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Last active October 14, 2023 22:07
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  • Save oddlama/6d9c638f4d346d40667e20e08dc1de6f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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oddlama's base16 wired theme
// oddlama's base16 wired theme (rendered with decay-dark)
// Generated with:
debug: false,
history_length: 60,
layout_blocks: [
hook: Hook (parent_anchor: TR, self_anchor: TR),
name: "general_root",
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AppName (""),
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AppName (""),
AppName ("notify-send")
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AppName (""),
AppName ("notify-send")
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ActionOther (0),
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ActionOther (2),
ActionOther (3),
ActionOther (4),
ActionOther (5)
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AppName (""),
AppName ("notify-send")
ActionOther (4)
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offset: Vec2 (x: 9.600000, y: 0.000000),
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border_color: Color (hex: "#485263"),
border_color_hovered: Color (hex: "#9378de"),
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AppName ("notify-send")
ActionOther (5)
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ActionOther (1),
ActionOther (2),
ActionOther (3),
ActionOther (4),
ActionOther (5)
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dimensions: (height: (max: 28, min: 28), width: (max: 172, min: 38)),
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text: "%a",
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AppName ("notify-send")
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shortcuts: ShortcutsConfig (notification_action1: 3, notification_close: 2, notification_interact: 1, notification_pause: 1),
timeout: 10000
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