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Created March 22, 2015 01:07
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Hacking Aporia (Nim IDE) to work on Yosemite OS X with GTK 2 Quartz (no X11)

Aporia on OS X Yosemite (GTK+ 2.x)

"Don't try at home or don't blame me for lost hours of your life!"

See this Nim Forum Topic where this started.

Well I have a working Aporia version on my Yosemite OS X 10.10.2 from the new-suggest branch of the repository.

BUT the lengths I had to go to get this working are plastered with stuff I did not understand :)

The main problem is that I could not get it to use the libgktsourceview.dylib.

Neither the one which I got from Homebrew, nor the one I got from a working gedit distribution. Not even compiling it myself (I come to that) made a working dylib for me.

At first I had to get gtk2 working at all.

GTK 2 + dependencies

I did this:

brew install gtk+ --without-x11

This will install a lot of dependencies I do not go into the details. I also installed:

gtk-doc gtk-engines gtksourceview (but that did not work) gdk-pixbuf

I also remember intltool autoconf automake atk gettext pkg-config coreutils (maybe) glib which all where involved but some may be not really needed.

Nim GTK 2 (with gtk_quartz)

First one need to get nim gtk2 to work at all with gtk_quartz. I just write what works for me:

I cloned and did this (don't laugh) to force it to gtk_quartz:

diff --git a/src/gdk2.nim b/src/gdk2.nim
index 2e6e5c5..d9ec9dc 100644
--- a/src/gdk2.nim
+++ b/src/gdk2.nim
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ elif defined(macosx):
   #    linklib gdk_pixbuf-2.0.0
   #    linklib atk-1.0.0
-    lib = "libgdk-x11-2.0.dylib"
+    lib = "libgdk-quartz-2.0.dylib"
     lib = "|.0)"
diff --git a/src/gtk2.nim b/src/gtk2.nim
index 3860101..ad36142 100644
--- a/src/gtk2.nim
+++ b/src/gtk2.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ elif declared(gtk_quartz):
     lib = "libgtk-quartz-2.0.0.dylib"
 elif defined(macosx):
-    lib = "libgtk-x11-2.0.dylib"
+    lib = "libgtk-quartz-2.0.0.dylib"
   # linklib gtk-x11-2.0
   # linklib gdk-x11-2.0
   # linklib pango-1.0.0

then I nimble install it and tried the examples (just ex1.nim and ex2.nim) with a simple cd examples; nim c -r ex1 which should work.

Aporia IDE

After this I cloned Aporia and checked it out at new-suggest.

To make it use the modified GTK2 and not redownload the "original" I changed this:

diff --git a/aporia.babel b/aporia.babel
index 9d57705..07b30dd 100644
--- a/aporia.babel
+++ b/aporia.babel
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ license       = "GPLv2"
 bin           = "aporia"

-Requires: "nimrod >= 0.9.2, gtk2#head"
+Requires: "nimrod >= 0.9.2"

After this I compiled it (successfully) with nim c aporia. But when executed it shows an error about libgtksourceview.(something).dylib.

As I wrote before, nothing worked to get that go away :(

But continue:

Getting the gtksourceview into Aporia (ugly hacked)

ige_mac_integration (needed by gtksourceview)

Cloning and applying following changes to make it compile with the current Apple + Homebrew tools:

diff --git a/ b/
index 12a8ddc..eb9479f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@

 : ${AUTOCONF=autoconf}
 : ${AUTOHEADER=autoheader}
-: ${AUTOMAKE=automake-1.9}
-: ${ACLOCAL=aclocal-1.9}
-: ${LIBTOOLIZE=libtoolize}
+: ${AUTOMAKE=automake}
+: ${ACLOCAL=aclocal}
+: ${LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize}
 : ${INTLTOOLIZE=intltoolize}
-: ${LIBTOOL=libtool}
+: ${LIBTOOL=glibtool}
 : ${GTKDOCIZE=gtkdocize}

 srcdir=`dirname $0`
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ if grep "^AC_PROG_INTLTOOL" $CONFIGURE >/dev/null ||
     intltoolize --copy --force --automake

-libtoolize --force || exit $?
+glibtoolize --force || exit $?

 if grep "^GTK_DOC_CHECK" $CONFIGURE > /dev/null; then
     echo "Running $GTKDOCIZE..."

After this I defined some ENV variables and could compile + install a working version:

export CC=clang
export CFLAGS="-Wno-error"
make install

This should leave libigemacintegration.0.dylib in /usr/local/lib.


Then I downloaded (and extracted it).

We need again some ENV set:

export CC=clang
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig

./configure --disable-gtk-doc-html

make install

This should leave libgtksourceview-2.0.0.dylib in /usr/local/lib (and more of course).

THIS... still does not work with Aporia for me. It also does not work in a minimal "import the dylib for one proc" test.

But in the "tests" directory is a working test-widget which obviously shows that the stuff did compile and "can" work.

After some tries I found out that it uses for this test code and tried to use this instead of the dylib in my small testcode. And ... it compiled, linked and worked.

So I thought: Well try that with Aporia!

I made the following additional changes to Aporia:

diff --git a/aporia.nimrod.cfg b/aporia.nimrod.cfg
index ce91d51..d8cb00c 100644
--- a/aporia.nimrod.cfg
+++ b/aporia.nimrod.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 @if windows:

which adds the library to link to... and then removed the dynlib: lib part from all the proc in gtksourceview.nim like this:

(Partial diff only)

diff --git a/gtksourceview.nim b/gtksourceview.nim
index 3662858..a049982 100644
--- a/gtksourceview.nim
+++ b/gtksourceview.nim
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@

 import gtk2, glib2
 {.push callConv:cdecl.}
-when defined(windows):
-  const lib = "libgtksourceview-2.0-0.dll"
-elif defined(macosx):
-  const lib = "libgtksourceview-2.0(|-0).dylib"
-  const lib = "|.0)"

   TSourceLanguageManager*{.pure, final.} = object
@@ -44,159 +38,158 @@ type

-proc source_view_new*(): PSourceView {.cdecl, dynlib: lib,
+proc source_view_new*(): PSourceView {.cdecl,
   importc: "gtk_source_view_new".}

-proc source_view_new*(buffer: PSourceBuffer): PSourceView {.cdecl, dynlib: lib,
+proc source_view_new*(buffer: PSourceBuffer): PSourceView {.cdecl,
   importc: "gtk_source_view_new_with_buffer".}

-proc language_manager_get_default*(): PSourceLanguageManager {.cdecl, dynlib: lib,
+proc language_manager_get_default*(): PSourceLanguageManager {.cdecl,
   importc: "gtk_source_language_manager_get_default".}

After this I could compile + link Aporia again nim c aporia and...


I wrote this from memory and some notes I made on the way. It may not be complete but should be enough to get the basic procedure I used for this ugly hack

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yashaka commented Oct 23, 2015

It was much easier in my case:

brew install gtksourceview libiconv
cd /usr/local/lib/
ln -s libgdk-quartz-2.0.dylib libgdk-x11-2.0.dylib
ln -s libgtk-quartz-2.0.dylib libgtk-x11-2.0.dylib

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oderwat commented Oct 23, 2015

Cool. Maybe some stuff got updated. Does your solution also don't start the x11 server?

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yashaka commented Oct 24, 2015

According to what I remember about using apps that start X11 server... It's not the case with Aporia:)
But if you share the way to check this for sure, I can check. I am not strong enough in this:)

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