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Created November 30, 2021 20:00
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Modified version of Tractorcow script to migrate Silverstripe Translatable to Fluent
namespace TractorCow\Fluent\Task;
use SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTree;
use SilverStripe\Core\ClassInfo;
use SilverStripe\Core\Environment;
use SilverStripe\Dev\BuildTask;
use SilverStripe\Dev\Debug;
use SilverStripe\i18n\i18n;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Queries\SQLSelect;
use SilverStripe\Security\DefaultAdminService;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
use SilverStripe\Versioned\Versioned;
use TractorCow\Fluent\Extension\FluentExtension;
use TractorCow\Fluent\Extension\FluentFilteredExtension;
use TractorCow\Fluent\Model\Locale;
use TractorCow\Fluent\State\FluentState;
use TractorCow\Fluent\Task\ConvertTranslatableTask\Exception;
* Provides migration from the Translatable module in a SilverStripe 3 website to the Fluent format for SilverStripe 4.
* This task assumes that you have upgraded your website to run on SilverStripe 4 already, and you want to migrate the
* existing data from your project into a format that is compatible with Fluent.
* Don't forget to:
* 1. Back up your DB
* 2. dev/build
* 3. Log into the CMS and set up the locales you want to use
* 4. Back up your DB again
* 5. Log into the CMS and check everything
class SS4TranslatableToFluentTask extends BuildTask
protected $title = "SS4 Convert Translatable > Fluent Task";
protected $description = "Migrates site DB from SS3 Translatable DB format to SS4 Fluent.";
protected $skipped_classes = [
private static $segment = 'SS4TranslatableToFluentTask';
public function run($request)
Environment::increaseMemoryLimitTo(); // Do we have to tell you three times?
// we may need some privileges for this to work
// without this, running under sake is a problem
// maybe sake could take care of it ...
function () {
DB::get_conn()->withTransaction(function () {
$defaultLocale = i18n::config()->get('default_locale');
$classes = $this->fluentClasses();
$tables = DB::get_schema()->tableList();
if (empty($classes)) {
Debug::message('No classes have Fluent enabled, so skipping.', false);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$deletionTables = [];
$class_representative = singleton($class);
// Disable filter if it has been applied to the class
if ($class_representative->hasMethod('has_extension')
&& $class::has_extension(FluentFilteredExtension::class)
) {
// Ensure that a translationgroup table exists for this class
$baseTable = DataObject::getSchema()->baseDataTable($class);
if ($class_representative->hasMethod('has_extension')
&& $class::has_extension(Versioned::class)
) {
// Tables that have to be corrected to unify all the translations under one base record
$postProcessTables = [
$baseTable . '_Localised',
$baseTable . '_Localised_Live',
$baseTable . '_Versions',
// Tables that have to have their URLSegment fixed
$URLSegmentTables = [];
if ($baseTable == 'SiteTree') {
$URLSegmentTables = [
$baseTable . '_Localised',
$baseTable . '_Localised_Live',
$baseTable . '_Localised_Versions',
// Flag tables to prune old translations from
$deletionTables[$baseTable . '_Versions'] = 1;
$deletionTables[$baseTable . '_Live'] = 1;
} else { // NOT versioned
$postProcessTables = [$baseTable . '_Localised',];
$URLSegmentTables = [];
// Flag table to prune old translations from (Versioned or not)
$deletionTables[$baseTable] = 1;
$groupTable = strtolower($baseTable . "_translationgroups");
if (isset($tables[$groupTable])) {
$groupTable = $tables[$groupTable];
} else {
Debug::message("Ignoring class without _translationgroups table ${class}", false);
// Get all of Translatable's translation group IDs
// Translation Groups are the old, Translatable collections of translated pages
$translation_groups = DB::query(sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT TranslationGroupID FROM %s', $groupTable));
foreach ($translation_groups as $translation_group) {
$translationGroupSet = [];
$translationGroupID = $translation_group['TranslationGroupID'];
$itemIDs = DB::query(sprintf("SELECT OriginalID FROM %s WHERE TranslationGroupID = %d", $groupTable, $translationGroupID))->column();
$instanceIDs = $class::get()->sort('Created')->byIDs($itemIDs)->column('ID');
if (!count($instanceIDs)) {
Debug::message(sprintf("\n%d instances for %s: [%s]", count($instanceIDs), implode(', ', $itemIDs), implode(', ', $instanceIDs)), false);
$noSyncedLocalesString = false;
$noSyncedLocales = [];
$defaultURLSegment = false;
$itemIDsString = join(',', $itemIDs);
$defaultInstanceIDColumn = DB::query("SELECT ID FROM SiteTree WHERE Locale = '${defaultLocale}' AND ID IN (${itemIDsString})")->column();
$defaultInstanceID = $defaultInstanceIDColumn && count($defaultInstanceIDColumn) ? $defaultInstanceIDColumn[0] : false;
$defaultInstance = $defaultInstanceID ? $class::get()->byID($defaultInstanceID) : false;
if ($defaultInstance) {
$defaultURLSegment = $defaultInstance->URLSegment;
// check to see if there are any "synced" locales.
// if there are, remove them from the list of instances
$noSyncedLocalesString = DB::query("SELECT NoSyncToTheseLocales FROM Page WHERE ID = ${defaultInstanceID}")->column();
$noSyncedLocalesString = count($noSyncedLocalesString) ? $noSyncedLocalesString[0] : false;
if ($noSyncedLocalesString) {
$noSyncedLocales = explode(',', $noSyncedLocalesString);
Debug::message("NoSyncToTheseLocales: ${noSyncedLocalesString}", false);
Debug::message("Default URLSegment: {$defaultURLSegment}", false);
// re-order to put default locale first. EDIT THIS TO MATCH YOUR SET OF LOCALES!!
$keyedByLocale = ['en_US' => false, 'zh_CN' => false, 'zh_TW' => false];
foreach ($instanceIDs as $id) {
$instance = $class::get()->byID($id);
// Get the Locale column directly from the base table, because the SS ORM will set it to the default
$instanceLocale = SQLSelect::create()
->setWhere(["\"{$baseTable}\".\"ID\"" => $instance->ID])
if ($instanceLocale) {
$instanceLocale = $instanceLocale['Locale'];
$instance->Locale = $instanceLocale;
$keyedByLocale[$instanceLocale] = $id;
foreach ($keyedByLocale as $instanceLocale => $id) {
$instance = $class::get()->byID($id);
// Ensure that we have an instance
if (!$instance) {
// Ensure that we got the Locale out of the base table
if (empty($instanceLocale)) {
Debug::message("Skipping {$instance->Title} with ID {$instance->ID} - couldn't find Locale", false);
// Check for obsolete classes that don't need to be handled any more
if ($instance->ObsoleteClassName) {
"Skipping {$instance->ClassName} with ID {$instance->ID} because it from an obsolete class",
// skip this if not either the default instance or in the noSyncLocale array.
// also delete it from DB
// $noSyncedLocales = list of locales that CAN have their own translations
// and should NOT be deleted
if ($defaultInstance
&& $instance->ID != $defaultInstance->ID
&& !in_array($instanceLocale, $noSyncedLocales)) {
// delete since this is a should-fallback (formerly synced) Page
Debug::message("Deleting synced page {$instance->Title} with ID {$instance->ID}", false);
SiteTree::config()->update('enforce_strict_hierarchy', false);
SiteTree::config()->update('enforce_strict_hierarchy', true);
// skip it;
$translationGroupSet[$instanceLocale] = $id;
if (empty($translationGroupSet)) {
// Now write out the records for the translation group
if (array_key_exists($defaultLocale, $translationGroupSet)) {
$originalRecordID = $translationGroupSet[$defaultLocale];
} else {
$originalRecordID = reset($translationGroupSet); // Just use the first one
foreach ($translationGroupSet as $locale => $id) {
$instance = $class::get()->byID($id);
if (!$instance) {
Debug::message("Couldn't find {$class} id:{$id} locale: ${locale}", false);
"Updating {$instance->ClassName} {$instance->Title} ({$instance->ID}) [RecordID: {$originalRecordID}] with locale {$locale}",
->withState(function (FluentState $state) use ($instance, $locale, $originalRecordID) {
// Use Fluent's ORM to write and/or publish the record into the correct locale
// from Translatable
if (!$this->isPublished($instance)) {
Debug::message(" -- Saved to draft", false);
} else {
try {
$success = $instance->publishRecursive();
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
Debug::message(" -- Publishing FAILED", false);
// throw new Exception("Failed to publish");
//throw $th;
if (isset($success) && $success !== false) {
Debug::message(" -- Published", false);
foreach ($postProcessTables as $table) {
$query = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET RecordID = %d WHERE RecordID IN (%s)", $table, $originalRecordID, implode(', ', $itemIDs));
Debug::message($query, false);
// force URLSegments for SiteTree
if (count($URLSegmentTables)) {
foreach ($URLSegmentTables as $table) {
// if we're a localized table, we need to use RecordID
if (in_array($table, $postProcessTables)) {
$query = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET URLSegment = '%s' WHERE RecordID IN (%s)", $table, $defaultURLSegment, implode(', ', $itemIDs));
// otherwise ID
elseif ($defaultInstance) {
$query = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET URLSegment = '%s' WHERE ID = %d", $table, $defaultURLSegment, $defaultInstance->ID);
} else {
'Unable to update URLSegment to %s in table %s because $defaultInstance is no object',
), false);
Debug::message($query, false);
// Delete old base items that don't have the default locale
foreach (array_keys($deletionTables) as $table) {
$query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE Locale != '%s'", $table, $defaultLocale);
Debug::message($query, false);
// Drop the "Locale" column from the base table
Debug::message('Dropping "Locale" column from ' . $baseTable, false);
DB::query(sprintf('ALTER TABLE "%s" DROP COLUMN "Locale"', $baseTable));
// Drop the "_translationgroups" translatable table
Debug::message('Deleting Translatable table ' . $groupTable, false);
DB::query(sprintf('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "%s"', $groupTable));
* Gets all classes with FluentExtension
* @return array Array of classes to migrate
protected function fluentClasses()
$classes = [];
$dataClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor(DataObject::class);
foreach ($dataClasses as $class) {
// is this a skipped class?
if (in_array($class, $this->skipped_classes)) {
$base = DataObject::getSchema()->baseDataClass($class);
foreach (DataObject::get_extensions($base) as $extension) {
if (is_a($extension, FluentExtension::class, true)) {
$classes[] = $base;
return array_unique($classes);
* Checks that fluent is configured correctly
* @throws ConvertTranslatableTask\Exception
protected function checkInstalled()
// Assert that fluent is configured
$locales = Locale::getLocales();
if (empty($locales)) {
throw new Exception("Please configure Fluent locales (in the CMS) prior to migrating from translatable");
$defaultLocale = Locale::getDefault();
if (empty($defaultLocale)) {
throw new Exception(
"Please configure a Fluent default locale (in the CMS) prior to migrating from translatable"
* Determine whether the record has been published previously/is currently published
* @param DataObject $instance
* @return bool
protected function isPublished(DataObject $instance)
$isPublished = false;
if ($instance->hasMethod('isPublished')) {
$isPublished = $instance->isPublished();
return $isPublished;
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oddnoc commented Nov 30, 2021

Remember to edit line 150 to match your list of locales.

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