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Last active June 30, 2020 14:39
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fun HorizontalSliderWithAnchor(
modifier : Modifier = Modifier,
children: @Composable() () -> Unit
) {
var childPositions by state { listOf<ChildPosition>()}
WithConstraints() {
val boxWidth = with(DensityAmbient.current) { constraints.maxWidth.toDp() }
//setting up all the anchors.
//if childPositions is empty (first pass), anchors are empty, and the scroll range is 0f->0f
val leftBoundPx : Px = -(childPositions.lastOrNull()?.left?.toPx() ?: 0.px)
val rightBoundPx = 0.px
val flingConfig = AnchorsFlingConfig( { -it.left.toPx().value} )
val scrollPosition = animatedFloat(0f)
scrollPosition.setBounds(leftBoundPx.value, rightBoundPx.value)
val xOffset = with(DensityAmbient.current) { scrollPosition.value.toDp() }
Surface(modifier = modifier
startDragImmediately = scrollPosition.isRunning,
dragDirection = DragDirection.Horizontal,
onDragStopped = { scrollPosition.fling(flingConfig, it) })
{ delta ->
scrollPosition.snapTo(scrollPosition.value + delta)
) {
Layout(children, modifier
.offset(x = xOffset)) { measurables, constraints, _ ->
//unsure what I'm doing here, seems to allow children to use .fillMaxWidth()
val childConstraints = constraints.copy(minWidth = IntPx.Zero)
val newTabPositions = mutableListOf<ChildPosition>()
var fixedSpace = IntPx.Zero
var crossAxisSpace = IntPx.Zero
//measuring and storing the positions
val placeables ={child ->
val placeable = child.measure(childConstraints)
left = fixedSpace,
width = placeable.width))
fixedSpace += placeable.width
crossAxisSpace = max(crossAxisSpace, placeable.height)
//transfering positions, recomposing ?
if (childPositions != newTabPositions) {
childPositions = newTabPositions
val width = min(fixedSpace, constraints.maxWidth)
val height = min(crossAxisSpace, constraints.maxHeight)
//placing as a limitless row
layout(width , height) {
var position = 0.ipx
placeables.forEach {, 0.ipx)
position += it.width
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