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Last active November 26, 2023 22:14
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JSON Version of the List of Palestinian prisoners slated for potential release
"nameHebrew" : "אבאאהים אחמד בדר זמאערה",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.1.2005",
"name" : "Abaha'im Ahmad Badr Zama'ara",
"number" : "9189454",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary, stone throwing, creating an explosive or incendiary object",
"id" : "420754350",
"dateOfArrest" : "14.11.2022",
"age" : 18,
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court"
"offense" : "Stone throwing, contact with a hostile organization, parades or assembly",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.12.2022",
"duration" : "01--01--00",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9191709",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfBirth" : "31.7.2006",
"id" : "420775314",
"nameHebrew" : "אבאן איאד מוחמד סעיד חמאד",
"name" : "Aban Iyad Muhammad Said Hamad",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Convicted"
"organization" : "DFLP",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"id" : "420027146",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.4.2005",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Avi Yosef Abd Alhamid Abu Mariah",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.8.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "אבי יוסף עבד אלחמיד אבו מאריה",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9141173",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area"
"number" : "9181369",
"nameHebrew" : "אבראהים וליד אבראהים תעאמרה",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "423169465",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, throwing a Molotov cocktail",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 16,
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "31.1.2007",
"dateOfArrest" : "14.6.2022",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Ibrahim Walid Ibrahim Ta'amra"
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420969610",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.8.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.4.2006",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"number" : "9195226",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 17,
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Ibrahim Mu'ayad Ibrahim Dafr",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"nameHebrew" : "אבראהים מואיד אבראהים דאפר"
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.9.2007",
"number" : "9199536",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 16,
"id" : "423309020",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.4.2023",
"name" : "Ibrahim Sultan Ibrahim Zemer",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Attempted murder, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, illegal possession",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "אבראהים סולטאן אבראהים זמר"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.12.2006",
"number" : "9166861",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.6.2022",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 16,
"offense" : "Stone throwing, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "אבראהים סמיר אבראהים צבאח",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "423632322",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Ibrahim Samir Ibrahim Tzabach"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "29.12.2005",
"name" : "Ibrahim Awad Muhammad Abiyat",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfArrest" : "22.7.2023",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "אבראהים עווד מוחמד עביאת",
"id" : "421682634",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9096270",
"offense" : "Violations of the Law of Entry to Israel, knives and blades - carrying and manufacturing, attempted murder - hostile actions"
"name" : "Adam Mahmoud Muhammad Abu Hamad",
"id" : "216558452",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "27.5.2007",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9194970",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Supporting terror, severe bodily harm, arson with nationalist motives, property damage with intent or negligence, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"idType" : "Blue",
"nameHebrew" : "אדם מחמוד מחמד אבו חאמד",
"dateOfArrest" : "5.2.2023",
"age" : 16
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"id" : "214061574",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.8.2023",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.2.2005",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Obstructing a police officer, property damage with intent or negligence, assembly or association",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9206489",
"name" : "Adam Aamer Muhammad Kwasma",
"nameHebrew" : "אדם עאמר מוחמד קואסמה"
"nameHebrew" : "אדם עבודה חסן גית",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 14,
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Adam Abdallah Hassan Git",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.5.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.5.2009",
"offense" : "Hostile sabotage activities, assembly or association, assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances, stone throwing, general recklessness and negligence, property damage with intent or negligence, arson with nationalist motives, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives",
"id" : "217928381",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"number" : "9201517",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "420946949",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "אדריס אחמד עבד אלרחמאן עבד",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "18.10.2022",
"number" : "9187873",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"name" : "Idris Ahmad Abd Alrahman Abd",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.5.2005",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "421540469",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "אוס רביע כאיד ח'דר",
"name" : "Oss Rabea Khaeid Khader",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.8.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "16.3.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9197617"
"dateOfBirth" : "3.2.1998",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "403329667",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Female",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.9.2022",
"number" : "9186113",
"offense" : "Supporting terror, knives and blades- carrying and manufacturing, attempted murder, state security offenses",
"nameHebrew" : "אזהאר תאאר בכר עסאף",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Azhar Ta'ar Bakr Asaf",
"age" : 25,
"duration" : "In Detention"
"name" : "Ahmad Ayman Abd Alhamid Awwad",
"id" : "327667820",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court + Civil Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.12.2022",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד אימן עבד אלחמיד עוואד",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, traffic violations, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.1.2005",
"number" : "9177203",
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No"
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9194784",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.9.2023",
"name" : "Ahmad Bashar Gomaa Abu Aliya",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "1.10.2006",
"id" : "423872845",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד בשאר גומעה אבו עליא",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"age" : 17
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "7.5.2007",
"age" : 16,
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "423501279",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"name" : "Ahmad Gareeb Ahmad Khalil",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.5.2023",
"number" : "9200805",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד גריב אחמד חליל"
"dateOfArrest" : "10.9.2022",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, membership in an unrecognized organization, throwing firebombs, throwing a bomb or incendiary, contact with a hostile organization",
"id" : "409142106",
"duration" : "02--06--00",
"type" : "Convicted",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 17,
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Ahmad Walid Muhammad Khashan",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד וליד מוחמד חשאן",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9186068",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.9.2006"
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "328483631",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9177846",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.4.2022",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד זיאד צאלח נמר",
"name" : "Ahmad Ziad Salah Nimr",
"citizenship" : "No",
"idType" : "Blue",
"offense" : "Hostile sabotage activities, assembly or association, stone throwing, property damage with intent or negligence",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.7.2005",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"name" : "Ahmad Yassin Mustafa Omar Odeh",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "421723537",
"dateOfBirth" : "24.7.2005",
"number" : "9208075",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.9.2023",
"age" : 18,
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד יאסין מוצטפא עמר עודה",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "422231209",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד יאסר מוצטפא אבו אלהיג'א",
"name" : "Ahmad Yasser Mustafa Abu Alhija",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "9.8.2005",
"number" : "9197895",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"offense" : "Stone throwing, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, creating an explosive or incendiary object, shooting at people, weapon possession, firearms offenses",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.3.2023"
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד יוסף אחמד עצאעצה",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.2.2005",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"number" : "9203676",
"id" : "420862930",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.7.2023",
"name" : "Ahmad Yosef Ahmad Atza'atza"
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9204656",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.4.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד כמאל אחמד אלעמור",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"id" : "420026981",
"name" : "Ahmad Kamal Ahmad Alomor",
"dateOfArrest" : "18.7.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד מוחמד אחמד מרזוק",
"name" : "Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Marzouk",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"id" : "328482062",
"number" : "9134398",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.7.2023",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, manufacturing explosives or incendiaries, weapon possession, supporting terror, assaulting police officers, arson or fire",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.6.2005",
"age" : 18,
"idType" : "Blue",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "Hamas"
"dateOfBirth" : "10.3.2006",
"id" : "422422634",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד מוחמד נאיף אלחואמדה",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9205849",
"dateOfArrest" : "9.8.2023",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, service to an illegal organization, creating an explosive or incendiary object, throwing a bomb or incendiary, shooting at people, connection to intentional homicide, contact with a hostile organization, firearms offenses, offenses against justice",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Ahmad Muhammad Naif Alhuamda",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 17
"number" : "9203755",
"citizenship" : "No",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.7.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Gaza",
"age" : 16,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "423399658",
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Ahmad Mahmoud Wegih Najma",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.12.2006",
"offense" : "Violations of the Law of Entry to Israel, attempted murder - hostile actions",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד מחמוד וגיה נגמה"
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד מחמוד עא-ראוף רימאוי",
"id" : "420946733",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Ahmad Mahmoud Aa-Rauf Rimaoui",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Throwing a firebomb, shooting at people, firearms offenses, stone throwing",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9194994",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.2.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.5.2005",
"organization" : "Fatah"
"offense" : "Stone throwing, severe bodily harm, property damage with intent or negligence, hostile sabotage activities",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד נוואף נייאז סלאיימה",
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Ahmad Nawwaf Nayaz Salayma",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.3.2009",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Blue",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "328016217",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.7.2023",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"age" : 14,
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9205328"
"name" : "Ahmad Nazih Dib Abu Adi",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד נזיה דיב אבו עאדי",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "9.1.2005",
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.7.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"number" : "9105117",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"id" : "420956559"
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"name" : "Ahmad Na'aman Ahmad Abu Naim",
"number" : "9178783",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.8.2006",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "423616044",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד נעמאן אחמד אבו נעים",
"dateOfArrest" : "27.11.2022",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "01--01--00"
"offense" : "Stone throwing, service to an illegal organization, contact with a hostile organization",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "02--02--00",
"dateOfBirth" : "29.12.2004",
"number" : "9195271",
"type" : "Convicted",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "9.2.2023",
"id" : "420498875",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד עבד אלראוף אחמד חאמד",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Ahmad Abd Alraouf Ahmad Hamad",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"organization" : "Fatah"
"name" : "Ahmad Atiya Ahmad Aladini",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.4.2022",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9177881",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד עטיה אחמיד אלעדיני",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Supporting terror, brawls\/disturbances in a public place, stone throwing, severe bodily harm, property damage with intent or negligence, illegal stay",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "426855631",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "1.5.2005"
"type" : "Detainee",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9181735",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד עלי מוחמד אלצבאח",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "408332625",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Ahmad Ali Muhammad Alzabach",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfBirth" : "6.2.2006",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.6.2022"
"name" : "Ahmad Fadl Khader Aglouni",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 18,
"idType" : "Blue",
"id" : "325860229",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.6.2023",
"offense" : "Assault, assembly or association",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"number" : "9157993",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "29.4.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד פד'ל ח'ד'ר עגלוני"
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9204567",
"age" : 17,
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "423268895",
"organization" : "None",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.12.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד צאאל גאזי ידק",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfArrest" : "16.7.2023",
"name" : "Ahmad Tsaal Ghazi Yadak",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"court" : "Military Court"
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"id" : "427226071",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד קדרי מחמוד שיחה",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "01--06--00",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.12.2005",
"name" : "Ahmad Kadri Mahmoud Sheikha",
"dateOfArrest" : "27.11.2022",
"type" : "Convicted",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Supporting terror, assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances, severe bodily harm",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9190235"
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"number" : "9205389",
"name" : "Ahmad Raad Zid Farouh",
"nameHebrew" : "אחמד ראאד זיד פרוח",
"id" : "422248773",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.7.2006",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfArrest" : "31.7.2023",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, public order offenses, security offenses - equipment, stone throwing, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male"
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "20.2.2023",
"nameHebrew" : "איאס עבד אלקאדר מחמד חטיב",
"id" : "422180554",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.11.2005",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9195981",
"age" : 17,
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Ayas Abd Alqader Muhammad Hatib",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court"
"name" : "Ayham Mahmoud Musa Nahla",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"nameHebrew" : "איהם מחמוד מוסא נחלה",
"id" : "420918252",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.1.2005",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.9.2022",
"number" : "9084978",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"type" : "Detainee"
"id" : "216478784",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.12.2006",
"age" : 16,
"nameHebrew" : "אייהם עדנאן סובחי שאער",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"idType" : "Blue",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"number" : "9160792",
"name" : "Ayham Adnan Subhi Shaar",
"dateOfArrest" : "13.4.2023",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, brawls\/disturbances in a public place",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No"
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "אימן אמגד מוחי אלדין שאמי",
"offense" : "General recklessness and negligence, assembly or association, other public order offenses, assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.9.2005",
"id" : "216425132",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Ayman Amjad Muhi Al Din Shami",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.10.2023",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9208771",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Blue"
"idType" : "Blue",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "21688569",
"dateOfArrest" : "13.12.2016",
"duration" : "10--00--00",
"organization" : "None",
"age" : 37,
"dateOfBirth" : "26.10.1985",
"gender" : "Female",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"number" : "9052593",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm, knives and blades - carrying and manufacturing",
"nameHebrew" : "אמאני ח'אלד נעמאן חשים",
"name" : "Amani Khaled Neaman Hashim",
"type" : "Convicted"
"number" : "9187718",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.11.2022",
"id" : "207536442",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"name" : "Amin Muhammad Amin Abbasi",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "01--08--00",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "17.9.2006",
"offense" : "Supporting terror, severe bodily harm, property damage with intent or negligence, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives",
"nameHebrew" : "אמין מוחמד אמין עבאסי"
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Shooting at people, offenses against justice, stone throwing, traffic offenses",
"nameHebrew" : "אמיר פאדי מחמד סאילוס",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.12.2005",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "421669540",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.4.2023",
"name" : "Amir Fadi Muhammad Saylus",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9198669",
"age" : 17
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary, performing service, violating a legal order, assembly or association, stone throwing, bomb throwing and placing an explosive charge, creating an explosive or incendiary object",
"name" : "Anwar Tsafi Ahmad Ata",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "אנור צאפי אחמד עטא",
"organization" : "Hadash",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9158637",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "13.6.2021",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.1.2005",
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420956427",
"idType" : "Territories"
"organization" : "DFLP",
"nameHebrew" : "אסאמה מאהר מוחמד קבהא",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "420868812",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9181630",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.12.2004",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.6.2022",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Osama Maher Muhammad Kabha",
"age" : 18
"id" : "423181775",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"number" : "9205933",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.2.2007",
"age" : 16,
"name" : "Osama Nayef Osama Marmash",
"nameHebrew" : "אסאמה נאיף אוסאמה מרמש",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.8.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male"
"offense" : "Knives and blades- carrying and manufacturing, severe bodily harm",
"name" : "Asil Munir Ibrahim Titi",
"age" : 23,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.12.1999",
"number" : "9187167",
"nameHebrew" : "אסיל מוניר אבראהים טיטי",
"id" : "405494444",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Female",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.10.2022"
"duration" : "11--00--00",
"age" : 38,
"organization" : "None",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"number" : "9027112",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Female",
"id" : "39315593",
"name" : "Asraa Riyad Jamil Jabbas",
"type" : "Convicted",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.7.1984",
"nameHebrew" : "אסראא ריאד ג'מיל ג'עבאס",
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.10.2015",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm"
"id" : "216476572",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "באסל עאיד גמיל עבידייה",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.9.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9207385",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.6.2006",
"offense" : "Attempted murder - hostile actions, supporting terror",
"name" : "Basel Ayed Jamil Obeidiya",
"age" : 17
"dateOfBirth" : "23.5.2005",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "25.1.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization, shooting at people, firearms offenses, offenses against justice",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Basel Ali Taher Abu Sarhan",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9194169",
"id" : "408938157",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "באסל עלי טאהר אבו סרחאן",
"court" : "Military Court"
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9205564",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.7.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "420921934",
"age" : 18,
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.11.2004",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Baha Wegih Abd Alaziz Alzahoor",
"nameHebrew" : "בהאא וגיה עבד אלעזיז אלזהור"
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.12.2005",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "422404640",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Shooting at people, firearms offenses, threats, offenses against justice, other public order offenses, stone throwing, severe bodily harm, traffic offenses",
"name" : "Baraa Bilal Mahmoud Rabee",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9191209",
"nameHebrew" : "בראא בלאל מחמוד רבעי",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.12.2022",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area"
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9195607",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "14.2.2023",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Baraa Salah Khalil Yosef",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization, creating an explosive or incendiary object",
"id" : "420052300",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.5.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "בראא צאלח חליל יוסף",
"type" : "Convicted",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "01--10--00"
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "421684598",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"number" : "9200227",
"name" : "Baraa Tsukar Ahmad Altsabarna",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.5.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "9.11.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "בראא צקר אחמד אלצבארנה",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court"
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary, stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, service to an illegal organization",
"nameHebrew" : "גבריל גסאן אסמאעיל גבריל",
"duration" : "01--08--00",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.10.2022",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Convicted",
"age" : 17,
"name" : "Gabriel Gassan Ismail Gabriel",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.7.2006",
"number" : "9188110",
"id" : "420692899"
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "גהאד תופיק גהאד יוסף",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "423073683",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9195406",
"name" : "Gehad Tawfik Gehad Yosef",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.2.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "27.9.2006"
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"id" : "420874455",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "גואד תאופיק יוסף כמיל",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Gwad Tawfik Yosef Kamil",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.1.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "29.12.2022",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9192301",
"organization" : "DFLP"
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9199962",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 17,
"name" : "Jamal Khalil Jamal Barahma",
"nameHebrew" : "גמאל חליל גמאל בראהמה",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "421755497",
"dateOfArrest" : "27.4.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.3.2006",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "Hamas"
"nameHebrew" : "גמאל יוסף גמאל אבו חמדאן",
"number" : "9201570",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "00--07--00",
"type" : "Convicted",
"offense" : "Illegal stay, stone throwing",
"name" : "Jamal Yosef Jamal Abu Hamdan",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.5.2023",
"id" : "422989871",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "1.11.2006",
"organization" : "Hamas"
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9196932",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "גמאל מוחמד אחמד עאדי",
"dateOfBirth" : "27.10.2005",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "422138578",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"name" : "Jamal Muhammad Ahmad Aadi",
"offense" : "Contact with a hostile organization",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.3.2023"
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Supporting terror, brawls\/disturbances in a public place, severe bodily harm, arson with nationalist motives",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"age" : 17,
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9191404",
"id" : "215167214",
"nameHebrew" : "גנאם מוסא ג'נאם אבו גנאם",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.4.2006",
"idType" : "Blue",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfArrest" : "14.12.2022",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Ghanem Musa Ghanem Abu Ghanem"
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Daganah Mahmoud Musa Atoon",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"number" : "9154322",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, assaulting a police officer under aggravating circumstances, property damage with intent or negligence, arson with nationalist motives, weapon possession, supporting terror",
"id" : "214064495",
"idType" : "Blue",
"nameHebrew" : "דגאנה מחמוד מוסא עטון",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.1.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.3.2005"
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "28.2.2022",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "דיאר איפאן גמאל צליבי",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "420207300",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.2.2005",
"name" : "Diyar Ifan Jamal Tsalebi",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "01--02--00",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9145984",
"citizenship" : "No"
"dateOfBirth" : "2.2.2005",
"number" : "9184134",
"offense" : "Creating an explosive or incendiary object, stone throwing",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "האני שאדי עבד אלראזק קאסם",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "4.8.2022",
"duration" : "00--07--00",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"id" : "420656654",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Hani Shadi Abd Alrazaq Kasem"
"nameHebrew" : "הארון האני עלי עלקם",
"age" : 16,
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.7.2023",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.4.2007",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, weapon possession, assembly or association, assaulting police officers, arson or fire",
"number" : "9203711",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "216556480",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Harun Hani Ali Alkam",
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No"
"name" : "Wal Balal Shaker Moshe",
"type" : "Convicted",
"nameHebrew" : "ואאל בלאל שאכר משה",
"organization" : "None",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "15.7.2006",
"number" : "9189006",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.11.2022",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Contact with a hostile organization",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423818699",
"duration" : "01--06--01"
"dateOfArrest" : "22.9.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.9.2005",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "420348013",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Weheb Abd Alkarim Khalil Abd Algafar",
"age" : 18,
"nameHebrew" : "והיב עבד אלכרים חליל עבד אלגאפר",
"offense" : "Violations of the Law of Entry to Israel, creating an explosive or incendiary object, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"number" : "9207701",
"organization" : "Hamas"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"number" : "9204307",
"id" : "420625618",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary, firearms offenses, stone throwing",
"name" : "Wahid Ismail Jamil Tsabih",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.12.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "וחיד אסמאעיל ג'מיל צביח",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfArrest" : "11.7.2023",
"duration" : "00--06--00",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories"
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "ולאא חאלד פוזי טנגי",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.7.1996",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Wala Khaled Fuazi Tangi",
"dateOfArrest" : "20.8.2022",
"offense" : "Attempted murder, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, weapon possession, contact with a hostile organization",
"organization" : "None",
"age" : 26,
"number" : "9071254",
"gender" : "Female",
"id" : "401017892"
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9202389",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "423508134",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Placing an explosive charge, weapon possession, stone throwing, severe bodily harm, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, traffic offenses",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.6.2006",
"age" : 17,
"nameHebrew" : "וסאם מרואן עבד אל סלאם תמימי",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.6.2023",
"name" : "Wasam Marwan Abd Al Salam Tamimi",
"court" : "Military Court"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"name" : "Zahar Husni Hassan Hamad",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "זאהר חוסני חסן חמד",
"id" : "421723818",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "26.7.2023",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.7.2005",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9205880"
"id" : "422338129",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "זיד נעים שחדה ערער",
"organization" : "None",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.8.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization, shooting at people",
"name" : "Zid Naim Shahda Araar",
"age" : 17,
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.7.2006",
"number" : "9206446",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories"
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Zid Abd Allatif Ali Husain",
"id" : "420936270",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.11.2004",
"dateOfArrest" : "20.4.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9194814",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"nameHebrew" : "זיד עבד אללטיף עלי חוסין",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 18
"number" : "9153735",
"name" : "Zina Raid Ata Abda",
"idType" : "Blue",
"nameHebrew" : "זינה ראיד עטא עבדה",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.1.2005",
"age" : 18,
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Convicted",
"id" : "215040437",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.9.2023",
"duration" : "00--05--15",
"gender" : "Female",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Supporting terror"
"id" : "343937827",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm, property damage with intent or negligence, hostile sabotage activities, supporting terror, brawls\/disturbances in a public place",
"name" : "Khaled Abu Asab",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "חאלד אבו עסב",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "16.10.2022",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9187790",
"dateOfBirth" : "2.2.2005",
"gender" : "Male"
"number" : "9206890",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.8.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "חאלד עלי עבד אללטיף עיסא",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.6.2005",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Khaled Ali Abd Allatif Isa",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "421583196"
"id" : "328484399",
"idType" : "Blue",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"name" : "Khalil Ahmad Khalil Aawar",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.12.2005",
"offense" : "Supporting terror, severe bodily harm, property damage with intent or negligence, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives",
"duration" : "01--08--00",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 17,
"number" : "9188896",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Convicted",
"nameHebrew" : "חליל אחמד חליל אעואר",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.11.2022"
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.2.2022",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9174986",
"nameHebrew" : "חליל מוחמד בדר זמאערה",
"age" : 18,
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization, creating an explosive or incendiary object, throwing a bomb or incendiary, stone throwing",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.2.2005",
"name" : "Khalil Muhammad Badr Zama'ara",
"id" : "420848228",
"idType" : "Territories"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances, obstructing a police officer, severe bodily harm, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, supporting terror",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Khalil Firas Khalil Heikhal",
"id" : "326718715",
"idType" : "Blue",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9189953",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.11.2022",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "חליל פראס חליל הייכל",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.7.2005"
"number" : "9172764",
"duration" : "01--10--00",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 18,
"id" : "420707481",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.1.2005",
"type" : "Convicted",
"name" : "Hamada Said Mustafa Abu Samra",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "27.1.2022",
"nameHebrew" : "חמאדה סאיד מוצטפא אבו סמרה",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Service to an illegal organization, shooting at people"
"name" : "Hamza Samih Isa Wahadin",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "חמזה סמיח עיסא והאדין",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420616773",
"number" : "9121222",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.9.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfBirth" : "20.11.2005"
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Hamza Salah Muhammad Dawood",
"type" : "Convicted",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization, assembly or association",
"number" : "9191033",
"nameHebrew" : "חמזה צאלח מוחמד דאוד",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"id" : "422264440",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.11.2005",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "01--02--00",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.12.2022",
"age" : 18
"name" : "Hamza Raid Hamza Moghrabi",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"offense" : "Supporting terror, severe bodily harm, arson with nationalist motives, property damage with intent or negligence, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "חמזה ראיד חמזה מוגרבי",
"dateOfArrest" : "5.2.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.11.2006",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 16,
"number" : "9194990",
"idType" : "Blue",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"id" : "216175786"
"number" : "9207225",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "959266941",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Female",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Other state security offenses",
"name" : "Hanin Salah Abdallah Barghouti",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.10.1964",
"nameHebrew" : "חנאן צאלח עבדאללה ברגותי",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 59,
"dateOfArrest" : "4.9.2023"
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Hussein Jamal Hussein Abd Al Khalil",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "420049173",
"nameHebrew" : "חסין גמאל חסין עבד אל חליל",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.6.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9202365",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.2.2005",
"offense" : "Stone throwing"
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Hassan Walid Jamal Tzabarna",
"nameHebrew" : "חסן וליד גמאל צבארנה",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.8.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.1.2006",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "421664509",
"age" : 17,
"number" : "9145983",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male"
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"id" : "215944620",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Hassan Yasser Hassan Darwish",
"number" : "9136211",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Assembly or association, assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances, offenses against human life, property damage with intent or negligence, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives",
"organization" : "None",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.6.2006",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"nameHebrew" : "חסן יאסר חסן דרויש",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.9.2023"
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.6.2006",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.11.2022",
"nameHebrew" : "טארק זיאד עבד אלרחים דאוד",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Stone throwing, severe bodily harm, kidnapping\/false imprisonment\/wrongful confinement, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, creating an explosive or incendiary object, connection to crime commission, firearms offenses, assembly or association",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"name" : "Tariq Ziad Abd Alraheem Dawood",
"number" : "9190143",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "420690745",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"court" : "Military Court"
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Tariq Muhammad Fareed Hatib",
"nameHebrew" : "טארק מוחמד פריד חטיב",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9190317",
"id" : "421730078",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "28.11.2022",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.1.2005",
"age" : 18,
"offense" : "Security breach of the area"
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "24.5.2023",
"nameHebrew" : "יאמן טלאל מוחמד ג'ראדאת",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"name" : "Yaman Talal Muhammad Jaradat",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9201536",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.8.2005",
"id" : "422233031",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No"
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 17,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"number" : "9199051",
"id" : "420345613",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"dateOfBirth" : "9.12.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "יאסין עומר עזאת חנפיה",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.4.2023",
"name" : "Yassin Omer Azat Hanfia"
"age" : 40,
"gender" : "Female",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Assembly or association",
"name" : "Yasmin Taysir Abd Alrahman Sha'aban",
"type" : "Convicted",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.3.2022",
"duration" : "06--00--00",
"dateOfBirth" : "24.1.1983",
"nameHebrew" : "יאסמין תיסיר עבד אלרחמן שעבאן",
"id" : "918785205",
"number" : "1513200",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"court" : "Military Court"
"type" : "Detainee",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "421787995",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9206517",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Yunus Magdi Ismail Hoamda",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, violating a legal order",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.8.2023",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfBirth" : "11.5.2006",
"nameHebrew" : "יונס מגדי אסמאעיל חואמדה"
"dateOfArrest" : "12.12.2022",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"name" : "Yosef Gama'a Mahmoud Sagdia",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"id" : "420765190",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.12.2004",
"number" : "9191261",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף גמעה מחמוד סגדיה"
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "3.3.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף חסין מוחמד חאמד",
"id" : "420629065",
"name" : "Yosef Hussein Muhammad Hamad",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9197234",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.12.2004",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"organization" : "Fatah"
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.7.2022",
"id" : "421596925",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9183334",
"name" : "Yosef Muhammad Mustafa Ata",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, severe bodily harm, traffic offenses, placing an explosive charge, throwing a bomb or incendiary, firearms offenses",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף מוחמד מוצטפא עטא",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfBirth" : "24.3.2006",
"organization" : "None"
"dateOfBirth" : "11.6.2005",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, theft use of a vehicle without permission, weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, traffic offenses, violations of the Law of Entry to Israel",
"id" : "421762824",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Yosef Muhammad Salah Bazor",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף מוחמד צאלח בזור",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"number" : "9173207",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.12.2022",
"duration" : "00--07--00",
"court" : "Military Court + Civil Court",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Convicted"
"dateOfArrest" : "11.4.2023",
"organization" : "None",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, property damage with intent or negligence",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Yosef Mahmoud Salam Sabatin",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "423837780",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "31.1.2007",
"number" : "9199089",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף מחמוד סאלם סבתין",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 16
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Public order offenses, assembly or association, stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"name" : "Yosef Nazer Hassan Ata",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "420947038",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.3.2022",
"number" : "9176659",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף נאצר חסן עטא",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.5.2005",
"idType" : "Territories"
"id" : "421757907",
"number" : "9116928",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "17.1.2006",
"age" : 17,
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Security breach of the area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.9.2023",
"name" : "Yosef Abdallah Ouda Alhatib",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף עבדאללה עודה אלחטיב",
"citizenship" : "No"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Yosef Fawaz Faiz Burkhan",
"age" : 16,
"id" : "330659699",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.7.2023",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammunition\/explosives, public order offenses, assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances, offenses against human life, arson with nationalist motives",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.12.2006",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף פואז פאיז בורקאן",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9156239",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"type" : "Detainee"
"offense" : "Infiltration, membership in an unrecognized organization, weapon possession, military training",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "25.8.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.6.2005",
"name" : "Yosef Raid Hamdan Kashaf",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "421319526",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף ראיד חמדאן כאשף",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Gaza",
"idType" : "Territories",
"number" : "9206594",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee"
"name" : "Yosef Rais Abd Alkarim Ata",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420956757",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9206324",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף ראיס עבד אלכרים עטא",
"offense" : "Placing an explosive charge, firearms offenses, public order offenses, stone throwing",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.8.2023",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "8.1.2005",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"type" : "Detainee"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.8.2005",
"id" : "327601985",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, stone throwing, serious bodily harm, support for terrorism",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9177857",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "17.4.2022",
"nameHebrew" : "יוסף רבאח מחמד בסיסו",
"name" : "Yosef Rabah Muhammad Basisu",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Blue"
"offense" : "Stone throwing, throwing a Molotov cocktail, bomb making, firearms offenses",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "12.4.2005",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"name" : "Yazid Bilal Mustafa Husain",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "יזיד בלאל מוצטפא חוסין",
"number" : "9199351",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "420051104",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "16.4.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court"
"id" : "421513284",
"offense" : "Connection to causing death intentionally",
"number" : "9175870",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.3.2022",
"duration" : "10--10--00",
"name" : "Yazan Ayman Abd Alghani Bani Ghabar",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "יזן אימן עבד אלגני בני גאבר",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.10.2005"
"dateOfArrest" : "22.6.2023",
"id" : "420887200",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9175049",
"name" : "Yazan Jabr Abd Al Jabar Alhasnat",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "יזן גבר עבד אל גבאר אלחסנאת",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.1.2006",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area"
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"name" : "Yazan Hamza Shahar Afana",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Throwing a Molotov cocktail",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.10.2006",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9194699",
"idType" : "Blue",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 17,
"nameHebrew" : "יזן חמזה שאהר עפאנה",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.2.2023",
"id" : "216583377"
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420600173",
"offense" : "Incitement",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"number" : "9195095",
"nameHebrew" : "יזן חסאם עלי אבו קביטה",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Yazan Hossam Ali Abu Qubita",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.1.2023",
"duration" : "01--00--01",
"dateOfBirth" : "2.1.2005"
"dateOfArrest" : "23.3.2022",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.3.2005",
"number" : "9166863",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Yazan Aamer Ali Tzabach",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "408935955",
"nameHebrew" : "יזן עאמר עלי צבאח"
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "420020661",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Violations of the Law of Entry into Israel, knives and daggers - carrying and manufacturing, attempted murder - hostile actions",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.7.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.7.2005",
"name" : "Yazan Shadi Musa Abiyat",
"number" : "9204892",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"nameHebrew" : "יזן שאדי מוסא עביאת"
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "17.4.2023",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.11.2005",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "יחיא מוחמד מבתסם ארחימה",
"name" : "Yehiya Muhammad Mabtasem Arhimah",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9199392",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "412505885"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.1.2005",
"id" : "420741399",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Yehiya Nasser Allah Mustafa Atzida",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "18.4.2023",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "יחיא נצר אללה מוצטפא עצידה",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9094097"
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "ינאל היתם אמין דאר צאלח",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.3.2023",
"id" : "423473636",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"name" : "Yinal Haytham Amin Dar Salah",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "22.2.2005",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"number" : "9165984"
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9169747",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.2.2005",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.6.2023",
"offense" : "Assault, assembly or association, obstructing a police officer, serious bodily harm",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Karam Ahmad Tawfik Al Abid",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"nameHebrew" : "כרם אחמד תופיק אל עביד",
"id" : "214062143",
"organization" : "Fatah"
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "11.4.2023",
"id" : "408942225",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, connection to causing death intentionally",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Karam Galab Natsri Alharimi",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "כרם גאלב נצרי אלהרימי",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.3.2005",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9198971"
"name" : "Louis Rabhi Nazmi Natsar",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.8.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "לואי רבחי נזמי נאצר",
"dateOfBirth" : "7.12.2004",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9206304",
"id" : "413187196",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, throwing a bomb or incendiary, possession of weapons",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 18
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"name" : "Lith Khalil Othman Othman",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.8.2007",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.4.2023",
"duration" : "00--09--00",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "לית חליל עותמאן עותמאן",
"type" : "Convicted",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423030196",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9199048",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 16
"name" : "Malak Muhammad Arafat Dibeh",
"id" : "215052689",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.7.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Public disturbances\/riots, assaulting police officers, arson on nationalistic grounds, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "מאלק מחמד ערפאת דיבה",
"age" : 17,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.8.2006",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9164118",
"idType" : "Blue"
"dateOfArrest" : "10.5.2023",
"number" : "9200714",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Causing property damage deliberately or negligently, arson on nationalistic grounds, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, possession of weapons, support for terrorism",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 16,
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Malak Murad Khaled Bougha",
"id" : "216667170",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.6.2007",
"nameHebrew" : "מאלק מראד ח'אלד בוג'ה",
"idType" : "Blue",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "18.9.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Malak Abd Al Halim Saadi Sader",
"offense" : "Assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, general recklessness and negligence, support for terrorism, assembly or association",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.2.2005",
"number" : "9207929",
"id" : "325850287",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "מאלק עבד אל חלים סעדי סדר",
"idType" : "Blue"
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "מאמון עזיז עיסא אלפרוך",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.7.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.3.2006",
"name" : "Mamoun Aziz Isa Alfaroukh",
"number" : "9205390",
"id" : "423062892",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, throwing a bomb or incendiary, firearms offenses, security offenses - equipment, other public order offenses",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male"
"name" : "Majd Raid Masoud Farihat",
"nameHebrew" : "מגד ראיד מסעוד פריחאת",
"age" : 16,
"number" : "9197896",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Convicted",
"id" : "422960096",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.3.2023",
"duration" : "01--06--00",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.11.2006",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammo\/explosives, contact with a hostile organization"
"age" : 17,
"name" : "Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad Iyad",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "423964915",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9176210",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.8.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary, shooting at people, firearms offenses, stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, placing an explosive charge",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "מהדי מוחמד אחמד עיאד",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.11.2005"
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "מהדי מחמוד חמזה מחרוק",
"number" : "9208671",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Mahdi Mahmoud Hamza Mahrouq",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "None",
"offense" : "Shooting at people, firearms offenses",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.5.2007",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.10.2023",
"age" : 16,
"id" : "423810712"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"dateOfBirth" : "31.1.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "מהראן עמאר אבראהים חמידאן",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.9.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"number" : "9207738",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Mahran Amar Ibrahim Hamidan",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"id" : "420610883",
"age" : 18
"offense" : "Stone throwing, bomb making, placing an explosive charge, throwing a bomb or incendiary, shooting at people, contact with a hostile organization, firearms offenses, other public order offenses",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.1.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Muaman Mustafa Mahmoud Abu Ghaisha",
"number" : "9194047",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "מואמן מוצטפא מחמוד אבו גחישה",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.1.2005",
"id" : "420647844",
"citizenship" : "No"
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "מואמן מחמד נאיף צליבי",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.8.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"age" : 17,
"name" : "Muaman Muhammad Naif Tsalebi",
"offense" : "Contact with a hostile organization, firearms offenses, membership in an unrecognized organization, service in an illegal organization, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.9.2006",
"number" : "9206195",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "421570367"
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד אברהים מחמד עבד אלגבאר",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"number" : "9135648",
"name" : "Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad Abd Algabar",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.6.2006",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.5.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "216452409",
"offense" : "Hostile sabotage activity, assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, stone throwing, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, arson on nationalistic grounds, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Jerusalem"
"idType" : "Blue",
"duration" : "02--08--00",
"age" : 17,
"name" : "Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Hir Allah Alaaour",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד אחמד מוחמד חיר אללה אלאעור",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.6.2006",
"number" : "9182723",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.7.2022",
"offense" : "Arson on nationalistic grounds, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, support for terrorism, serious bodily harm",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Convicted",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "325595403"
"name" : "Muhammad Hani Ratib Himoni",
"type" : "Convicted",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"number" : "9112327",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.4.2005",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfArrest" : "15.12.2022",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "02--10--00",
"id" : "325852051",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד האני ראתב הימוני",
"offense" : "Arson or fire, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, general recklessness or negligence"
"name" : "Muhammad Wael Ali Gadallah",
"age" : 16,
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"id" : "217129253",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד ואיל עלי גאדאללה",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, public disturbances\/riots, causing property damage deliberately or negligently",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.9.2007",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.1.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9193089"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Salayma",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד ח'ליל אחמד סלאיימה",
"number" : "9201487",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 16,
"id" : "331206003",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.9.2007",
"organization" : "None",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.7.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, serious bodily harm, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, hostile sabotage activity"
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 16,
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.12.2006",
"id" : "330610437",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"number" : "9206831",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"idType" : "Blue",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד מהנד מחמד אבו חומוס",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.8.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Muhammad Mahnad Muhammad Abu Hummus",
"offense" : "Serious bodily harm, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, arson on nationalistic grounds, support for terrorism, public disturbances\/riots, obstructing a police officer"
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Muhammad Mamduh Kamal Hamad",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"id" : "217121201",
"idType" : "Blue",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammo\/explosives, possession of weapons, assembly or association, assaulting police officers, arson or fire",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 16,
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד ממדוח כמאל חמד",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.8.2007",
"dateOfArrest" : "9.7.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9201862"
"number" : "9192083",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"age" : 16,
"dateOfBirth" : "17.2.2007",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.1.2023",
"id" : "216429951",
"idType" : "Blue",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Muhammad Amad Ibrahim Atoon",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "None",
"offense" : "Support for terrorism, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, serious bodily harm, arson on nationalistic grounds",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד עמאד אבראהים עטון"
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammo\/explosives, assembly or association, obstructing a police officer, arson on nationalistic grounds",
"idType" : "Blue",
"number" : "9207412",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"id" : "215047044",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.9.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.1.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד עמראן מוחמד מראג'ה",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Muhammad Omran Muhammad Maragha",
"organization" : "None"
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Convicted",
"name" : "Muhammad Rajab Hassan Abu Qatish",
"nameHebrew" : "מוחמד רג'ב חסן אבו קטיש",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9188196",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.10.2022",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.7.2006",
"offense" : "Support for terrorism, threats, knives and daggers - carrying and manufacturing, attempted murder",
"id" : "325861862",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 17,
"court" : "Civil Court",
"duration" : "15--00--00"
"nameHebrew" : "מוסא חמידאן פדל מוחתסב",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.4.2023",
"name" : "Musa Hamidan Fadil Muhtasib",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, public disturbances\/riots, stone throwing, assaulting police officers, causing property damage deliberately or negligently",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "217533595",
"dateOfBirth" : "29.8.2008",
"number" : "9199046",
"organization" : "None",
"age" : 15,
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee"
"nameHebrew" : "מוסא מהנד מוסא אלורידאת",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.8.2023",
"number" : "9205784",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "423475177",
"name" : "Musa Mahnad Musa Alworidata",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 17,
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.5.2006"
"offense" : "Support for terrorism, serious bodily harm, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"nameHebrew" : "מוסטפא מחמד אבראהים עבאסי",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "325860740",
"duration" : "01--08--00",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Mustafa Muhammad Ibrahim Abbasi",
"number" : "9188894",
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Convicted",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfArrest" : "6.11.2022",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.7.2006"
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"dateOfArrest" : "14.5.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.12.2006",
"nameHebrew" : "מועד עומר עבד אללה אלחאג",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9200945",
"id" : "422102335",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"age" : 16,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Muad Omar Abd Allah Alhaj"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Moathat Hatem Musa Abu Aram",
"id" : "423854702",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.12.2022",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.7.2006",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, serious bodily harm, firearms offenses, public order offenses, threats",
"nameHebrew" : "מועתז חאתם מוסא אבו עראם",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9192006",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No"
"offense" : "Stone throwing, serious bodily harm, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, hostile sabotage activity",
"age" : 15,
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.7.2023",
"name" : "Moathat Khaled Muhammad Hamis Salayma",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "332781400",
"idType" : "Blue",
"number" : "9201470",
"dateOfBirth" : "2.6.2008",
"nameHebrew" : "מועתז ח'דר מחמד חמיס סלאימאה",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"dateOfBirth" : "17.12.2004",
"offense" : "Arson or fire, possession of weapons, assembly or association, obstructing a police officer",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Mufid Ahmad Mufid Sanduqa",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "215049214",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfArrest" : "27.9.2023",
"nameHebrew" : "מופיד אחמד מופיד סנדוקה",
"number" : "9208351",
"organization" : "Fatah"
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Muhammad Osama Mustafa Mahamid",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.1.2023",
"id" : "421540659",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.8.2005",
"number" : "9194689",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד אוסאמה מוצטפא מחאמיד",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"idType" : "Territories"
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.12.2006",
"id" : "423486349",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.11.2022",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד אחמד סולימאן אבו רגב",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 16,
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Muhammad Ahmad Sulaiman Abu Ragheb",
"number" : "9188984",
"gender" : "Male"
"number" : "9196201",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.8.2006",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.2.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Muhammad Iman Abdul Rahman Oweisi",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד אימן עבד אלרחמאן עויסי",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "423359777"
"name" : "Muhammad Anis Salim Abu Turabi",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.7.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.6.2007",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד אניס סלים אבו תוראבי",
"id" : "423686120",
"age" : 16,
"number" : "9204320"
"organization" : "DFLP",
"number" : "9203021",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "12.6.2023",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420957888",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.12.2004",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד בהאא עבד אלרחמאן עיאש",
"name" : "Muhammad Bahaa Abdul Rahman Iyash"
"number" : "9206889",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Muhammad Ghazi Muhammad Nazal",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד גאזי מוחמד נזאל",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.8.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "420858615",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "18.3.2005",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male"
"dateOfBirth" : "15.5.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.12.2022",
"id" : "420944282",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמדגאזי מרשד מוחמד גאזי סלהב",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9191073",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Muhammad Ghazi Rashid Muhammad Ghazi Saleh",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee"
"offense" : "Security offenses - equipment, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, membership in an unrecognized organization, throwing a bomb or incendiary, shooting at people, connection to committing a crime, providing shelter",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד ג'לאל ג'מיל פרחאת",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfArrest" : "19.6.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"number" : "9202987",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "15.2.2006",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Muhammad Jalal Jamil Farahat",
"id" : "423096478"
"id" : "421171026",
"city" : "Gaza",
"number" : "9206593",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד האני סלמאן אבו בכרה",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Infiltration, possession of weapons",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.12.2004",
"name" : "Muhammad Hani Salman Abu Bakrah",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.8.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None"
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"age" : 18,
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.8.2023",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד חסאן מוצטפא חוארי",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Muhammad Hassan Mustafa Huwari",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9084033",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary, firearms offenses, firearms offenses (defensive equipment)",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "420053076",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.6.2005"
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "14.4.2023",
"number" : "9199223",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.8.2006",
"organization" : "None",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Violations of the Law of Entry into Israel, throwing a bomb or incendiary, possession of weapons, intentional manslaughter",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד טארק סלים חואשין",
"id" : "422970749",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Muhammad Tareq Salim Huwashin"
"organization" : "DFLP",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, throwing a bomb or incendiary, firearms offenses",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "408331403",
"number" : "9175379",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.1.2006",
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Muhammad Tareq Ali Tzabach",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד טארק עלי צבאח",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfArrest" : "9.3.2022"
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 16,
"dateOfArrest" : "21.6.2022",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד יאסין תיסיר צבאח",
"id" : "423630839",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"name" : "Muhammad Yassin Taysir Tzabach",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.11.2006",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9181740"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "421685660",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.9.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9207630",
"age" : 17,
"organization" : "PFLP",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד כאזם מוסא אבו עג'מיה",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.11.2005",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Muhammad Kazem Musa Abu Ajmia",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court"
"name" : "Muhammad Musa Khalil Al-Hadlin",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.9.2005",
"number" : "9205974",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.8.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "422179739",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד מוסא חליל אלהדלין",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Contact with a hostile organization, firearms offenses"
"id" : "423674340",
"dateOfArrest" : "21.4.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.8.2007",
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Muhammad Mahmoud Ayoub Dar Darwish",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד מחמוד איוב דאר דרויש",
"duration" : "00--08--00",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9199660",
"age" : 16
"dateOfBirth" : "30.7.2005",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"name" : "Muhammad Mahmoud Hamzah Mahrouq",
"id" : "421871427",
"number" : "9148623",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "26.12.2022",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד מחמוד חמזה מחרוק",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Shooting at people, possession of weapons",
"type" : "Detainee"
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד מחמוד עבד אל כרים חמאמרה",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423238518",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 16,
"organization" : "None",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Muhammad Mahmoud Abdul Karim Hamamrah",
"dateOfBirth" : "17.1.2007",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.10.2023",
"number" : "9208866"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 17,
"dateOfBirth" : "11.3.2006",
"idType" : "Territories",
"number" : "9203681",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the region",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד נזאר נימר אבו עון",
"id" : "423994540",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Muhammad Nizar Nimr Abu On",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.7.2023"
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד נצר פוזי סואלמה",
"dateOfArrest" : "16.6.2023",
"id" : "422985960",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.11.2006",
"age" : 17,
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9202808",
"name" : "Muhammad Nazar Fawzi Sawalmah",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the region"
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9199045",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "10.4.2023",
"type" : "Convicted",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Muhammad Samah Goudat Suleiman",
"id" : "421734989",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.7.2005",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד סאמח גודת סלימאן",
"duration" : "00--08--00"
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "15.1.2023",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד סאמר חסן זיאת",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, placing an explosive charge",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Muhammad Samer Hassan Zayat",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9081378",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "9.1.2005",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "420956625"
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, assault, support for terrorism",
"name" : "Muhammad Ahad Younis Shtarah",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.9.2023",
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד עאהד יונס שטארה",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.10.2006",
"number" : "9207526",
"idType" : "Blue",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "213319759",
"age" : 17
"court" : "Civil Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 15,
"dateOfArrest" : "9.4.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.4.2008",
"name" : "Muhammad Abuda Hassan Geith",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, public disturbances\/riots",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד עבודה חסן גית",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9198997",
"idType" : "Blue",
"id" : "217451608",
"gender" : "Male"
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Gaza",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד עזמי עלי אבו פריח",
"dateOfBirth" : "1.11.2005",
"name" : "Muhammad Azmi Ali Abu Freih",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "15.3.2023",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "422553123",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9197573",
"offense" : "Armed infiltration, public disturbances\/riots, stone throwing, causing property damage deliberately or negligently",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"gender" : "Male"
"dateOfBirth" : "22.9.2005",
"id" : "420347056",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד עמאד עבד אלחלים גבר",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Making an explosive or incendiary device, throwing Molotov cocktails",
"number" : "9208363",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "28.9.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Muhammad Amad Abdul Halim Jabr"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.8.2006",
"age" : 17,
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.10.2023",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, throwing a bomb or incendiary, contact with a hostile organization",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד ענאן פוזי בושכאר",
"name" : "Muhammad Anan Fawzi Boshkar",
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9199012",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423360825",
"idType" : "Territories"
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9207423",
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.10.2005",
"id" : "421649781",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.9.2023",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד ראאד עבד אלגני ימך",
"name" : "Muhammad Raad Abdul Ghani Yemak",
"offense" : "Intentional manslaughter, contact with a hostile organization, violation of legal order, firearms offenses, offenses against the law, membership in an unrecognized organization, service in an illegal organization"
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמד תיסיר לוטפי טנבור",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, connection to committing a crime",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "17.12.2004",
"name" : "Muhammad Taysir Lutfi Tanbour",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfArrest" : "29.8.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420938003",
"number" : "9207469",
"age" : 18
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "28.11.2022",
"dateOfBirth" : "2.10.2005",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Mahmoud Ibrahim Mahmoud Matouli",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד אבראהים מחמוד מתולי",
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"number" : "9190335",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Convicted",
"id" : "420346926",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "01--04--00"
"id" : "214062200",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.2.2005",
"type" : "Detainee",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"idType" : "Blue",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9186086",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.8.2023",
"offense" : "Arson on nationalistic grounds, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, public order offenses, assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, offenses against human life",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Mahmoud Ibrahim Mahmoud Shlodi",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד אברהים מחמוד שלודי"
"name" : "Mahmoud Wasim Younis Abu Hummus",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.8.2023",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד וסאם יונס אבו חומוס",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "332856400",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"idType" : "Blue",
"offense" : "Support for terrorism",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.11.2004",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9141235"
"name" : "Mahmoud Hassan Ahmad Katanani",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.12.2004",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד חסן אחמד קטנאני",
"age" : 18,
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"number" : "9206721",
"dateOfArrest" : "28.8.2023",
"id" : "420933897",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court"
"dateOfArrest" : "30.3.2022",
"offense" : "Making an explosive or incendiary device, throwing a bomb or incendiary, stone throwing",
"organization" : "Hadash",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "9.3.2005",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Mahmoud Nimr Eid Ata",
"number" : "9141696",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד נמר עיד עטא",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420948937",
"citizenship" : "No"
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "22.11.2004",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.5.2023",
"name" : "Mahmoud Abdul Karim Mahmoud Adili",
"age" : 18,
"id" : "420938318",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9200795",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד עבד אלכרים מחמוד עדילי",
"citizenship" : "No"
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "10.9.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.6.2005",
"offense" : "Possession of weapons, possession of firearms, weapons\/ammo and explosives",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"id" : "213368384",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Mahmoud Issa Khalil Zahayka",
"number" : "9207575",
"idType" : "Blue",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד עיסא חליל זחאיקה"
"number" : "9196947",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.9.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "מחמוד ראאד מוחמד חלייל",
"name" : "Mahmoud Raad Muhammad Khalayel",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"id" : "421944505",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.3.2023"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9015332",
"gender" : "Female",
"duration" : "15--00--00",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.10.1995",
"type" : "Convicted",
"id" : "859694275",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "מיסון מוסא מחמוד מוסא",
"dateOfArrest" : "29.6.2015",
"age" : 27,
"offense" : "Attempted murder, knives and daggers - carrying and manufacturing",
"citizenship" : "No",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Maysoun Musa Mahmoud Musa"
"number" : "9032088",
"offense" : "Attempted murder - hostile actions, knives and daggers - carrying and manufacturing",
"name" : "Malek Muhammad Yusuf Salman",
"age" : 23,
"gender" : "Female",
"nameHebrew" : "מלק מחמד יוסף סלמאן",
"id" : "211300801",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "9.2.2016",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"type" : "Convicted",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.1.2000",
"idType" : "Blue",
"duration" : "09--00--00"
"nameHebrew" : "מנתצר מחמוד חאתם אלשושה",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.8.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Muntasir Mahmoud Hatem Al Shusha",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.4.2007",
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "422964361",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 16,
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary, firearms offenses",
"number" : "9180908"
"name" : "Maad Dirar Ahmad Abu On",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "422235101",
"dateOfArrest" : "20.2.2023",
"type" : "Convicted",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Possession of weapons, service in an illegal organization",
"number" : "9196037",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"duration" : "01--08--00",
"dateOfBirth" : "24.10.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "מעאד דראר אחמד אבו עון",
"citizenship" : "No"
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "מצטפא חוסאם מוצטפא עתיק",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Mustafa Husam Mustafa Atik",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.10.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.7.2023",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"number" : "9203884",
"offense" : "Contact with a hostile organization, firearms offenses, membership in an unrecognized organization, throwing a bomb or incendiary, shooting at people",
"id" : "422278432",
"age" : 18
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "423614411",
"age" : 17,
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9122360",
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Mustafa Mazen Hussein Shahada",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.8.2006",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.3.2023",
"offense" : "Placing an explosive charge, firearms offenses, stone throwing",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "מצטפא מאזן חוסין שחאדה",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area"
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "420713794",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"dateOfBirth" : "8.12.2004",
"nameHebrew" : "מצעב חסן עומר אלמטאחן",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9202962",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.6.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Mutazeb Hassan Omar Al-Matahan",
"idType" : "Territories"
"dateOfBirth" : "7.8.2006",
"id" : "423614619",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"number" : "9184021",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, serious bodily harm, ammo\/explosives, placing an explosive charge, throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "מראד פואד עבד אללטיף דאר עטא",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "5.8.2022",
"name" : "Murad Fuad Abdul Latif Dar Ata",
"type" : "Detainee"
"age" : 17,
"number" : "9192734",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.4.2006",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, making an explosive or incendiary device, throwing a bomb or incendiary, shooting at people, contact with a hostile organization",
"nameHebrew" : "מרוח יאסר ראתב ח'זימיה",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423697457",
"name" : "Muruj Yasser Ratib Khazimia",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.1.2023",
"idType" : "Territories"
"court" : "Civil Court",
"nameHebrew" : "מרח גודה מוסא בכיר",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 24,
"dateOfArrest" : "2.11.2015",
"gender" : "Female",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.1.1999",
"idType" : "Blue",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"name" : "Morch Gouda Musa Bakir",
"type" : "Convicted",
"id" : "318684172",
"offense" : "Serious bodily harm, knives and daggers - carrying and manufacturing",
"duration" : "08--06--00",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"number" : "9024307"
"nameHebrew" : "מרים חאלד עבד אלמגיד צואפטה",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9026622",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "860081835",
"age" : 28,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Attempted murder, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, possession of weapons, contact with a hostile organization",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "20.8.2022",
"name" : "Mariam Khalid Abdul Majid Tzuaftah",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.7.1994",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Female"
"id" : "420738981",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9176228",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Intentional manslaughter",
"type" : "Convicted",
"duration" : "10--10--00",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.8.2005",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 18,
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "משעל נימר נאיף בני ג'אבר",
"gender" : "Male",
"name" : "Mishaal Nimer Naif Bani Jabr",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.3.2022"
"nameHebrew" : "נאצר תאאר נאצר אסעד",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.5.2005",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9184473",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Nasser Taar Nasser Asaad",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "408938033",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Throwing a bomb or incendiary",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.8.2023"
"dateOfArrest" : "29.9.2023",
"offense" : "Illegal stay, harming the security of the area",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Nadim Muhammad Hussein Abu Ara",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9208573",
"age" : 17,
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.1.2006",
"id" : "421001660",
"nameHebrew" : "נדים מוחמד חוסין אבו ערה",
"organization" : "None"
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.5.2006",
"age" : 17,
"court" : "Civil Court",
"number" : "9192921",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "213317456",
"name" : "Nihad Muhammad Nihad Godallah",
"nameHebrew" : "נהאד מוחמד נהאד גדאללה",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.1.2023",
"offense" : "Support for terrorism, assembly or association, assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, arson on nationalistic grounds, possession of weapons",
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"nameHebrew" : "נהאיה ח'דר חסין סוואן",
"gender" : "Female",
"duration" : "03--08--00",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Support for terrorism, knives and daggers - carrying and manufacturing, serious injury",
"idType" : "Blue",
"type" : "Convicted",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9162862",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.8.2021",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.1.1978",
"id" : "34860890",
"name" : "Nahaya Khader Hussein Sawan",
"age" : 45
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9206830",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Serious bodily harm, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, arson on nationalistic grounds, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, support for terrorism, public disturbances\/riots, obstructing a police officer, offenses against human life",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.8.2023",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"idType" : "Blue",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.11.2006",
"age" : 16,
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Noah Nasser Ibrahim Basisu",
"id" : "213318124",
"nameHebrew" : "נוח נאסר אבראהים בסיסו",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"id" : "325861714",
"nameHebrew" : "נוראלדין זיאד ראשד קואסמי",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.8.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9205671",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"idType" : "Blue",
"name" : "Nuraldin Ziad Rashid Qawasmi",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Arson on nationalistic grounds, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, public order offenses, assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, offenses against human life",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "24.7.2006"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "נור אלדין עאמר אחמד אבו גומעה",
"name" : "Nur Al-Din Aamir Ahmad Abu Guma'a",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "328019310",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, assembly or association",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.5.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.4.2023",
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"number" : "9198634",
"court" : "Civil Court"
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Convicted",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.11.2015",
"gender" : "Female",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"number" : "9026857",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Nurhan Ibrahim Hader Owad",
"nameHebrew" : "נורהאן אברהים חדר עואד",
"age" : 24,
"dateOfBirth" : "19.1.1999",
"duration" : "10--00--00",
"idType" : "Blue",
"id" : "211598594",
"offense" : "Attempted murder - hostile actions, knives and daggers - carrying and manufacturing"
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Illegal stay, violation of legal order, support for terrorism, offenses against the law, contact with a hostile organization",
"dateOfArrest" : "28.9.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Female",
"name" : "Nur Muhammad Hafez Taher",
"nameHebrew" : "נור מוחמד חאפז טאהר",
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "421650565",
"number" : "92084664",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.10.2005"
"duration" : "02--06--00",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.7.2022",
"organization" : "None",
"offense" : "Support for terrorism, causing property damage deliberately or negligently, ammo\/explosives, arson on nationalistic grounds",
"name" : "Nasrallah Iyad Ahmad Aawoor",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"number" : "9182722",
"type" : "Convicted",
"nameHebrew" : "נסראללה איאד אחמד אעור",
"id" : "207538430",
"idType" : "Blue",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.9.2006",
"city" : "Jerusalem"
"gender" : "Female",
"name" : "Nafuz J'ad Aref Hamad",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.3.2007",
"offense" : "Attempted murder, support for terrorism, offenses against the law",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.12.2021",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "נפוז ג'אד עארף חמאד",
"duration" : "12--00--00",
"number" : "9169593",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"id" : "216580878",
"idType" : "Blue",
"age" : 15
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9204603",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.7.2005",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, stone throwing, traffic offenses, bomb throwing",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "נצר אללה חאלד עבד אלפתאח לולו",
"id" : "421708827",
"name" : "Nasser Allah Khalid Abdul Fattah Lulu",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.7.2023"
"name" : "Nashat Bassem Talib Duwaibsha",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9159796",
"dateOfBirth" : "15.4.2006",
"duration" : "02--08--00",
"age" : 17,
"type" : "Convicted",
"nameHebrew" : "נשאת באסם טאלב דואבשה",
"idType" : "Blue",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Supporting terrorism, severe bodily harm, property damage with malicious intent or negligence, nationalist arson, possession\/holding of explosives",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.7.2022",
"id" : "436430409",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"citizenship" : "No"
"name" : "Salah Wael Salah Fahouri",
"number" : "9184295",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.8.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, general recklessness and negligence, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, contact with a hostile organization",
"id" : "328126586",
"idType" : "Blue",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"nameHebrew" : "סאלח ואיל סאלח פחורי",
"dateOfBirth" : "2.10.2005"
"name" : "Sami Raad Ahmad Al-Garadat",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.11.2004",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"nameHebrew" : "סאמי ראאד אחמד אלגראדאת",
"age" : 18,
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, property damage with malicious intent or negligence, bomb or incendiary throwing, public order offense, firearms offenses",
"dateOfArrest" : "15.5.2023",
"number" : "9200996",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "420921355",
"citizenship" : "No"
"id" : "404419764",
"age" : 24,
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Female",
"offense" : "Assault, knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.12.1998",
"dateOfArrest" : "9.6.2023",
"number" : "9202418",
"name" : "Sarah Iman Abdul Aziz Suisse",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "סארה אימן עבד אלעזיז סויסה"
"idType" : "Blue",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Convicted",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.12.2004",
"nameHebrew" : "סולטאן סאמר מחמוד סרחאן",
"number" : "9109046",
"id" : "215049883",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Sultan Samer Mahmoud Sarhan",
"duration" : "02--05--00",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Public order offenses, Molotov cocktail throwing, assaulting police officers, nationalist arson",
"dateOfArrest" : "18.10.2021",
"court" : "Civil Court"
"offense" : "Bomb or incendiary throwing, contact with a hostile organization, offenses against justice",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9196727",
"idType" : "Territories",
"id" : "420787939",
"type" : "Convicted",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Saif Al-Din Muhammad Abdullah Nagnaghiya",
"gender" : "Male",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.3.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.11.2004",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "01--04--00",
"nameHebrew" : "סיף אלדין מוחמד עבדאללה נגנגיה"
"dateOfBirth" : "24.3.2009",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Saif Al-Din Muhammad Abdul Rahman Darwish",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "26.7.2023",
"offense" : "Manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device, intentional homicide, stone throwing",
"nameHebrew" : "סיף אלדין מוחמד עבד אלרחמן דרויש",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9205148",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "426763439",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 14
"offense" : "State security - other",
"number" : "9201128",
"gender" : "Female",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.5.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.8.1999",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 24,
"nameHebrew" : "סמאח בלאל עבד אלרחמאן צוף",
"id" : "405009531",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Samah Bilal Abdul Rahman Tzuf"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"idType" : "Blue",
"name" : "Samira Abdul Al Hay Abdul Aziz Harbawi",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm, knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing",
"number" : "9199346",
"nameHebrew" : "סמירה עבד אל חי עבדל עזיז חרבאוי",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.4.1970",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Female",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.7.2023",
"id" : "24754376",
"age" : 53,
"organization" : "None"
"dateOfBirth" : "19.7.2007",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"name" : "Samir Samer Muhammad Samir Bakhtan",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "סמיר סאמר מחמד סמיר בכתאן",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"id" : "216814186",
"age" : 16,
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9191252",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "01--08--00",
"offense" : "Supporting terrorism, severe bodily harm, nationalist arson, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"dateOfArrest" : "16.1.2023"
"id" : "60610250",
"organization" : "None",
"age" : 40,
"name" : "Aisha Youssef Abdullah Afghani",
"idType" : "Blue",
"offense" : "Attempted murder - hostile actions, knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing",
"number" : "9053263",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.4.1982",
"type" : "Convicted",
"gender" : "Female",
"duration" : "14--00--00",
"nameHebrew" : "עאישה יוסף עבדאללה אפגאני",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.12.2016",
"court" : "Civil Court"
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Amer Omer Abdul Rahim Ali Abdul Allah",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.11.2005",
"number" : "9204066",
"nameHebrew" : "עאמר עומר עבד אלרחים עלי עבד אללה",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "7.7.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "None",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "422266197"
"dateOfBirth" : "16.1.2005",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "420634651",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Abada Hossam Ahmad Khalil",
"nameHebrew" : "עבאדה חסאם אחמד חליל",
"dateOfArrest" : "29.6.2022",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9182181",
"organization" : "Hamas"
"dateOfArrest" : "3.2.2023",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "23.6.2005",
"id" : "421551979",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלגליל זכי עבד אלגליל מראר",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"number" : "9194825",
"name" : "Abd Al Galil Zaki Abd Al Galil Marar",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "Fatah"
"id" : "420854978",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.1.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.9.2006",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Stone throwing, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device, bomb or incendiary throwing, shooting at people, contact with a hostile organization",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Abd Al Hadi Atsam Muhammad Kamil",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9192746",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלהאדי עצאם מוחמד כמיל",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"organization" : "None"
"dateOfBirth" : "26.12.2005",
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Weapon possession, connection to intentional homicide, illegal stay, disclosure of official secrets, stone throwing, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, bomb or incendiary throwing",
"dateOfArrest" : "14.4.2023",
"number" : "9199214",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 17,
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלכרים אנואר דאהר אלסעדי",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420624173",
"name" : "Abd Al Karim Anwar Daher Al Saadi",
"type" : "Detainee"
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Molotov cocktail throwing, connection to crime, stone throwing",
"nameHebrew" : "עבדאלכרים פרסאן סולטאן אבו מוצטפא",
"name" : "Abdul Karim Firas Sultan Abu Mustafa",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.3.2006",
"id" : "421922030",
"age" : 17,
"number" : "9206229",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.8.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No"
"organization" : "Fatah",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.12.2022",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm, public order offenses, threats, offenses against justice, stone throwing",
"name" : "Abd Allah Ibrahim Musa Al-Da'agnah",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9191713",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אללה אבראהים מוסא אלדעאגנה",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.12.2004",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "420745614"
"type" : "Detainee",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"name" : "Abd Allah Iyad Bagas Albu",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "14.2.2023",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.12.2004",
"id" : "420922478",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אללה איאד באגס אלבו",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9196157"
"id" : "420797888",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Abd Allah Akram Muhammad Achleil",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.6.2023",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9203607",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אללה אכרם מוחמד אחלייל",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.6.2005"
"organization" : "Fatah",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.8.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.8.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9206552",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses, stone throwing",
"id" : "420022386",
"name" : "Abd Allah Walid Hamdan Tsalahat",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אללה וליד חמדאן צלאחאת"
"name" : "Abd Allah Hassan Ismail Ullad Hamdan",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.1.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אללה חסן אסמאעיל אולאד חמדאן",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.12.2004",
"number" : "9194701",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"id" : "420919946",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"organization" : "Fatah",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, bomb or incendiary throwing, firearms offenses, security equipment offenses",
"age" : 18,
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Abd Allah Faruq Tzadok Avid",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אללה פארוק צאדק עביד",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "18.5.2023",
"id" : "420634438",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.4.2005",
"number" : "9200735"
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "27.3.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלעזיז אחמד שאהר מעטאן",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "420911158",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.4.2023",
"name" : "Abd Al Aziz Ahmad Shahar Ma'atan",
"offense" : "Illegal stay, contact with a hostile organization, incitement",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "00--08--00",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9198513"
"name" : "Abdul Aziz Atsam Muhammad Abu Samrah",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.9.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "7.12.2006",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"organization" : "None",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"number" : "9190639",
"id" : "422891986",
"nameHebrew" : "עבדאלעזיז עצאם מוחמד אבו סמרה",
"court" : "Military Court",
"age" : 16
"dateOfArrest" : "24.7.2023",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "422143180",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "3.10.2005",
"name" : "Abd Al Qader Musa Muhammad Bahr",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלקאדר מוסא מוחמד בחר",
"offense" : "Contact with a hostile organization, firearms offenses, stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, service to an illegal organization, bomb or incendiary throwing",
"court" : "Military Court",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9204989",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"dateOfBirth" : "30.1.2005",
"duration" : "01--09--00",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9112023",
"id" : "214061558",
"name" : "Abd Al Rahman Abd Al Shafi Hassan Razem",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"age" : 18,
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אל רחמאן עבד אל שאפי חסן ראזם",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.8.2022",
"type" : "Convicted"
"name" : "Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Rashaideh",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.2.2005",
"id" : "408939627",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"number" : "9191927",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.12.2022",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "עבדאלרחמן אבראהים מוחמד אלרשאידה",
"offense" : "Firearms offenses"
"name" : "Abd Al Rahman Amjad Jamil Khadir",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Firearm possession, firearms offenses, stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, Molotov cocktail throwing, shooting at people",
"id" : "422194324",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלרחמן אמג'ד ג'מיל ח'ד'יר",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"age" : 17,
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "18.2.2006",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.5.2023",
"number" : "9200742"
"id" : "420728990",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.11.2022",
"offense" : "Bomb or incendiary throwing, stone throwing, Molotov cocktail throwing",
"type" : "Convicted",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Abd Al Rahman Hani Muhammad Abdullah",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "01--06--01",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלרחמן האני מוחמד עבדאללה",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.3.2005",
"number" : "9188969",
"citizenship" : "No"
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423412832",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9190901",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "01--02--00",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "5.12.2022",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, membership in an unrecognized organization",
"nameHebrew" : "עבדאלרחמן מוחמד צאלח חוראני",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.10.2006",
"age" : 17,
"name" : "Abdul Rahman Muhammad Salah Horani",
"type" : "Convicted"
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלרחמן סולימאן אחמד רזק",
"number" : "9208874",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.5.2007",
"name" : "Abd Al Rahman Sulaiman Ahmad Razak",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "5.10.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"id" : "423809227",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 16
"dateOfBirth" : "15.5.2009",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.9.2023",
"number" : "9206319",
"name" : "Abd Al Rahman Amer Fakhri Zagal",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אל רחמן עאמר פכרי זגל",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "218308088",
"offense" : "Nationalist arson, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, public order offenses",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"idType" : "Blue",
"age" : 14,
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee"
"offense" : "Manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device, bomb or incendiary throwing, shooting at people, contact with a hostile organization, firearms offenses, stone throwing, severe bodily harm, membership in an unrecognized organization",
"number" : "9191346",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.3.2007",
"name" : "Abd Al Rahman Omer Ezzat Hanafiya",
"age" : 16,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.9.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"nameHebrew" : "עבד אלרחמן עומר עזאת חנפיה",
"id" : "422106567",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee"
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "420027039",
"name" : "Abida Atef Hassan Al-Adawi",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.4.2005",
"nameHebrew" : "עבידה עאטף חסן אלעדוי",
"number" : "9206198",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Stone throwing",
"dateOfArrest" : "17.8.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "None"
"dateOfArrest" : "10.7.2022",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Adnan Hazem Adnan Eid",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9182744",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "עדנאן חאזם עדנאן עיד",
"organization" : "None",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "409981529",
"dateOfBirth" : "24.11.2004",
"citizenship" : "No"
"number" : "9192010",
"id" : "420599789",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.12.2022",
"name" : "Odeh Khalil Ibrahim Mahania",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "עודה חליל אבראהים מהאניה",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "3.2.2005",
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm, threats, stone throwing",
"organization" : "Fatah"
"name" : "Omar Ibrahim Amr Abu Mialah",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"nameHebrew" : "עומר אברהים עמר אבו מיאלה",
"id" : "217050707",
"age" : 15,
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.4.2023",
"number" : "9161553",
"idType" : "Blue",
"offense" : "Supporting terrorism, public disturbances, property damage with malicious intent or negligence, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.11.2007",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Civil Court"
"number" : "9113515",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"type" : "Convicted",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 17,
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "02--01--00",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.2.2006",
"id" : "328476676",
"nameHebrew" : "עומר מחמד אדהם עבד אלרחים שוויקי",
"offense" : "Supporting terrorism, severe bodily harm, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"name" : "Omar Muhammad Adham Abdul Rahim Shweiki",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "15.11.2021",
"idType" : "Blue"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "28.9.2023",
"number" : "9208414",
"offense" : "State security - other, harming the security of the area",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "30.11.2004",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Ezzaldin Iman Youssef Sabana",
"id" : "420868184",
"nameHebrew" : "עזאלדין אימן יוסף סבאענה",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Molotov cocktail throwing, nationalist arson, weapon possession",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.2.2009",
"number" : "9165001",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "30.7.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "עז אלדין מעתסם עומראן טוטח",
"id" : "332251008",
"idType" : "Blue",
"age" : 14,
"organization" : "None",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Ez Al Din Ma'atsem Omran Tutach"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "עז אלדין עבד אלמגיד אחמד חאמד",
"number" : "9209272",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "26.9.2023",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Ez Al Din Abd Al Majid Ahmad Hamad",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.12.2004",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "420760811"
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 17,
"id" : "423176874",
"nameHebrew" : "עזאלדין ענאן חסן סודאני",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.7.2006",
"number" : "9170535",
"dateOfArrest" : "29.3.2023",
"organization" : "None",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Ezzaldin Anan Hassan Sudan",
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male"
"number" : "9170756",
"id" : "908153968",
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "State security - other",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "27.11.1972",
"name" : "Ataf Youssef Muhammad Jaradat",
"gender" : "Female",
"nameHebrew" : "עטאף יוסף מוחמד ג'ראדאת",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "27.12.2021",
"age" : 50,
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Alaa Muhammad Rushdi Ma'atan",
"nameHebrew" : "עלאא מחמד רושדי מעטאן",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Convicted",
"id" : "420951998",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.4.2023",
"duration" : "00--08--00",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9198515",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.2.2005",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Illegal stay, contact with a hostile organization, incitement",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "Fatah"
"type" : "Convicted",
"id" : "421171265",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Alaa Fathi Abd Al Hadi Abu Sanima",
"dateOfArrest" : "3.6.2022",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.12.2004",
"duration" : "02--00--00",
"nameHebrew" : "עלאא פתחי עבד אלהאדי אבו סנימה",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"offense" : "Infiltration, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"city" : "Gaza",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"number" : "9180801"
"type" : "Convicted",
"name" : "Ali Iyad Ali Al-Daria",
"duration" : "02--08--00",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfBirth" : "14.7.2005",
"number" : "9124314",
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.2.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "420020562",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "עלי איאד עלי אלדיריה",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Bomb or incendiary throwing, firearms offenses, traffic offenses, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device"
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "420343063",
"name" : "Ali Bassam Khalil Sheikh Ibrahim",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "10.5.2023",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "עלי בסאם חליל שיך אבראהים",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "17.9.2005",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9200757"
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9207832",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfArrest" : "7.9.2023",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"id" : "420516593",
"nameHebrew" : "עלי כרים כאמל אלעסאכרה",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.12.2004",
"name" : "Ali Karim Kamel Al-Asakreh",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area"
"nameHebrew" : "עלי מרוואן פואד עלקם",
"age" : 16,
"dateOfArrest" : "9.7.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "217134345",
"name" : "Ali Marwan Fuad Alkam",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"idType" : "Blue",
"number" : "9177132",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.9.2007",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammo\/explosives, weapon possession, assembly or association, assaulting police officers, arson or fire",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"citizenship" : "No"
"id" : "420795619",
"organization" : "None",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9134256",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "17.9.2005",
"duration" : "02--06--00",
"offense" : "Molotov cocktail throwing",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "עמאר מחמוד יונס תואבתה",
"dateOfArrest" : "31.7.2022",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"name" : "Ammar Mahmoud Younis Tuabata"
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.10.2005",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.9.2023",
"offense" : "Placing an explosive charge, bomb or incendiary throwing, shooting at people, harboring, firearms offenses, public order offenses, stone throwing",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 18,
"id" : "421531831",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "עמר חמאד יוסף עליאן",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9175302",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Omar Hamad Youssef Alyan"
"number" : "9175965",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.3.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "1.4.2022",
"nameHebrew" : "עמר עמאד חסן עטשאן",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Convicted",
"duration" : "02--08-00",
"offense" : "Shooting at people",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "420767378",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Omar Amad Hassan Atshan",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No"
"id" : "421723370",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "02--00--01",
"name" : "Omar Shaker Suhail Al-Mahajna",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammo\/explosives, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device, bomb or incendiary throwing",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "28.7.2005",
"number" : "9176263",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.3.2022",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"nameHebrew" : "עמר שאכר סוהיל אלמחאגנה",
"organization" : "None",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Convicted"
"idType" : "Territories",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Detainee",
"id" : "420603508",
"dateOfBirth" : "15.1.2005",
"number" : "9201165",
"dateOfArrest" : "18.5.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "עריב אחמד מחמד אלאקרע",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, service to an illegal organization, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device, shooting at people, contact with a hostile organization, public order offenses, firearms offenses",
"name" : "Areeb Ahmad Muhammad Al-Akra",
"age" : 18
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfBirth" : "3.2.1990",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.5.2023",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "852109438",
"nameHebrew" : "פאטמה אסמאעיל עבד אל רחמאן שאהין",
"name" : "Fatma Ismail Abd Al Rahman Shahin",
"age" : 33,
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Attempted intentional homicide",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Female",
"number" : "9199500",
"court" : "Military Court"
"age" : 41,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfArrest" : "29.8.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Fatma Bakr Musa Abu Shlal",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "פאטמה בכר מוסא אבו שלאל",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "State security - other",
"dateOfBirth" : "7.2.1982",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "907189856",
"number" : "9206795",
"gender" : "Female",
"idType" : "Territories"
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Female",
"offense" : "Attempted intentional homicide, knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Fatma Neaman Ali Badr",
"dateOfBirth" : "20.9.1995",
"nameHebrew" : "פאטמה נעמאן עלי בדר",
"id" : "859687840",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.2.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9196236",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 28,
"citizenship" : "No"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Fatma Nasser Muhammad Amarna",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.6.1979",
"organization" : "None",
"number" : "9207263",
"id" : "906244421",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 44,
"idType" : "Territories",
"nameHebrew" : "פאטמה נצר מוחמד עמארנה",
"offense" : "Supporting terrorism, attempted murder",
"dateOfArrest" : "5.9.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"gender" : "Female",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Civil Court"
"age" : 35,
"name" : "Fadwa Nazih Kamel Hamada",
"gender" : "Female",
"type" : "Convicted",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm, knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.11.1987",
"id" : "301158416",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "10--00--00",
"number" : "9069244",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"nameHebrew" : "פדווא נזיה כאמל חמאדה",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "12.8.2017"
"nameHebrew" : "פירוז פאיז מחמוד אלבו",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Firuz Faiz Mahmoud Albu",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 24,
"dateOfArrest" : "9.8.2021",
"gender" : "Female",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.5.1998",
"offense" : "Knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing, stone throwing",
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"id" : "403818727",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9162946",
"type" : "Detainee"
"organization" : "Fatah",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Assembly or association, fraud offenses, contact with a hostile organization, violation of a legal order",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"court" : "Military Court",
"name" : "Palestine Farid Abd Al Latif Najm",
"dateOfBirth" : "1.2.1986",
"gender" : "Female",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.8.2022",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "פלסטין פריד עבד אללטיף נג'ם",
"id" : "950336628",
"age" : 37,
"number" : "1223570",
"duration" : "In Detention"
"nameHebrew" : "פראס גצן עא-רחמאן סמארה",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "None",
"id" : "422848713",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.1.2006",
"type" : "Detainee",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9205172",
"dateOfArrest" : "26.7.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Faras Ghassan A-Rahman Samara",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Membership in an unrecognized organization, bomb or incendiary throwing, shooting at people, firearms offenses",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"gender" : "Male"
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9204308",
"dateOfBirth" : "1.3.2005",
"name" : "Salah Ragheb Mahmoud Hardan",
"id" : "420860264",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfArrest" : "11.7.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"offense" : "Security equipment offenses, stone throwing, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, connection to intentional homicide, connection to crime, contact with a hostile organization, assembly or association",
"nameHebrew" : "צאלח ראגב מחמוד חרדאן"
"nameHebrew" : "צאמד ח'אלד מחמוד אבו ח'לף",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Tzamed Khaled Mahmoud Abu Khalaf",
"age" : 17,
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "423207489",
"dateOfArrest" : "20.4.2023",
"dateOfBirth" : "27.6.2006",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Hadash",
"number" : "9199654",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories"
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9174354",
"age" : 16,
"nameHebrew" : "צדאם אמגד מאגד טקאטקה",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423579689",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.10.2006",
"idType" : "Territories",
"duration" : "03--00--00",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Convicted",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.2.2023",
"offense" : "Bomb or incendiary throwing, firearms offenses, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device",
"organization" : "None",
"name" : "Tsadam Amjad Ma'gad Takataka",
"gender" : "Male"
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Salah Al Din Muhammad Salah Hadera",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.5.2023",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"number" : "9172535",
"dateOfBirth" : "4.4.2008",
"offense" : "Hostile sabotage activities, stone throwing, general recklessness and negligence, property damage with malicious intent or negligence, nationalist arson, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"id" : "217450089",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "צלאח אלדין מוחמד סלאח הדרה",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Blue",
"organization" : "None",
"age" : 15
"id" : "421684523",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "00--08--00",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9200948",
"dateOfArrest" : "15.5.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories",
"dateOfBirth" : "7.11.2005",
"name" : "Salah Omran Muhammad Salah",
"offense" : "Bomb or incendiary throwing",
"citizenship" : "No",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "צלאח עמראן מוחמד צלאח"
"offense" : "Stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device or transmitter, bomb or incendiary throwing, shooting at people, intentional homicide, connection to intentional homicide, firearms offenses",
"number" : "9204087",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Qassem Ismail Aziz Dar Al Sheikh",
"nameHebrew" : "קאסם אסמאעיל עזיז דאר אלשיך",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "420516130",
"dateOfBirth" : "27.11.2004",
"age" : 18,
"organization" : "DFLP",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.7.2023",
"citizenship" : "No"
"dateOfArrest" : "12.4.2023",
"name" : "Qassem Muhammad Abd Al Fattah Huamida",
"id" : "421010182",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9199141",
"nameHebrew" : "קאסם מוחמד עבד אלפתאח חואמדה",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, service to an illegal organization, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device, bomb or incendiary throwing, shooting at people, intentional homicide, contact with a hostile organization, harming the security of the area, firearms offenses, offenses against justice",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.5.2005",
"organization" : "DFLP",
"type" : "Detainee",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18
"id" : "326704095",
"number" : "9182556",
"age" : 18,
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"duration" : "02--02--00",
"name" : "Qassam Iyad Ahmad A'oor",
"idType" : "Blue",
"type" : "Convicted",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammo\/explosives, supporting terrorism, nationalist arson",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.7.2005",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfArrest" : "6.7.2022",
"gender" : "Male",
"nameHebrew" : "קסאם איאד אחמד אעור"
"court" : "Military Court",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"nameHebrew" : "קסאם מוחמד עבד אלמגיד חאמד",
"name" : "Qassam Muhammad Abd Al Majid Hamad",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfArrest" : "26.9.2023",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "9.12.2004",
"gender" : "Male",
"id" : "420760183",
"idType" : "Territories",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9209190"
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"dateOfBirth" : "9.9.2007",
"number" : "9191687",
"id" : "217127992",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"name" : "Qassam Mahmoud Musa Eton",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.1.2023",
"nameHebrew" : "קסאם מחמוד מוסא עטון",
"offense" : "Weapons\/ammo\/explosives, supporting terrorism, property damage with malicious intent or negligence",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"idType" : "Blue",
"age" : 16,
"gender" : "Male",
"citizenship" : "No"
"name" : "Qassam Fahd Nawaf Hussein",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.9.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"id" : "420859878",
"court" : "Military Court",
"nameHebrew" : "קסאם פהד נואף חוסין",
"number" : "9207999",
"dateOfBirth" : "6.3.2005",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "None",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 18,
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"type" : "Detainee"
"organization" : "DFLP",
"citizenship" : "No",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : 18,
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.6.2005",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "421497157",
"dateOfArrest" : "8.8.2023",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9206428",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"nameHebrew" : "קסם חאלד מחמוד אלעלאמי",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the region",
"name" : "Qasem Khalid Mahmoud Al-Alami"
"name" : "Qasem Tayir Khalid Muhammad Mtsarwa",
"id" : "420999302",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "קסם תאיר ח'אלד מוחמד מצארוה",
"court" : "Military Court",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9203906",
"type" : "Detainee",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.12.2005",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.7.2023",
"organization" : "None"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9143640",
"id" : "420886756",
"nameHebrew" : "קצי האני עלי אחמד",
"age" : 17,
"offense" : "Bomb or incendiary throwing, violation of a legal order, boundary trespass, offenses against the Law of Entry into Israel, animal abuse, other thefts",
"name" : "Qazi Hani Ali Ahmad",
"dateOfArrest" : "23.7.2022",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "24.1.2006",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "01--08--00",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"idType" : "Territories"
"type" : "Convicted",
"age" : 18,
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "01--00--01",
"dateOfBirth" : "10.12.2004",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "420760159",
"dateOfArrest" : "24.11.2022",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, placing an explosive charge",
"nameHebrew" : "קצי חאלד עווד אבו נעים",
"gender" : "Male",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"number" : "9190079",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"name" : "Qazi Khalid Awad Abu Naim"
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"id" : "420945040",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"number" : "9172913",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "קצי עווד מחמוד מצרי",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"name" : "Qazi Awad Mahmoud Masri",
"dateOfBirth" : "11.6.2005",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "25.11.2022"
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfArrest" : "25.12.2022",
"id" : "215039215",
"offense" : "Violation of a legal order, public order offenses, assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, stone throwing, severe bodily harm, property damage with malicious intent or negligence, nationalist arson, weapons\/ammo\/explosives",
"nameHebrew" : "ראאד חאזם עלי סייאד",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "21.11.2004",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"idType" : "Blue",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"name" : "Raad Hazem Ali Sayyad",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9141388",
"type" : "Detainee"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"dateOfArrest" : "19.6.2023",
"offense" : "Harming the security of the area",
"name" : "Raid Youssef Muhammad Idris Tzartzur",
"nameHebrew" : "ראיד יוסף מוחמד אדריס צרצור",
"organization" : "Hamas",
"dateOfBirth" : "25.12.2004",
"number" : "9139735",
"id" : "420926552",
"gender" : "Male",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee"
"id" : "420515330",
"citizenship" : "No",
"nameHebrew" : "ראמז אוסאמה חאלד חליל",
"offense" : "Bomb or incendiary throwing, harming the security of the region",
"idType" : "Territories",
"court" : "Military Court",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"dateOfArrest" : "11.7.2023",
"type" : "Detainee",
"dateOfBirth" : "19.11.2004",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"number" : "9139231",
"name" : "Ramez Osama Khalid Khalil",
"gender" : "Male"
"citizenship" : "No",
"name" : "Rami Hamza Muhammad Gazaui",
"id" : "328123054",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"age" : 18,
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfArrest" : "18.9.2023",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfBirth" : "23.7.2005",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"offense" : "Supporting terrorism, assembly or association, obstructing a police officer, assault",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"nameHebrew" : "ראמי חמזה מחמד גזאוי",
"number" : "9207890"
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Shooting at people",
"id" : "422231878",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"citizenship" : "No",
"dateOfBirth" : "17.8.2005",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"age" : 18,
"number" : "9161194",
"idType" : "Territories",
"type" : "Convicted",
"duration" : "02--05--00",
"name" : "Raja Asaad Raja Abu Kiats",
"dateOfArrest" : "22.7.2021",
"nameHebrew" : "רגא אסעד רג'א אבו קיאץ",
"court" : "Military Court"
"offense" : "State security - other",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfArrest" : "29.10.2022",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "רגד נשאת צלאח אל פני",
"gender" : "Female",
"name" : "Ragad Nashat Salah Al Pani",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "403824634",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"dateOfBirth" : "14.9.1998",
"citizenship" : "No",
"number" : "9188467",
"idType" : "Territories",
"age" : 24
"type" : "Convicted",
"name" : "Ruan Nafez Muhammad Dar Abu Matar",
"citizenship" : "No",
"age" : 29,
"number" : "9016616",
"dateOfArrest" : "16.7.2015",
"id" : "402678098",
"court" : "Military Court",
"duration" : "09--00--00",
"gender" : "Female",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"organization" : "None",
"nameHebrew" : "רואן נאפז מחמד דאר אבו מטר",
"idType" : "Territories",
"offense" : "Severe bodily harm, knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing",
"dateOfBirth" : "5.12.1993"
"gender" : "Female",
"offense" : "Contact with a hostile organization, illegal stay, violation of a legal order, state security - other, assembly or association, offenses against the Law of Entry into Israel.",
"court" : "Military Court",
"number" : "9198693",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"name" : "Ruda Musa Abd Al Qader Abu Agmia",
"dateOfBirth" : "26.3.1977",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 46,
"id" : "900013871",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"nameHebrew" : "רודה מוסא עבד אלקאדר אבו עגמיה",
"dateOfArrest" : "4.4.2023",
"idType" : "Territories",
"citizenship" : "No",
"type" : "Detainee"
"court" : "Civil Court",
"id" : "331675785",
"idType" : "Blue",
"offense" : "Property damage with malicious intent or negligence, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, weapon possession, arson or fire",
"number" : "9200701",
"organization" : "None",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 16,
"nameHebrew" : "ריאן עדנאן חסן עתיק",
"type" : "Detainee",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"name" : "Ryan Adnan Hassan Atiq",
"dateOfBirth" : "2.8.2007",
"dateOfArrest" : "9.5.2023",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male"
"type" : "Detainee",
"age" : 18,
"duration" : "In Detention",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"name" : "Rashad Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Garadat",
"dateOfArrest" : "10.5.2023",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"offense" : "Stone throwing, property damage with malicious intent or negligence, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary device, bomb or incendiary throwing, weapon possession, offense against public order, firearms offenses",
"nameHebrew" : "רשאד אבראהים מוחמד אלגרדאת",
"court" : "Military Court",
"citizenship" : "No",
"gender" : "Male",
"dateOfBirth" : "30.12.2004",
"id" : "420753170",
"idType" : "Territories",
"number" : "9163847"
"organization" : "Hamas",
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"id" : "423982685",
"gender" : "Male",
"offense" : "Shooting at people, stone throwing, traffic offenses",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "שאדי מוחמד דיב אבו-עאדי",
"citizenship" : "No",
"court" : "Military Court",
"dateOfBirth" : "16.3.2006",
"name" : "Shadi Muhammad Dib Abu-Adi",
"dateOfArrest" : "2.4.2023",
"number" : "9198556",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"age" : 17,
"idType" : "Territories"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"dateOfArrest" : "27.10.2022",
"idType" : "Territories",
"gender" : "Male",
"duration" : "01--03--00",
"nameHebrew" : "שאכר עלי סאלם בלוט",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9188426",
"organization" : "None",
"dateOfBirth" : "12.10.2006",
"court" : "Military Court",
"id" : "423138841",
"age" : 17,
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing, severe bodily harm",
"name" : "Shaker Ali Salem Balut"
"nameHebrew" : "שרוק סלאח איברהים דוויאת",
"type" : "Convicted",
"number" : "9022459",
"idType" : "Blue",
"dateOfBirth" : "13.8.1997",
"citizenship" : "No",
"offense" : "Attempted murder, knives and bladed weapons - carrying and manufacturing",
"court" : "Civil Court",
"city" : "Jerusalem",
"organization" : "PFLP",
"gender" : "Female",
"age" : 25,
"dateOfArrest" : "11.10.2015",
"duration" : "16--00--00",
"name" : "Shorouk Salah Ibrahim Dawiyat",
"id" : "318338571"
"city" : "Judea and Samaria Area",
"citizenship" : "No",
"duration" : "In Detention",
"gender" : "Female",
"dateOfBirth" : "27.4.1993",
"age" : 29,
"number" : "9067666",
"idType" : "Territories",
"name" : "Tahrir Adnan Muhammad Abu Saria",
"dateOfArrest" : "20.8.2022",
"organization" : "Fatah",
"offense" : "Attempted murder, weapons\/ammo\/explosives, weapon possession, contact with a hostile organization",
"court" : "Military Court",
"type" : "Detainee",
"nameHebrew" : "תחריר עדנאן מוחמד אבו סריה",
"id" : "854789757"
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