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Created May 13, 2022 22:35
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circuitpython Keyboard Code
import board
import keypad
import neopixel
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
import math
import random
keys_pressed = [
Keycode.GRAVE_ACCENT, Keycode.ONE, Keycode.TWO, Keycode.THREE, Keycode.FOUR, Keycode.FIVE, Keycode.SIX, Keycode.SEVEN, Keycode.EIGHT, Keycode.NINE, Keycode.ZERO, Keycode.BACKSPACE, Keycode.MINUS, Keycode.EQUALS, u'😀', Keycode.KEYPAD_FORWARD_SLASH, Keycode.KEYPAD_ASTERISK, Keycode.KEYPAD_MINUS,
Keycode.TAB, Keycode.Q, Keycode.W, Keycode.E, Keycode.R, Keycode.T, Keycode.Y, Keycode.U, Keycode.I, Keycode.O, Keycode.P, Keycode.LEFT_BRACKET, Keycode.RIGHT_BRACKET, Keycode.BACKSLASH, Keycode.KEYPAD_SEVEN, Keycode.KEYPAD_EIGHT, Keycode.KEYPAD_NINE, Keycode.KEYPAD_PLUS,
Keycode.ESCAPE, Keycode.A, Keycode.S, Keycode.D, Keycode.F, Keycode.G, Keycode.H, Keycode.J, Keycode.K, Keycode.L, Keycode.SEMICOLON, Keycode.QUOTE, Keycode.SHIFT, Keycode.RETURN, Keycode.KEYPAD_FOUR, Keycode.KEYPAD_FIVE, Keycode.KEYPAD_SIX, Keycode.KEYPAD_NUMLOCK,
Keycode.LEFT_SHIFT, Keycode.Z, Keycode.X, Keycode.C, Keycode.V, Keycode.B, Keycode.N, Keycode.M, Keycode.COMMA, Keycode.PERIOD, Keycode.FORWARD_SLASH, Keycode.UP_ARROW, '', Keycode.PAGE_UP, Keycode.KEYPAD_ONE, Keycode.KEYPAD_TWO, Keycode.KEYPAD_THREE, Keycode.KEYPAD_PERIOD,
Keycode.CONTROL, Keycode.ALT, Keycode.GUI, Keycode.DELETE, Keycode.HOME, Keycode.SPACE, Keycode.SPACE, Keycode.END, 'FN', Keycode.APPLICATION, Keycode.LEFT_ARROW, Keycode.DOWN_ARROW, Keycode.RIGHT_ARROW, Keycode.PAGE_DOWN, '', Keycode.KEYPAD_ZERO, Keycode.BACKSPACE, Keycode.KEYPAD_ENTER,
ORDER = neopixel.GRB
COLUMNS = 6 * 3
ROWS = 5
pixels = [
neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP28, 30, brightness=0.3),
neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP0, 30, brightness=0.3),
neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP15, 30, brightness=0.3)
keys = keypad.KeyMatrix(
row_pins=(board.GP27, board.GP26, board.GP22, board.GP21, board.GP20),
board.GP19, board.GP18, board.GP17, board.GP16, board.GP14, board.GP13,
board.GP12, board.GP11, board.GP10, board.GP9, board.GP8, board.GP7,
board.GP6, board.GP5, board.GP4, board.GP3, board.GP2, board.GP1),
def wheel(pos):
# Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
# The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
if pos < 0 or pos > 255:
r = g = b = 0
elif pos < 85:
r = int(pos * 3)
g = int(255 - pos * 3)
b = 0
elif pos < 170:
pos -= 85
r = int(255 - pos * 3)
g = 0
b = int(pos * 3)
pos -= 170
r = 0
g = int(pos * 3)
b = int(255 - pos * 3)
return (r, g, b) if ORDER in (neopixel.RGB, neopixel.GRB) else (r, g, b, 0)
# maps key_number to neopixel
def key_to_pixel_map(key_number):
row = key_number // COLUMNS
panal = math.floor((key_number % COLUMNS) / 6)
column = (key_number % COLUMNS) % 6
if panal is 1 and row is 4:
column -= 1
if row % 2 == 1:
column = 6 - column - 1
return row * 6 + column, panal
pixels[0].fill((0, 0, 0)) # Begin with pixels off.
pixels[1].fill((0, 0, 0)) # Begin with pixels off.
pixels[2].fill((0, 0, 0)) # Begin with pixels off.
lastrun = []
keyboard = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
keyboard_layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(keyboard) # We're in the US :)
while True:
key_event =
if key_event:
# print(key_event)
KeyNum = key_event.key_number
led, panal = key_to_pixel_map(KeyNum)
key = keys_pressed[KeyNum] # Get the corresponding Keycode or string
if isinstance(key, str): # If it's a string...
if key_event.pressed:
keyboard_layout.write(key) # ...Print the string
except ValueError:
sets = [hex(ord(c)) for c in key] # ...Print the Emoticone / Emoji
for k in sets:
else: # If it's not a string...
if key_event.pressed: # "Press"...
pixels[panal][led] = wheel(random.randint(0, 255))
pixels[panal].fill((0, 0, 0))
keyboard.release(key) # ..."Release"!
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