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Created February 24, 2014 10:10
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# ID Sequences
You can provide a `Sequence` for your `Entities` in order to alter generated ID's from default UUID's.
The traits you can use:
trait Entity extends BaseEntity with UUID
trait EntityWithCustomID[ID] extends BaseEntity with CustomID[ID]
trait EntityWithGeneratedID[ID] extends BaseEntity with GeneratedID[ID]
## ID Generators
abstract class IdGenerator[E <: BaseEntity: Manifest]
abstract class SegmentedIdGenerator[E <: BaseEntity: Manifest](
fSequence: => Sequence[E#ID])(
implicit n: Numeric[E#ID],
ctx: ActivateContext)
extends IdGenerator[E]
abstract class SequencedIdGenerator[E <: BaseEntity: Manifest](
val sequence: Sequence[E#ID])
extends IdGenerator[E] {
def nextId =
> SegmentedIdGenerator should be used if the id doesn't need to be strictly sequencial.
There are two built in sequences in `net.fwbrasil.activate.sequence`:
- IntSequenceEntity
- LongSequenceEntity
## Example
class ModelIDSequence(name: String)
extends SequenceEntity[String](name, 1) {
def _nextValue = {
value += step
s"$name%05d" format value
object ModelIDSequence {
def apply(sequenceName: String, step: Int = 1) = {
transactional(requiresNew) {
select[ModelIDSequence].where( :== sequenceName).headOption.getOrElse {
new ModelIDSequence(sequenceName)
class ModelSID extends SequencedIdGenerator[Model](ModelIDSequence("m"))
> The above ModelSID will be bind to the Model Entity.
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