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Created January 30, 2012 21:43
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Quick and dirty Circular Reference POI problem demonstration
import{EvaluationWorkbook, EvaluationSheet, EvaluationCell, EvaluationName, FormulaParsingWorkbook, FormulaParser, FormulaType, WorkbookEvaluator, IStabilityClassifier}
import{Ptg, NamePtg, NameXPtg}
import{UDFFinder, AggregatingUDFFinder}
class DBUDFFinder extends UDFFinder {
def findFunction(name: String): FreeRefFunction = {
class DBWorkbook extends EvaluationWorkbook with FormulaParsingWorkbook {
val sheet = new DBSheet(this)
/* from EvaluationWorkbook */
def convertFromExternSheetIndex(externSheetIndex: Int): Int = 0
def getExternalName(externSheetIndex: Int, externNameIndex: Int): EvaluationWorkbook.ExternalName = null
def getExternalSheet(externSheetIndex: Int): EvaluationWorkbook.ExternalSheet = null
def getFormulaTokens(cell: EvaluationCell): Array[Ptg] = {
val _cell = cell.asInstanceOf[DBCell]
var formulaText: String = _cell.getCellFormula()
formulaText = formulaText.replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", "")
val result = FormulaParser.parse(formulaText, this, FormulaType.CELL, getSheetIndex(cell.getSheet()))
def getName(namePtg: NamePtg): EvaluationName = {
//int ix = namePtg.getIndex()
//new DBEvaluationName(_uBook.getNameAt(ix), ix, this)
def getName(name: String, sheetIndex: Int): EvaluationName = null
def getSheet(sheetIndex: Int): EvaluationSheet = sheet
def getSheetIndex(sheet: EvaluationSheet): Int = 0
def getSheetIndex(sheetName: String): Int = 0
def getSheetName(sheetIndex: Int): String = "Arkusz1"
def getUDFFinder(): UDFFinder = null
def resolveNameXText(ptg: NameXPtg): String = ""
def getNameXPtg(name: String): NameXPtg = null
* gets the externSheet index for a sheet from this workbook
def getExternalSheetIndex(sheetName: String): Int = 0
* gets the externSheet index for a sheet from an external workbook
* @param workbookName e.g. "Budget.xls"
* @param sheetName a name of a sheet in that workbook
def getExternalSheetIndex(workbookName: String, sheetName: String): Int = 0
def getSpreadsheetVersion(): SpreadsheetVersion = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007
class DBSheet(workbook: DBWorkbook) extends EvaluationSheet {
def getCell(rowIndex: Int, columnIndex: Int): EvaluationCell = {
val cell = new DBCell(rowIndex, columnIndex, this)
class DBCell(rowIndex: Int, columnIndex: Int, sheet: DBSheet) extends EvaluationCell {
def getValueFromDB: String = {
println("%d, %d".format(rowIndex, columnIndex))
(rowIndex, columnIndex) match {
case (2,0) => "1"
case (1,0) => "=A3+2"
case (0,0) => "=A2+3"
case (_, _) => "0"
def getBooleanCellValue(): Boolean = {
var value = getValueFromDB
// value match {
// case val2: Boolean => val2
// case _ => false
// }
def getCellType(): Int = {
val DBValue = getValueFromDB
if(DBValue.startsWith("=")) {
} else {
def getColumnIndex(): Int = columnIndex
def getErrorCellValue(): Int = 0
def getIdentityKey(): java.lang.Object = "1"
def getNumericCellValue(): Double = {
var value = getValueFromDB
// value match {
// case val2: Double => val2
// case _ => new Double(0)
// }
def getRowIndex(): Int = rowIndex
def getSheet(): EvaluationSheet = sheet
def getStringCellValue(): String = getValueFromDB
//def getCellFormula(): String = "IF(B1+B2=2,30,2)"
def getCellFormula(): String = {
val DBValue = getValueFromDB
if(DBValue.startsWith("=")) { //value.head == "="
DBValue.replaceFirst("^=", "") // .tail
} else {
object DBExcel {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello, world!")
val workbook = new DBWorkbook
val workbookEvaluator = new WorkbookEvaluator(workbook, IStabilityClassifier.TOTALLY_IMMUTABLE, workbook.getUDFFinder())
val eval = workbookEvaluator.evaluate(workbook.sheet.getCell(0,0))
val value = eval match {
case ne: NumberEval => ne.getNumberValue()
case be: BoolEval => be.getBooleanValue()
case se: StringEval => se.getStringValue()
case ee: ErrorEval => ee.toString()
println("Should be 6, it is: %s" format value)
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