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Last active June 4, 2018 09:34
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Check test / spec files are named correctly
# Checks test files are named "_spec.rb" to match the RSpec globs property
# defined in .circleci/config.yml. This will fail the build if there are test
# files which don't match the required pattern.
# Ignores first-level helper files (e.g. spec_helper.rb) and the spec/support,
# spec/factories, spec/shared_examples folders
set -eu
echo "Checking test files are named *_spec.rb to ensure being run on CI..."
findIncorrectTestFilenames() {
find spec -mindepth 2 \
-type f -name "*.rb" \
-not -path "spec/support/*" \
-not -path "spec/factories/*" \
-not -path "spec/shared_examples/*" \
| grep "$TEST_FILE_PATTERN" --invert-match
if findIncorrectTestFilenames; then
echo "Rename the files as <name>$TEST_FILE_PATTERN or move to another directory"
exit 1
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