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Last active May 2, 2024 22:21
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AppScript to fix Google Sheets with =IMAGE() formulas that contain data-urls
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Illegal quoting in line 2.
Image key Image Another column
// This App Script fixes the missing Google Sheets API that lets you add images as data-uris.
// Surprisingly, neither the =IMAGE() formula or the public web API accepts base64 encoded
// data-uris as an image URL.
// However, the App Script API does support inserting image data-urls! So we use this as
// a workaround until Google adds API support.
// 1. Create a CSV or spreadsheet
// 2. Convert your image to base64 and add it to a cell, optionally as the url parameter to the IMAGE formula:
// `=IMAGE("...")`
// (Note: the max length of contents of a cell is 50,000 characters, so make sure to compress your images accordingly.
// 3. Add this script as an AppScript
// 4. Select the column that contains the images
// 5. Run the script
// 6. It will convert all the data uris in that entire column and insert them as cell images
const imageDimensions = {
width: 256,
height: 256
function insertImagesFromBase64() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const activeRange = sheet.getActiveRange();
// Get the row index of the selected cell
const columnIndex = activeRange.getColumn();
// console.log("checking rows " + rowRange.getA1Notation() + ` last: ${sheet.getLastRow()}`);
let successCount = 0;
for (let rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= sheet.getLastRow(); rowIndex++) {
const range = sheet.getRange(rowIndex, columnIndex); // Offset for 1-indexing
const cellValue = range.getValue();
console.log("checking cell " + range.getA1Notation());
// Check if the cell contains base64 data
if (cellValue.includes("data:image")) {
// Extract the base64 data (remove the data URI prefix)
const start = cellValue.indexOf('data:image');
let base64Data = cellValue.substring(start);
// remove ") in case it's wrapped in a useless =IMAGE() formula
base64Data = base64Data.replace(/[)"]/gi, '');
// Create a CellImage object
const cellImage = SpreadsheetApp.newCellImage()
.setSourceUrl(base64Data) // Reconstruct for CellImage
// Insert the image into the cell
// Resize the row and column to fit the image
sheet.setRowHeight(range.getRow(), imageDimensions.height);
sheet.setColumnWidth(range.getColumn(), imageDimensions.width);
if (successCount === 0) {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(`Could not find any base64 images in the selected cells ${activeRange.getA1Notation()}`);
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