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Last active March 13, 2022 18:05
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# 2022-0313
# openssl way to generate a ECDSA signing private key
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out signing-priv.pem
# a f'ing mess below. BEWARE
# If you have an array of characters of length n, do you want to partition the array into a two dimensional array with equal dimensions
# tArray[s][t] = arr[sm+t] for 0<=s<m, 0<=t<m, if sm+t<n, tArray[s][t] = null
journal = b"Logarithmic transistorized gigabyte backbone connectivity recursive, converter. Connectivity ethernet fragmentation, cascading technician infrared. Silicon femtosecond internet, backbone femtosecond bypass. Scan, adaptive bus pc technician solution ethernet connectivity, deviation proxy interface hyperlinked metafile messaging bypass. Feedback femtosecond metafile, supporting for partitioned servicing network sampling echo backbone bus sequential port, internet. Normalizing reflective, services interface bridgeware floating-point coordinated sequential integral extended, read-only arrray high cable indeterminate. Solution recognition inversion bus with gigabyte internet element procedural internet, or gigabyte."
hold = [[(etfhthbcasef do i put here????????) for i in range(BUFFER_LENGTH)] for j in range(math.ceil(len(journal) / BUFFER_LENGTH))]
# Blinding???
# x = (x * large_random_int) mod m
# Qemu command to create a boot install for Slax linux
qemu-img -f qcow2 .\SLAX.qcow2 20G
qemu-system-x86_64.exe -hda .\SLAX.qcow2 -cdrom .\slax-64bit-11.2.0.iso -boot d -m 4096 -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci -vga virtio
qemu-system-x86_64.exe SLAX.qcow2 -boot d -m 4096 -nic user,model=virtio=net-pci -vga virtio
# works best
qemu-system-x86_64w.exe -drive file=linux.img,index=0,media=disk,format=raw -cdrom ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso -m 4G -smp 4 -L Bios -usbdevice mouse -usbdevice keyboard -boot menu=on -rtc base=localtime,clock=host -parallel none -serial none -name ubuntu-no-acpi -no-hpet -no-reboot --accel tcg,thread=multi
# run off previously created install
qemu-system-x86_64w.exe -drive file=linux.img,index=0,media=disk,format=raw -m 4G -smp 4 -L Bios -usbdevice mouse -usbdevice keyboard -boot menu=on -rtc base=localtime,clock=host -parallel none -serial none -name ubuntu -no-acpi -no-hpet -no-reboot -device e1000,netdev=user.0 -netdev user,id=user.0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 --accel tcg,thread=multi
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