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Created April 29, 2021 19:37
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oddlama's kitty.conf
# Set font family and size
font_family FiraCode Nerd Font
bold_font auto
italic_font auto
bold_italic_font auto
font_size 10.0
# Use xterm-256color because copying terminfo-kitty is painful.
term xterm-256color
# Do not wait for inherited child processes.
close_on_child_death yes
# Disable ligatures.
disable_ligatures always
# Modified onehalfdark color scheme
foreground #c9d3e5
background #090a0c
cursor #cccccc
color0 #090a0c
color8 #393e48
color1 #b2555d
color9 #e06c75
color2 #81a566
color10 #98c379
color3 #ccab6e
color11 #e6c17c
color4 #5395cc
color12 #61afef
color5 #9378de
color13 #c678dd
#color6 #439999
#color14 #64e5e5
#color6 #cc9c66
#color14 #e5ab69
# cyan
#color6 #56b6c2
#color14 #56b6c2
color6 #cc9c66
color14 #e5ab69
color7 #979eab
color15 #abb2bf
selection_foreground #282c34
selection_background #979eab
# Disable cursor blinking
cursor_blink_interval 0
# Big fat scrollback buffer
scrollback_lines 100000
# Set scrollback buffer for pager in MB
scrollback_pager_history_size 256
# Use nvim as scrollback pager
scrollback_pager nvim -u NONE -c "set nonumber nolist showtabline=0 foldcolumn=0 laststatus=0" -c "autocmd TermOpen * normal G" -c "silent write! /tmp/kitty_scrollback_buffer | te head -c-1 /tmp/kitty_scrollback_buffer; rm /tmp/kitty_scrollback_buffer; cat"
# Don't copy on select
copy_on_select no
# Set program to open urls with
open_url_with xdg-open
# Fuck the bell
enable_audio_bell yes
# Keyboard mappings
map shift+page_up scroll_page_up
map shift+page_down scroll_page_down
map ctrl+left neighboring_window left
map ctrl+right neighboring_window right
map ctrl+up neighboring_window up
map ctrl+down neighboring_window down
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