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Created May 6, 2018 23:47
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<h1>Missed Motions</h1>
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<h2>Premier Co-Ed A Cappella Group at Virginia Tech</span></h2>
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<h1>About the Film</h1>
Mixed Emotions was originally founded in 1996 as "Risking Cooties" and is both the second-oldest a cappella group and the premier co-ed a cappella group at Virginia Tech. Mixed Emotions is one of six a cappella groups on the campus; Juxtaposition, Naturally
Sharp, Soulstice, Sensations and Tech Notes.
Entering its 19th year, Mixed Emotions boasts 16 talented members who come together to perform self-arranged songs. The group showcases its music at a concerts each fall and spring semester but can also be heard at many charity fundraisers, local festivals,
and Greek Life events throughout the academic year. Mixed Emotions's dynamic and ever-changing repertoire often includes genres such as pop, oldies, hip hop, classic rock, and country.
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<h2>Design Disruptors</h2>
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<h2>John Maeda</h2>
<p>KPCB - Design Partner</p>
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<h2>Julie Zhou</h2>
<p>Facebook - VP, Product Design</p>
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<p>Accel Ventures - Design Partner</p>
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<h2>Behind the Scenes</h2>
<p>Accessing a new type of craft</p>
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<h1>Making the Film</h1>
<p>Our crew has interviewed over 90 different design leaders at the world’s most disruptive and significant companies of our time to discover the true nature of the design-driven business revolution happening around the world.</p>
<p>The film is designed to be a series of snapshots into renowned designers’ secret worlds to demystify how the design choices they’ve made directly impact the viewer’s daily life.</p>
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<h1>Design Disruptors</h1>
<p class="randomtext">design. changes. everything.</p>
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<h2>Design Disruptors—coming August 1</h2>
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<h1><span class="date">July 7, 2016</span> - <span class="location">London</span></h1>
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