a)) :
h.prototype.sint32 = function(a) {
return this.uint32((a << 1 ^ a >> 31) >>> 0)
h.prototype.uint64 = function(a) {
a = n.from(a);
return this._push(c, a.length(), a)
h.prototype.int64 = h.prototype.uint64;
h.prototype.sint64 = function(a) {
a = n.from(a).zzEncode();
return this._push(c, a.length(), a)
h.prototype.bool = function(a) {
return this._push(m, 1, a ? 1 : 0)
h.prototype.fixed32 = function(a) {
return this._push(l, 4, a >>> 0)
h.prototype.sfixed32 = h.prototype.fixed32;
h.prototype.fixed64 = function(a) {
a = n.from(a);
return this._push(l,
4, a.lo)._push(l, 4, a.hi)
h.prototype.sfixed64 = h.prototype.fixed64;
h.prototype["float"] = function(a) {
return this._push(z["float"].writeFloatLE, 4, a)
h.prototype["double"] = function(a) {
return this._push(z["float"].writeDoubleLE, 8, a)
var v = z.Array.prototype.set ? function(a, c, b) {
c.set(a, b)
} : function(a, c, b) {
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; ++f) c[b + f] = a[f]
h.prototype.bytes = function(a) {
var c = a.length >>> 0;
if (!c) return this._push(m, 1, 0);
if (z.isString(a)) {
var b = h.alloc(c = q.length(a));
q.decode(a, b, 0);
a = b
return this.uint32(c)._push(v,
c, a)
h.prototype.string = function(a) {
var c = r.length(a);
return c ? this.uint32(c)._push(r.write, c, a) : this._push(m, 1, 0)
h.prototype.fork = function() {
this.states = new k(this);
this.head = this.tail = new e(g, 0, 0);
this.len = 0;
return this
h.prototype.reset = function() {
this.states ? (this.head = this.states.head, this.tail = this.states.tail, this.len = this.states.len, this.states = : (this.head = this.tail = new e(g, 0, 0), this.len = 0);
return this
h.prototype.ldelim = function() {
var a = this.head,
c = this.tail,
b = this.len;
b && ( =, this.tail = c, this.len += b);
return this
h.prototype.finish = function() {
for (var a =, c = this.constructor.alloc(this.len), b = 0; a;) a.fn(a.val, c, b), b += a.len, a =;
return c
h._configure = function(a) {
t = a
}, function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = {}
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e(a, b, d) {
if ("function" != typeof a) throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");;
this.rpcImpl = a;
this.requestDelimited = !!b;
this.responseDelimited = !!d
a.exports = e;
var g =
(e.prototype = Object.create(g.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = e;
e.prototype.rpcCall = function t(a, b, f, c, d) {
if (!c) throw TypeError("request must be specified");
var e = this;
if (!d) return g.asPromise(t, e, a, b, f, c);
if (e.rpcImpl) try {
return e.rpcImpl(a, b[e.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](c).finish(), function(c, b) {
if (c) return e.emit("error", c, a), d(c);
if (null !== b) {
if (!(b instanceof f)) try {
b = f[e.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](b)
} catch (aa) {
return e.emit("error", aa, a), d(aa)
b, a);
return d(null, b)
} catch (D) {
e.emit("error", D, a), C(function() {
}, 0)
} else C(function() {
d(Error("already ended"))
}, 0)
e.prototype.end = function(a) {
this.rpcImpl && (a || this.rpcImpl(null, null, null), this.rpcImpl = null, this.emit("end").off());
return this
}, function(a, b, d) {
b.Service = d(4)
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e(a) {, a)
a.exports = e;
var g = d(1);
(e.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)).constructor = e;
a = d(0);
a.Buffer && (e.prototype._slice = a.Buffer.prototype.slice);
e.prototype.string =
function() {
var a = this.uint32();
return this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + a, this.len))
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e() {
function g(a, b, f) {
40 > a.length ? h.utf8.write(a, b, f) : b.utf8Write(a, f)
a.exports = e;
var k = d(2);
(e.prototype = Object.create(k.prototype)).constructor = e;
var h = d(0),
m = h.Buffer;
e.alloc = function(a) {
return (e.alloc = h._Buffer_allocUnsafe)(a)
var f = m && m.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && "set" === ? function(a, b, f) {
b.set(a, f)
} : function(a, b, f) {
if (a.copy) a.copy(b,
f, 0, a.length);
for (var c = 0; c < a.length;) b[f++] = a[c++]
e.prototype.bytes = function(a) {
h.isString(a) && (a = h._Buffer_from(a, "base64"));
var c = a.length >>> 0;
c && this._push(f, c, a);
return this
e.prototype.string = function(a) {
var c = m.byteLength(a);
c && this._push(g, c, a);
return this
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e(a, c) {
this.lo = a >>> 0;
this.hi = c >>> 0
a.exports = e;
var g = d(0),
k = = new e(0, 0);
k.toNumber = function() {
return 0
k.zzEncode = k.zzDecode = function() {
return this
k.length = function() {
return 1
var h = e.zeroHash = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
e.fromNumber = function(a) {
if (0 === a) return k;
var c = 0 > a;
c && (a = -a);
var b = a >>> 0;
a = (a - b) / 4294967296 >>> 0;
c && (a = ~a >>> 0, b = ~b >>> 0, 4294967295 < ++b && (b = 0, 4294967295 < ++a && (a = 0)));
return new e(b, a)
e.from = function(a) {
if ("number" == typeof a) return e.fromNumber(a);
if (g.isString(a)) {
if (!g.Long) return e.fromNumber(parseInt(a, 10));
a = g.Long.fromString(a)
return a.low || a.high ? new e(a.low >>> 0, a.high >>> 0) : k
e.prototype.toNumber = function(a) {
if (!a && this.hi >>> 31) {
a = 1 + ~this.lo >>>
var c = ~this.hi >>> 0;
a || (c = c + 1 >>> 0);
return -(a + 4294967296 * c)
return this.lo + 4294967296 * this.hi
e.prototype.toLong = function(a) {
return g.Long ? new g.Long(0 | this.lo, 0 | this.hi, !!a) : {
low: 0 | this.lo,
high: 0 | this.hi,
unsigned: !!a
var m = String.prototype.charCodeAt;
e.fromHash = function(a) {
return a === h ? k : new e((, 0) |, 1) << 8 |, 2) << 16 |, 3) << 24) >>> 0, (, 4) |, 5) << 8 |, 6) << 16 |, 7) << 24) >>> 0)
e.prototype.toHash = function() {
return String.fromCharCode(255 & this.lo, this.lo >>>
8 & 255, this.lo >>> 16 & 255, this.lo >>> 24, 255 & this.hi, this.hi >>> 8 & 255, this.hi >>> 16 & 255, this.hi >>> 24)
e.prototype.zzEncode = function() {
var a = this.hi >> 31;
this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ a) >>> 0;
this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ a) >>> 0;
return this
e.prototype.zzDecode = function() {
var a = -(1 & this.lo);
this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ a) >>> 0;
this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ a) >>> 0;
return this
e.prototype.length = function() {
var a = this.lo,
c = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0,
b = this.hi >>> 24;
return 0 === b ? 0 === c ? 16384 > a ? 128 > a ? 1 : 2 : 2097152 > a ? 3 :
4 : 16384 > c ? 128 > c ? 5 : 6 : 2097152 > c ? 7 : 8 : 128 > b ? 9 : 10
}, function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function(a, b, d) {
var e = d || 8192,
g = e >>> 1,
f = null,
c = e;
return function(d) {
if (1 > d || d > g) return a(d);
c + d > e && (f = a(e), c = 0);
d =, c, c += d);
7 & c && (c = 1 + (7 | c));
return d
}, function(a, b, d) {
b.length = function(a) {
for (var b = 0, d, e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) d = a.charCodeAt(e), 128 > d ? b += 1 : 2048 > d ? b += 2 : 55296 == (64512 & d) && 56320 == (64512 & a.charCodeAt(e + 1)) ? (++e, b += 4) : b += 3;
return b
}; = function(a, b, d) {
if (1 > d - b) return "";
for (var e, g = null, f = [], c = 0; b < d;) e = a[b++],
128 > e ? f[c++] = e : 191 < e && 224 > e ? f[c++] = (31 & e) << 6 | 63 & a[b++] : 239 < e && 365 > e ? (e = ((7 & e) << 18 | (63 & a[b++]) << 12 | (63 & a[b++]) << 6 | 63 & a[b++]) - 65536, f[c++] = 55296 + (e >> 10), f[c++] = 56320 + (1023 & e)) : f[c++] = (15 & e) << 12 | (63 & a[b++]) << 6 | 63 & a[b++], 8191 < c && ((g || (g = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, f)), c = 0);
return g ? (c && g.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, f.slice(0, c))), g.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, f.slice(0, c))
b.write = function(a, b, d) {
for (var e, g, f = d, c = 0; c < a.length; ++c) e = a.charCodeAt(c), 128 > e ? b[d++] =
e : (2048 > e ? b[d++] = e >> 6 | 192 : (55296 == (64512 & e) && 56320 == (64512 & (g = a.charCodeAt(c + 1))) ? (e = 65536 + ((1023 & e) << 10) + (1023 & g), ++c, b[d++] = e >> 18 | 240, b[d++] = e >> 12 & 63 | 128) : b[d++] = e >> 12 | 224, b[d++] = e >> 6 & 63 | 128), b[d++] = 63 & e | 128);
return d - f
}, function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function(a) {
return null
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e(a) {
"undefined" != typeof Float32Array ? function() {
function c(a, c, b) {
e[0] = a;
c[b] = g[0];
c[b + 1] = g[1];
c[b + 2] = g[2];
c[b + 3] = g[3]
function b(a, c, b) {
e[0] = a;
c[b] = g[3];
c[b + 1] = g[2];
c[b + 2] = g[1];
c[b + 3] = g[0]
function f(a,
c) {
g[0] = a[c];
g[1] = a[c + 1];
g[2] = a[c + 2];
g[3] = a[c + 3];
return e[0]
function d(a, c) {
g[3] = a[c];
g[2] = a[c + 1];
g[1] = a[c + 2];
g[0] = a[c + 3];
return e[0]
var e = new Float32Array([-0]),
g = new Uint8Array(e.buffer),
h = 128 === g[3];
a.writeFloatLE = h ? c : b;
a.writeFloatBE = h ? b : c;
a.readFloatLE = h ? f : d;
a.readFloatBE = h ? d : f
}() : function() {
function c(a, c, b, f) {
var d = 0 > c ? 1 : 0;
d && (c = -c);
if (0 === c) a(0 < 1 / c ? 0 : 2147483648, b, f);
else if (isNaN(c)) a(2143289344, b, f);
else if (3.4028234663852886e+38 < c) a((d << 31 | 2139095040) >>> 0, b, f);
else if (1.1754943508222875e-38 >
c) a((d << 31 | Math.round(c / 1.401298464324817e-45)) >>> 0, b, f);
else {
var e = Math.floor(Math.log(c) / Math.LN2);
a((d << 31 | e + 127 << 23 | 8388607 & Math.round(c * Math.pow(2, -e) * 8388608)) >>> 0, b, f)
function b(a, c, b) {
b = a(c, b);
a = 2 * (b >> 31) + 1;
c = b >>> 23 & 255;
b &= 8388607;
return 255 === c ? b ? NaN : 1 / 0 * a : 0 === c ? 1.401298464324817e-45 * a * b : a * Math.pow(2, c - 150) * (b + 8388608)
a.writeFloatLE = c.bind(null, g);
a.writeFloatBE = c.bind(null, k);
a.readFloatLE = b.bind(null, h);
a.readFloatBE = b.bind(null, m)
"undefined" != typeof Float64Array ? function() {
function c(a,
c, b) {
e[0] = a;
c[b] = g[0];
c[b + 1] = g[1];
c[b + 2] = g[2];
c[b + 3] = g[3];
c[b + 4] = g[4];
c[b + 5] = g[5];
c[b + 6] = g[6];
c[b + 7] = g[7]
function b(a, c, b) {
e[0] = a;
c[b] = g[7];
c[b + 1] = g[6];
c[b + 2] = g[5];
c[b + 3] = g[4];
c[b + 4] = g[3];
c[b + 5] = g[2];
c[b + 6] = g[1];
c[b + 7] = g[0]
function f(a, c) {
g[0] = a[c];
g[1] = a[c + 1];
g[2] = a[c + 2];
g[3] = a[c + 3];
g[4] = a[c + 4];
g[5] = a[c + 5];
g[6] = a[c + 6];
g[7] = a[c + 7];
return e[0]
function d(a, c) {
g[7] = a[c];
g[6] = a[c + 1];
g[5] = a[c + 2];
g[4] = a[c + 3];
g[3] = a[c + 4];
g[2] = a[c + 5];
g[1] = a[c + 6];
g[0] = a[c + 7];
return e[0]
var e = new Float64Array([-0]),
g = new Uint8Array(e.buffer),
h = 128 === g[7];
a.writeDoubleLE = h ? c : b;
a.writeDoubleBE = h ? b : c;
a.readDoubleLE = h ? f : d;
a.readDoubleBE = h ? d : f
}() : function() {
function c(a, c, b, f, d, e) {
var l = 0 > f ? 1 : 0;
l && (f = -f);
if (0 === f) a(0, d, e + c), a(0 < 1 / f ? 0 : 2147483648, d, e + b);
else if (isNaN(f)) a(0, d, e + c), a(2146959360, d, e + b);
else if (1.7976931348623157e+308 < f) a(0, d, e + c), a((l << 31 | 2146435072) >>> 0, d, e + b);
else if (2.2250738585072014e-308 > f) f /= 5e-324, a(f >>> 0, d, e + c), a((l << 31 | f / 4294967296) >>> 0, d, e + b);
else {
var g = Math.floor(Math.log(f) / Math.LN2);
1024 === g && (g = 1023);
f *= Math.pow(2,
a(4503599627370496 * f >>> 0, d, e + c);
a((l << 31 | g + 1023 << 20 | 1048576 * f & 1048575) >>> 0, d, e + b)
function b(a, c, b, f, d) {
c = a(f, d + c);
f = a(f, d + b);
a = 2 * (f >> 31) + 1;
b = f >>> 20 & 2047;
c = 4294967296 * (1048575 & f) + c;
return 2047 === b ? c ? NaN : 1 / 0 * a : 0 === b ? 5e-324 * a * c : a * Math.pow(2, b - 1075) * (c + 4503599627370496)
a.writeDoubleLE = c.bind(null, g, 0, 4);
a.writeDoubleBE = c.bind(null, k, 4, 0);
a.readDoubleLE = b.bind(null, h, 0, 4);
a.readDoubleBE = b.bind(null, m, 4, 0)
return a
function g(a, c, b) {
c[b] = 255 & a;
c[b + 1] = a >>> 8 & 255;
c[b + 2] = a >>> 16 & 255;
c[b + 3] = a >>> 24
function k(a, c, b) {
c[b] = a >>> 24;
c[b + 1] = a >>> 16 & 255;
c[b + 2] = a >>> 8 & 255;
c[b + 3] = 255 & a
function h(a, c) {
return (a[c] | a[c + 1] << 8 | a[c + 2] << 16 | a[c + 3] << 24) >>> 0
function m(a, c) {
return (a[c] << 24 | a[c + 1] << 16 | a[c + 2] << 8 | a[c + 3]) >>> 0
a.exports = e(e)
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e() {
this._listeners = {}
a.exports = e;
e.prototype.on = function(a, b, d) {
(this._listeners[a] || (this._listeners[a] = [])).push({
fn: b,
ctx: d || this
return this
}; = function(a, b) {
if (void 0 === a) this._listeners = {};
else if (void 0 === b) this._listeners[a] = [];
for (var d = this._listeners[a], e = 0; e < d.length;) d[e].fn === b ? d.splice(e, 1) : ++e;
return this
e.prototype.emit = function(a) {
var b = this._listeners[a];
if (b) {
for (var d = [], e = 1; e < arguments.length;) d.push(arguments[e++]);
for (e = 0; e < b.length;) b[e].fn.apply(b[e++].ctx, d)
return this
}, function(a, b, d) {
b.length = function(a) {
var b = a.length;
if (!b) return 0;
for (var d = 0; 1 < --b % 4 && "\x3d" === a.charAt(b);) ++d;
return Math.ceil(3 * a.length) / 4 - d
var e = Array(64),
g = Array(123);
for (a = 0; 64 > a;) g[e[a] = 26 > a ? a + 65 : 52 > a ? a + 71 : 62 > a ? a - 4 :
a - 59 | 43] = a++;
b.encode = function(a, b, d) {
for (var f, c = null, l = [], g = 0, h = 0; b < d;) {
var m = a[b++];
switch (h) {
case 0:
l[g++] = e[m >> 2];
f = (3 & m) << 4;
h = 1;
case 1:
l[g++] = e[f | m >> 4];
f = (15 & m) << 2;
h = 2;
case 2:
l[g++] = e[f | m >> 6], l[g++] = e[63 & m], h = 0
8191 < g && ((c || (c = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, l)), g = 0)
h && (l[g++] = e[f], l[g++] = 61, 1 === h && (l[g++] = 61));
return c ? (g && c.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, l.slice(0, g))), c.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, l.slice(0, g))
b.decode = function(a, b, d) {
for (var f,
c = d, e = 0, h = 0; h < a.length;) {
var m = a.charCodeAt(h++);
if (61 === m && 1 < e) break;
if (void 0 === (m = g[m])) throw Error("invalid encoding");
switch (e) {
case 0:
f = m;
e = 1;
case 1:
b[d++] = f << 2 | (48 & m) >> 4;
f = m;
e = 2;
case 2:
b[d++] = (15 & f) << 4 | (60 & m) >> 2;
f = m;
e = 3;
case 3:
b[d++] = (3 & f) << 6 | m, e = 0
if (1 === e) throw Error("invalid encoding");
return d - c
b.test = function(a) {
return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(a)
}, function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = function(a, b) {
for (var d = Array(arguments.length -
1), e = 0, g = 2, f = !0; g < arguments.length;) d[e++] = arguments[g++];
return new Promise(function(c, l) {
d[e] = function(a) {
if (f)
if (f = !1, a) l(a);
else {
for (var b = Array(arguments.length - 1), d = 0; d < b.length;) b[d++] = arguments[d];
c.apply(null, b)
try {
a.apply(b || null, d)
} catch (t) {
f && (f = !1, l(t))
}, function(a, b, d) {
function e() {
var g = b; = "minimal";
g.Writer = d(2);
g.BufferWriter = d(7);
g.Reader = d(1);
g.BufferReader = d(6);
g.util = d(0);
g.rpc = d(5);
g.roots = d(3);
g.configure =
}, function(a, b, d) {
a.exports = d(16)
}, function(a, b, d) {
b = d(17);
var e = b.Reader,
g = b.Writer,
k = b.util,
h = b.roots["default"] || (b.roots["default"] = {});
h.BufferWrapper = function() {
function a(a) {
this.buffer = [];
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null != a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
a.prototype.buffer = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, c) {
c || (c = g.create());
if (null != a.buffer && a.buffer.length)
for (var b = 0; b < a.buffer.length; ++b) h.Buffer.encode(a.buffer[b],
return c
a.decode = function(a, c) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var b = void 0 === c ? a.len : a.pos + c, f = new h.BufferWrapper; a.pos < b;) {
var d = a.uint32();
switch (d >>> 3) {
case 1:
f.buffer && f.buffer.length || (f.buffer = []);
f.buffer.push(h.Buffer.decode(a, a.uint32()));
a.skipType(7 & d)
return f
return a
h.Buffer = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null != a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
a.prototype.stamp = 0; = null; =
a.prototype.chunk = k.newBuffer([]);
a.prototype.end = !1;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, c) {
c || (c = g.create());
null != a.stamp && a.hasOwnProperty("stamp") && c.uint32(8).int32(a.stamp);
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("data") && h.Wrapper.encode(, c.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("page") && c.uint32(24).int32(;
null != a.chunk && a.hasOwnProperty("chunk") && c.uint32(34).bytes(a.chunk);
null != a.end && a.hasOwnProperty("end") && c.uint32(40).bool(a.end);
return c
a.decode = function(a, c) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var b = void 0 === c ? a.len : a.pos + c, f = new h.Buffer; a.pos < b;) {
var d = a.uint32();
switch (d >>> 3) {
case 1:
f.stamp = a.int32();
case 2: = h.Wrapper.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 3: = a.int32();
case 4:
f.chunk = a.bytes();
case 5:
f.end = a.bool();
a.skipType(7 & d)
return f
return a
h.Wrapper = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null != a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
} =
a.prototype.mutation = null;
a.prototype.event = null;
a.prototype.articleInfo = null;
a.prototype.publishersHeader = null;
a.prototype.activity = 0;
var b;
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "data", {
get: k.oneOfGetter(b = "page mutation event articleInfo publishersHeader activity".split(" ")),
set: k.oneOfSetter(b)
a.create = function(c) {
return new a(c)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("page") && h.Page.encode(, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.mutation && a.hasOwnProperty("mutation") &&
h.Mutation.encode(a.mutation, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.event && a.hasOwnProperty("event") && h.Event.encode(a.event, b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.articleInfo && a.hasOwnProperty("articleInfo") && h.ArticleInfo.encode(a.articleInfo, b.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.publishersHeader && a.hasOwnProperty("publishersHeader") && h.PublishersHeader.encode(a.publishersHeader, b.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.activity && a.hasOwnProperty("activity") && b.uint32(48).uint32(a.activity);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, f = new h.Wrapper; a.pos < c;) {
var d = a.uint32();
switch (d >>> 3) {
case 1: = h.Page.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 2:
f.mutation = h.Mutation.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 3:
f.event = h.Event.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 4:
f.articleInfo = h.ArticleInfo.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 5:
f.publishersHeader = h.PublishersHeader.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 6:
f.activity = a.uint32();
a.skipType(7 & d)
return f
return a
h.Page = function() {
function a(a) {
this.content = [];
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null != a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
a.prototype.meta = null;
a.prototype.content = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.frameId = 0;
a.prototype.tabId = "";
a.prototype.recordStamp = k.Long ? k.Long.fromBits(0, 0, !1) : 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, c) {
c || (c = g.create());
null != a.meta && a.hasOwnProperty("meta") && h.Page.Meta.encode(a.meta, c.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
if (null != a.content && a.content.length)
for (var b =
0; b < a.content.length; ++b) h.Page.Content.encode(a.content[b], c.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.frameId && a.hasOwnProperty("frameId") && c.uint32(24).sint32(a.frameId);
null != a.tabId && a.hasOwnProperty("tabId") && c.uint32(34).string(a.tabId);
null != a.recordStamp && a.hasOwnProperty("recordStamp") && c.uint32(40).int64(a.recordStamp);
return c
a.decode = function(a, c) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var b = void 0 === c ? a.len : a.pos + c, d = new h.Page; a.pos < b;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.meta = h.Page.Meta.decode(a,
case 2:
d.content && d.content.length || (d.content = []);
d.content.push(h.Page.Content.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 3:
d.frameId = a.sint32();
case 4:
d.tabId = a.string();
case 5:
d.recordStamp = a.int64();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
a.Box = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null != a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
a.prototype.width = 0;
a.prototype.height = 0;
a.create = function(c) {
return new a(c)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.width && a.hasOwnProperty("width") && b.uint32(8).int32(a.width);
null != a.height && a.hasOwnProperty("height") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.height);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Page.Box; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.width = a.int32();
case 2:
d.height = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.Location = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null !=
a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
} = "";
a.prototype.protocol = "";
a.prototype.path = "";
a.create = function(c) {
return new a(c)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("host") && b.uint32(10).string(;
null != a.protocol && a.hasOwnProperty("protocol") && b.uint32(18).string(a.protocol);
null != a.path && a.hasOwnProperty("path") && b.uint32(26).string(a.path);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Page.Location; a.pos <
c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.string();
case 2:
d.protocol = a.string();
case 3:
d.path = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.Scroll = function() {
function a(a) {
this.scroll = [];
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null != a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
} = 0;
a.prototype.scroll = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(c) {
return new a(c)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("target") && b.uint32(8).int32(;
if (null != a.scroll && a.scroll.length) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.scroll.length; ++c) b.int32(a.scroll[c]);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Page.Scroll; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2:
d.scroll && d.scroll.length || (d.scroll = []);
if (2 == (7 & f))
for (f = a.uint32() + a.pos; a.pos < f;) d.scroll.push(a.int32());
else d.scroll.push(a.int32());
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.Meta = function() {
function a(a) {
this.initialScroll = [];
if (a)
for (var c = Object.keys(a), b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) null != a[c[b]] && (this[c[b]] = a[c[b]])
a.prototype.doctype = "";
a.prototype.title = "";
a.prototype.address = ""; = "";
a.prototype.referrer = "";
a.prototype.base = "";
a.prototype.hasBase = !1;
a.prototype.screen = null;
a.prototype.viewport = null;
a.prototype.location = null;
a.prototype.initialScroll = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(c) {
return new a(c)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null !=
a.doctype && a.hasOwnProperty("doctype") && b.uint32(10).string(a.doctype);
null != a.title && a.hasOwnProperty("title") && b.uint32(18).string(a.title);
null != a.address && a.hasOwnProperty("address") && b.uint32(26).string(a.address);
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("ua") && b.uint32(34).string(;
null != a.referrer && a.hasOwnProperty("referrer") && b.uint32(42).string(a.referrer);
null != a.base && a.hasOwnProperty("base") && b.uint32(50).string(a.base);
null != a.hasBase && a.hasOwnProperty("hasBase") && b.uint32(56).bool(a.hasBase);
null != a.screen && a.hasOwnProperty("screen") && h.Page.Box.encode(a.screen, b.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.viewport && a.hasOwnProperty("viewport") && h.Page.Box.encode(a.viewport, b.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.location && a.hasOwnProperty("location") && h.Page.Location.encode(a.location, b.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim();
if (null != a.initialScroll && a.initialScroll.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.initialScroll.length; ++c) h.Page.Scroll.encode(a.initialScroll[c], b.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a,
b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Page.Meta; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.doctype = a.string();
case 2:
d.title = a.string();
case 3:
d.address = a.string();
case 4: = a.string();
case 5:
d.referrer = a.string();
case 6:
d.base = a.string();
case 7:
d.hasBase = a.bool();
case 8:
d.screen = h.Page.Box.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 9:
d.viewport = h.Page.Box.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 10:
d.location = h.Page.Location.decode(a,
case 11:
d.initialScroll && d.initialScroll.length || (d.initialScroll = []);
d.initialScroll.push(h.Page.Scroll.decode(a, a.uint32()));
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.Content = function() {
function a(a) {
this.attributes = {};
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
} = 0; = "";
a.prototype.attributes = k.emptyObject;
a.prototype.parent = 0;
a.prototype.content = ""; = 0;
a.prototype.prev = 0;
a.create =
function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(8).int32(;
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("name") && b.uint32(18).string(;
if (null != a.attributes && a.hasOwnProperty("attributes"))
for (var c = Object.keys(a.attributes), d = 0; d < c.length; ++d) b.uint32(26).fork().uint32(10).string(c[d]).uint32(18).string(a.attributes[c[d]]).ldelim();
null != a.parent && a.hasOwnProperty("parent") && b.uint32(32).int32(a.parent);
null != a.content && a.hasOwnProperty("content") &&
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("next") && b.uint32(48).int32(;
null != a.prev && a.hasOwnProperty("prev") && b.uint32(56).int32(a.prev);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c, d = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, f = new h.Page.Content; a.pos < d;) switch (c = a.uint32(), c >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2: = a.string();
case 3:
f.attributes === k.emptyObject && (f.attributes = {});
c = a.string();
f.attributes[c] = a.string();
case 4:
f.parent = a.int32();
case 5:
f.content = a.string();
case 6: = a.int32();
case 7:
f.prev = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & c)
return f
return a
return a
h.Mutation = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
} = 0;
a.prototype.stamp = 0;
a.prototype.meta = null;
a.prototype.frameId = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("target") &&
null != a.stamp && a.hasOwnProperty("stamp") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.stamp);
null != a.meta && a.hasOwnProperty("meta") && h.Mutation.Meta.encode(a.meta, b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.frameId && a.hasOwnProperty("frameId") && b.uint32(32).sint32(a.frameId);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Mutation; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2:
d.stamp = a.int32();
case 3:
d.meta =
h.Mutation.Meta.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 4:
d.frameId = a.sint32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
a.Delete = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
} = 0; = 0;
a.prototype.nx = 0; = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(8).int32(;
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("pr") && b.uint32(16).int32(;
null !=
a.nx && a.hasOwnProperty("nx") && b.uint32(24).int32(a.nx);
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("pa") && b.uint32(32).int32(;
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Mutation.Delete; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2: = a.int32();
case 3:
d.nx = a.int32();
case 4: = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.Add = function() {
function a(a) { = {};
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a),
c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
} = 0;
a.prototype.nm = ""; = 0;
a.prototype.ns = ""; = 0; = k.emptyObject;
a.prototype.ct = "";
a.prototype.nx = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(8).int32(;
null != a.nm && a.hasOwnProperty("nm") && b.uint32(18).string(a.nm);
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("pa") && b.uint32(24).int32(;
null != a.ns && a.hasOwnProperty("ns") &&
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("pr") && b.uint32(40).int32(;
if (null != && a.hasOwnProperty("at"))
for (var c = Object.keys(, d = 0; d < c.length; ++d) b.uint32(50).fork().uint32(10).string(c[d]).uint32(18).string([c[d]]).ldelim();
null != a.ct && a.hasOwnProperty("ct") && b.uint32(58).string(a.ct);
null != a.nx && a.hasOwnProperty("nx") && b.uint32(64).int32(a.nx);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c, d = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, f = new h.Mutation.Add; a.pos <
d;) switch (c = a.uint32(), c >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2:
f.nm = a.string();
case 3: = a.int32();
case 4:
f.ns = a.string();
case 5: = a.int32();
case 6:
a.skip().pos++; === k.emptyObject && ( = {});
c = a.string();
a.pos++;[c] = a.string();
case 7:
f.ct = a.string();
case 8:
f.nx = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & c)
return f
return a
a.BeforeAfter = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
a.prototype.o =
a.prototype.n = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.o && a.hasOwnProperty("o") && b.uint32(10).string(a.o);
null != a.n && a.hasOwnProperty("n") && b.uint32(18).string(a.n);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Mutation.BeforeAfter; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.o = a.string();
case 2:
d.n = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.AttributeChange =
function() {
function a(a) { = {};
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
} = 0; = k.emptyObject;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(8).int32(;
if (null != && a.hasOwnProperty("at"))
for (var c = Object.keys(, d = 0; d < c.length; ++d) b.uint32(18).fork().uint32(10).string(c[d]), h.Mutation.BeforeAfter.encode([c[d]], b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim().ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c, d = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, f = new h.Mutation.AttributeChange; a.pos < d;) switch (c = a.uint32(), c >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2:
a.skip().pos++; === k.emptyObject && ( = {});
c = a.string();
a.pos++;[c] = h.Mutation.BeforeAfter.decode(a, a.uint32());
a.skipType(7 & c)
return f
return a
a.TextChange = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
} = 0;
a.prototype.ct = null;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(8).int32(;
null != a.ct && a.hasOwnProperty("ct") && h.Mutation.BeforeAfter.encode(a.ct, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Mutation.TextChange; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2:
d.ct = h.Mutation.BeforeAfter.decode(a,
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.Changes = function() {
function a(a) {
this.a = [];
this.b = [];
this.c = [];
this.d = [];
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
a.prototype.a = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.b = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.c = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.d = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
if (null != a.a && a.a.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.a.length; ++c) h.Mutation.Delete.encode(a.a[c], b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
if (null != a.b && a.b.length)
for (c = 0; c < a.b.length; ++c) h.Mutation.Add.encode(a.b[c], b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
if (null != a.c && a.c.length)
for (c = 0; c < a.c.length; ++c) h.Mutation.AttributeChange.encode(a.c[c], b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();
if (null != a.d && a.d.length)
for (c = 0; c < a.d.length; ++c) h.Mutation.TextChange.encode(a.d[c], b.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Mutation.Changes; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>>
3) {
case 1:
d.a && d.a.length || (d.a = []);
d.a.push(h.Mutation.Delete.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 2:
d.b && d.b.length || (d.b = []);
d.b.push(h.Mutation.Add.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 3:
d.c && d.c.length || (d.c = []);
d.c.push(h.Mutation.AttributeChange.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 4:
d.d && d.d.length || (d.d = []);
d.d.push(h.Mutation.TextChange.decode(a, a.uint32()));
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.Meta = function() {
function a(a) {
this.changes = [];
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null !=
a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
a.prototype.index = 0;
a.prototype.changes = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.index && a.hasOwnProperty("index") && b.uint32(8).int32(a.index);
if (null != a.changes && a.changes.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.changes.length; ++c) h.Mutation.Changes.encode(a.changes[c], b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Mutation.Meta; a.pos < c;) {
var f =
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.index = a.int32();
case 2:
d.changes && d.changes.length || (d.changes = []);
d.changes.push(h.Mutation.Changes.decode(a, a.uint32()));
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
return a
h.Event = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
a.prototype.type = 0; = 0;
a.prototype.frameId = 0;
a.prototype.mouseEvent = null;
a.prototype.scrollEvent = null;
a.prototype.windowEvent = null;
a.prototype.selectionEvent =
a.prototype.changeEvent = null;
a.prototype.touchEvent = null;
a.prototype.methodEvent = null;
a.prototype.propertyEvent = null;
a.prototype.zoomEvent = null;
a.prototype.resizeEvent = null;
a.prototype.keystrokesEvent = null;
a.prototype.deviceRotationEvent = null;
a.prototype.fatalErrorEvent = null;
a.prototype.hashchangeEvent = null;
var b;
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "meta", {
get: k.oneOfGetter(b = "mouseEvent scrollEvent windowEvent selectionEvent changeEvent touchEvent methodEvent propertyEvent zoomEvent resizeEvent keystrokesEvent deviceRotationEvent fatalErrorEvent hashchangeEvent".split(" ")),
set: k.oneOfSetter(b)
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.type && a.hasOwnProperty("type") && b.uint32(8).int32(a.type);
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("target") && b.uint32(16).sint32(;
null != a.frameId && a.hasOwnProperty("frameId") && b.uint32(24).sint32(a.frameId);
null != a.mouseEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("mouseEvent") && h.MouseEvent.encode(a.mouseEvent, b.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.scrollEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("scrollEvent") && h.ScrollEvent.encode(a.scrollEvent,
null != a.windowEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("windowEvent") && h.WindowEvent.encode(a.windowEvent, b.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.selectionEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("selectionEvent") && h.SelectionEvent.encode(a.selectionEvent, b.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.changeEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("changeEvent") && h.ChangeEvent.encode(a.changeEvent, b.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.touchEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("touchEvent") && h.TouchEvent.encode(a.touchEvent, b.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.methodEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("methodEvent") && h.MethodEvent.encode(a.methodEvent, b.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.propertyEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("propertyEvent") && h.PropertyEvent.encode(a.propertyEvent, b.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.zoomEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("zoomEvent") && h.ZoomEvent.encode(a.zoomEvent, b.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.resizeEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("resizeEvent") && h.ResizeEvent.encode(a.resizeEvent, b.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.keystrokesEvent &&
a.hasOwnProperty("keystrokesEvent") && h.KeystrokesEvent.encode(a.keystrokesEvent, b.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.deviceRotationEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("deviceRotationEvent") && h.DeviceRotationEvent.encode(a.deviceRotationEvent, b.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.fatalErrorEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("fatalErrorEvent") && h.FatalErrorEvent.encode(a.fatalErrorEvent, b.uint32(130).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.hashchangeEvent && a.hasOwnProperty("hashchangeEvent") && h.HashchangeEvent.encode(a.hashchangeEvent,
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.Event; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.type = a.int32();
case 2: = a.sint32();
case 3:
d.frameId = a.sint32();
case 4:
d.mouseEvent = h.MouseEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 5:
d.scrollEvent = h.ScrollEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 6:
d.windowEvent = h.WindowEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 7:
d.selectionEvent = h.SelectionEvent.decode(a,
case 8:
d.changeEvent = h.ChangeEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 9:
d.touchEvent = h.TouchEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 10:
d.methodEvent = h.MethodEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 11:
d.propertyEvent = h.PropertyEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 12:
d.zoomEvent = h.ZoomEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 13:
d.resizeEvent = h.ResizeEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 14:
d.keystrokesEvent = h.KeystrokesEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 15:
d.deviceRotationEvent = h.DeviceRotationEvent.decode(a,
case 16:
d.fatalErrorEvent = h.FatalErrorEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 17:
d.hashchangeEvent = h.HashchangeEvent.decode(a, a.uint32());
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.MouseEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.x = 0;
a.prototype.y = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.x && a.hasOwnProperty("x") && b.uint32(8).int32(a.x);
null !=
a.y && a.hasOwnProperty("y") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.y);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.MouseEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.x = a.int32();
case 2:
d.y = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.ScrollEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.x = 0;
a.prototype.y = 0; = !1;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.x && a.hasOwnProperty("x") && b.uint32(8).int32(a.x);
null != a.y && a.hasOwnProperty("y") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.y);
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("page") && b.uint32(24).bool(;
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ScrollEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.x = a.int32();
case 2:
d.y = a.int32();
case 3: = a.bool();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.WindowEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.WindowEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.SelectionEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] &&
(this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.start = 0;
a.prototype.end = 0;
a.prototype.startNode = 0;
a.prototype.endNode = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.start && a.hasOwnProperty("start") && b.uint32(8).int32(a.start);
null != a.end && a.hasOwnProperty("end") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.end);
null != a.startNode && a.hasOwnProperty("startNode") && b.uint32(24).int32(a.startNode);
null != a.endNode && a.hasOwnProperty("endNode") && b.uint32(32).int32(a.endNode);
return b
a.decode = function(a,
b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.SelectionEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.start = a.int32();
case 2:
d.end = a.int32();
case 3:
d.startNode = a.int32();
case 4:
d.endNode = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.ChangeEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.value = "";
a.prototype.checked = !1;
a.prototype.hidden = !1;
a.create =
function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.value && a.hasOwnProperty("value") && b.uint32(10).string(a.value);
null != a.checked && a.hasOwnProperty("checked") && b.uint32(16).bool(a.checked);
null != a.hidden && a.hasOwnProperty("hidden") && b.uint32(24).bool(a.hidden);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ChangeEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.value = a.string();
case 2:
d.checked = a.bool();
case 3:
d.hidden = a.bool();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.TouchEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
this.touches = [];
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.touches = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
if (null != a.touches && a.touches.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.touches.length; ++c) h.TouchEvent.SubMeta.encode(a.touches[c], b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a,
b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.TouchEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.touches && d.touches.length || (d.touches = []);
d.touches.push(h.TouchEvent.SubMeta.decode(a, a.uint32()));
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
a.SubMeta = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
} = "";
a.prototype.x = 0;
a.prototype.y = 0;
a.prototype.force = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(10).string(;
null != a.x && a.hasOwnProperty("x") && b.uint32(21)["float"](a.x);
null != a.y && a.hasOwnProperty("y") && b.uint32(29)["float"](a.y);
null != a.force && a.hasOwnProperty("force") && b.uint32(37)["float"](a.force);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.TouchEvent.SubMeta; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.string();
case 2:
d.x =
case 3:
d.y = a["float"]();
case 4:
d.force = a["float"]();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
return a
h.ZoomEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.zoomFrom = null;
a.prototype.zoomTo = null;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.zoomFrom && a.hasOwnProperty("zoomFrom") && h.ZoomEvent.ZoomPoint.encode(a.zoomFrom, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.zoomTo && a.hasOwnProperty("zoomTo") && h.ZoomEvent.ZoomPoint.encode(a.zoomTo, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ZoomEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.zoomFrom = h.ZoomEvent.ZoomPoint.decode(a, a.uint32());
case 2:
d.zoomTo = h.ZoomEvent.ZoomPoint.decode(a, a.uint32());
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
a.ZoomPoint = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a),
c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
a.prototype.level = 0;
a.prototype.x = 0;
a.prototype.y = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.level && a.hasOwnProperty("level") && b.uint32(13)["float"](a.level);
null != a.x && a.hasOwnProperty("x") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.x);
null != a.y && a.hasOwnProperty("y") && b.uint32(24).int32(a.y);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ZoomEvent.ZoomPoint; a.pos <
c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.level = a["float"]();
case 2:
d.x = a.int32();
case 3:
d.y = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
return a
h.ResizeEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.width = 0;
a.prototype.height = 0;
a.prototype.pageWidth = 0;
a.prototype.pageHeight = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.width && a.hasOwnProperty("width") &&
null != a.height && a.hasOwnProperty("height") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.height);
null != a.pageWidth && a.hasOwnProperty("pageWidth") && b.uint32(24).int32(a.pageWidth);
null != a.pageHeight && a.hasOwnProperty("pageHeight") && b.uint32(32).int32(a.pageHeight);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ResizeEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.width = a.int32();
case 2:
d.height = a.int32();
case 3:
d.pageWidth =
case 4:
d.pageHeight = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.MethodEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
this.args = [];
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.method = "";
a.prototype.args = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.method && a.hasOwnProperty("method") && b.uint32(10).string(a.method);
if (null != a.args && a.args.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.args.length; ++c) b.uint32(18).string(a.args[c]);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.MethodEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.method = a.string();
case 2:
d.args && d.args.length || (d.args = []);
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.PropertyEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
} = "";
a.prototype.value = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("property") && b.uint32(10).string(;
null != a.value && a.hasOwnProperty("value") && b.uint32(18).string(a.value);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.PropertyEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.string();
case 2:
d.value = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.KeystrokesEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
this.keystrokes = [];
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.keystrokes = k.emptyArray;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
if (null != a.keystrokes && a.keystrokes.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.keystrokes.length; ++c) h.KeystrokesEvent.KeystrokeEvent.encode(a.keystrokes[c], b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.KeystrokesEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f =
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.keystrokes && d.keystrokes.length || (d.keystrokes = []);
d.keystrokes.push(h.KeystrokesEvent.KeystrokeEvent.decode(a, a.uint32()));
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
a.KeystrokeEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) null != a[b[c]] && (this[b[c]] = a[b[c]])
} = 0;
a.prototype.key = "";
a.prototype.isMeta = !1;
a.prototype.modifier = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") &&
null != a.key && a.hasOwnProperty("key") && b.uint32(18).string(a.key);
null != a.isMeta && a.hasOwnProperty("isMeta") && b.uint32(24).bool(a.isMeta);
null != a.modifier && a.hasOwnProperty("modifier") && b.uint32(34).string(a.modifier);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.KeystrokesEvent.KeystrokeEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.int32();
case 2:
d.key = a.string();
case 3:
d.isMeta = a.bool();
case 4:
d.modifier = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
return a
h.DeviceRotationEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.width = 0;
a.prototype.height = 0;
a.prototype.orientation = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.width && a.hasOwnProperty("width") && b.uint32(8).int32(a.width);
null != a.height && a.hasOwnProperty("height") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.height);
null != a.orientation && a.hasOwnProperty("orientation") && b.uint32(24).int32(a.orientation);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.DeviceRotationEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.width = a.int32();
case 2:
d.height = a.int32();
case 3:
d.orientation = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.FatalErrorEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null !=
a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.code = "";
a.prototype.exception = "";
a.prototype.stack = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.code && a.hasOwnProperty("code") && b.uint32(10).string(a.code);
null != a.exception && a.hasOwnProperty("exception") && b.uint32(18).string(a.exception);
null != a.stack && a.hasOwnProperty("stack") && b.uint32(26).string(a.stack);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.FatalErrorEvent; a.pos <
c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.code = a.string();
case 2:
d.exception = a.string();
case 3:
d.stack = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.HashchangeEvent = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.hash = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != a.hash && a.hasOwnProperty("hash") && b.uint32(10).string(a.hash);
return b
a.decode = function(a,
b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.HashchangeEvent; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.hash = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.EventType = function() {
var a = {},
b = Object.create(a);
b[a[0] = "mousemove"] = 0;
b[a[1] = "mouseup"] = 1;
b[a[2] = "mousedown"] = 2;
b[a[3] = "click"] = 3;
b[a[4] = "scroll"] = 4;
b[a[5] = "windowblur"] = 5;
b[a[6] = "windowfocus"] = 6;
b[a[7] = "focus"] = 7;
b[a[8] = "blur"] = 8;
b[a[9] = "eof"] = 9;
b[a[10] = "selection"] = 10;
b[a[11] = "change"] =
b[a[12] = "input"] = 12;
b[a[13] = "touchmove"] = 13;
b[a[14] = "touchstart"] = 14;
b[a[15] = "touchend"] = 15;
b[a[16] = "touchcancel"] = 16;
b[a[17] = "touchforcechange"] = 17;
b[a[18] = "canvasMethod"] = 18;
b[a[19] = "canvasProperty"] = 19;
b[a[20] = "zoom"] = 20;
b[a[21] = "resize"] = 21;
b[a[22] = "mediaMethod"] = 22;
b[a[23] = "mediaProperty"] = 23;
b[a[24] = "keystroke"] = 24;
b[a[25] = "deviceRotation"] = 25;
b[a[26] = "fatalError"] = 26;
b[a[27] = "hashchange"] = 27;
return b
h.PublishersHeader = function() {
function a(a) {
this.articleMeta = [];
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a),
d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
a.prototype.articleMeta = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.involvedTime = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
if (null != a.articleMeta && a.articleMeta.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.articleMeta.length; ++c) h.ArticleMeta.encode(a.articleMeta[c], b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.involvedTime && a.hasOwnProperty("involvedTime") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.involvedTime);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.PublishersHeader; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1:
d.articleMeta && d.articleMeta.length || (d.articleMeta = []);
d.articleMeta.push(h.ArticleMeta.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 2:
d.involvedTime = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.ArticleMeta = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
} = 0;
a.prototype.x = 0;
a.prototype.y = 0;
a.prototype.width =
a.prototype.height = 0;
a.prototype.involvedTime = 0;
a.prototype.maxScrolled = 0;
a.prototype.chars = 0;
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(8).uint32(;
null != a.x && a.hasOwnProperty("x") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.x);
null != a.y && a.hasOwnProperty("y") && b.uint32(24).int32(a.y);
null != a.width && a.hasOwnProperty("width") && b.uint32(32).int32(a.width);
null != a.height && a.hasOwnProperty("height") && b.uint32(40).int32(a.height);
null !=
a.involvedTime && a.hasOwnProperty("involvedTime") && b.uint32(48).int32(a.involvedTime);
null != a.maxScrolled && a.hasOwnProperty("maxScrolled") && b.uint32(61)["float"](a.maxScrolled);
null != a.chars && a.hasOwnProperty("chars") && b.uint32(64).int32(a.chars);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ArticleMeta; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.uint32();
case 2:
d.x = a.int32();
case 3:
d.y = a.int32();
case 4:
d.width =
case 5:
d.height = a.int32();
case 6:
d.involvedTime = a.int32();
case 7:
d.maxScrolled = a["float"]();
case 8:
d.chars = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.ArticleInfo = function() {
function a(a) {
this.authors = [];
this.topics = [];
this.rubric = [];
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
} = 0;
a.prototype.pageUrlCanonical = "";
a.prototype.pageTitle = "";
a.prototype.authors = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.topics = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.publicationDate = "";
a.prototype.chars = 0;
a.prototype.rubric = k.emptyArray;
a.prototype.updateDate = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("id") && b.uint32(8).uint32(;
null != a.pageUrlCanonical && a.hasOwnProperty("pageUrlCanonical") && b.uint32(18).string(a.pageUrlCanonical);
null != a.pageTitle && a.hasOwnProperty("pageTitle") && b.uint32(26).string(a.pageTitle);
if (null != a.authors && a.authors.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.authors.length; ++c) h.ArticleAuthor.encode(a.authors[c],
if (null != a.topics && a.topics.length)
for (c = 0; c < a.topics.length; ++c) h.ArticleTopic.encode(a.topics[c], b.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.publicationDate && a.hasOwnProperty("publicationDate") && b.uint32(50).string(a.publicationDate);
null != a.chars && a.hasOwnProperty("chars") && b.uint32(56).int32(a.chars);
if (null != a.rubric && a.rubric.length)
for (c = 0; c < a.rubric.length; ++c) h.ArticleRubric.encode(a.rubric[c], b.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim();
null != a.updateDate && a.hasOwnProperty("updateDate") &&
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ArticleInfo; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.uint32();
case 2:
d.pageUrlCanonical = a.string();
case 3:
d.pageTitle = a.string();
case 4:
d.authors && d.authors.length || (d.authors = []);
d.authors.push(h.ArticleAuthor.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 5:
d.topics && d.topics.length || (d.topics = []);
d.topics.push(h.ArticleTopic.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 6:
d.publicationDate = a.string();
case 7:
d.chars = a.int32();
case 8:
d.rubric && d.rubric.length || (d.rubric = []);
d.rubric.push(h.ArticleRubric.decode(a, a.uint32()));
case 9:
d.updateDate = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.ArticleAuthor = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
} = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != &&
a.hasOwnProperty("name") && b.uint32(10).string(;
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ArticleAuthor; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.ArticleTopic = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
} = "";
a.create = function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b ||
(b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("name") && b.uint32(10).string(;
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ArticleTopic; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.string();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
h.ArticleRubric = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a)
for (var b = Object.keys(a), d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) null != a[b[d]] && (this[b[d]] = a[b[d]])
} = "";
a.prototype.position = 0;
a.create =
function(b) {
return new a(b)
a.encode = function(a, b) {
b || (b = g.create());
null != && a.hasOwnProperty("name") && b.uint32(10).string(;
null != a.position && a.hasOwnProperty("position") && b.uint32(16).int32(a.position);
return b
a.decode = function(a, b) {
a instanceof e || (a = e.create(a));
for (var c = void 0 === b ? a.len : a.pos + b, d = new h.ArticleRubric; a.pos < c;) {
var f = a.uint32();
switch (f >>> 3) {
case 1: = a.string();
case 2:
d.position = a.int32();
a.skipType(7 & f)
return d
return a
a.exports =
hb = {
ScrollEvent: {
type: G.ScrollEvent,
events: ["scroll"]
SelectionEvent: {
type: G.SelectionEvent,
events: ["selection"]
ChangeEvent: {
type: G.ChangeEvent,
events: ["change", "input"]
MethodEvent: {
type: G.MethodEvent,
events: ["canvasMethod", "mediaMethod"]
PropertyEvent: {
type: G.PropertyEvent,
events: ["canvasProperty", "mediaProperty"]
KeystrokeEvent: {
type: G.KeystrokesEvent,
events: ["keystroke"]
ZoomEvent: {
type: G.ZoomEvent,
events: ["zoom"]
ResizeEvent: {
type: G.ResizeEvent,
events: ["resize"]
WindowEvent: {
type: G.WindowEvent,
events: ["windowfocus", "windowblur", "focus", "blur", "eof"]
MouseEvent: {
type: G.MouseEvent,
events: ["mousemove", "mouseup", "mousedown", "click"]
DeviceRotationEvent: {
type: G.DeviceRotationEvent,
events: ["deviceRotation"]
FatalErrorEvent: {
type: G.FatalErrorEvent,
events: ["fatalError"]
TouchEvent: {
type: G.TouchEvent,
events: ["touchmove", "touchstart", "touchend", "touchcancel", "touchforcechange"]
Sb = k.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a.concat( {
return {
eventName: a,
type: hb[b].type,
typeStr: b
}, hb[b].events))
[], k.keys(hb)),
rb = va.inherit({
protocol: "",
chunkSize: 0,
counterId: "",
counterType: "",
meta: null,
maxBufferSize: 7E5,
serializer: {
nullToStr: function(a) {
var b = this;
if (k.isArray(a)) return {
return b.nullToStr(a)
}, a);
if (k.isObject(a)) k.forEachKey(a, function(d, e) {
a[d] = b.nullToStr(e);
return !0
else if (null === a || a === w) a = "";
return a
uncapitalize: function(a, b) {
var d = a.slice(1);
return a.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + (b ? d.toLowerCase() : d)
capitalize: function(a, b) {
var d = a.slice(1);
return a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
(b ? d.toLowerCase() : d)
notNaN: function(a) {
return isNaN(a) && "number" == typeof a ? 0 : a
eventSerialize: function(a) {
var b = k.filter(function(b) {
return b.eventName == a.type
}, Sb),
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) var e = b[d];
if (e) return d = new e.type(this.nullToStr(a.meta)), b = new G.Event({
type: G.EventType[e.eventName],
frameId: a.frameId
}), b[this.uncapitalize(e.typeStr)] = d, b
pageSerialize: function(a) {
return new G.Page(this.nullToStr(a))
articleInfoSerialize: function(a) {
return new G.ArticleInfo(this.nullToStr(a))
publishersHeaderSerialize: function(a) {
return new G.PublishersHeader(this.nullToStr(a))
mutationSerialize: function(a) {
return new G.Mutation(this.nullToStr(a))
initBuffer: function() {
return new G.BufferWrapper
appendBuffer: function(a, b) {
serializeChunk: function(a) {
return this.serializeBuffer(null, a)
serializeBuffer: function(a, b, d) {
var e = new G.Buffer(b);
a = a || new G.Wrapper;
b || ( = a);
d !== w && (e.stamp = d);
b && b.stamp === w && (e.stamp = x.getFormStart());
return e
toTransport: function(a,
b, d, e) {
var g = b || "BufferWrapper",
k = this;
if (d) fb.chain([function() {
return k.nullToStr(a)
}, function(a) {
return G[g].encode(a)
}, function(a) {
return a.finish()
}, function(a) {
return, a)
}], "", !1, "toTransportChain." + g);
else return G[g].encode(this.nullToStr(a)).finish()
fromTrasport: function(a, b) {
if ("number" == typeof a[0]) return G[b || "BufferWrapper"].decode(a)
serialize: function(a, b, d) {
var e = {},
g = {},
k = this[a + "Serialize"];
if (k) e[a] =, b), g = new G.Wrapper(e);
else if (d && G.Wrapper.prototype[a] !==
w) g[a] = b;
else throw "Unrecoginze type of message";
return d ? G.Wrapper.encode(g).finish() : g
_dataSize: 0,
flushTimeout: 2E3,
storageKey: "visorbuff3",
active: !1,
wvType: 3,
_v: "",
_initComponent: function() {
this._sender = new gb({
version: this.wvType,
protocol: this.protocol,
browserInfoMix: this.browserInfoMix,
globalConfig: this.globalConfig,
counterId: this.counterId,
counterType: this.counterType
this.maxChunkSize = .9 * this.maxBufferSize;
Ua.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments)
activate: function() { ||
( = !0)
mergeData: function(a, b) { && 0 === || (this.serializer.appendBuffer(a, b), this._dataSize = 0)
_getSize: function(a) {
return a.length
sendEncoded: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
var k = this._getSize(a),
h = this.getFlushSize(),
m = 0,
f = 0,
c = 1;
d.size = k;
h + k > this.maxBufferSize && h && this._flush(e);
if (k > this.maxBufferSize)
for (h = Math.ceil(k / this.maxChunkSize); f < k;) { = c;
b.end = c === h;
b.chunk = a.slice(m, m += this.maxChunkSize);
if (0 == b.chunk.length) break;
b.size = this._getSize(b.chunk);
f += b.size;
d = this.serializer.serializeChunk(b);, g);
this.append(d, e);
} else d = this.serializer.serializeBuffer(d, null, b.stamp),, g), this.append(d, e)
addData: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
var p = {
type: a
this._v = d;
this.wrappers.length && k.arrayEvery(this.wrappers, function(d) {
d.trigger && d.trigger(a, b);
return 1
if (g) {
var h = this.serializer.serializeBuffer({
size: 0
this.append(h, e)
} else this._data && 0 == this._data.buffer.length && (this.startBufferTime = x.getSeconds()), b.stamp !== w && (p.stamp = b.stamp, delete b.stamp), h = this.serializer.serialize(a,
b), e ? (d = this.serializer.toTransport(h, "Wrapper"), this.sendEncoded(d, p, h, !0, {
id: a,
data: b
})) : this.serializer.toTransport(h, "Wrapper", function(d) {
this.sendEncoded(d, p, h, !1, {
id: a,
data: b
}, this)
dataFromStorage: function(a) {
return this.serializer.fromTrasport(a)
dataToStorage: function(a) {
return this.serializer.toTransport(a)
getFlushSize: function() {
var a = this,
b = k.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + ( ? : b.size)
}, 0, this._data.buffer);
this.wrappers.length && (b += k.reduce(function(b, e) {
var d = e.getBufferData();
return b += a.serializer.serialize(d.type,, !0).length
}, b, this.wrappers));
return b
onFlush: function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = this;
this._dataSize = 0;
a && (this.wrappers.length && (k.arrayEvery(this.wrappers, function(b) {
if (!b.onFlush) return 1;
k.arrayEvery(a.buffer, function(a) {
a =;
if (!a) return 1;
return 1
}, this)
}, this), a = k.reduce(function(a, b) {
var d = b.getBufferData(),
e = {
data: {}
};[d.type] =;
d = new g.serializer.serializeBuffer(null, e);
g.mergeData(a, d);
return a
}, a, this.wrappers)),
e ? this._sender.sendPacket(this.serializer.toTransport(a), b.url, b.hitId, d, b.timezone, b.timestamp, this.startBufferTime) : this.serializer.toTransport(a, "BufferWrapper", function(a) {
this._sender.sendPacket(a, b.url, b.hitId, d, b.timezone, b.timestamp, this.startBufferTime)
}, this))
clear: function() {
this._data = this.serializer.initBuffer();
this._dataSize = 0;
this._flushTID = null; &&
R = {};
R._cookie = new J({
onlyCurrentDomain: !0
R._check = E(function() {
return -1 < n.location.href.indexOf("_ym_debug\x3d1") ||
n._ym_debug || "1" ==="debug")
R.enabled = R._check();
R.log = E(function() {
(-1 < H.href.indexOf("_ym_debug\x3d1") || n._ym_debug) && this._cookie.create("debug", "1");
n.console && console.log && this._check() && (R.enabled = !0, console.log.apply(console, arguments))
}, "DebugConsole.log");
var Tb = I.inherit({
eventMap: {
mousemove: {
val: 0,
multiply: 1 / .68
click: {
val: 0,
multiply: 1 / .00975
input: {
val: 0,
multiply: 1 / .0116
scroll: {
val: 0,
multiply: 1 / .31
fatalError: {
val: 0,
multiply: 1
getBufferData: function() {
var a = this;
return {
type: "activity",
data: k.reduce(function(b, d) {
var e = a.eventMap[d];
return Math.round(b + e.val * e.multiply)
}, 0, k.keys(this.eventMap))
onFlush: function(a, b) {
var d;
if (d = this.eventMap["event" !== a ? a : b.type]) d.val += 1
Ub = I.inherit({
buffer: null,
meta: !1,
activeEvents: "page resize scroll mousemove mousedown click windowfocus keystroke deviceRotation input touchmove touchstart".split(" "),
isStopped: !1,
schemas: {
schema: {
id: "s",
_select: function(a, b) {
return a.querySelectorAll(b)
_getVal: function(a) {
if (a &&
0 != a.length) return a.length === w && (a = [a]), a[0].getAttribute("content") || a[0].innerText
_getDate: function(a) {
var b = "";
a.length || (a = [a]);
a = a[0];
return b = a.attributes && a.attributes.datetime ? b + a.attributes.datetime.value : b + this._getVal(a)
fields: {
id: function(a) {
var b = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"identifier"]');
if (b.length) return this._getVal(b);
b = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"mainEntityOfPage"]');
return b.length && b[0].getAttribute("itemid") ? b[0].getAttribute("itemid") : null
chars: function(a) {
var b =
d = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"articleBody"]');
return b = d.length ? b + d[0].innerText.length : b + a.innerText.length
topics: function(a) {
var b = [];
a = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"about"]');
return b = {
var b = {};
a = self._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"name"]');
a.length && ( = self._getVal(a));
return b
}, a)
rubric: function(a) {
var b = [],
d = this;
a = this._select(a, '[itemtype\x3d""]');
a.length || (a = this._select(this.root, '[itemtype\x3d""]'));
a.length && (a = this._select(a[0], '[itemprop\x3d"itemListElement"]'), a.length && (b = {
return {
name: d._getVal(d._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"name"]')),
position: d._getVal(d._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"position"]'))
}, a)));
return b
updateDate: function(a) {
a = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"dateModified"]');
return a.length ? this._getDate(a) : ""
publicationDate: function(a) {
a = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"datePublished"]');
return a.length ? this._getDate(a) : ""
pageUrlCanonical: function() {
var a = this._select(this.root,
if (a.length) return a[0].href
pageTitle: function(a) {
var b = "",
d = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"headline"]');
d.length && (b += this._getVal(d));
d = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"alternativeHeadline"]');
d.length && (b += " " + this._getVal(d));
return b
authors: function(a) {
a = this._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"author"]');
var b = this,
d = [];
return d = {
var d = {};
if ("" == a.getAttribute("itemtype")) {
var e = b._select(a, '[itemprop\x3d"name"]');
e.length && ( = b._getVal(e))
} ||
( = a.getAttribute("content") || a.innerText || a.getAttribute("href"));
return d
}, a)
_nodeToDict: function(a, b) {
var d = {},
e, g, p = this;
if (b) return p.fields[b].call(p, a); {
d[b] = p.fields[b].call(p, a);
return 1
}, k.keys(this.fields));
d.stamp = x.getFormStart(); || ( = d.pageTitle);
if (!
for (e = 1; 5 >= e; e++)
if (g = this._getVal(this._select(a, "h" + e))) { = g;
d.pageTitle = g;
} || (e = this._select(this.root, '[rel\x3d"canonical"]'), e.length && ( = e[0].href)); = k.fnv32a( || 1;
d.update =
k.bind(this._nodeToDict, this, a);
return d
findArticals: function() {
var a, b = [],
d = n.document.querySelectorAll('[itemtype*\x3d"Article"]');
for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++) b.push(k.mixin({
node: d[a],
sended: !1,
involvedTime: 0
}, this._nodeToDict(d[a])));
return b
checkSize: function() {
var a = this,
b = "pai" +,
d = this.globalConfig.get(b, []);
d.push(function(b) {
!a.isStopped && b.length && (a.findArticals(b), a.meta = a.getMeta(), a.send())
this.globalConfig.setSafe(b, d);
if (1 == d.length) {
var e = function(d) {
var g = a.globalConfig.get(b),
h = a._schema.findArticals();
a.meta = a.getMeta();
var m = k.toJSON(a.meta);
if (!a.isStopped) {
if (d !== m)
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) {
var f = {
return k.mixin({}, a)
}, h);
a.timeout = k.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1E3)
stop: function() {
this.isStopped = !0
getBufferData: function() {
return {
type: "publishersHeader",
data: {
articleMeta: this.meta || {},
involvedTime: this.involvedTime || 0
findArticals: function(a) {
var b = {
}, this.articles);
this.articles = this.articles.concat(k.filter(function(a) {
return !k.inArray(b,
}, a))
getScroll: function() {
this.scroll = {
x: n.pageXOffset || this.root.scrollLeft,
y: n.pageYOffset || this.root.scrollTop
_initComponent: function() {
var a = v.getViewportSize();
this.handlers = []; = [];
this.articles = [];
this.root = v.getRootElement();
this.viewbox = {
width: a[0],
height: a[1]
getMeta: function() {
var a = this;
return {
var d = {
involvedTime: b.involvedTime || 0,
maxScrolled: b.maxScrolled || 0,
chars: b.update ? b.update("chars") : 0
b.node && k.isFunction(b.node.getBoundingClientRect) &&
(b = b.node.getBoundingClientRect(), d.x = Math.round(b.left) + a.scroll.x, d.y = Math.round( + a.scroll.y, d.width = Math.round(b.width), d.height = Math.round(b.height));
return d
}, this.articles)
getArticalsToSend: function() {
var a = [],
for (b = 0; b < this.articles.length; b++)
if (!this.articles[b].sended) {
var d = k.mixin({}, this.articles[b]);
delete d.node;
delete d.sended;
delete d.involvedTime;
delete d.visibility;
delete d.maxScrolled;
delete d.update;
} return a
send: function() {
var a = this.getArticalsToSend();
a.length && (this.push({
articleInfo: a
}), k.arrayEvery(this.articles, function(a) {
a.sended = !0;
return 1
start: function(a) {
var b = this;
a && a.schema && this.schemas[a.schema] && n.document && k.isFunction(n.document.querySelectorAll) ? (this.globalConfig.setSafe("pai", function() {
return k.reduce(function(a, b) {
(a.visibility || 0) <= b.visibility && (a = b);
return a
}, {}, b.articles).id
}), this._schema = this.schemas[a.schema], this._schema.root = this.root, this.checkSize()) : this.stop()
push: function(a) {
function(b) {
return 1
middleware: function(a) {
k.arrayEvery(, function(b) {
lastStamp: 0,
involvedTime: 0,
trigger: function(a, b) {
var d = "event" !== a ? a : b.type;
if (k.inArray(this.activeEvents, d)) {
"scroll" == d && b.meta && && (this.scroll = b.meta);
"resize" == d && 0 == && (this.viewbox = b.meta);
var e = x.getMs() - this.lastStamp;
e = Math.min(e, this.MAX_INACTIVE);
this.involvedTime += Math.round(e);
this.lastStamp = x.getMs();
this.meta &&
this.scroll && this.viewbox && k.arrayEvery(this.articles, function(a, b) {
var d = this.meta[b],
g = Math.max((Math.min(this.scroll.y + this.viewbox.height, d.y + d.height) - Math.max(this.scroll.y, d.y)) / this.viewbox.height, 0),
f = Math.max((this.scroll.y + this.viewbox.height - d.y) / d.height, 0);
a.involvedTime += Math.round(g * e);
a.maxScrolled = Math.round(1E4 * f) / 1E4;
a.visibility = g;
d.involvedTime = a.involvedTime;
return 1
}, this)
sb = I.inherit({
hid: 0,
tz: 0,
ts: 0,
counterId: 0,
counterType: 0,
url: "",
protocol: "",
executor: fb,
enabled: !1,
_map: {
page: {
iterate: !1,
name: "page"
events: {
iterate: !0,
name: "event"
mutations: {
iterate: !0,
name: "mutation"
articleInfo: {
iterate: !0,
name: "articleInfo"
_getBufferType: function() {
var a = Ua;
R.enabled || n.Uint8Array && n.Uint8Array.prototype.slice && (a = rb);
return a
_initComponent: E(function() {
var a = this._getBufferType();
this._localStorage = new ca({
counterId: this.counterId
var b = this._localStorage.get("pai");
var d = this._getStorage();
var e ="visorc");
"b" !== e && "w" !== e && (e = "");
if (!d.isEnabled() || bb("opera mini")) e =
this._publisher = new Ub({
globalConfig: this.globalConfig
this._vc = e;
d = {
protocol: this.protocol,
counterId: this.counterId,
counterType: this.counterType,
globalConfig: this.globalConfig,
meta: {
url: this.url,
hitId: this.hid,
timestamp: this.ts
this._recorder = new Kb;
this._buffer = new a(k.mixin({}, d, {
browserInfoMix: {
bt: 1
this._eventsBuffer = new a(k.mixin(d, b && {
browserInfoMix: {
pai: b
"b" !== e && (this._formRecorder =
new Cb(this.protocol, this.counterId, this.counterType, this.hid, this.globalConfig), this._recorder.on("error", function(a) {
Wa(a.error, a.namespace)
}), this._activity = new Tb);
sb.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments)
}, "wv2.init"),
start: E(function(a, b) {
var d = this,
e = this._vc;
if (this._recorder) {
a = a || {};
var g = +a.recp;
if (!isFinite(g) || 0 > g || 1 < g) e = "w";
e || (e = this.hid % 1E4 / 1E4 < g ? "w" : "b");
this._getStorage().create("visorc", e, 30);
"w" === e && this.isEnabled() && this.globalConfig.setSafe("wv2Counter",
"w" === e && this.isEnabled() && this._isCorrectCounter() ? (this._recorder.middleware(function(a) {
}), this._recorder.init(), this._eventsBuffer.wrappers.push(this._activity), this._recorder.start(a), this._formRecorder.start(), this.globalConfig.get("stopRecoder", function() {})(), this.globalConfig.set("stopRecoder", function() {
})) : this._publisher && !this._publisher.isStopped ? (this._recorder.middleware(function(a) {
d.send(, !0)
}), this._recorder.init({
disableIndex: !0,
disableMutations: !0
this._recorder.start(a)) : this.stop();
this._publisher && !this._publisher.isStopped && (this._eventsBuffer.wrappers.push(this._publisher), this._eventsBuffer.setWVType(this._buffer instanceof rb ? 5 : 4), this._publisher.middleware(function(a) {
}, "wv2.start"),
stop: function() {
this._publisher && this._publisher.stop();
this._recorder && (this._recorder.stop(), this._formRecorder && this._formRecorder.stop())
isEnabled: function() {
var a = !this.globalConfig.get("oo");
return this.enabled && n.MutationObserver &&
send: function(a, b) {
var d = a._v;
k.forEachKey(a, function(a, g) {
var e = this._map[a],
h = this._buffer;
if (e) {
var m =;
k.inArray(["event", "articleInfo"], m) && (h = this._eventsBuffer);
e.iterate ? k.forEachKey(g, function(a, c) {
var e = "eof" === c.type,
f = [h],
e && (f = [this._eventsBuffer, this._buffer]);
for (g = 0; g < f.length; g++) this.executor.addAsyncItem(f[g].addData, f[g], e, [m, c, d, e, b], "send." + (c ? c.type || || "" : "empty"))
}, this) : h.addData(m, g, d)
}, this)
getVc: function() {
return this._vc
_getStorage: function() {
this._storage ||
(this._storage = new J({
counterId: this.counterId
return this._storage
_isCorrectCounter: function() {
return this.counterId === this.globalConfig.get("wv2Counter")
tb = {
FN: "ym",
STACK: "a",
counters: [],
waitPool: {},
handle: function(a) {
if (2 > a.length) return 1;
var b = "" + a[0];
k.inArray(b, ":") || (b += ":0");
var d = b.split(":")[0];
var e = a[1];
var g = this.globalConfig.get("counters", {})[b];
"init" == e ? (e = "yaCounter" + d, n[e] || (a = k.mixin(a[2] || {}, {
id: +d
}), n[e] = new n.Ya[this.constructorName](a))) : k.inArray(this.counters, b) &&
g && g[e] ? (a = [], 2), g[e].apply(g, a)) : k.inArray(this.counters, b) || (this.waitPool[b] || (this.waitPool[b] = []), this.waitPool[b].push(a));
return 1
subscribe: function(a) {
a && (this.counters.push(a), this.waitPool[a] && (k.arrayEvery(this.waitPool[a], this.handle, this), delete this.waitPool[a]))
init: function(a, b) {
var d = this,
e = n[this.FN];
if (e) {
var g = e[this.STACK];
this.constructorName = a;
this.globalConfig = b;
g || (e[this.STACK] = g = []);
var p = g.push;
g.push = function() {
var a = p.apply(g, arguments);
d.handle, d);
return a
e && k.isArray(g) && k.arrayEvery(g, this.handle, this)
Vb = function(a, b) {
e = {},
g = !1,
p = function(b) {
g || (a(b), g = !0)
h = b || "aHR0cHM6Ly95YW5kZXgucnUvcG9ydGFsL2dlbmVyYXRlXzIwNA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly95YW5kZXgudWEvcG9ydGFsL2dlbmVyYXRlXzIwNA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly95YW5kZXguZnIvcG9ydGFsL2dlbmVyYXRlXzIwNA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9wYXNzcG9ydC55YW5kZXguZnIvbWMvcGl4ZWw\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9wYXNzcG9ydC55YW5kZXgudWEvbWMvcGl4ZWw\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9wYXNzcG9ydC55YW5kZXgucnUvbWMvcGl4ZWw\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9nZXRmYXN0YnJvd3Nlci5jb20vbWMvcGl4ZWw\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9nZXR5YWJyb3dzZXIuY29tL21jL3BpeGVs aHR0cHM6Ly9nZXRicm93c2VyMjQuY29tL21jL3BpeGVs aHR0cHM6Ly9tYy53ZWJ2aXNvci5jb20vd2F0Y2gvNDQ4ODk0NjMvMQ\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9tYy53ZWJ2aXNvci5vcmcvd2F0Y2gvNDQ4ODk0NjMvMQ\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9tYy55YW5kZXgudWEvd2F0Y2gvNDQ4ODk0NjMvMQ\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9tYy55YW5kZXgucnUvd2F0Y2gvNDQ4ODk0NjMvMQ\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly95bWV0cmljYS5jb20vd2F0Y2gvNDQ4ODk0NjMvMQ\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly95bWV0cmljYTEuY29tL3dhdGNoLzQ0ODg5NDYzLzE aHR0cHM6Ly95bWV0cmljYTIuY29tL3dhdGNoLzQ0ODg5NDYzLzE\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWlsLnlhbmRleC5mci9tYy9waXhlbA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWlsLnlhbmRleC5jb20vbWMvcGl4ZWw\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWlsLnlhbmRleC51YS9tYy9waXhlbA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWlsLnlhbmRleC5ydS9tYy9waXhlbA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9zdGFydHVwLm1vYmlsZS55YW5kZXgubmV0L21jL3BpeGVs aHR0cHM6Ly9zdGFydHVwLm1vYmlsZS53ZWJ2aXNvci5jb20vbWMvcGl4ZWw\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXBvcnQuYXBwbWV0cmljYS53ZWJ2aXNvci5jb20vbWMvcGl4ZWw\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9yZWRpcmVjdC5hcHBtZXRyaWNhLndlYnZpc29yLmNvbS9tYy9waXhlbA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXBvcnQtMS5hcHBtZXRyaWNhLndlYnZpc29yLmNvbS9tYy9waXhlbA\x3d\x3d aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXBvcnQtMi5hcHBtZXRyaWNhLndlYnZpc29yLmNvbS9tYy9waXhlbA\x3d\x3d".split(" "),
m = k.random(0, h.length);
if (n.XMLHttpRequest) {
var f = L.decode(h[m]);
var c = new XMLHttpRequest;
c.timeout = 1E4;"GET", f, !0);
c.ontimeout = function() {
e[f] = {
status: "timeout"
c.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 == c.readyState && c.responseURL && (c.responseURL !== f ? e[f] = {
status: "redirect",
body: c.responseURL
} : 2 >= m ? e[f] = 204 == c.status ? {
status: c.status
} : {
status: "onerror",
code: c.status
} : 200 != c.status || k.inArray(d, L.encode(Sa.encode(c.response))) ? e[f] = {
status: c.status
} : e[f] = {
status: "content"
}, p(e))
c.onerror =
function(a) {
e[f] = {
status: "onerror",
v.loadScript = function(a, b) {
b = b || n;
var d = k.mixin({
type: "text/javascript",
charset: "utf-8",
async: !0
}, a),
e = b.document,
g = k.getNativeFunction("createElement", e),
p = g("script");
if (p) {
p.type = d.type;
p.charset = d.charset;
p.src = d.src;
d.async && (p.async = !0);
try {
var h = e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
if (!h) {
var m = e.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
h = g("head");
m && m.appendChild(h)
h.insertBefore(p, h.firstChild);
return p
} catch (f) {}
var Wb = na.inherit({
id: "script",
index: 6,
timeout: 6E4,
request: function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = !1,
p = k.getNativeFunction("createElement", q)("script");
this.timeout && k.setTimeout(function() {
g || (g = !0, v.removeNode(p),, !1))
}, this.timeout, "ts.request");
if (!p) return g = !0,, !1), !1;
var h = "_ymjsp" + k.random();
n[h] = E(function() {
if (!g) {
try {
delete n[h]
} catch (f) {
n[h] = w
d.apply(e, k.mergeArrays([!0], arguments));
g = !0;
}, "transport.script");
p.type = "text/javascript";
p.src = this._buildUrl(a, k.mixin({
wmode: 5,
callback: h
}, b));
p.async =
var m = q.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
m || (m = q.createElement("head"), q.documentElement.appendChild(m));
k.async(function() {
m.insertBefore(p, m.firstChild)
p.onerror = function() {
g = !0;, !1);
n[h] = w
return !0
ub = Ca.inherit({
id: "XHRhit",
index: 10,
_buildUrl: function(a, b) {
b.wmode = 7;
return ub.superclass._buildUrl.apply(this, [a, b])
_parseResp: function(a) {
var b = ea.parse(a);
if (!b) throw "";
return {
return b[a]
}, k.keys(b))
ib = Ga.inherit({
transports: [ub, Wb],
trimParams: !0,
_initComponent: function() {
this._ilStorage = new ca({
counterId: this.counterId
postParams: [],
checkYandexHost: function(a) {
if (a) {
a: {
if (a = k.parseUrl(a).host.match(/(?:^|\.)(?:ya|yandex)\.(?:\w+|com?\.\w+)$/))
if (a = a[0].split("yandex").reverse()[0].substring(1), -1 != k.arrayIndexOf(ob, a)) break a;a = !1
a && !Fa.isEnabled() && (this.forceHost = "" + a)
sendHit: function(a) {
var b = {},
d = this._ilStorage.get("il");
a.visitColor && ( = a.visitColor);
d && (this._ilStorage.remove("il"), b.ilt = L.encode(Sa.encode(k.trim(d, vb))));
url: a.url,
forceNoRedirect: a.forceNoRedirect,
nohit: a.nohit,
hasPrerender: a.hasPrerender,
title: a.title,
referrer: a.referrer,
vParams: a.vParams,
userParams: a.userParams,
experiments: a.experiments,
modes: a.modes,
browserInfo: b,
ts: a.ts,
callback: a.callback,
ctx: a.ctx
}, "hit")
wb = I.inherit({
cid: 3,
cnt: 0,
KEY_NAME: "wasSynced",
_initComponent: function() {
this._storage = new ca;
this._cookie = new J
hit: function(a, b) {
var d = this,
e = b === w ? !0 : !1,
g = e ? this._storage.get(this.KEY_NAME) : !1,
p = [],
h = this.globalConfig.get("fakeHit");
if (h) return h(function(b) {
!g && e && (g = && (g = ea.parse(g));
g && g.params && g.time + 864E5 > x.getMs() ? (d.globalConfig.set("isEU",, a(g)) : (this.globalConfig.set("fakeHit", function(a) {
}), this._getSender().sendHit({
forceNoRedirect: this.forceNoRedirect,
callback: function(b, e) {
var c = b || {};
g = {
time: x.getMs(),
params: c,
bkParams: e
d._storage.set(d.KEY_NAME, g);
d._cookie.create(d.KEY_NAME, ea.stringify(g), 1728);
function(a) {
k.arrayEvery(p, function(a) {
return 1
_getSender: function() {
this._sender || (this._sender = new ib({
protocol: "https:",
counterType: this.cnt,
counterId: this.cid,
sendTitle: !1,
globalConfig: this.globalConfig,
fake: !0
return this._sender
xb = I.inherit({
baseUrl: "",
globalConfig: B,
baseTld: "ru",
partners: {
"": {
regex: /^([^/]+\.)?yandexsport\.ru$/,
tld: "ru"
"": {
regex: /^([^/]+\.)?beru\.ru$/,
tld: "ru"
"": {
regex: /^([^/]+\.)?kinopoisk\.ru$/,
tld: "ru"
_initComponent: function() {
var a = this;
xb.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this.syncTlds = k.reduce(function(a, d) {
return d(a)
}, ob, [k.bind(k.filter, null, function(b) {
return b !== a.baseTld
}), k.bind(k.reduce, null, function(a, d) {
a[d] = [d];
return a
}, {})]);
k.forEachKey(, function(a, d) {
d.regex.test(n.location.hostname) && (this.syncTlds[d.tld] || (this.syncTlds[d.tld] = []), this.syncTlds[d.tld].push(a), this._replaceBase[a] = !0)
}, this);
this.syncTlds = k.mixin(this.syncTlds, {
ru: [""]
this._replaceBase[""] = !0
_replaceBase: {},
langToDomain: {
ka: "ge",
ro: "md",
tg: "tj",
tk: "tm",
et: "ee",
hy: "",
he: "",
ky: "kg",
uk: "ua",
be: "by",
tr: "",
kk: "kz"
sync: function(a) {
var b = this,
d = this._need(),
e = -1 != K()^|\.)(?:ya|yandex|beru|kinopoisk)\.(?:\w+|com?\.\w+)$/);
this._is() ? a() : (e && b._syncAdmetrica(), d ? (this._setStatus(!0), this._getCn().hit(function() {
b._sync(d, a)
})) : a());
e && this._addMda()
_addMda: function() {
var a = new J({
skipPrefix: !0
b = new J,
d ="mda");
"0" !== d && "1" !== d && a.create("mda", "0", 1036800);"mda") && b.erase("mda")
_is: function() {
try {
return !!this.globalConfig.get("startSync")
} catch (a) {
return !1
_setStatus: function(a) {
try {
this.globalConfig.set("startSync", a)
} catch (b) {}
_need: function() {
var a = this._getDomainByLang(),
b = this._getTld(),
d = [],
(e = this.syncTlds[b]) && d.push.apply(d, e);
e = this.syncTlds[a];
a !== b && e && d.push.apply(d, e);
var g = this._getLs().get("synced") || {};
d = k.arrayFilter(d, function(a) {
return (g[a] || 1) + 1440 < x.getMinutes()
return d.length &&
d || !1
_syncAdmetrica: function() {
var a = new oa({
timeout: 1E3
b = this._getLs();
((b.get("synced") || {}).SYNCED_ADM || 1) + 1440 < x.getMinutes() && a.request("", {}, function(a) {
var d = x.getMinutes();
a = b.get("synced") || {};
b.set("synced", a)
_sync: function(a, b) {
var d, e = 0,
g = a.length,
k = this;
if (0 < g) {
b = b || function() {};
var h = function() {
g === e && b()
var m = k._getLs();
var f = new oa({
timeout: 1E3
for (d = 0; d < g; d++)(function(a) {
f.request("https://" +
(k._replaceBase[a] ? a : k.baseUrl + a) + "/sync_cookie_image_check", {},
function(b) {
var c = x.getMinutes();
b = m.get("synced") || {};
b[a] = c;
m.set("synced", b)
} else b()
_getCn: function() {
this._cn || (this._cn = new wb({
fake: !0,
globalConfig: this.globalConfig
return this._cn
_getLs: function() {
this._ls || (this._ls = new ca);
return this._ls
_getTld: function() {
var a = k.getTld();
return {
am: "",
tr: "",
ge: "",
il: "",
"\u0440\u0444": "ru",
"xn--p1ai": "ru",
"\u0443\u043a\u0440": "ua",
"xn--j1amh": "ua",
"\u0431\u0435\u043b": "by",
"xn--90ais": "by"
} [a] || a
_getDomainByLang: function() {
if (!n.navigator) return "ru";
try {
var a = navigator.languages ? navigator.languages[0] : u.getLanguage()
} catch (b) {}
a && a.toLowerCase && (a = a.toLowerCase().split("-")[0]);
return this.langToDomain[a] || "ru"
Xb = Ca.inherit({
id: "RawBodyXHR",
index: 9,
postParams: ["body"],
_setHeaders: function() {},
_preparePostParams: function(a) {
return || ""
u.isAndroid = E(function() {
var a = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
b = u.getPlatform() || "";
return -1 < a.indexOf("android") && -1 < a.indexOf("mobile") && b.match(/^android|linux armv/i)
}, "", !0);
var Na = {
_url: "",
_params: {},
init: function(a) {
this._params = a || {}
save: function(a, b) {
this._getReq().request(this._url + Ba.stringify({
key: a,
value: k.toJSON(b)
this._getLs().set(a, b)
get: function(a) {
return {
remote: this._params[a],
local: this._getLs().get(a)
getNum: function(a) {
a = this.get(a);
return Math.max(+a.remote || 0, +a.local || 0)
_getLs: function() {
this._ls || (this._ls =
new ca);
return this._ls
_getReq: function() {
this._req || (this._req = new oa);
return this._req
Yb = {
sync: E(function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = {
t: 'UV|L7,!"T[rwe\x26D_\x3eZIb\\aW#98Y.PC6k'
this.globalConfig = e || B;
if (this._enabled(a, b, d)) {
var k = new Xb({
method: "GET",
withCredentials: !1
var h = this._getHosts();
var m = h.length;
(function l(a) {
var b = h[a];
a < m ? k.request(b[0] + ":" + b[1] + "/p", g, function(c, d) {
c ? this._save(c, d, b[1]) :, a + 1)
}, this) : this._save(!1)
}).call(this, 0)
}, "ds"),
_getHosts: function() {
var a = [],
b = H.protocol,
d = u.isIOS();
(u.isAndroid() || d && "http:" === b) && a.push(["", "30102"], ["", "29009"]);
d && "https:" === b && a.push(["", "30103"], ["", "29010"]);
return a
_save: function(a, b, d) {
var e = x.getMinutes();
a ? (new Ga({
protocol: "https:",
counterType: 0,
counterId: 42822899,
sendTitle: !1,
fake: !0
data: k.trim(b),
port: d
}) : e -= 45;"ds", e)
_is: function() {
try {
return !!this.globalConfig.get("dSync")
} catch (a) {
return !1
_enabled: function(a, b, d) {
if (!(60 < x.getMinutes() - Na.getNum("ds")) || this._is() || k.isDev(this.globalConfig)) return !1;
a = 0 === b && 0 <= k.arrayIndexOf([39370095, 1282253, 29302335, 43653484, 41734944, 31048081, 16443139, 27737346, 41870499, 33911514, 30744873, 5564395, 2580487], a);
a = ua() || !d && .1 >= Math.random() && a;
d = u.isIOS() && a;
return u.isAndroid() && a || d
_setStatus: function(a) {
try {
this.globalConfig.set("dSync", a)
} catch (b) {}
U = {
getPos: function(a) {
var b = v.getRootElement(),
d = v.getDocumentScroll();
return [a.pageX || a.clientX +
d[0] - (b.clientLeft || 0) || 0, a.pageY || a.clientY + d[1] - (b.clientTop || 0) || 0
getTarget: function(a) {
var b = null;
try {
if (b = || a.srcElement) !b.ownerDocument && b.documentElement ? b = b.documentElement : b.ownerDocument !== q && (b = null)
} catch (d) {}
return b
getMouseButton: function(a) {
return a.which || a.button == w ? a.which : a.button & 1 ? 1 : a.button & 2 ? 3 : a.button & 4 ? 2 : 0
prevent: function(a) {
a = a || n.event;
a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1
U.dispatchCustomEvent = E(function(a, b) {
var d;
b = b || q;
if (d = k.getNativeFunction("createEvent",
q)("Event")) d.initEvent(a, !1, !1), k.getNativeFunction("dispatchEvent", b)(d)
}, "evt.dispatch");
var Ta = {
lastReferrer: null
Ha = I.inherit({
counter: null,
prefsEcommerce: null,
status: {
NEW: w,
OK: 2,
dataLayerName: "dataLayer",
_initComponent: function() {
Ha.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this.frameConnector && this.frameConnector.addHandler("params", function(a, b) {
if (this.counter && this.counter.params) this.onCookies(function(a) {
}, this, b)
}, this);
waitPool: [],
onCookies: function(a, b) {
fn: a,
ctx: b,
args: [], 2)
initUserLayer: function() {
var a = "customArr";
k.arrayEvery(this.waitPool, function(a) {
a.fn.apply(a.ctx, a.args);
return 1
this.onCookies = function(a, d) {
a.apply(d, [], 2))
if (this.prefsEcommerce || this.prefsUseDataLayer) this._overridePush(this.prefsEcommerce) || (k.isString(this.prefsEcommerce) && (this.dataLayerName = this.prefsEcommerce), a = this.dataLayerName, this._tryTimeout = k.bind(this._tryTimeout,
this), this._tryTimeout()), this.counter._ecommerce = a
_overridePush: function(a) {
if (a && "function" == typeof a.push) {
var b = this;
var d = a.push;
a.push = function() {
var a = d.apply(this, arguments);
b._send([], 0));
return a
return !0
return !1
_tryTimeout: function() {
this._overridePush(n[this.dataLayerName]) || k.setTimeout(this._tryTimeout, 1E3, "dlObserver")
_callHandlers: function(a) {
k.arrayEvery(Ha.handlers, function(b) {
b && b.type && k.arrayEvery(b.type.split(","), function(d) {
d.replace(" ",
"") === a.type && b.callback && b.callback(a);
return 1
return 1
allowedEvents: "currencyCode add delete remove purchase checkout detail".split(" "),
_convert: function(a, b) {
var d = k.keys(b),
e = !1,
g = {
transaction_id: "id",
value: "revenue"
if (b.items) {
var p = {};
p[a] = {
products: b.items
1 < d.length && (p[a].actionField = k.reduce(function(a, d) {
g[d] ? a[g[d]] = b[d] : "currency" === d ? e = b[d] : "items" !== d && b[d] && (a[d] = b[d]);
return a
}, {}, d));
e && (p.currencyCode = e);
return p
_checkGtag: function(a) {
var b = {
view_item: "detail",
add_to_cart: "add",
remove_from_cart: "remove",
begin_checkout: "checkout",
purchase: "purchase"
d = [];
a && "event" === a[0] && b[a[1]] && (a = this._convert(b[a[1]], a[2])) && d.push(a);
return d
_send: function(a) {
var b = [],
d = this.allowedEvents,
e, g;
var p = 0;
for (g = a.length; p < g; p++) {
if ((e = a[p]) && e.ymetrikaEvent) {
var h = e.ymetrikaEvent;
if ("params" === h.type && {
h.sended || (h.sended = []);
if (h.counter) this.counter && this.counter.params && this.counterId == h.counter && (this.onCookies(function(a) {
this, k.mixin({}, h)), h.sended.push(this.counterId));
else this.onCookies(function(a) {
k.forEachKey(this.globalConfig.get("counters"), function(b, c) {
var d = b.split(":")[0];
!k.inArray(a.sended, d) && c && c.params && (c.params(, a.sended.push(d))
}, this)
}, this, k.mixin({}, h));
h.status == this.status.NEW && h.parent && this.frameConnector && this.frameConnector.checkFrame(n.parent) && n.parent !== n && (this.frameConnector.sendToParents({
type: "params",
}, function() {
h.status = this.status.OK
}, this), h.status = this.status.PENDING)
if (e &&
e.ecommerce) {
var m = {};
var f = !1;
k.forEachKey(e.ecommerce, function(a, b) {
0 <= k.arrayIndexOf(d, a) && (f = !0, m[a] = b)
f && b.push(m)
b = b.concat(this._checkGtag(e))
if (b.length) this.onCookies(function(a) {
__ym: {
ecommerce: a
}, this, b)
Ha.handlers = [];
var yb = "GDPR-ok GDPR-cross GDPR-cancel GDPR-skip GDPR-frame-skip GDPR-frame-ya GDPR-frame-noya GDPR-open-start GDPR-eu-skip GDPR-open-fail GDPR-open-success GDPR-cookie-success GDPR-cookie-fail GDPR-skip-login GDPR-skip-domain GDPR-skip-na GDPR-skip-eu-na GDPR-skip-wv".split(" "),
Zb = ["", "", ""],
wa = I.inherit({
globalKey: "f1",
isYAN: !1,
trigger: function(a) {
ymetrikaEvent: {
type: a
initCounter: function() {},
enabled: ua() && -1 < n.location.href.indexOf("yagdprcheck\x3d1"),
_initComponent: function() {
this._cookie = wa.cookie;
this._sender = new wb({
fake: !0,
globalConfig: this.globalConfig,
forceNoRedirect: !0
realise: function(a,
b) {
this.initCounter.apply(n, a);
this.globalConfig.set(this.globalKey, function(a) {
b.length && fb.chain(b.concat([function() {
b = []
}]), null, !1, "GDPR")
showPopup: function(a, b, d, e, g) {
var k = this;
a = v.loadScript({
src: "" + a + "." + b + ".js"
a.onerror = function(a) {
E(function() {
throw a;
}, "gdpr-popup")();
k.realise(d, e);
type: "GDPR-ok"
a.onload = function() {
Ha.handlers = Ha.handlers.concat([{
type: "GDPR-ok, GDPR-cross",
callback: function(a) {
a.once || (g.create("gdpr", "0", 525600), k.realise(d, e), k.frameConnector.sendToChildren({
type: "GDPR-ok"
}), a.once = !0)
}, {
type: "GDPR-cancel",
callback: function() {
g.create("gdpr", "1");
type: "GDPR-cancel"
askGDPR: function(a, b, d, e, g, n) {
if (k.inArray([null, ""], a)) this.showPopup(b, d, e, g, n);
else if ("0" === a) this.trigger("GDPR-cookie-success"), this.realise(e, g);
else if ("1" === a) return this.trigger("GDPR-cookie-fail"),
this.logCancel(), !1
logCancel: function() {
this._sender.hit(function() {}, !1)
handle: function() {
var a = this._sender,
b = [],
d = (u.getLanguage() || "").toLowerCase().split("-")[0],
e = "ontouchstart" in n ? "-touch" : "",
g = this._cookie,
p ="gdpr"),
h ="yaGdprCheck"),
m = this,
f = this.globalConfig.get(this.globalKey),
c = arguments;
b.size = 0;
if (f) return f(function() {
m.realise(c, b)
k.inArray("ru en kk be ky tr tt uk".split(" "), d) || (d = "en");
if (!this.enabled && ("0" === p || u.isSafariWebView() || u.isAndroidWebView() ||
k.inArray(Zb, n.location.href.split("?")[0]) || !ua() ||"yandex_login") || this.disable)) return"yandex_login") ? this.trigger("GDPR-skip-login") : ua() ? "0" === p ? this.trigger("GDPR-skip") : u.isSafariWebView() || u.isAndroidWebView() ? this.trigger("GDPR-skip-wv") : this.trigger("GDPR-skip-na") : this.trigger("GDPR-skip-domain"), this.realise(c, b);
this.globalConfig.set(this.globalKey, function(a, c) {
var d = 0;
try {
d = JSON.stringify(c).length || 0
} catch (D) {}
b.size + d < m.MAX_SIZE ? (b.push(a), b.size += d) : k.warning("GDPR buffer is exceeded")
a.hit(function(a) {
if ( || h || m.enabled)
if (m.frameConnector && m.frameConnector.addHandler("isYandex", function() {
return {
type: "isYandex",
isYandex: ua()
}), m.frameConnector.isIframe) {
type: "isYandex"
}, function(a, c) {
var d = !1;
c[0].isYandex ? (m.trigger("GDPR-frame-ya"), m.frameConnector.addHandler("GDPR-ok", function() {
d || (g.create("gdpr", "0", 525600), m.realise(c, b), d = !0)
}), m.frameConnector.addHandler("GDPR-cancel", function() {
g.create("gdpr", "1")
})) : (m.trigger("GDPR-frame-noya"),
m.realise(c, b))
var f = k.setTimeout(function() {
m.realise(c, b)
}, 2E3)
} else m.askGDPR(p, e, d, c, b, g);
else return ? m.trigger("GDPR-skip-eu-na") : m.trigger("GDPR-eu-skip"), m.realise(c, b)
wa.globalKey = "f1";
wa.cookie = new J({
skipPrefix: !0
wa.getState = function(a) {
var b ="gdpr");
a = k.reduce(function(a, b) {
b.ymetrikaEvent && k.inArray(yb, b.ymetrikaEvent.type) && a.push(k.arrayIndexOf(yb, b.ymetrikaEvent.type));
return a
}, [], a.get("dataLayer"));
return a.length ?
(a = a.join(","), b && (a += "-" + (k.inArray(["0", "1"], b) ? b : "2")), a) : ""
var $b = {
init: function(a, b) {
var d = q.createElement("img");
a && a.account && a.tmsec && b && (d.src = "****" + a.account + "/ru/UTF-8/tmsec\x3d" + a.tmsec + "/" + b)
u.isIE = k.memorize(function() {
return q && !q.addEventListener || !1
u.isChromePdf = k.memorize(function() {
var a, b = navigator.plugins;
if (b && b.length)
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
if (/Chrome PDF Viewer/.test(b[a].name)) return !0;
return !1
u.isPrivate = E(function(a) {
var b = k.bind(a,
null, 0);
a = k.bind(a, null, 1);
if (k.isFunction(n.webkitRequestFileSystem) && !u.isAndroid()) return n.webkitRequestFileSystem(0, 0, b, a);
if (u.isFF()) return "undefined" == typeof navigator.serviceWorker;
if (u.isSafari() && k.isFunction(n.openDatabase)) try {
n.openDatabase(null, null, null, null), b()
} catch (d) {
} else {
if (n.indexedDB || !n.PointerEvent && !n.MSPointerEvent) return b();
}, "isPrivate");
u.findTarget = function(a) {
a = || a.srcElement;
var b;
if (!a) return !1;
3 == a.nodeType && (a = a.parentNode);
for (b = a && a.nodeName &&
a.nodeName.toString().toLowerCase(); a && a.parentNode && a.parentNode.nodeName && ("a" !== b && "area" !== b || !a.href && !a["xlink:href"]);) b = (a = a.parentNode) && a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toString().toLowerCase();
return a.href ? a : !1
u.getHref = function(a) {
if (!a) return "";
a = a.href;
return k.isString(a) ? "" + a : "[object SVGAnimatedString]" === k.toString(a) ? "" + a.baseVal : ""
u.getLinkComponents = function(a) {
return a && "function" === typeof HTMLAnchorElement && a instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ? {
href: a.href,
hostname: a.hostname || k.parseUrl(a.href).hostname ||
protocol: a.protocol,
pathname: a.pathname,
hash: a.hash,
port: a.port,
path: (a.pathname || "/") +
} : k.isString(a) ? k.parseUrl(a) : {
href: "",
hostname: "",
host: "",
protocol: "",
pathname: "",
hash: "",
port: "",
search: "",
query: "",
path: ""
var ac = P.inherit({
resource: "clmap",
retry: !0,
transports: [oa],
sendClick: function(a, b, d, e) {
"page-url": a,
"pointer-click": b
}, {}, d, e)
bc = I.inherit({
filter: null,
ignoreTags: [],
quota: 0,
isTrackHash: !1,
protocol: "",
counterId: 0,
counterType: 0,
startTime: 0,
_initComponent: function() {
var a, b;
this._lastClick = null;
this.hasQuota = !!this.quota;
this._quota = this.quota;
this._ignoreTags = [];
if (this.ignoreTags)
for (a = 0; a < this.ignoreTags.length; a++) this.ignoreTags[a] && k.mergeArrays(this._ignoreTags, [String(this.ignoreTags[a]).toUpperCase()]);
this._cacheTags = {};
a = 59;
var d = String.fromCharCode;
for (b = 0; b < this.tags.length; b++) this._cacheTags[this.tags[b]] = d(a), d(a), a++;
this._sender = new ac({
globalConfig: this.globalConfig,
protocol: this.protocol,
counterId: this.counterId,
counterType: this.counterType
this._start = !1;
destroy: function() {
start: function() {
if (!this._start) r.on(q, "click", this._handler, this);
this._start = !0
stop: function() {
this._start && r.un(q, "click", this._handler, this);
this._start = !1
setTrackHash: function(a) {
this.isTrackHash = a
_isIgnore: function(a) {
return v.classNameExists(a, "(ym-disable-clickmap|ym-clickmap-ignore)")
_handler: function(a) {
a = {
el: U.getTarget(a),
pos: U.getPos(a),
button: U.getMouseButton(a),
time: +new Date
if (this._isTrackingClick(a)) {
var b =
var d = v.getElementXY(a.el);
b = ["rn", k.random(), "x", Math.floor(65535 * (a.pos[0] - d[0]) / (b[0] || 1)), "y", Math.floor(65535 * (a.pos[1] - d[1]) / (b[1] || 1)), "t", Math.floor((a.time - this.startTime) / 100), "p", this._getElPath(a.el)];
d = K().href;
this.isTrackHash ? k.mergeArrays(b, ["wh", "1"]) : d = d.split("#")[0];
this._sender.sendClick(k.trim(d, eb), b.join(":"));
this._lastClick = a
_isTrackingClick: function(a) {
var b;
if (n.ymDisabledClickmap || k.isMetrikaPlayer() || !a.el) return !1;
var d = a.el.tagName;
if ((2 ==
a.button || 3 == a.button) && "A" != d || this.filter && !this.filter(a.el, d)) return !1;
for (b = 0; b < this._ignoreTags.length; b++)
if (this._ignoreTags[b] == d) return !1;
for (d = a.el; d;) {
if (this._isIgnore(d)) return !1;
d = d.parentNode
if (this._lastClick) {
if (a.time - this._lastClick.time < this.TIMEOUT_CLICK) return !1;
d = Math.abs(this._lastClick.pos[0] - a.pos[0]);
b = Math.abs(this._lastClick.pos[1] - a.pos[1]);
var e = a.time - this._lastClick.time;
if (this._lastClick.el == a.el && d < this.DELTA_SAME_CLICKS && b < this.DELTA_SAME_CLICKS && e < this.TIMEOUT_SAME_CLICKS) return !1
if (this.hasQuota) {
if (!this._quota) return !1;
return !0
_getElPath: function(a) {
for (var b = ""; a && a.parentNode && "BODY" != a.tagName && "HTML" != a.tagName;) b += this._cacheTags[a.tagName] || "*", b += v.getElementNeighborPosition(a) || "", a = a.parentNode;
return k.trim(b, this.MAX_LEN_PATH)
zb = I.inherit({
injectHash: {
Wjw75ghm7fa7JW8p: "",
Z4RhWJNDJanzkGJa: ""
ASSESSOR_COOKIE: "assessor",
getInjectHash: function() {
var a = {};
k.forEachKey(this.injectHash, function(b) {
a[Da + ("" + k.fnv32a(b))] = this.injectHash[b]
}, this);
return a
checkAssessor: function() {
var a = [],
b = this.getInjectHash();
k.forEachKey(b, function(d) {
if ((new RegExp(d)).test(n.location.hash) || J.get(this.ASSESSOR_COOKIE + d)) J.set(this.ASSESSOR_COOKIE + d), a.push(b[d])
}, this);
return a
_initComponent: function() {
var a = this.checkAssessor();
this.globalConfig.get(this.REMOTE_CONTROL) || (this.globalConfig.set(this.REMOTE_CONTROL, !0), zb.superclass._initComponent.apply(this,
arguments), this._executedMsgs = {}, r.on(n, "message", this._onMessage, this), a.length && (this.globalConfig.set("oo", !0), this.globalConfig.get("stopRecoder", function() {})(), k.arrayEvery(a, function(a) {
src: a
}, n);
return 1
_buildRemoteIframe: function(a) {
var b = k.getNativeFunction("createElement", q)("div"),
d = v.getBody() || q.documentElement;
if (d) {
b.innerHTML = '\x3ciframe name\x3d"RemoteIframe" allowtransparency\x3d"true" style\x3d"position: absolute; left: -999px; top: -999px; width: 1px; height: 1px;"\x3e\x3c/iframe\x3e';
var e = b.firstChild;
e.onload = function() {
src: a
}, e.contentWindow)
n._ym__remoteIframeEl = e;
b.createShadowRoot || b.webkitCreateShadowRoot ? (d.appendChild(b), b.removeChild(e), (d = b.createShadowRoot ? b.createShadowRoot() : b.webkitCreateShadowRoot()) && d.appendChild(e), n._ym__remoteIframeContainer = b) : (d.appendChild(e), n._ym__remoteIframeContainer = e)
_isAllowedLang: function(a) {
return -1 !== k.arrayIndexOf(["ru", "uk", "en", "tr"], a)
_isAllowedOrigin: function(a) {
return /^http:\/\/([\w\-.]+\.)?webvisor\.com\/?$/.test(a)
_isAllowedStatic: function(a) {
return /^(([\w\-.]+\.)?dev\.webvisor\.com|yastatic\.net|[\w\-.]+\.s3\.yandex\.net)$/.test(a)
_onMessage: function(a) {
try {
var b = a.origin
} catch (d) {}
b && this._isAllowedOrigin(b) && (b = ea.parse( && "appendremote" === b.action && this._isAllowedStatic(k.parseUrl(b.domain).host) && this._isAllowedLang(b.lang) && !this._executedMsgs[] && (this._executedMsgs[] = !0, n._ym__postMessageEvent = a, n._ym__inpageMode = b.inpageMode, n._ym__initMessage = b.initMessage, this._buildRemoteIframe(b.domain +
"/cdn/inpage-remote/" + (b.newScriptAddr ? "_inpage-remote_" : "inpage-remote.") + b.lang + ".js"))
cc = {
match: function() {
this.enabled() && r.ready(function() {
var a = k.getNativeFunction("createElement", q)("iframe");
a.onload = function() {"cm", x.getMinutes());
}; = "none";
a.src = "";
enabled: function() {
return 1440 < x.getMinutes() - Na.getNum("cm") && "tr" === k.getTld()
E(function() {
(function(a) {
function b(e) {
if (d[e]) return d[e].exports;
var g = d[e] = {
i: e,
l: !1,
exports: {}
a[e].call(g.exports, g, g.exports, b);
g.l = !0;
return g.exports
var d = {};
b.m = a;
b.c = d;
b.d = function(a, d, k) {
b.o(a, d) || Object.defineProperty(a, d, {
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
get: k
b.n = function(a) {
var d = a && a.__esModule ? function() {
return a["default"]
} : function() {
return a
b.d(d, "a", d);
return d
b.o = function(a, b) {
return, b)
b.p = "";
return b(b.s = 3)
0: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
b.listToArray = function(a) {
return a ? [] : []
1: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
var e = ["", "/googleads"];
b.isGoogleSrc = function(a) {
return !(!a || !e.filter(function(b) {
return 0 < a.indexOf(b)
3: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
a = {
detectAd: d(4).detectAd
n.Ya ? n.Ya.AdDetector ? a = n.Ya.AdDetector : n.Ya.AdDetector = a : n.Ya = {
AdDetector: a
b.AdDetector = a
34: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
b.getParentElementsCount = function(a) {
for (var b = 0;;)
if (a = a.parentElement) b++;
else return b
4: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
var e =
g = d(9),
k = d(34),
h = d(6),
m = q.body,
f = q.documentElement;
b.detectAd = function() {
var a = n.pageYOffset || f.scrollTop || m.scrollTop,
b = n.pageXOffset || f.scrollLeft || m.scrollLeft,
d = f.clientTop || m.clientTop || 0,
p = f.clientLeft || m.clientLeft || 0,
q = f.scrollWidth || f.offsetWidth || n.innerWidth,
r = f.scrollHeight || f.offsetHeight || n.innerHeight,
v = h.getFrienlyWindowsTree(n),
u = [];
h.windowsTreeEach(v, function(a) {
var b = a.window,
c = a.parent,
d = 0 < e.getParentFriendlyIFrames(b.document.documentElement).length,
f = g.getAdsInWindow(b, {
isInIFrame: d
d = f.adElements;
f = f.iframeProviders;
if (c) {
var h = b.frameElement,
k = u.filter(function(a) {
return a.windowsTree === c
f.forEach(function(a) {
provider: a,
element: h
windowsTree: a,
adElements: d
u.forEach(function(a) {
a.adElements = a.adElements.sort(function(a, b) {
return k.getParentElementsCount(a.element) - k.getParentElementsCount(b.element)
var w = [],
x = [];
u.forEach(function(a) {
var b = a.windowsTree,
c = b.parent;
a = a.adElements;
b = e.getParentFriendlyIFrames(b.window.document.documentElement);
var d = b[b.length - 1];
a.forEach(function(a) {
var b = a.element;
provider: a.provider,
element: c ? d : b
x.forEach(function(c) {
var e = c.element;
var f = e.getBoundingClientRect();
var g = + a - d;
f = f.left + b - p;
var h = e.clientWidth;
e = e.clientHeight;
var k = f + h,
l = g + e,
m = 0 > f ? 0 : f < q ? f : q,
n = 0 > g ? 0 : g < r ? g : r;
100 <= ((k > q ? q : k > m ? k : m) - m) * ((l > r ? r : l > n ? l : n) - n) && w.push({
top: g,
left: f,
width: h,
height: e,
provider: c.provider
return {
page: {
width: q,
height: r
window: {
top: a,
left: b,
width: n.innerWidth,
height: n.innerHeight
ads: w
5: function(a,
b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
b.getParentFriendlyIFrames = function(a) {
for (var b = [];;) try {
if (a = a.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement) b.push(a);
else return b
} catch (p) {
return b
6: function(a, b, d) {
function e(a) {
return m.listToArray(a.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")).filter(function(a) {
if (h.isSafari) return !1;
try {
return a.contentWindow.document
} catch (l) {
return !1
}).map(function(a) {
return a.contentWindow
function g(a, b) {
var c = {
window: a,
children: [],
parent: b
c.children = e(a).map(function(a) {
return g(a,
return c
function k(a, b) {
a.children.forEach(function(a) {
return k(a, b)
b.__esModule = !0;
var h = d(7),
m = d(0);
b.getFrienlyWindowsTree = g;
b.windowsTreeEach = k
7: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
a = d(8);
b.isSafari = a.isSafari()
8: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
b.isSafari = function() {
var a = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return -1 !== a.indexOf("safari") && -1 === a.indexOf("chrome") && -1 === a.indexOf("android")
9: function(a, b, d) {
b.__esModule = !0;
var e = d(0),
g = d(1);
b.getAdsInWindow = function(a, b) {
function d(a,
b) {
b.forEach(function(b) {
provider: a,
element: b
var f = b.isInIFrame,
c = a.document.body,
h = e.listToArray(c.querySelectorAll("img")),
k = e.listToArray(c.querySelectorAll("iframe")),
n = e.listToArray(c.querySelectorAll("script")),
p = e.listToArray(c.querySelectorAll("div")),
q = [],
r = [],
v = e.listToArray(c.querySelectorAll("yatag")),
u = e.listToArray(c.querySelectorAll("yatag yatag"));
d("yandex", v.filter(function(a) {
return -1 === u.indexOf(a)
d("adriver", k.filter(function(a) {
return (a = a.src) && -1 < a.indexOf("")
d("adfox", k.filter(function(a) {
return (a = && -1 < a.toLowerCase().indexOf("adfox")
d("adfox", h.filter(function(a) {
return (a = a.src) && -1 < a.indexOf("/")
d("adfox", p.filter(function(a) {
return -1 <"AdFox_banner_")
f && h.filter(function(a) {
return (a = a.src) && -1 < a.indexOf("")
}).length && r.push("adfox");
k.filter(function(a) {
return g.isGoogleSrc(a.src)
}).forEach(function(a) {
provider: "google",
element: a
f && n.filter(function(a) {
return g.isGoogleSrc(a.src)
}).length &&
d("awaps", k.filter(function(a) {
return (a = a.src) && -1 < a.indexOf("")
d("criteo", k.filter(function(a) {
var b = a.src;
a =;
return b && (-1 < b.indexOf("") || a && -1 < a.indexOf("cto_iframe_")) ? !0 : !1
return {
adElements: q,
iframeProviders: r
}, "", !0)();
var dc = {
init: function(a, b) {
if (Math.random() < (b || .005) && !B.get("adDetect")) {
B.set("adDetect", !0);
var d = function(b) {
var d = n.Ya.AdDetector.detectAd();
var e = d.window;
var g =;
__ym: {
ads: {
w: {
l: e.left,
w: e.width,
h: e.height
p: {
w: g.width,
h: g.height
a: {
return {
l: a.left,
w: a.width,
h: a.height,
p: a.provider
full: b ? 1 : 0
var e = E(function() {
r.un(n, "load", e);
}, "", !0);
r.on(n, "load", e);
k.setTimeout(d, 1E4, "AdDetector", !0)
Ab = I.inherit({
message: n.postMessage,
spliter: ":",
nameSpace: "__yminfo",
pending: {},
childs: {},
isIframe: !1,
parents: {},
dataToSend: {
parents: [],
childs: []
checkFrame: function(a) {
try {
var b = a && a.postMessage
} catch (d) {
return !1
return b
checkChildrenData: function(a,
b) {
k.arrayEvery(this.dataToSend.childs, function(d) {
-1 == k.arrayIndexOf(d.tryTo, b.counterId) && (d.tryTo.push(b.counterId), k.mixin(, {
toCounter: b.counterId
}), this.sendToIframe(a,, function() {
d.callback && d.callback(b, arguments)
return !0
}, this)
checkParentData: function(a, b) {
k.arrayEvery(this.dataToSend.parents, function(d) {
-1 == k.arrayIndexOf(d.tryTo, b.counterId) && (d.tryTo.push(b.counterId), k.mixin(, {
toCounter: b.counterId
}), this.sendToIframe(a,, function() {
d.callback && d.callback(b, arguments)
return !0
}, this)
getHandlers: function() {
return {
initToChild: [{
fn: function(a, b) {
a.source === && this.trigger("parentConnect", a, b)
initToParent: [{
fn: function(a, b) {
this.childs[b.counterId] = {
info: b,
window: a.source
this.checkChildrenData(a.source, b)
parentConnect: [{
fn: function(a, b) {
this.parents[b.counterId] = {
info: b,
window: a.source
this.checkParentData(a.source, b)
genMessage: function(a, b) {
var d = {
date: x.getMs(),
key: Math.random(),
dir: 0
b && (d = {
date: b[0],
key: b[1],
dir: b[2]
k.mixin(a, {
counterId: this.counterId,
hid: this.hid
var e = {
data: a
e[this.nameSpace] = [this.nameSpace,, d.key, d.dir].join(this.spliter);
return {
meta: d,
string: ea.stringify(e)
sendToIframe: function(a, b, d, e) {
b = this.genMessage(b);
var g = this,
n = [, b.meta.key].join(this.spliter);
this.checkFrame(a) && (a.postMessage(b.string, "*"), this.pending[n] = k.bind(d, e || this), k.setTimeout(function() {
delete g.pending[n]
}, 5E3, this, "fc.toSendToIframe"))
sendToChildren: function(a, b, d) {
var e =
g = this.dataToSend.childs.push({
sendedTo: [],
tryTo: [],
callback: b ? k.bind(b, d || this) : !1,
data: a
}) - 1;
k.forEachKey(this.childs, function(a) {
return 1
}, this);
k.keys(this.childs).length && k.forEachKey(this.childs, function(b) {
this.sendToIframe(e.childs[b].window, k.mixin(a, {
toCounter: b
}), function(a) {
this.dataToSend.childs[g].callback && this.dataToSend.childs[g].callback(a)
}, this)
}, this)
sendToParents: function(a, b, d) {
var e = this.dataToSend.parents.push({
sendedTo: [],
tryTo: [],
callback: b ? k.bind(b, d || this) : !1,
data: a
}) - 1;
k.forEachKey(this.parents, function(a) {
return 1
}, this);
k.keys(this.parents).length && this.sendToIframe(n.parent, a, function(a) {
k.forEachKey(this.parents, function(b) {
this.dataToSend.parents[e].callback && this.dataToSend.parents[e].callback(a)
}, this)
}, this)
addHandler: function(a, b, d) {
this.handlers[a] || (this.handlers[a] = []);
fn: b,
ctx: d
_initComponent: function() {
var a =
b = 0;
Ab.superclass._initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
this.handlers = k.mixin({}, this.getHandlers());
this.isIframe = u.isIframe();
if (this.message) {
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
var d = a[b];
(function(a, b) {
a.sendToIframe(b.contentWindow, {
type: "initToChild"
}, function(d) {
a.childs[d.counterId] = {
info: d,
window: b.contentWindow
})(this, d)
this.isIframe && this.sendToIframe(n.parent, {
type: "initToParent"
}, function(a) {
this.trigger("parentConnect", {
source: n.parent
}, a)
"message", this.onMessage, this, {
passive: !1,
name: "FrameConnector"
trigger: function(a, b, d) {
var e = this;
return {
a = || e, b, d) || {};
return k.mixin(a, {
counterId: e.counterId,
hid: e.hid
}, this.handlers[a])
onMessage: function(a) {
var b, d = [];
try {
var e =;
e = ea.parse(;
var g = e[this.nameSpace]
} catch (h) {
if (g && g.substring && g.substring(0, this.nameSpace.length) == this.nameSpace) {
for (b = 0; 3 >= b; b++) {
var n = k.arrayIndexOf(g, this.spliter); - 1 !== n ? d.push(g.substring(0,
n)) : d.push(g);
g = g.substring(n + 1)
b = d.splice(1, 3);
if ((e = && e.type && this.handlers[e.type] && "0" === b[this.DIR_INDEX]) {
if (!e.toCounter || e.toCounter === this.counterId) {
try {
} catch (h) {
e.counterId && this.checkFrame(a.source) && (n = this.trigger(e.type, a, e), a.source.postMessage(this.genMessage(n, [b[0], b[1], e.counterId]).string, "*"))
} else b[this.DIR_INDEX] == this.counterId && k.isArray(e) && k.arrayEvery(e, function(a) {
return a.counterId && a.hid
}) && (a = this.pending[[b[0], b[1]].join(this.spliter)]) &&
a.apply(this, e)
H = K(),
$a = x.getTimezone(),
ab = x.getTimestamp(),
da = n.screen,
Ob = 64,
eb = u.isIE() ? 512 : 2048,
Pb = u.isIE() ? 512 : 2048,
qb = u.isIE() ? 100 : 400,
vb = 100,
db = "noindex",
Bb = /\.(3gp|7z|aac|ac3|acs|ai|avi|ape|apk|asf|bmp|bz2|cab|cdr|crc32|css|csv|cue|divx|dmg|djvu?|doc(x|m|b)?|emf|eps|exe|flac?|flv|iso|swf|gif|t?gz|jpe?g?|js|m3u8?|m4a|mp(3|4|e?g?)|m4v|md5|mkv|mov|msi|ods|og(g|m|v)|psd|rar|rss|rtf|sea|sfv|sit|sha1|svg|tar|tif?f|torrent|ts|txt|vob|wave?|wma|wmv|wmf|webm|ppt(x|m|b)?|xls(x|m|b)?|pdf|phps|png|xpi|g?zip)$/i,
ec = +new Date,
ma = "Metrika",
jb, Va, Da = function() {
return "1528"
B.init().setSafe("counters", {}).setSafe("hitParam", {}).setSafe("counterNum", 0).setSafe("dataLayer", []).setSafe("hitId", k.random(1, 1073741824)).setSafe("_globalMetrikaHitId", k.random()).setSafe("v", Da);
ma = "Metrika2";
n.Ya[ma] = function(a, b, d, e) {
var g = this;
return E(function() {
function p(a, b, d) {
b = new J({
counterId: b
if (a) {
a: {
var e = a.conditions;
var g;
if (e && e.length)
for (g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
var l = e[g];
if ("ref" == l.type) var p =
else if ("adv" == l.type) {
var Q = n.Ya._metrika.counter._directCampaign;
var fa = l.ServiceNamePattern;
var r = l.RefererPattern;
p = Q ? l.direct_orders : l.direct_camp;
var t = q.referrer,
v = Ba.parse(,
la = c(, H.hash),
var w = v;
var x = {};
var y = ["source", "medium", "campaign", "term", "content"];
for (u = 0; u < y.length; u++) w["utm_" + y[u]] && (x[y[u]] = w["utm_" + y[u]]);
w = x;
y = Q ? "" : la && la.service || w.source;
u = !1;
if (!u && fa && fa.length)
for (x = 0; x < fa.length; x++)
if ((new RegExp(fa[x], "i")).test(y)) {
u = !0;
} if (!u &&
!l.yandex_direct && r && r.length)
for (fa = 0; fa < r.length; fa++)
if ((new RegExp(r[fa], "i")).test(t)) {
u = !0;
}! u && l.google_adwords && v.gclid && (u = !0);
if (u && p && p.length && (u = !1, Q = Q || la && la.campaign || w && w.campaign))
for (l = 0; l < p.length; l++)
if (p[l] == Q) {
u = !0;
} p = u
} else p = !1;
if (p) {
e[g].track_id && b.create("mp2_track", e[g].track_id, 43200);
break a
e ="mp2_track");a = a.substs && a.substs[e];e && a ? (b.create("mp2_substs", k.toJSON(a)), a = m(a), d.params("__ym", a ? "mp_trackid" : "mp_trackid_bad", e)) : f()
else f()
function h(a) {
var b =
q.referrer || "",
c, d;
if ((new RegExp("^https?://" + + "/")).test(b)) return !1;
var e = a.patterns;
for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
var f = new RegExp(e[c], "i");
if (b.match(f))
if (f = a.params || [], f.length) {
var g = k.safeDecodeURIComponent((RegExp.$1 || "").replace(/\+/g, "%20"));
for (d = 0; d < f.length; d++)
if (g == k.safeDecodeURIComponent(f[d])) return !0
} else return !0
return !1
function m(a, b) {
var c = !1,
if (a && "string" != typeof a && a.length)
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a[d].selector;
var f = a[d].text;
var g = e.charAt(0);
e = e.slice(1);
if ("#" == g) {
if (g = q.getElementById(e)) c = !0, b && T.unshift([g, g.innerHTML]), g.innerHTML = f
} else if ("." == g)
for (g = v.getElementsByClassName(e), e = 0; e < g.length; e++) {
c = !0;
var h = g[e],
k = f;
b && T.unshift([h, h.innerHTML]);
h.innerHTML = k
return c
function f() {
var a;
for (a = 0; a < T.length; a++) T[a][0].innerHTML = T[a][1]
function c(a, b) {
var c, d = "";
a = a && a.replace(/^\?/, "");
b = b && b.replace(/^#/, "") || "";
if (a) {
var e = a.split("\x26");
for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
var f = e[c].split("\x3d");
"_openstat" === f[0] && (d = f[1])
var g = b.split("?");
for (c = 0; c < g.length; c++) {
var h = g[c].split("\x26");
for (e = 0; e < h.length; e++) f = h[e].split("\x3d"), "_openstat" === f[0] && (d = f[1])
d && (d = -1 < d.indexOf(";") ? k.safeDecodeURIComponent(d) : Sa.decode(L.decode(d.replace(/[-*_]/g, function(a) {
return {
"*": "+",
"-": "/",
_: "\x3d"
} [a] || a
return d && (c = d.split(";"), 4 == c.length) ? {
service: c[0],
campaign: c[1],
ad: c[2],
source: c[3]
} : null
function l(a, b) {
return E(function() {
if (!g.isDestructing()) return a.apply(this, arguments)
}, b || "")
function t() {
var c = !1;
Ja || (P.initCookie(), pb.init(B));
Ma.initPU(za, B);
u.isAndroidWebView() || Ma.initPP(B);
Ia && $b.init(Ia, qa);
if (B.get("hitParam")[ha]) {
if (1 != d || B.get("counters")[ha]) return !1;
c = !0
B.get("counters")[ha] = g;
B.get("hitParam")[ha] = 1;
k.async(function() {
}, this, "initFip");
g._webvisor = F.webvisor || !1;
g._directCampaign = F.directCampaign;
F.trackHash && da(!0);
if (!c) {
oa = new sb({
protocol: "https:",
globalConfig: B,
counterId: a,
counterType: d,
hid: qa,
tz: $a,
ts: ab,
url: H.href,
enabled: g._webvisor
c = new xb({
globalConfig: B
var f = function(c) {
var f = new ib({
protocol: "https:",
counterType: d,
counterId: a,
trackHash: Y,
hitId: qa,
webvisor: g._webvisor,
counter: g,
globalConfig: B,
counterNum: va
h = {
ut: ta,
he: ~~F.httpError,
ad: 1 == d && n.Ya && n.Ya.Direct,
pv: !0,
cpf: u.isChromePdf(),
saveRef: !0
jb = +new Date;
url: M,
referrer: ba,
title: v.getDocumentTitle(),
vParams: b,
userParams: Da,
nohit: e,
experiments: Ea,
modes: h,
visitColor: oa.getVc(),
hasPrerender: na,
ts: ab,
tz: $a,
callback: function(f, h) {
var k;
e || (na = !1);
f = f || {};
(k = "0" !== f.pcs) || Ma.initZZ(); !== w && B.set("isEU",;
!k && .01 > Math.random() && Vb(function(a) {
(new Ga({
forceHost: L.decode("bGFsYWJsYWguY29t"),
noRedir: !0,
protocol: "https:",
counterType: d,
globalConfig: B,
counterId: 44743195,
hitId: qa,
counter: g,
counterNum: va
__ym: {
monitor: a
Yb.sync(a, d, k, B);
R.log("PageView. Counter ", a, ". URL: ", H.href, ". Referrer: " + q.referrer, ". Params: ", b);
Va || (Va = +new Date);
f.webvisor && (f.webvisor.isEU = B.get("isEU"));
g.isDestructing() || (oa.start(f.webvisor,
f.publisher), p(f.mp2, a, g), r.on(n, "load", g.replacePhones, g));
g._inited = !0;
c && c()
r.on(q, "click", y, null, {
name: "extLinkClick"
0 != k.keys(F).length && (Ca && Ca.initUserLayer(), F.enableAll ? (D(!0), C(!0), A()) : (F.clickmap && C(F.clickmap), F.trackLinks && D(F.trackLinks), F.accurateTrackBounce && A(F.accurateTrackBounce)), F.triggerEvent && k.async(function() {
U.dispatchCustomEvent("yacounter" + a + "inited")
}, this, "yacounterInit"))
function z(a) {
var b = new wa({
frameConnector: za,
globalConfig: B,
initCounter: t,
disable: F.yaDisableGDPR
na = a;
b.handle.apply(b, arguments)
function D(a) {
var b = {};
switch (typeof a) {
case "string":
b.on = !0;
case "object":
b.on = !0;
case "boolean":
b.on = a;
g._trackLinks = b
function y(a) {
if (g._trackLinks && g._trackLinks.on) {
a = u.findTarget(a);
var b = u.getLinkComponents(a),
c = b.href,
d = B.get("pai", k.noop)();
if (c && !v.classNameExists(a, "ym-disable-tracklink")) {
var e = b.protocol + "//" + b.hostname + b.pathname;
d = {
pai: d && d + "-" + qa,
ln: !0
var f = lb(a);
f = c === f ? "" : f;
if (v.classNameExists(a,
"ym-external-link")) N.sendClickLink({
url: c,
title: f,
modes: d
}, M);
else {
var h = F.url ? k.parseUrl(M).hostname : K().hostname;
d.dl = Bb.test(e) || Bb.test(c) || mb(c, W) || mb(e, W);
b = b.hostname;
(h ? h.replace(/^www\./, "") : "").toLowerCase() == (b ? b.replace(/^www\./, "") : "").toLowerCase() ? d.dl ? (d.ln = !1, N.sendClickLink({
url: c,
title: f,
modes: d
}, M)) : (f = lb(a), V.set("pai", d.pai), f && f !== c && V.set("il", k.trim(f, vb))) : c && -1 !==^ *(data|javascript):/i) || (d.ut = db, N.sendClickLink({
url: c,
title: f,
modes: d
}, M))
function C(b) {
"undefined" ===
typeof b && (b = !0);
!0 === b && (b = {});
g._clickmap && g._clickmap.destroy();
b && (g._clickmap = new bc({
globalConfig: B,
filter: b.filter,
ignoreTags: b.ignoreTags,
quota: b.quota,
isTrackHash: b.isTrackHash,
protocol: "https:",
counterId: a,
counterType: d,
startTime: ec
function G(a, b) {
function c() {
if (!Q) {
p && k.clearTimeout(p);
var c = h ? l : l + +new Date - m;
c = b - c;
0 > c && (c = 0);
p = k.setTimeout(function() {
Q = !0;
}, c, "trackUserTime")
function d() {
g || (f = !0, h = !1, g = !0, c())
function e(a) {
var b;
for (b = 0; b < t.length; b += 3)
if (a) r.on(t[b],
t[b + 1], t[b + 2], {
name: "tabTrack"
else r.un(t[b], t[b + 1], t[b + 2])
var f = !1,
g = !1,
h = !0,
l = 0,
m = +new Date,
p = null,
Q = !1;
if (u.isIE()) k.setTimeout(a, b, "trackUserTime");
else {
var t = [n, "blur", function() {
h = f = g = !0;
l += +new Date - m;
m = +new Date;
}, n, "focus", function() {
f || g || (l = 0);
m = +new Date;
f = g = !0;
h = !1;
}, q, "click", d, q, "mousemove", d, q, "keydown", d, q, "scroll", d];
function A(b) {
var c = F.referrer ? ba : q.referrer,
d = F.url ? M : K().href;
"number" !== typeof b && (b = 15E3);
if (!g._isAccurateTrackBounce) {
g._isAccurateTrackBounce = !0;
var e = new ca({
counterId: a
var f = e.get("lastHit");
e.set("lastHit", x.getMs());
((e = e.get("lastHit")) && (!f || f < e - 18E5) || !Gb(c, d) || .1 > Math.random()) && G(function() {
}, b)
function I(a) {
var b = function() {
var a = K().hash.split("#")[1];
if ("undefined" == typeof a) return !1;
var b = a.indexOf("?");
0 < b && (a = a.substring(0, b));
return a
var c = b();
(function Ka() {
var d = b();
d !== c && (a(), c = d);
X = k.setTimeout(Ka, 200, "trackHash")
function da(a) {
if (!1 === a) Y && ("onhashchange" in n ? r.un(n, "hashchange", ma) : k.clearTimeout(X),
Y = !1);
else if (a = ma, !Y) {
if ("onhashchange" in n) r.on(n, "hashchange", a);
else I(a);
Y = !0
g._trackHash = Y
function ma() {
var a = {
ut: ta,
ad: 1 == d && n.Ya && n.Ya.Direct,
wh: !0,
saveRef: !0,
pv: !0
ja = Ta.lastReferrer = ra;
url: F.url ? M : K().href,
title: v.getDocumentTitle(),
referrer: ja,
modes: a
ra = K().href
function pa(a, b, c) {
a = Fa.parseValidate(a, b);
b = [];
a && (b.push(a), c = c || {}, k.isFunction(c.callback) && (b.push(c.callback), c.ctx && b.push(c.ctx)));
b.length && g.params.apply(g, b)
var ta = "",
F = {},
ja = "",
ra = Ta.lastReferrer = H.href,
ua = 0,
na = !1,
B.setSafe("counter", g);
La && E(function() {
throw La.error;
}, "include." + La.scope)();
if ("object" === typeof a) {
F = a;
e = a.defer;
ta = a.ut;
d = a.type;
b = a.params;
var Da = a.userParams;
var Ia = a.tns;
var Ea = F.experiments;
var Ja = F.nck;
var M = a.url;
var ba = a.referrer;
a =
if (!n["disableYaCounter" + a]) {
Ba.parse = function(a, b) {
var c = {},
a = a && a.replace(/^\?/, "") || "";
if (a.length) {
var e = a.split("\x26");
for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++)
if (e[d]) {
var f = e[d].split("\x3d");
if (f[0]) {
var g = k.safeDecodeURIComponent(f[0]);
f = k.safeDecodeURIComponent((f[1] || "").replace(/\+/g, "%20"));
b && g in c ? k.isArray(c[g]) ? c[g].push(f) : c[g] = [c[g], f] : c[g] = f
return c
var T = [];
M = M ? M : K().href;
ba = ba ? ba : q.referrer;
a = a || 0;
/^\d+$/.test(a) || (a = 0);
d = d || 0;
var ha = a + ":" + d;
if (B.get("counters")[ha]) return R.log("Duplicate counter " + ha + " initialization"), B.get("counters")[ha];
var qa = B.get("hitId");
var za = new Ab({
counterId: a,
hid: qa
B.set("counterNum", B.get("counterNum") + 1);
var va = B.get("counterNum");
var N = new Ga({
protocol: "https:",
counterType: d,
counterId: a,
hitId: qa,
counter: g,
globalConfig: B,
counterNum: va
var ka = {
init: function(a, b) {
if (n.performance && "function" === typeof performance.getEntries && (a === w && (a = 1), !(Math.random() >= a))) {
var c = {
1882689622: 1,
2318205080: 1,
3115871109: 1,
3604875100: 1,
339366994: 1,
2890452365: 1,
849340123: 1,
173872646: 1,
2343947156: 1,
655012937: 1,
1996539654: 1,
2065498185: 1,
823651274: 1,
12282461: 1,
1555719328: 1,
1417229093: 1,
138396985: 1
d = performance.getEntries(),
e = {},
f = {},
g = {},
h = {},
b && (g.counterId = 51533966);
for (l = 0; l < d.length; l++) {
var m =
var p =^https?:\/\//, "").split("?")[0];
var q = k.fnv32a(p);
"script" == m.initiatorType && b && (f[p] = {
dns: Math.round(m.domainLookupEnd - m.domainLookupStart),
tcp: Math.round(m.connectEnd - m.connectStart),
duration: Math.round(m.duration),
response: Math.round(m.responseEnd - m.requestStart),
decodedBodySize: m.decodedBodySize
!c[q] || e[p] || b || (e[p] = {
dns: Math.round(m.domainLookupEnd - m.domainLookupStart),
tcp: Math.round(m.connectEnd - m.connectStart),
duration: Math.round(m.duration),
response: Math.round(m.responseEnd -
pages: H.href
k.keys(e).length && (h.timings8 = e);
k.keys(f).length && (h.scripts = f);
k.keys(h).length && (new Oa(g)).logParams(h)
ua = 24226447 == a ? 1 : .002;
g.replacePhones = l(function() {
var b, c;
try {
(b = (new J({
counterId: a
})).read("mp2_substs")) && (c = ea.parse(b)) && m(c, !0)
} catch (la) {}
return g
}, "counter.replacePhones");
g.reachGoal = l(function(b, c, d, e) {
2 <= arguments.length && "function" === typeof c && (e = d, d = c, c = w);
R.log("Reach goal. Counter: " + a + ". Goal id: " + b + ". Params: ", c);
N.sendGoal(b, {
url: F.url ?
M : K().href,
vParams: c,
callback: d,
ctx: e
return g
}, "counter.reachGoal");
g.trackLinks = l(function(a) {
return g
}, "counter.trackLinks");
var V = new ca({
counterId: a
g.hit = l(function(b, c, d, e, f, h) {
b ? (k.isObject(c) && (d = c.referer, e = c.params, f = c.callback, h = c.ctx, c = c.title), M = b, R.log("PageView. Counter " + a, ". URL: " + b, ". Referrer: " + d, ". Params: ", e), N.sendHit({
url: b,
title: c,
hasPrerender: na,
referrer: d,
vParams: e,
callback: f,
ctx: h
}), na = !1) : k.warning("Empty hit url");
return g
}, "counter.hit");
g.params = l(function(b) {
var c =
d = c,
e = [], 0);
if (b) {
if (1 < arguments.length) {
if (k.isFunction(arguments[c - 1])) {
var f = arguments[c - 1];
d = c - 1
} else if (k.isFunction(arguments[c - 2])) {
f = arguments[c - 2];
var h = arguments[c - 1];
d = c - 2
e = [], 0, d);
1 < e.length && (e = [k.array2Props(e)])
c = -1 !== k.arrayIndexOf(k.keys(e[0]), "__ymu");
(d = -1 !== k.arrayIndexOf(k.keys(e[0]), "__ym") && e[0].__ym.user_id) ? R.log('Set user id "' + e[0].__ym.user_id + '"'): R.log((c ? "User p" : "P") + "arams. Counter " + a + ". Params: ", e[0]);
f, h, F.url ? M : K().href)
} else k.warning("Wrong params");
return g
}, "counter.params");
za.addHandler("pluginInfo", function() {
return F
}, this);
za.addHandler("parentConnect", function(a, b) {
__ym: {
parentIframe: {
counterId: b.counterId,
hid: b.hid
}, this);
g.file = l(function(a, b) {
a ? (b = b || {}, N.sendFileUpload({
url: a,
title: b.title,
vParams: b.params,
callback: b.callback,
ctx: b.ctx,
referrer: F.url ? M : K().href
})) : k.warning("Empty file url");
return g
}, "counter.file");
g.extLink = l(function(a, b) {
a ? (b = b || {},
url: a,
title: b.title,
vParams: b.params,
callback: b.callback,
ctx: b.ctx,
referrer: F.url ? M : K().href
}, M)) : k.warning("Empty link");
return g
}, "counter.extLink");
g.notBounce = l(function(a) {
var b = 0;
a = a || {};
jb && Va && (b = Va - jb);
N.sendNotBounce(b, {
url: F.url ? M : K().href,
callback: a.callback,
ctx: a.ctx
return g
}, "counter.notBounce");
var W = [];
g.addFileExtension = l(function(a) {
if (!a) return k.warning("Empty extension"), g;
"string" === typeof a ? W.push(a) : W = W.concat(a);
return g
g.clickmap = function(a) {
return g
g.accurateTrackBounce = l(function(a) {
return g
var X = null;
var Y = !1;
g.trackHash = l(function(a) {
return g
var Fa = {
requiredEcommerceFields: ["currency", "goods"],
parseValidate: function(a, b) {
var c = this.validate(a, b),
if (!c.isValid) return console && console.log(c.message), !1;
c = {};
c[a] = {};
b.currency && (c.currencyCode = b.currency);
b.goods && (c[a].products = b.goods);
for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) && -1 === k.arrayIndexOf(this.requiredEcommerceFields, d) && (c[a].actionField || (c[a].actionField = {}), c[a].actionField[d] =
return {
__ym: {
ecommerce: [c]
validate: function(a, b) {
var c = !1,
d = "";
if (k.isObject(b)) switch (a) {
case "detail":
case "add":
case "remove":
k.isArray(b.goods) && b.goods.length ? (c = k.arrayEvery(b.goods, function(a) {
return k.isObject(a) && (k.isString( || k.isNumber( || k.isString( || k.isString(
})) || (d = "All items in 'goods' should be objects and contain 'id' or 'name' field") : d = "Ecommerce data should contain 'goods' non-empty array";
case "purchase":
k.isNumber( || k.isString( ?
c = !0 : d = "Purchase object should contain string or number 'id' field"
} else d = "Ecommerce data should be an object";
return {
isValid: c,
message: d
g.ecommerceDetail = l(function(a, b) {
pa("detail", a, b);
return g
}, "ecommerce.detail");
g.ecommerceAdd = l(function(a, b) {
pa("add", a, b);
return g
}, "ecommerce.add");
g.ecommerceRemove = l(function(a, b) {
pa("remove", a, b);
return g
}, "ecommerce.remove");
g.ecommercePurchase = l(function(a, b) {
pa("purchase", a, b);
return g
}, "ecommerce.purchase");
g.userParams = l(function(a, b, c) {
k.isObject(a) ?
__ymu: a
}, b || function() {}, c) : k.warning("Wrong user params");
return g
}, "uparams");
g.experiments = l(function(a, b, c) {
callback: b,
ctx: c,
experiments: a
return g
}, "exps"); = g.setUserID = l(function(a, b, c) {
k.isString(a) || k.isNumber(a) ? g.params({
__ym: {
user_id: a
}, b || function() {}, c) : k.warning("Incorrect user ID");
return g
}, "id");
var S = new J;
g.getClientID = l(function(a) {
var b ="uid");
a && k.isFunction(a) && a(b);
return b
}, "guid");
g.enableAll = function() {
return g
g.uploadPage = function() {};
g.destruct = l(function() {
g._isDestructing = !0;
r.un(q, "click", y, null, {
name: "extLinkClick"
r.un(n, "load", g.replacePhones, g);
oa && oa.stop();
B.set("stopRecoder", w);
B.set("counter", w);
try {
delete n["yaCounter" + a], delete B.get("counters")[ha], delete B.get("hitParam")[ha]
} catch (Q) {}
g.isDestructing = function() {
return !!g._isDestructing
g._performanceTiming = nb;
if (a) {
var Ca = new Ha({
counter: g,
counterId: a,
globalConfig: B,
frameConnector: za,
prefsEcommerce: F.ecommerce,
prefsUseDataLayer: F.useDataLayer
if ("prerender" === q.webkitVisibilityState || "prerender" === q.visibilityState) {
url: M,
vParams: b,
title: v.getDocumentTitle(),
referrer: q.referrer
var xa = function() {
"prerender" !== q.webkitVisibilityState && "prerender" !== q.visibilityState && (r.un(q, "webkitvisibilitychange,visibilitychange", xa), z(!0))
r.on(q, "webkitvisibilitychange,visibilitychange", xa)
} else z(!1)
}, "init")()
tb.init(ma, B);
new zb({
globalConfig: B
n.Ya[ma].counters = function() {
var a = [];
k.forEachKey(B.get("counters"), function(b, d) {
var e = b.split(":");
id: +e[0],
type: +e[1],
accurateTrackBounce: d._isAccurateTrackBounce,
clickmap: d._clickmap && d._clickmap._start,
oldCode: !!n.ya_cid,
trackHash: !!d._trackHash,
trackLinks: d._trackLinks && d._trackLinks.on,
webvisor: !!d._webvisor
return a
B.setSafe("getCounters", function() {
var a = [];
k.forEachKey(B.get("counters"), function(b, d) {
var e = b.split(":");
id: +e[0],
type: +e[1],
accurateTrackBounce: d._isAccurateTrackBounce,
clickmap: d._clickmap &&
oldCode: !!n.ya_cid,
trackHash: !!d._trackHash,
trackLinks: d._trackLinks && d._trackLinks.on,
webvisor: !!d._webvisor
return a
n.ya_cid && n.Ya.Metrika && new n.Ya.Metrika(n.ya_cid, n.ya_params, n.ya_class);
n.ya_cid && !n.ya_hit && (n.ya_hit = function(a, b) {
n.Ya._metrika.counter && n.Ya._metrika.counter.reachGoal(a, b)
(function() {
function a(a) {
try {
delete n[a]
} catch (m) {
n[a] = w
var b = "yandex_metrika_callback",
d = "yandex_metrika_callbacks";
b = "yandex_metrika_callback2";
d = "yandex_metrika_callbacks2";
var e = n[b],
g = n[d],
"function" == typeof e && e();
if ("object" == typeof g)
for (e = 0; e < g.length; e++)
if (k = g[e]) g[e] = null, k();
n.Ya[ma].informer = function(a) {
var b = !!n.Ya[ma]._informer;
Ya[ma]._informer = a;
Ya[ma]._informer.domain = "";
b || v.loadScript({
src: ""
r.on(q, "click", E(function(a) {
var b = U.getTarget(a);
if (b && "ym-advanced-informer" === b.className) {
var d = b.getAttribute("data-lang");
var e = b.getAttribute("data-cid");
i: b,
id: +e,
lang: d
}, "adv-inf"), null, {
passive: !1
})(this, this.document);
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