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Created October 7, 2021 09:35
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Alert controller which always top
/// Alert controller which always top. You dont need to bind it to controller.
/// Just call show method. And TopAlertController will above any controller in hierarchy.
import UIKit
// MARK: - TopAlertController
final class TopAlertController: UIAlertController {
// MARK: - Private properties
private lazy var alertWindow: UIWindow = {
let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
window.rootViewController = ClearViewController()
window.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
window.windowLevel = UIWindow.Level.alert
return window
// MARK: - Internal methods
func show(animated flag: Bool = true, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let rootVC = alertWindow.rootViewController else { return }
rootVC.present(self, animated: flag, completion: completion)
// MARK: - ClearViewController
fileprivate class ClearViewController: UIViewController {
override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
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