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Last active April 17, 2023 15:27
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Compare data lenghts for different encryption methods and mnemonic formats
from io import StringIO
import hashlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
import base64
from qrcode import QRCode
from embit.wordlists.bip39 import WORDLIST
from embit import bip39
TEST_KEY = "test_KEY"
TEST_12W_MNEMONIC = "domain liberty need select pledge orient isolate fade drift fragile round axis"
TEST_24W_MNEMONIC = "yard genius riot ball obey churn twin decrease unaware glide grunt typical surge age uncover used spatial pioneer nice swap math hood twin inquiry"
class AESCipher(object):
"""Helper for AES encrypt/decrypt"""
def __init__(self, key, salt):
self.key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(
def encrypt(self, raw, cbc=False):
"""Encrypt using AES MODE_ECB and return the value encoded as base64"""
data_bytes = raw if isinstance(raw, bytes) else raw.encode()
print("Data bytes:", len(data_bytes))
padded_len = len(data_bytes + b"\x00" * ((16- (len(data_bytes) % 16)) % 16))
print("Padded bytes:", padded_len)
print("Blocks:", padded_len//16)
if cbc:
iv = get_random_bytes(AES.block_size)
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
encrypted = cipher.encrypt(
data_bytes + b"\x00" * ((16- (len(data_bytes) % 16)) % 16)
payload = iv+encrypted
print("Encrypted:", base64.b64encode(payload).decode("utf-8"))
print("Encrypted lenght:", len(payload))
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
encrypted = cipher.encrypt(
data_bytes + b"\x00" * ((16- (len(data_bytes) % 16)) % 16)
print("Encrypted:", base64.b64encode(encrypted).decode("utf-8"))
print("Encrypted lenght:", len(encrypted))
# Prints ascii QR code
qr_code = QRCode()
qr_string = StringIO()
qr_code.print_ascii(out=qr_string, invert=True)
print("QR Code:")
# Decription test
if cbc and len(payload) == 48:
print("Testing pure bytes decription and mnemonic recriation")
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, payload[:AES.block_size])
decrypted = cipher.decrypt(payload[AES.block_size:])
# What if wrong key is used on encrypted bytes as mnemonic?
print("Testing pure bytes decription and mnemonic recriation with wrong key, salt")
wrong_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(
"wrong key".encode(),
"wrong salt".encode(),
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, payload[:AES.block_size])
decrypted = cipher.decrypt(payload[AES.block_size:])
return base64.b64encode(encrypted)
def decrypt(self, enc):
"""Decrypt a base64 using AES MODE_ECB and return the value decoded as string"""
encrypted = base64.b64decode(enc)
decryptor =, AES.MODE_ECB)
encrypted = decryptor.decrypt(encrypted).decode("utf-8")
return encrypted.replace("\x00", "")
def report(mnemonic, cbc=False):
print("Mnemonic:", mnemonic)
print("Encrypting words:")
encryptor = AESCipher(TEST_KEY, MNEMONIC_ID)
_ = encryptor.encrypt(mnemonic, cbc).decode("utf-8")
print("\nEncrypting numbers:")
numbers = ""
for word in mnemonic.split():
word_list_index = WORDLIST.index(word) + 1
numbers += format(word_list_index, '04d')
encryptor = AESCipher(TEST_KEY, MNEMONIC_ID)
_ = encryptor.encrypt(numbers, cbc).decode("utf-8")
print("\nEncrypting hex numbers:")
numbers = ""
for word in mnemonic.split():
word_list_index = WORDLIST.index(word) + 1
numbers += f'{word_list_index:0>3X}'
encryptor = AESCipher(TEST_KEY, MNEMONIC_ID)
_ = encryptor.encrypt(numbers, cbc).decode("utf-8")
print("\nEncrypting bytes:")
words = mnemonic.split(" ")
checksum_bits = 8 if len(words) == 24 else 4
indexes = [WORDLIST.index(word) for word in words]
bitstring = "".join([f"{bin(index)[2:]:0>11}" for index in indexes])[
qr_data = int(bitstring, 2).to_bytes((len(bitstring) + 7) // 8, "big")
encryptor = AESCipher(TEST_KEY, MNEMONIC_ID)
_ = encryptor.encrypt(qr_data, cbc).decode("utf-8")
print("12 words AES-ECB")
print("12 words AES-CBC")
print("24 words AES-ECB")
print("24 words AES-CBC")
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