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Created July 7, 2019 19:56
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Powershell script to backup IIS sites
Backup IIS sites to an 7zip archive and keep a number of versions
Create date based backups of all IIS site directories by mirroring site directories to a date folder. Create a zip file for each
mirrored folder with naming convention
Automatically clean up older zip files setting the number of backups to keep.
function Backup-IISSites
Import-Module IISAdministration
# Module variables
[string]$PROGRAMFILES_DIRECTORY = $Env:Programfiles
[string]$7ZIP_EXE = Join-Path $PROGRAMFILES_DIRECTORY "\7-Zip\7z.exe"
# Path check
If (!(Test-Path -PathType Leaf $7ZIP_EXE))
Write-Warning "Cannot find path 7zip.exe in `"$PROGRAMFILES_DIRECTORY". 7Zip is required.`
$sites = Get-IISSite
$iisSites = "IIS:\Sites\"
$backupRootPath = "C:\Backup\Sites\"
$numberOfBackups = 7
$day = Get-Date -UFormat %d
$month = Get-Date -UFormat %m
$year = Get-Date -UFormat %Y
foreach($site in $sites)
$iisWebsitePath = Get-WebFilePath $iisSites\$site
If ($iisWebsitePath -ne $null)
# Mirror site files to date directory with robocopy
Write-Host "Copying site files to backup directory"
$backupPath = $backupRootPath+$year+"-"+$month+"-"+$day+"\"+$site.Name
Write-Host "Backing up $site to path: $backupPath"
# Run robocopy command
& robocopy $iisWebsitePath.FullName $backupPath /MIR /XF UmbracoTraceLog* /XD *cache* /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS
# Create zip files from mirrored site files
Write-Host "Zipping site ""$site"" to an zip archive"
$zipName = $year+"-"+$month+"-"+$day+"-"+$site.Name.Replace(".", "_")+".zip"
$zipFilePathAndName = $backupPath.Substring(0, $backupPath.LastIndexOf("\")+1)+$zipName
$7zcmd = "a"
$zipCommand = "`"$7ZIP_EXE`" $7zcmd `"$zipFilePathAndName`" `"$backupPath`""
Write-Debug $zipCommand
Invoke-Expression "& $zipCommand" -OutVariable output #| findstr /i /v "Compressing"
Write-Output $output | Receive-Output
# Clean up temporary backup folders for creating zip archives
If (Test-Path $backupPath)
Write-Verbose "Removing: $backupPath"
Remove-Item -Path $backupPath -Recurse -Force
# Move all older then number of backups zip files to oldzips folder
$tempPathZips = $backupRootPath+"oldzips"
If (!(Test-Path $tempPathZips))
Write-Host "Create old zips temp folder"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $tempPathZips
Write-Host "Moving zips older then $numberOfBackups days"
& robocopy $backupRootPath $tempPathZips /E /MOVE /MINAGE:$numberOfBackups /XD $tempPathZips /LOG+:$backupRootPath\robocopy.log
Write-Host "Remove oldzips folder with older backups"
Remove-Item -Path $tempPathZips -Recurse -Force
function Receive-Output {
process { Write-Host $_ -foreground Yellow }
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