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Created March 17, 2022 13:51
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"id": "1465299",
"name": "My MySQL Data Destination",
"description": "",
"created": "2022-03-16T18:16:02+0100",
"creatorToken": {
"id": 545,
"description": ""
"version": 9,
"changeDescription": "Configuration updated",
"isDisabled": "false",
"isDeleted": "false",
"configuration": {
"storage": {
"input": {
"tables": [
"columns": [
"destination": "result.csv",
"source": "result.csv"
"parameters": {
"db": {
"#password": "KBC::ProjectSecure::eJwBQwG8/mE6Mjp7aTowO3M6MTA3OiLe9QIAWyk6uBxkG9kx6bGFFcV7stSXcqzH8yODsQI6guAOll8cquem0dQo0fUoCSE8Kz02SDJeHJ/RHsgu92sEQYfs2lUdRfj+imIlzRNXZmqvq6nzsf1t0+8+huE7i7Qvk3cq/Wn6bvDJnyI7aToxO3M6MTg0OiIBAgMAeLri33c5LYhAXpKvjURMuWiEcLwxds/7sP8nbu0zEcUQAYxTG6P7PbAQkDhNF7ctB6kAAAB+MHwGCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBvMG0CAQAwaAYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAwLxmZDv9pLa8qtDssCARCAO6p948wCSQfaJS4f/iSvDWu26jualDm1at+64X+wR2K6Sh6YgqXHzBGzU7zLXssAYXIu5Mst33UpMHA+Ijt9leKEVQ==",
"database": "odin",
"driver": "mysql",
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"user": "testodin@odin-test"
"tableId": "result.csv",
"dbName": "result",
"incremental": "false",
"primaryKey": [],
"items": [
"name": "Name",
"dbName": "name",
"type": "TEXT",
"nullable": "false",
"default": "",
"size": ""
"name": "Sales_Market",
"dbName": "market",
"type": "TEXT",
"nullable": "false",
"default": "",
"size": ""
"rowsSortOrder": [],
"rows": [],
"state": {
"component": [],
"storage": {
"input": {
"tables": [],
"files": []
"currentVersion": {
"created": "2022-03-17T13:00:04+0100",
"creatorToken": {
"id": 545,
"description": ""
"changeDescription": "Configuration updated"
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